Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 War (two)

High-explosive bombs continued to hit the wreckage, setting off waves of intense explosions. The powerful kinetic energy generated by the explosion not only tore large chunks of debris, but also pushed countless fragments onto the surrounding debris. The originally small space was squeezed away by the collision of debris, asteroids, and meteorites.

“Nice work.” Why inexplicably kept moving in the tiny space between the wreckage. As the kinetic energy generated by the explosion of the high-explosive bomb continuously squeezed the tiny space between the wreckage, asteroids, and meteorites, the space in which He was originally able to maneuver became narrower and narrower. He inexplicably complained in his heart, although he used various maneuvers and used surrounding debris, meteorites and other obstacles to cover his whereabouts, but he did not know why the enemy would find his location. Once it was a coincidence, and the second time the blind cat met the dead mouse, then, three or four times? Inexplicably, He has changed the position no less than five times, and even calculated the perfect route using the real environment simulation computing system. But the enemy seems to have eyes on the sky, why inexplicably where it goes, the attack will arrive afterwards. The original gap space has become very small after being squeezed by the enemy with high-explosive bombs, and some routes can even be said to be scrapped.

“The enemy is really tricky this time. Really, what do you think?” He asked Xiangzhen after hiding a huge meteorite inexplicably. At this time, Zhen has turned on the full attack rate to calculate the simulation data.

“No, it’s not the time yet. There is too little information. I can’t figure it out.” A cold, hard voice sounded.

“Cut! It means I can’t rely on you.” He Moming gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

“Yes. We were created only to assist pilots. If you rely too much on us to fight, it will not help the pilots, or even destroy the pilots. At this time, you are lucky and unfortunate.” The icy voice was telling a fact. Although this fact is not inexplicable.

“Is it going too smoothly recently?” He inexplicably dodges the shooting from behind, and several bullets roared and wiped the vertical tail out of several holes. Seeing the situation inexplicably, He took advantage of the high speed of the fighter plane to throw away the enemy again.

“Do you still want to escape? Indeed, the enemy you are facing right now is not what you can face. After all, you are just a rookie.” Zhen is still telling the truth.

“What? Is that power armor a challenger?” He inexplicably thought of a possibility.

“No, the challenger may be stronger than the indigenous people in the current world, but it does not mean that no indigenous people can beat the challenger. Maybe you are facing one of these people. And according to the record, the current world Another challenger has been killed by you. Therefore, it is very likely that what you are facing is the top pilot among the natives.”

He inexplicably just wanted to say something, his strong intuition sent a dangerous signal again. The scream of the radar tore the silence of the cockpit. Through the transparent cockpit cover, it was inexplicably clear that dense spots of light were swarming out of the space between the wreckage and the asteroid. There is no doubt that the goal is inexplicable. He inexplicably looked at this amount of scalp numbness, and his limbs showed signs of weakness in an instant.

“Don’t panic! Leave it to me!” Jinna diamond-shaped cube burst out a strong blue light in an instant, enclosing the entire diamond-shaped cube.


“Data upload is complete. The energy consumption is too high, and the rest is up to you.” After really leaving this sentence, it turned into a white light and flew to He inexplicable neck, turning it into a necklace again.

At this time, He had no energy to question the weird movements. I saw him quickly check the data actually uploaded on the display screen, and directly pushed the push rod to the maximum, and plunged into the densely packed missile group. There is no doubt that the data that is uploaded is to be reborn inexplicably.

The machine guns roared continuously, and the roaring shells kept blocking the missiles in front of them and exploded one by one. He inexplicably manipulated the void to plunge into the fireball caused by the explosion without hesitation. Compared to colliding with surrounding missiles, rushing into the fireball does not seem to be unacceptable. But despite this, the brand-new nihility has been beaten beyond recognition by shock waves and fragments because of constantly passing through the explosive fireball.

High frequency manipulation, high concentration of mind, almost instinctive shooting. Under these factors. What broke out inexplicably. I saw the Void constantly making all kinds of unimaginable maneuvers, sometimes sprinting, sometimes pausing to raise the muzzle for a shot, and then plunged into the explosive fireball, sometimes using the auxiliary nozzles around the fuselage to dodge and hide. The regretful love affair with the missile.

The field of vision became wide in an instant, and why inexplicably realized that he had rushed out of the mortal missile sea under impossible circumstances. He inexplicably touched the truly evolved necklace hung on his chest, with lingering fears. Suddenly instinctively issued a strong warning of danger again. The nerves that hadn’t been fully relaxed just before crossing the missile sea tightened again. The wounded Void is dangerous and dangerous with artillery fire from behind.

After the Void drew a distance quickly, he turned around and faced the sneak attacker across the void. He inexplicably discovered that the sneak attacker had only one fuselage, which was the power armor used by the previous officer. How did the sea of ​​missiles that were almost desperate just now come out? He couldn’t help but think of looking at the lonely power armor inexplicably.

The Void and Zenith Starman’s power armor have been facing each other in the void for a long time. Although He has undergone physical strengthening inexplicably, his mental and physical strength has been rapidly exhausted when he rushed out of the missile sea before. As a result, in the current confrontation, he can only barely cope with it. Under the inexplicable close surveillance, the power armor has not moved for a long time. Although it was inexplicable, why the enemy in front of him didn’t attack, but he didn’t dare to relax the slightest. At this time, Zhen, who had previously claimed to have evolved into a necklace due to energy emergency, suddenly told him an amazing news through a brainwave link. The enemy in front of you wants to contact him!

“Can it be done? Will it be detected by Macross 1?” Ho inexplicably frowned and looked at the enemy in front of him, and asked in his mind.

“Don’t worry. No one can monitor the communication channel built by me.” It really gave a reassuring answer. With He’s inexplicable permission, the communication channel was quickly opened under real operation.



“What does this mean? Can it be translated?” After a burst of noise, a burst of unintelligible language sounded in the communication channel. He inexplicably looked at Xiangzhen and asked.

“Wait a minute. The language text is being established. The language feature collection is complete. The text is established. Real-time two-way translation begins. Now there is no problem.” The problem was solved very quickly.

“Can the human warrior on the other side hear it?”

“This is the Nothingness, so the pilot received it inexplicably.”

“Oh. What is the name of the warrior? Strange name.” I have to say that the voice that was really translated has no emotional fluctuations. The real reason is the Zenith Star itself.

“It’s very rude. Do I report my name? How about you?” Why inexplicably tried to delay time.

“Name? Birula. That’s it. We are just one of many code names. The name is not needed.”

“So, what do you want to do now?” He never let go of his inexplicable frown.

“It’s just a tribute to witnessing the birth of the warrior.” After losing a word, the power armor turned and left quickly.

“Is this crazy?” He inexplicably looked at Feiyuan’s power armor and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“It may be because your amazing behavior of crossing the sea of ​​missiles just now conquered this enemy.” It really gave a reason that seemed acceptable.

“Is it possible? My side is half-handicapped! How could it be?” Why inexplicably didn’t believe this reason.

“Notify all pilots that the enemy has retreated. After receiving all pilots who sent distress signals, they all return to the ship for repairs.” A notice from Hayase Misa dispelled the inexplicable doubt.

After accommodating the pilot who issued the distress signal, He inexplicably drove the Void with a wound back to the hangar. Cross, who had arrived after hearing the news, was furious when he saw the original new and brand-new vf-3, but now came back with a scar on his body, grabbing He inexplicably and asking why he didn’t cherish a little. Why is it difficult to argue for a while. It is hard to say that he was almost shot down, or because the enemy let him go because of the retreat. Fortunately, Roy, who came back from his hind foot, looked at the scarred Void and He inexplicably scolded on the side, shrugged helplessly, and walked forward to pull He Inexplicably away without saying a word. Cross, who was furious because the vf-3 Void came back with scars all over his body, became even more violent when he saw Roy doing this. But because Roy dropped a question about the battle situation, after the military secrets, Cross could only anger his subordinates.

“Have you encountered that strange machine too?” Roy walked to the corner with He inexplicably, looked around and asked.

“Well, did you meet the captain?” He nodded inexplicably.

“Yes. That machine shot down several pilots in our side. I tried my best to get rid of him.” Roy said grimly.

“My side is still because I happened to encounter the enemy retreating during the confrontation, otherwise I will not only come back with a wound.” He shook his head with an inexplicable smile. Roy looked back at the scarred Void, and was silent for a few seconds. He raised his hand and patted He inexplicably on the shoulder and walked away.

“The future is worrying.” Xun’s voice sounded in He inexplicably.

“Xun? How could it be you?” He asked inexplicably surprised.

“Oh, that rigid guy seems to be dormant temporarily to ensure the speed of energy recovery.” Quickly said gleefully.

“Aren’t you also very energy-consuming?” He asked strangely.

“No, no. How could I be the kind of late-stage patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder who scans the surrounding environment all the time without distinction? I am an elegant person who enjoys life and understands the taste. I don’t care about all irrelevant data. Yes.” Xun’s voice was full of emotions of true contempt and pride of his choice.

“I have to say that you are much more human.” He smoked the corners of his mouth inexplicably.

“Hehe, of course. Having said that, your future is worrying now. The enemy must have laid a net of heaven and earth in the asteroid belt. Can such a space warship break through the defensive net and run to Mars?” Xun talked about it. , Back to the original question.

“Don’t move forward because the future is worrying? Don’t forget that I am a troublesome challenger now. Can I survive if I don’t go down?” He inexplicably smiled bitterly against the wall.

“I looked at the record. If it hadn’t really given you the data at a critical time, then even if you could survive the missile sea, it would be almost the same.” Xun said after a few seconds of silence.

“Yeah. I thought that the new machine could be used to force it, but it turned out to be frustrated.” He inexplicably thought of the familiar phrase on the Internet of the original world.

“It’s almost time for the final main mission. Look forward to it.” Xun went silent after he left a word headlessly. No matter how inexplicably he called, he didn’t get a response.

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