Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 64 Wait, something seems wrong!

"Eat, eat, eat! I was scolded a lot and I still want to thank you for treating you to a meal? You can do it. Why do I have a vice-captain like you? Can you give it to me? Save yourself some trouble!”

"Although I know you are doing it for the overall situation, the mission is the mission, and wages and bonuses will be deducted. How much salary can you deduct?!" Kibi Gosuke is worthy of being the one who can scold Asuka out of the house on Dyna TV The people who came back also sprayed like this when facing the source.

It's a pity that everyone has been together for so long, and Yuanquan has been Xibi Gang's assistant for a long time. Although Kibi Gosuke looked angry, what he was cursing on his lips and what he was thinking in his heart were actually two different things.

Of course, Yuanquan was quite open-minded when he heard Kihi Gosuke's previous words.

It was this last sentence about deduction of wages that made Yuanquan immediately reveal a disdainful smile.

"Xibi Nobita, do you think of me as the kind of person who doesn't care about anything when he sees money? That's impossible. Let me tell you, even if my salary is deducted, these kids, I I took good care of you today, I said so!" There was a hint of refusal in the loud and clear voice. The source's attitude was so firm that even Kibi Gosuke trembled. It seemed that he was the first to treat such a source. It's like seeing it for the first time.

Kibi Gosuke looked at the source up and down for a long time. Seeing this guy puffing up his chest under his gaze and looking extremely proud, Kibikosuke chuckled and took out his cell phone to make a call. The phone number, in the sound of connecting, was connected to the other end of the phone.

"Yes, yes, that's right. He said he doesn't want his salary anymore. He doesn't have to give me face. You can deduct as much as you want. You can deduct all of it."

"You said there is no precedent in the TPC for deducting all wages from wages? Then I will set this precedent today!"

Before Kibi Gosuke finished speaking, a pair of warm arms blocked his shoulders, and with a warm smile, he pushed Kibiki Gosuke outside.

That smile was so bright that even a few team members couldn't believe it when they saw the current source.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Why don't you have a sense of humor? Why are you serious? I just said I was going to eat. Of course you can't pay for it! This is my opinion. I took you there. How can a restaurant make you pay?"

"I must be the one to treat this meal, I'm the one to treat~"

The hearty and cheerful laughter gradually faded away until it disappeared on the stairs leading to the outside world in the shelter. Only a slight echo was left to echo around, which aroused the anger of the people who were closest just now and could clearly see what was going on. The stunned expression stood out.


It's still dark, and the TPC ground troops in the Wumen Mountains area who got up early in the morning have woken up, replacing the brothers who worked the night shift, and started today's patrols and inspections.

But those who are more dedicated than the TPC ground rescue force are of course the TV reporters.

Take a look at the reporter cars parked outside the cordon. At a glance, there are at least a dozen of them. It is obvious that the increasingly violent eruption of Kirimon Volcano has affected the hearts of the entire Japanese society. Everyone is paying attention to this renewed eruption. How big will the extinct volcano be?

Oh, I forgot to mention that what I care about is the people watching TV. Of course, reporters are only responsible for reporting.

When he got out of the tent to go to the bathroom last night, Yuan Quan, who was squinting, seemed to see a reporter's car swaying near the outside of his tent in the middle of the night, as if he had drunk too much.

At that time, Yuanquan, who was shaking in the cold and pissing in the wind, glanced at him and didn't think much about it. After finishing the work, he immediately ran back to the tent to stay.

Thinking about it now, something seems wrong?

Then, at eight o'clock in the morning, the TPC transport plane arrived at the scene, along with the Shengli Feiyan 2.

The arrival of Shengli Feiyan 2 basically announced that this volcanic eruption was not just a natural disaster.

As the battle between the Victory Team and the monsters becomes more and more familiar, this leads to the subconscious feeling that wherever the Victory Team is, there are monsters or space people buried deep in everyone's heart.

Although people did not notice it, when the winning team arrived, it was broadcast simultaneously on the morning news of more than a dozen TV stations, and was seen by thousands of viewers. A thought would spread out in the hearts of those watching TV. .

There are monsters under the volcano.

And thinking about this, it seems that it is completely conceivable why the Wumen volcano could suddenly erupt, and even become more and more violent like this.

After getting off the Shengli Feiyan 2, Zongfang took over the command of the troops on the ground and immediately sent people to the transport plane to transport all the computers and equipment and install them.

At the same time, Zongfang also began to assign personnel to clear a large area of ​​​​the site and immediately explore the underground conditions.

He needed to find a route that could accommodate the underground Pippa Tank and not be blocked by flowing lava.

All of this requires accurate information to be obtained through time-consuming exploration. Although the underground Pippa tank in the hangar of the TPC sea base is not ready yet, the existence of those TV stations has exposed the arrival of the Victory Team.

The audience in front of the TV was very curious about what the Victory Team would do next.

Whoever dares to cut off the signal now will probably have countless people blurt out the sentence "Can't fix it" in an instant.

Fortunately, Source, Nakajima, and Koda were part of the people responsible for the transportation, and they were also responsible for standing around the tent to monitor the surrounding situation.

Koda was a top student, and he even got the job of stepping forward and following the computer because of it, which made Yuanquan jealous for a while.

A waste like him, just looking at these messy lines makes his scalp numb, let alone having to distinguish them one by one and install them one by one.

It's better to leave this matter to someone who has the ability. I don't think someone can handle it.

Munakata, you saw me and nodded when you came in, so you must know me too!

Don't come to me about this matter. If you want me to go, I will connect your line with my front foot, and a mushroom cloud will rise directly on the ground with my back foot.

There is no doubt about Koda's ability, whether it is tactics, decision-making, or knowledge in this area, he is extremely solid. After a fierce operation, the line was installed and started running.

While Munakata's attention was entirely on the computer, Yuanquan secretly gave Koda a thumbs up.

Nakajima, who was also guarding the door, also gave a thumbs up.

Koda smiled brightly and returned the same gesture.

"Xincheng, Dagu, are you ready?" After the computer was connected, Zongfang got in touch with the headquarters and directly displayed the picture on the big screen in the base.

From now on, whatever Pippa Tank can see underground can be seen on the computer in front of him and on the screen of the base.

Inside the base, Director Sawai passed through the gate and came to the command room to witness the subsequent operations of the Victory Team.

In fact, Director Sawai is under a lot of pressure at the moment. He was the one who facilitated the implementation of this plan. Once it fails, the pressure from public opinion will be very difficult to resolve and the blow to TPC will be huge.

"The transport plane has been started and is transporting the underground Pippa tank to the scene." Ye Rui immediately replied to Zongfang's message.

"Very good." Zongfang nodded.

There's going to be a big fight next.

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