Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 265: A Challenge Before Them

Less than twenty minutes later the party was being escorted by over forty merfolk through the city.

The size of it felt like swimming through Peltagow except instead of being so spread out, it reached upward with buildings at least five times to twenty times taller.

Everywhere merfolk were watching as they swam toward the largest building at the center, seeing siege weapons and other spear based systems scattered across the buildings.

“It’s like they expect someone to attack them?” Fowl asked as they moved downward.

“Not someone, but something,” Max replied. “Those weapons are designed for something much larger than you or I. Even those things would be overkill on the sharks we fought.”

Tanila grunted and Max nodded, noticing how the escort didn’t appear to appreciate them chatting about the defenses of their city.


“Kneel before King Jalnig Nuk, defender of our home!”

Everywhere all the merfolk that were standing in the room they had entered, except heavily armored guards, were on their knees.

Max and the others quickly joined them, heads up unlike the rest as they studied the man sitting on a throne made of rainbowed colored glass. His hair was blond, braided in long locks, and those blue eyes of his seemed to try to peer into their souls.

Ornate armor that changed colors as he shifted decorated the mass and height of the king, who was two feet taller than all the other merfolk.

Beside him, a few steps down, stood a woman in a robe similar to their escorts, except weird markings were etched into the fabric. A staff with similar markings was in her hand.

The king nodded as he leaned forward, ignoring the ten foot tall trident that was just a few feet from him, leaning against his throne.

Nodding once, the woman chanted something and banged her staff into the ground three times.

Pressure in the vast room over seventy yards wide, set like a cylinder, changed and Max saw that the water was rushing upward, leaving from the floor and moving toward the ceiling.

As it did, the scales on the merfolks skin disappeared, turning a dark tan and mimicking human, dwarf and Elven flesh. Their hair changed colors as well when the water had moved past their heads, turning blond while Jalnig Nuk’s hair became red.

“Our King has granted you an audience in your own air. See this for what it is, a gift.”

Max gave a bow of his head at the king, feeling like the woman near him would much rather skin the flesh off his body.

When Jalnig Nuk spoke his voice carried across the whole room, almost as if one spoke into a megaphone. Deep and rich, it washed over them with authority and power.

He has a skill…

Max almost asked what, but instead focused on the man before him.

“You claim to be tower climbers, brought here by the system to a place not visited by your kind in so long I had to have my advisors search the records. Tell me, how can you prove you are here by what you claim?”

Slowly Max stood, ignoring the glare the woman gave him, and summoned a handful of different gems acquired from each of the tower floors they had leveled up through.

“These are the gems we earn as we climb the tower. The orange ones are what we have dropped by the sharks we faced on the way to you all.”


Both the king and Max turned toward the woman who was pointing her staff at the party.

“That color does not come from where our records show!”

A frown appeared on Jalnig Nuk’s face and Max saw the king studying him.

“I cannot tell you what color was once given to the groups that came before us, but this is what we have received. If you have another way for us to prove ourselves, I am open to hearing it.”

His advisor’s mouth started to move, and a grunt came from the king, causing her to clamp it shut and turn toward him. Those blue eyes locked on the woman and she shuddered, bowing her head low.

“As it has been said, much time has passed since the records were written and I cannot argue with them, but it would be foolish of me to not provide another option to prove that what you say is true.”

Leaning back in his chair, the king lifted a hand to his chin and tapped it a few times.

Max could feel every eye except for the ones of those who were guards upon the king as he sat there, face set like flint as he stared at the party.

Silence echoed on for moments as no one spoke and appeared to not breathe even.

“Tell me, what is your name?”

“I go by the name Seth Pendal in my world,” Max said.

“You are the strongest of your party, and it appears you are their leader as well. Will you be willing to prove yourself in a fight against one of my champions?”

Keeping his face straight, Max stood a little taller, making sure he reached his top height of five feet six inches and nodded.

“I am not afraid to fight, but I would ask what kind of fight you have in mind. Needless bloodshed is not something I seek.”

The slightest movement of agreement came as Jalnig Nuk smiled.

“It is a fight without weapons or armor set in our arena. Defeat my champion, and we will accept your words as truth. Power and strength are how we measure one's heart.”

Bowing his head slightly, Max grinned.

“I would be honored to prove to you the truth of my words and the strength I possess.”

The King clapped once, his hands sending a shockwave across the room.

“The challenge has been set and accepted. Inform the people to gather at the arena!”

This text was taken from Royal Road. Help the author by reading the original version there.

Max noticed the woman at the bottom of the steps before the king’s throne smirking.

Obviously, this would appear to them like I’m about to get my ass kicked.


“Are you certain this was the best plan?” Fowl asked as they stood in a small room waiting for Max to be escorted onto the massive floor of sand that was surrounded by countless merfolk cheering and shouting.

“We couldn’t fight this many people and even if I could, I would prefer not to kill someone who doesn’t attack first,” Max replied. “Besides, this feels off. I’m not certain, but this floor must usually come later in the tower.”

“In the late forties?” Tanila asked.

Shaking his head, Max pointed at the stone wall and punched it. Nothing came from his attack as the wall stood there, completely unscratched.

“I didn’t hit it with everything I have, but that would have shattered most of the walls I’d assume at our own colosseum back home.”

‎ “Which means this is designed for a higher level tower climber.”

Nodding, Max turned his attention back to the window. Water stopped right outside of it, leaving them in a well lit room with chairs and regular air to breathe.

“The sound of the crowds tells me whatever is about to happen is starting soon. No matter what, you four be ready if things don’t work out.”

Max handed Tanila the gem that would take the party from the tower floor if broken.

“Are you that afraid?”

Ignoring the tremor in her voice and the concerned expressions on everyone else's, Max shook his head.

“Just smart enough to be prepared.”

Four loud gongs sounded out ten seconds later and a pair of guards knocked on the door before opening.

“It is time,” one declared.

Nodding, Max gave Tanila a quick kiss and moved to the doorway, where a wall of water waited for him to enter.


“Citizens of Melihar! Today we have a rare chance to witness our champion face one who claims to be a tower climber!”

The sound of the cheers and roars was almost deafening as Max turned around, watching the merfolk who had packed almost every spot he could see.

“Today this one, Seth Pendal, shall face the only one worthy to defend the honor of us. Our King, Jalnig Nuk!”

Cursing to himself, Max knew the other shoe had finally dropped as from across the sand, Jalnig Nuk moved to the front of his spot at the base of the arena wall and waved to his people. One moment he had his full armor and trident in hand, a cloak somehow perfectly moving behind him, the next he was in a tiny pair of trunks.

A giant grin was plastered upon the blond-headed king’s face as he swam from where he stood right toward Max.

“It would appear you might have thought something like this would happen,” Jalnig Nuk declared, still grinning as he motioned to Max’s outfit. “Are you going to wear those metal boots?”

“Forgive me, but they are what my fins are attached to so I can swim in the water, though obviously not as well as you do.”

Max stood there in a pair of leather pants, no shirt, and wearing his chain boots. His rings were still equipped but everything else was stored, as it appeared the king had done as well.

“Very well. Tell me, how far would you like this fight to go?”

Looking up at Jalnig Nuk who stood almost three feet taller than him, Max couldn’t help but appreciate the king’s body. Every inch of it was toned and rippling with muscle.

While his own body didn’t have any fat, his own muscle mass had stalled out, not growing near as much as he wished.

“What are the rules usually?”

“Until one is knocked unconscious or surrenders.”

Nodding, Max cracked his neck.

“Skills are allowed?”

Jalnig Nuk’s grin displayed more teeth, and the man nodded.

“It would be recommended that you use some.”

“One last question,” Max said as Jalnig Nuk began to back up a few paces. “If I accidentally kill you with one punch, what happens?”

A loud booming roar of laughter came from the king and then from the entire gathered audience, all apparently able to hear what he had just said.

“Then you will be king and required to choose a mate, forever trapped here until one takes your place.”

Sighing, Max moved backward himself, watching as the king moved with a grace that left no doubt, this man was confident in his abilities.

The gong came and, crouching slightly, the king began to approach, moving sideways as he studied Max.

“You’re going to have to come to me,” Max said, not willing to move and give up the small amount of stability he felt at the moment.

Jalnig Nuk movement looked like a combination of swimming and regular walking. As if somehow he could choose between acting like he was on dry land or submerged underwater.

“If you wish!”

Sand flew up as the king dashed forward, fist coming with a speed that would have impressed anyone but Max.

Keeping his boots on were for an obvious reason, not because his fins were attached to them, but the twenty-five percent they granted in overall stats was too much to give up. With the previous floor's gains, even the fact the sharks hadn’t given a single point didn’t matter.

[ Stat Only Check ]


STR: 560

DEX: 549

CON: 549

INT: 459

WIS: 459


Staying where he was, Max deflected the large hands that came toward him, pushing them sideways and redirecting the king’s attacks.

Kicks, punches and even a headbutt moved with blazing speed and yet Max couldn’t help but grin.

His Sonar told him everything about the attacks as they came. Watching the massive man raining down blows began to smile even more as his speed at which the strikes were delivered increased.

“Finally!” Jalnig Nuk shouted. “A real opponent!”

Jumping backward, the man let out a beastial roar which sent waves of power through the water.

Be ready, he has unleashed that which holds him back.

Max grinned, ready for the first real fight in a long time.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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