Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Thirty seconds

“30 seconds remaining.”

Watching the Void unscrupulously destroy one-third of its own firepower turret, King Kong went completely crazy. I saw the golden hair **** by King Kong instantly draped over his shoulders, the long skirt hem automatically went without wind, and pieces of fast-flashing squares kept appearing around King Kong’s body. The brighter the seemingly thin defensive force field becomes, the more violent the frequency of weapon launches.

“Oops! King Kong is overdrawing computing power! This will die. That human, stop King Kong soon.” Hyuga saw King Kong’s body that had begun to change drastically, and knew what King Kong wanted to do.

Why inexplicably, his eyes burst out with a stronger golden light than before, and the singing in his ears became clearer. He’s inexplicable mental fluctuation reached a high level at this time, breaking through the limit. He vaguely felt the empty, ruinous inner world of King Kong standing on the deck. This feeling continues to increase with the diffusion of GN particles.

“Is it because of Maya? Or because of what I said? Maybe it’s both!” The Void hovered behind the steel sphere and dived down once again.

“20 seconds remaining.”

Since the angle of the void is the blind spot of most of King Kong’s weapons, the void will receive less fire interception at this time. Therefore, the nihility will fly 400 million as if entering an unmanned state. Why inexplicably golden light flashed in his eyes, the remaining two Med bombs on the Void were fired out in sequence with an interval of 10 seconds. After launching the Med projectile, the Void flexibly raised its nose and changed the dive state to a rapid climb to quickly escape the explosion range of the Med projectile.

Through the Gn particles that have spread around the corners of the battlefield, He can inexplicably perceive the lethality caused by the explosion of the Med bomb. The first Med bomb slammed into the defensive field and caused a huge explosion. The defensive field struggled and flashed a few times and finally collapsed and dissipated. After the second Med passed through the fiery fireball created by the explosion of the first Med bomb, it accurately hit the steel ball. In an instant, a larger explosion swept across the sea and spread to the beach. Not far from the sea below, Kaohsiung and others grabbed the railing handles around them. I-401 dived in an emergency and forcibly dived into the deep water to avoid the turbulence caused by the explosion.

“10 seconds remaining! Attention! Attention!”

He inexplicably quickly lowered the height of the Void and rushed towards the place where King Kong was. Since the previous two Meds had already destroyed most of the armor of the steel ball battleship created after King Kong swallowed Maya, the Void did not encounter any interception firepower and successfully came to King Kong.

“Really, the Void will be given to you.” After He left a word inexplicably, he opened the cockpit cover and jumped onto the deck. After receiving the order, Zhen Zhen closed the canopy and controlled the Void to ascend into the air and circle the half-remaining steel orb warship. At this time, the three-red state of the Void had reached the time limit, and the output of the GN Solar Furnace fell into a trough. At this time, He Inexplicably finally faced King Kong face to face again.

“Human. Who are you?” The beautiful blond hair fluttered in the wind, and the cold expression remained the same. The only difference is the translucent squares that appear from time to time around the body. King Kong’s mental model is already facing collapse.

“Me? It’s just a human being.” He inexplicably walked to a distance of five meters from King Kong and stopped, staring at the face under the flying hair and said lightly.

“Impossible. Those eyes are not something that humans can have. They have been hit just now, why can they be avoided? This is definitely not the ability that humans can have!” King Kong, who was about to collapse, shouted loudly. With his right hand held high, a giant sword made of nano-materials was instantly generated. “It doesn’t matter whether you are a human being or another creature. As long as you are obliterated here, you don’t need any answer at all. Die!”

Through the GN particles all over the surrounding area, he inexplicably sensed the destruction of the inner world of King Kong and the trajectory of the great sword. His body shook lightly, so why inexplicably avoided the attacking giant sword with a very small movement.

“Good skill! So, a few more!” King Kong held his hands high, and a giant sword was instantly generated in the air. Almost at the same time, the giant sword continued to attack He inexplicably. He inexplicably dodges the menacing giant sword, and He inexplicably seems tired of dodge, and begins to rush towards King Kong.

Seeing He inexplicably rushing over, the King Kong waved his hands repeatedly, and a giant sword was continuously generated, flew out, and stabbed, constantly attacking He inexplicably, blocking He inexplicably moving forward. He inexplicably relied on his strengthened and powerful physique to move flexibly in the stabbed giant sword. After evading the huge sword that struck again, He Moming and King Kong were already within reach.

King Kong took the lead, hitting the embroidered fist with his left hand and smashed it fiercely at He Inexplicably, while his right hand swung his huge sword and slammed it down when he was dodged by He inexplicably. Although he had predicted all this inexplicably through the induction of GN particles, because he had just acquired the ability of a changer, he had not been able to master it, which caused a momentary delay. As a result, even though he took action to avoid suffering more damage, he was still smashed into the air by the giant sword.

He who was smashed into the air rolled a few times in the air for some reason, slammed into the fort on the side and landed on the deck. He inexplicably ignoring the physical pain under absolute sanity, stood up again, raised his golden eyes bursting with golden light and stared at the King Kong in front of him.

“What the **** are you? What the **** are you? Even if the mental model suffers such an attack, it is impossible to stand up immediately. What are you?” King Kong raised his great sword and pointed it at He inexplicably, shouting a little hysterically.

“Is it important? Are you not a weapon? Aren’t you trying to obliterate me? Then you have this angry expression, this hysterical look, what is this? Are weapons unique skills?” He said flatly.

“Nonsense! I’m a weapon! My order is to obliterate the Chihaya group portrait, I-401. And obliterate you!” As King Kong shouted hysterically, there were more and more translucent squares around his body, and he even gave his legs to the square. melted.

“Really? Then why did you see the distressed feeling after Maya was formatted? Why did you see the hatred when I appeared? Now I stand in front of you, but you want to kill me again. Why? Know that your first mission is to kill the Chihaya group portrait, not me! You keep wondering why Hyuga and the others can violate the Admiral code, but you don’t know that you started to violate the Admiral code early in the morning. “The golden ray of eyes stared at King Kong, and through the power of a changer, he was inexplicably aware of King Kong’s emotional changes. At this moment, what He inexplicably said was like a sharp sword piercing into King Kong’s heart one by one.

“No! I am a weapon! I don’t need these! I’m going to kill you!” The cube that had already blurred the legs instantly spread to King Kong’s waist, and King Kong, who was completely in madness, brandished a giant sword and rushed towards him.

“Isn’t it enough? As expected, I really don’t suit the mouth. So Mingmei, the rest is up to you. Come on! Feel the hottest feelings of mankind!” His eyes brightened instantly, and the pendant on his chest was at the same time A fiery light was emitted, and a strong purple light penetrated the Yanshi pilot’s suit, shining on King Kong’s body.

“This is? A woman’s voice? What’s going on? This, this is singing? Why can’t my body move!” The moment the violent King Kong rushed up, he was enveloped in purple light, and at the same time, there was a burst of King Kong in his ears. Singing. He inexplicably stepped forward and put his hand on King Kong’s shoulder.

When Ho’s inexplicable hand rested on King Kong’s shoulders, the scenery in front of him instantly transformed into a wall of air filled with purple heraldry. He inexplicably vaguely felt that the real King Kong was behind this wall. He reached out and knocked on the wall, and there was a thick echo. He inexplicably weighed his fists, it seemed that they weren’t hard enough. Feeling the blazing heat in his chest, he tried to pull out the pendant radiating purple light from his neck, and lighted it on the wall with the pendant, and it felt okay. He inexplicably took a deep breath, and slammed the pendant against the wall in one breath. The seemingly thick wall fell in response to the collision of this unknown pendant.

The wall covered with purple heraldry shattered, revealing the pavilion full of western and European style behind it. A piano was tilted on the ground to the left of the dimly lit pavilion, and two chairs and a tea table were placed in the center of the pavilion. A bleak figure is sitting on a chair on one side. He inexplicably walked into the pavilion, walked to the empty chair and sat down.

“Do you know? You are the first human being to break into this place. What are you?” Unlike the outside world, the King Kong in front of you is neatly dressed, elegant and sane, but the questions asked are still consistent with the outside world. .

“It seems to have stabilized. Is what I am important? The question is what are you?” He inexplicably looked at the King Kong in front of him with those golden eyes, and asked faintly.

“I…then what do you say I am? To this day, I found out that I would be angry, sad, and laugh. It is impossible to have this feeling just because of a weapon. But why do I have this feeling now?” King Kong He looked at He inexplicably sensibly, and seemed to be expecting He inexplicable answer.

“From the first day you have a mental model, you are like beings of life. Having emotions is only a part of life.” He said inexplicably lightly.

“Really? So what is going on when I hear the singing now? The faint hot feeling from my chest, and the feeling that my chest is blocked after Maya is formatted.” King Kong stood up and walked to where. Inexplicably in front of him, he looked down and asked inexplicably.

“That is Lin Mingmei’s singing. The singing for me. It is the singing for the one I love. As for Maya, it is the sad feeling of losing a friend.” He inexplicably got up from the chair, and King Kong looked at each other and said.

“Really? Really troublesome.” King Kong looked at He inexplicably for a while, then expelled He inexplicably out of this space.

After realizing that the scenery in front of him had changed back to the large battleship deck, He inexplicably retracted his hand on King Kong’s shoulder. Is it finally over? At this moment, why inexplicably felt the smooth emotion spreading out of King Kong’s heart.

“Mingmei. Thank you. Waiting for me to come back.” He inexplicably touched the pendant on her chest and said silently. The singing in the ear gradually ceased, and the hot pendant gradually cooled down with the words of the girl waiting for you to come back. Feeling the pendant on his chest, why inexplicably couldn’t figure it out for a while. Unexpectedly, jewelry bought on a whim can actually have such a big effect.

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