Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Melee

“I’m really sorry! We couldn’t stop the deformer. I’m really sorry.” A woman with long blue hair continuously apologized to the silver-haired man in the picture.

“Don’t mind. It seems that the performance of the machine body, the ability of the pilot is above you. I guess I have touched the threshold of the C-level. You guys come back to support here first. Just leave the transforming machine alone.” Silver Hair The man thought for a while, and quickly made a decision.

Following the decision of the silver-haired man, the biochemical pterosaurs who had been chasing after him gave up chasing the nihility. But can the biochemical pterosaur’s cannon penetrate the sky-defense field of the Fog Fleet? the answer is negative. The three biochemical pterosaurs desperately shuttled in the rain of bullets, constantly searching for the parts that they thought were weak points to attack. But the attack was completely blocked, and the battleship of the fog was unscathed.

“Head! This battleship is too hard! It won’t move.” The blue-haired woman driving the biochemical pterosaur said dejectedly to the silver-haired man in the picture.

“Retreat. You attract firepower from the periphery, pay attention to the deformation machine.” The silver-haired man gritted his teeth and gave an order very unwillingly.

“Yes.” The blue-haired woman once again took the remaining two biochemical pterosaurs out of the air-defense firepower net, turned to roam around for cover, and by the way watched the void who were also roaming around.

He inexplicably witnessed all this and didn’t make any response, seeing that the biochemical pterosaur was about to lean on it. After curling the corners of his mouth, he raised a small elevation angle and accelerated to high altitude to continue circling to watch the show. Before seeing the arrogant silver-haired challenger reveal his cards, He inexplicably wouldn’t get involved in this battle. Because why is it inexplicable what kind of hole cards can make a challenger have such a strong confidence in the victory of an unknown enemy.

“Really, pay attention to collecting data. It is estimated that the card will be revealed.” He inexplicably saw that the formation of Zaku below began to change, and he knew the critical time had come.

“Damn! I didn’t expect just a squadron to be so difficult to chew. Damn! Damn! Did that deformer know about it early?” The cruiser then looked at King Kong in a black silk dress standing on the top of the control tower. “Damn it! Damn it! It’s just a low-tech world, how could there be such a tough bone! Byser! Take out all the guys. It seems that it doesn’t work.”

“But, that deformer is still looking at it.” The scar face called Byser motioned to the top.

“Damn! Damn! The hateful deformer! Fantasy, quickly knock that deformer down.” The silver-haired man kept thinking of the inexplicable words that mocked him at this time. “Deformation machine must know!”

When He Moming, who was hovering high in the sky watching a good show, was really enjoying it, he suddenly interrupted his interest by sweeping a series of cannonballs dragging light from behind.

“Huh? Can’t help but want to shoot? It seems that the arrogant guy is about to play his cards when he hits a hard nail. Really, pay attention to collecting data. I will send these flies first.” Why did he look at collecting data inexplicably. Zhen, who was glowing blue all over, began to rush towards the sky.

The phantom minds that followed knew that the performance of the three of them could barely keep up with the speed of the Void, but there was really no way to leave the Void alone, and in the end they had to gritted their teeth and followed closely behind the Void. Yunxiao.

The three biochemical pterosaurs quickly rushed into the clouds in a flying formation in front and two rears. In the clouds, the three biochemical pterosaurs moved closer to each other to prevent a sneak attack by the Void, but their ideas fell through. Until they rushed out of the clouds, the three biochemical pterosaurs encountered nothing. And the Void hovered above the sea of ​​clouds waiting for their arrival.

“Are you here?” He inexplicably glanced at the three biochemical pterosaurs rushing out of the sea of ​​clouds, and said lightly. The Void immediately accelerated, dragging the afterimage to the three biochemical pterosaurs.

Due to the sudden widening of vision when they first rushed out of the sea of ​​clouds, the actions of the three biochemical pterosaurs were almost uniformly delayed. Just because of this delay, a biochemical pterosaur that was located a little behind was hit by several missiles and exploded, breaking into fragments and falling back into the sea of ​​clouds.

“Enemy? Where?” Although Huan was on guard almost at the same time, she still couldn’t find the figure of the void. When the two biochemical pterosaurs were guarding each other’s blind spot one after the other, suddenly the sea of ​​clouds below churned, and the Void rushed out with a long white ribbon, and the GN cannon located under the body was fired! A beam of GN particles penetrated the biochemical pterosaur located behind. Although the phantom in the front immediately turned to launch a series of attacks on the void, but phantom couldn’t catch anything other than the silhouette of the girl behind the cockpit of the void in that moment. All the attacks flew past the trajectory of the void. After many struggles and attacks failed, the biochemical pterosaur who was maliciously molested by the Void seemed to give up the struggle and hovered in the air in a daze.

“It’s all over. It’s all over.” Huan muttered as she watched the remains of the biochemical pterosaurs falling into the sea of ​​clouds in a daze.

“Fantasy! Fantastical! How is your side? Answer quickly. Answer quickly! Fantastical!” The voice of the silver-haired man sounded in the communication channel.

“It’s all over! It’s all over!!” Huan said in a low voice, her expression numb. Just as the silver-haired man wanted to ask more questions, the communication was interrupted by a burst of bombing.

“Challenger 663, you killed a challenger and got 2500 bonus points. Randomly get biochemical pterosaur wreck*1.”

Listening to the sound of the killing prompt, He inexplicably watched the scene of the last biochemical pterosaur falling into the sea of ​​clouds, with an expression of sadness or joy. “If you blame it, you and I are the enemy.”

The thrust of the thermonuclear engine was greatly opened, and the Void fell in a beautiful side flight, and directly plunged into the sea of ​​clouds at a large depression angle of 90°.

“Hey! Magic! Magic! Answer quickly! Damn! Disgusting! Byser quickly get the things out. Magic and the others have failed! Quick!” the silver-haired man yelled frantically. Scarface saw that his leader was about to go crazy, and he could only take out a flying machine from his personal space under the cover of many Zagu. If He inexplicably rushed down now, he would find that this aircraft is the support arm of Seed Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam-Meteor System.

I saw the RX78, which had been in the rear command, approached the meteor system with the help of the unmanned aircraft. With the help of several Zagu around him, RX78 successfully put on the meteor system.

“King Kong, King Kong. What are you doing there? It seems to be wearing clothes! Are you going to prepare for a feast? King Kong, King Kong, come and see.” The restless Maya suddenly noticed the group not far away. Zha’s weird behavior, shouted bluffing.

“Well, it’s just a change of equipment. It’s just a weak human being. What else can I do with that steel body? In the end, even a Nagara light cruiser can’t be sunk.” King Kong sat lazily on the top of the control tower. Haughtily and coldly watching the farce far away. For King Kong, it is indeed a farce.

The silver-haired man’s RX-78 finally successfully connected to the meteor system. When the door was pushed to the maximum, the power system of the meteor system surgingly input powerful power to the steel body.

“Okay. Take care of this **** warship now, and then find that **** transforming machine.” The silver-haired man’s eyes flashed with cold light, and the RX-78 rose into the air driven by the powerful thrust of the meteor system.

“Ah! The bird is here to change clothes! King Kong, let’s have a feast.” With one move, Mayer’s hands were high, and all the missiles on the launch platform of the ship lifted into the air, one after another pounced on the RX-78.

The silver-haired man smiled contemptuously, and the huge beam saber extended from the front end of the meteor system, lifted it up, and swiped forward. All the missiles that were swept were chopped into two pieces and exploded. After easily sweeping out the missiles around itself, the RX-78 rushed into the dense smoke without hesitation. Soon after, a thick and long beam saber broke through the dense smoke and looked straight at a Nagara-class defensive stand. The defensive position of the Nagara light cruiser flashed quickly a few times, and finally disappeared after a few flashes. The beam saber never encountered any effective obstruction again, and neatly chopped a Nagara light cruiser into two sections.

“Hahahahaha! Cut it! Aboriginals of low-level civilization. This is the power of the challenger. Ahahahahaha! Take it to death.” The silver-haired man easily chopped a Nagara light cruiser into two sections, crazy. The ground laughed wildly in the cockpit.

“Wow! Wow! King Kong! Look! Look! Nagara has been chopped into two pieces. It feels so painful! It’s pitiful.” Maya said, turning around, but all the weapons on the ship aimed at RX-78. Missiles, lasers, and machine guns led to the RX-78, pouring firepower.

“Oh. It was very lively.” The Void rushed straight into the sea with a large depression angle, and when he was about to hit it, why inexplicably quickly transformed the Void from a fighter form to a half-human form. The powerful gravity at this moment seemed to have failed on the Void, and the Void gently and skillfully got rid of the heavy pressure brought by the piercing down, and then transformed into a fighter plane and rushed to the battlefield again.

“Byser, take someone to block the deformer. Don’t stop me.” After the silver-haired man easily cut off the two Nagara light cruisers, he ordered the Void who was flying in from a distance.

Following the order of the silver-haired man, Zaku, who had been interfering on the periphery, was divided into three, and the Warriors divided into two. There are three Zakus in total, and two warriors go to intercept the void.

The Void is flying fast against the surface of the sea, constantly doing the pendulum motion to dodge the aim and shooting from the enemy. Missiles rushed towards the face, and the Void slammed the brakes, and all the missiles hit the sea, causing them to explode. Under the cover of the water wall splashed by the explosion, the Void transformed into a half-human form and flew out, raising the GN particle assault rifle with both hands to aim at the enemy and shoot. A Zaku was hit in the head and the monitor exploded and sank to the bottom of the sea. A warrior was swept by the GN particle assault gun, was beaten to pieces, and finally exploded into the sea.

After sweeping out a series of barrage, the Void once again avoided the missile’s attack. In the splashing wall of water, quickly switch to the fighter form. Fly close to the water at a very low altitude. Waves of water caused by the high-speed flight of the Void constantly interfered with the sight of Zaku and the warrior. The attacks from Zaku and the warriors gradually lost their accuracy as the duration of the interference increased.

At this time, the water waves calmed down. But in the vision of Zaku and the warriors, the figure of the nihility has been lost. As Zaku and the warriors searched for the figure of the Void, beams of Gn particles descended from the sky, one by one penetrating the enemies that intercepted the Void.

In the sound of the killing prompts, the Void, who had wiped out the enemy, raised his nose and flew to the battlefield again.

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