Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 06 report

“Thanks to you today.” The girl thanked him inexplicably when she entered the house. After He inexplicably stated that it was nothing, after the two made Lin Mingmei’s decision, they went to Caius again to sign the agreement, and He inexplicably boarded the bus to the base. He still has a lot of things to do. If it wasn’t for his team’s boss to be more sensible, it would be enough to take the girl around this time to drink a pot.

When He was inexplicably sleepy in his seat, the bus arrived at the stop. After getting off the car in a daze, He inexplicably tried to open his eyes, but unexpectedly, a huge black shadow passed by, accompanied by a huge roar. He Inexplicably, the heavier drowsiness was immediately shaken by the roar. Looking back, trying his best to look, only the nozzle that ejected two orange-yellow flames.

“VF1?” He inexplicably tried hard to condense his eyes and look around.

“Hey! It seems that the captain was right. This newcomer will definitely be in a daze here.” With the sound of a voice, He received a heavy blow on the shoulder.

He inexplicably, like a frightened bird, stood up from the ground, and took a few impressions of welcoming the enemy back and forth, aiming at the coming enemy.

“Hey. Is that how the newcomer treats seniors?” Before He inexplicably saw the enemy, another voice sounded from He inexplicably. He inexplicably jumped on the spot again, posing a POSS with me invincible.

After tossing back and forth a few times, He inexplicably finally saw the person coming. It turned out to be Hayao and Mark. After confirming the visitor, He inexplicably relaxed his body. Seeing this, Suxiong immediately hugged He Inexplicable’s shoulders with lightning speed, and locked He Inexplicably.

“Frankly explain! Where did you newcomer go on a date with Lin Mingmei? You left the group of reporters in the base without saying a word. You didn’t know that the group of reporters was going to shake the sky because they didn’t see Lin Mingmei.” He hugged He inexplicably neck, and said. .

“I think you tried too hard. You see Ho inexplicably flushed.” Mark saw Ho inexplicably flushed from lack of oxygen.

“Ah. Sorry. I was agitated for a while and used too much force.” Suo Xiong realized his behavior and apologized again and again after letting go.

“Huh…you almost died. The captain asked you to come here to pick me up?” He took a few inexplicable deep breaths, waved his hand to show that it was OK, and asked Mark.

“Yeah. Let’s go. Time is running out. If you are late, you have to have dinner. Be careful that the captain is violent because of someone’s lateness.” The big sunglasses on Mark’s face flashed and said teasingly.

He inexplicably said yes, and the two followed Mark and approached the base. After passing the checkpoint guarded by the door, Mark stopped a ride, allowing the three to complete the seemingly close but actually a little far away without using the 11th car. Facing the breeze with a hint of engine oil, why inexplicably looked around at this military base that had been seen countless times in the animation. A VF1 was placed on the plane for adjustment and inspection. The ground crews running back and forth, and the military trucks constantly roared past. All this constitutes a huge, busy military base.

After Mark thanked the driver of the downwind, he led the two into a large hangar. In the center of the hangar, there was a figure standing very standard. That’s Roy, the captain of the Skeleton Group, the inexplicable boss. After Mark and Hayao saluted Roy, they stood aside.

“Why inexplicable, prepare, report.” He inexplicably stood up in front of Captain Roy and said loudly.

“Yeah. Starting today, you will have simulation training. You can only perform actual combat tasks after you have passed the simulation training. Do you understand?” Roy nodded, and Banzheng said with a face.

“Understood. Guaranteed to complete the task.” He Moming almost finished the sentence with a roar.

“Mark. You are in charge of the inexplicable simulation training. It lasts for a week.” Roy called Mark’s name.

“A week?! Report! Subordinates think this is impossible training. No matter how talented, it takes at least half a year to learn to control VF1.” Mark was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately replied loudly.

“The refutation is invalid. Perform the task.” After Roy left a sentence, he turned and walked away.

“Wow! One week. Mark how long did you learn to drive VF1?” Hayao immediately yelled strangely when he saw Captain Roy walk away.

“No matter how long I have studied, I will learn it within a week. That is impossible. What’s more, this is going to be on the battlefield. Isn’t this a death?” Mark pushed the slipped big sunglasses back into place and said negatively.

“It doesn’t matter if I can learn it or not, but at least this week I have to conduct simulation training, right?” Why inexplicably doesn’t care about what will happen a week later, but cares about the simulation training before him. According to He inexplicably own estimation, this is the only way to upgrade the initial driving skills to D-level driving skills. So why inexplicably must seize this opportunity.

“Okay. Since you insist on the simulation training, you will gather at the simulation training ground at 0700 tomorrow morning. The ugly words are on the front, in order not to let you hang up in the actual combat, I am merciless.” Mark stared at Ho inexplicably. After the meeting, he finally said loosely.

“Yes! Guarantee to complete the task.”

“Where did you learn this slogan?” Mark couldn’t help feeling a sense of powerlessness.

“On TV!”

“Okay. Hayao, take this rookie. Let’s eat.”

Captain’s room.


“Come in. The door is unlocked.” Grobal said without looking up, holding the document in one hand and his beloved pipe in the other.

“Captain. Forgive me. What is your intention?” Roy’s posture was extremely standard, but his tone was aggressive.

“Intent? Are you asking the newcomer?” Grobal put down the file, took a breath of cigarette and said slowly.

“Yes it is.”

“How much do you think we have? For the desperately large-scale alien warship cluster.” Grobal’s face was gradually covered by the rising smoke.


“You can’t even tell, right. The veterans who have gone through the difficult scenes of the unity war are also powerless about the status quo.” The smoke enveloped Grobal, making Roy unable to see his expression.

“Today, our combat power is only one Macross Macross 1 and your group of VF1 pilots. Faced with alien warships of that size, it would be good to be able to increase combat power a little. Isn’t it?” Grid Robal put down his pipe and stood up and looked at Roy.

“Although it is of unknown origin?” Roy saw Grobal’s expression clearly this time, which was a resolute and courageous face.

“Aren’t you still watching?” Grobal raised his hand and pointed to Roy.

“Yes. The subordinate understands.” Roy thought for a while, stood up and saluted, then turned around and left the captain’s room without any muddle.

After watching Roy leave, Grobal picked up the pipe again and buried himself in the smoke.

From the dining hall to the bedroom, He inexplicably bid farewell to the lead Mark and Suxiong, and finally got personal time. Looking at the communicator on the bedside, He inexplicably hesitated, then pressed a series of numbers. After a few beeps, the contactor was connected.

“Hey. This is Lin Mingmei. Who is it?” A familiar voice sounded in the contactor.

“It’s me. What’s inexplicable.” He inexplicably cleared his throat and said.

“Ah. It’s inexplicable. Are you at the base now?” Lin Mingmei’s voice was filled with surprise.

“Yeah. The simulation training will begin soon. How about you?” Hearing Lin Mingmei’s voice, He started to feel happy inexplicably.

“Oh. I need to think again. After all, I am the only one now.” Lin Mingmei said quietly after a while.

“Isn’t there still me? I’ll help you.” He inexplicably voiced firm emotions.

“Why? I…thank you very much. Training is coming. Come on! I’ll tell you when I think about it.” Lin Mingmei hung up the contact hurriedly.

He inexplicably redialed several times, but couldn’t get through. It looks like what just scared Lin Mingmei? He caught his hair inexplicably annoyed, an unimaginable emotion lingered in his mind forever, preventing him from falling asleep.

The next day, Ho’s inexplicable look with big panda eyes made Hayao laugh a lot, and then was forced into the simulation cabin by Mark and tortured him severely. In the process of being abused, He inexplicably also gradually shook his head of irritability, and sank his mind into the simulation training. In this way, unknowingly, six days have passed since the inexplicable time of Mark’s brutality. On the way, the original actor Ichichi Hui never knew where he jumped out and joined the inexplicable camp of tyrannical tyranny.

Seeing He Inexplicable’s tired figure go further and further away, the report in Mark’s hand shocked him. The data shown on the report is not like the data that newcomers or rookies should have. This is more like close to veterans, or is already a veteran level of combat data. is it possible? Mark couldn’t help asking himself.

“Mark. How’s the training?” Roy walked in from the hangar door and asked. Without a word, Mark passed the report directly to Roy.

“This. Impossible? Genius? Super genius?” Roy was shocked by the combat data on the report without surprise.

“Captain. Do you know anything about what is inexplicable?” Mark asked.

“No, I don’t know much. In addition to knowing that He was inexplicably stuffed by the captain himself, I have seen footage of him fighting with aliens in a VF1 during the last attack. Although the footage was taken. Not much, but it can be seen from the video that He is completely a novice at all, and at best he can only drive a VF1 forward and backward. As for what fighter will move, it is completely impossible.” Roy closed the report and recalled. .

“Is it really a genius?” Mark asked again.

“No, I don’t know. I only know that we might get a strong combat power. This will give us more confidence in our return to the earth. You go and inform Ho inexplicably, and the training will be conducted at 1400 tomorrow afternoon. The content is confidential.” Roy thought for a while and told Mark about the decision.

“Yes!” Mark left the hangar after saluting.

Roy thought for a while and decided to see Captain Grobal again.

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