Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 60 I am an official, I will never do anything.

"So there is only one explanation. There is something inside Wumen Volcano." Yuanquan naturally knows what is under Wumen Volcano. It was Golzan who escaped in the first battle of Diga and has been absorbing magma under Wumen Volcano. energy.

It is not convinced and wants to avenge its teammate Melba!

When I am strengthened this time, my Golzan will definitely go to promote Diga and let him know how powerful my Golzan is!

Melba, your soul in heaven just watch, watch me kill our enemy, watch me avenge you!

(Melba: Now I just want to see when you come up, you are so desperate to betray your teammates!)

But it is impossible to tell the source of this matter, because the team members are not Dagu, and there is no way to explain why he knows these things.

If it's Dagu, don't ask, just ask for Ultra Perception.

"Is there something under Wumen Volcano? Is there anything that can cause the flow and accumulation of magma?" Koda couldn't think of what it was, and there was no record of this in the TPC training team, so he was completely blind. Have absolutely no idea what it is.

"Maybe I didn't know what it was before, but now monsters and cosmonauts are appearing one after another. Monsters and cosmonauts can do things that we thought were impossible before." Nakajima gave an idea, and this idea is also the most promising one at the moment. Possible assumptions: "Could a monster cause the magma to flow?"

"Maybe that's the case, but TPC's top brass may not necessarily take what we say seriously." Liang shrugged. Although she felt that her teammates' analysis was indeed correct, TPC's top brass didn't think so.

For them, they would rather act like it was a natural disaster than want to be associated with a monster.

Not everyone is as enlightened as Director Sawai.

"So, these are our inferences. There is no actual evidence to prove these. Even if we report it, they will not take it seriously, and will even criticize us for being unrealistic." Source released his hand, and Kibi Gosuke finally said Freed from the oppression of the source, he stood up straight.

"Although what you said makes sense, they have to see everything with their own eyes. We don't care what happens underground. We just need to fulfill our mission." Kibi Gosuke rubbed his face, and this guy , doesn’t look very strong, but I didn’t expect to be so strong.

I can't resist his suppression with one hand? This is too outrageous!

"That's right, let's just pretend that nothing happened and carry out our mission." Yuanquan stopped saying this and ignored the topic.

It's just the sixth team of the ground rescue force. It's not a member of the victory team. It's not ranked among the TPC. It's just one of countless teams.

People are so quiet that they can't say anything, and no one believes anything they say.

If he is not in his position and does not seek to govern, these things obviously have nothing to do with him, and it is superfluous to think about them for a moment.


When the transport plane fell from the sky, Gosuke Kihi walked out of the hatch first, followed by Source, and then Koda and others.

A group of five people had just gotten off the transport plane, and the hot breath that hit their faces instantly cheered them up.

This kind of hot touch contained in the air, it must be uncomfortable to be surrounded by a strong burning sensation even if you just take a breath.

The smell of sulfur flowing everywhere in the air made people feel sick, forcing Gosuke Kihi and others to wear masks to avoid poisoning.

"Look over there!" Kibi Gosuke stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance. Although their current location was still far away from Wumen Volcano, looking from here, they could still see the red veins around Wumen Volcano.

Just like the blood vessels in the human body, the filled magma is the blood of the volcano, flowing everywhere and cutting out tracks on the earth.

"This level of eruption is too terrifying." Koda stood there blankly. He fully thought that even if this extinct volcano erupted, the scale would not be too big.

But looking at the current extent, the entire mountain range is covered with dense red veins, and hot lava flows on the surface.

Blackened clouds gathered in the sky, volcanic ash accumulated in the clouds and could not be dispersed, and even sunlight could not reach the ground, causing the entire Wumen Mountains to look gloomy.

Although the Wumen volcano, which is still emitting black smoke, has temporarily slowed down the intensity of the eruption, it is only preparing for the next eruption.

"Get ready to join the rescue!" Gosuke Kibi gave the order, and everyone started to move.

Ignoring the ghostly look on the face of the ground troops next to him, Kibi Gosuke led four team members and rushed to the frontline battlefield.

Although there are only five people including him, don't underestimate the power of five people.

Five people. Five people.

Five people can do a lot of things!

At the front line, a large wave of people continued to attack the protective line formed by the TPC. It was obvious that these people wanted to escape from this hell-like place.

However, the Wumen Mountains are so vast that no one can be sure whether they can get out if they wander around. Once the volcano has another eruption point, the situation will be very dangerous.

"Everyone, please rest assured that the shelter is safe and nothing will happen. Please go back quickly!"

"It's very dangerous to go out and run around now. It's unclear how many volcanic eruptions there are. This area is not out of the danger zone yet."

"We understand everyone's feelings, but it is really dangerous!"

The wall formed by holding hands blocked the impact of the crowd and resisted the pressure of the crowd, but they did not dare to let go.

Once the out-of-control crowds hit them, they would all be trampled to death by the chaotic crowd.

The rescue team members are telling the truth, but the people who have lost their minds don't want to hear it. They just want to leave here, and these TPC members are the evil people who are blocking their departure.

"Are you kidding? I don't want to stay here. The volcano hasn't erupted in so many years. Who knows how fierce it will be this time!"

"Let us leave! If you can't stop the volcano from erupting, don't stop us from leaving!"

"Aren't you TPC? Aren't you the victory team? Why can't you come up with something useful?!"

"TPC treats us like this, we protest!"

After losing their minds, they can say anything. Some words that Source thinks are silly, they don't seem to care too much when they say them now.

And the source of hearing is in the ears, and laughter is in the heart.

Carrying a rescue box on his shoulder, he was carrying this to the medical team's tent. There were many injured people there, who were injured because they failed to escape in time or were injured by people who were out of control.

A small number of them were caused by slipping feet and being burned by the lava.

After completing this task, he will go to the shelter, where he will transport the disaster relief materials transported by the transport plane and distribute them to the people in the shelter.

He also has to play a guest role as a psychological counselor to calm down the emotions of those who are agitated, so that they will not fall into madness and find trouble.

To be honest, this is the kind of person Yuanquan hates the most.

However, he is an elegant and easy-going person who does not like to use hands or feet. If he can speak clearly with his words, there is no need to sue for violence.

He is a member of the TPC, an official, and represents the face of the TPC!

Have you ever seen TPC members beating someone?

Oh, by the way, cosmic beings cannot be considered human beings!

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