Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 96: Casino

Chapter 96: Casino

Watching the spectacle in front of him, Gild Tesoro grimaced. Suddenly, he heard a voice in his earpiece regarding the identities of the people on board.

Heart Pirates Captain, Trafalgar Law.

Don Quixote Pirate Officer, Monet.

Former Marine Captain, Black Cage Hina.

East Army Commander of the Revolutionaries, Bello Betty.

Guardian Wing Captain, Strawhat Pirates Member, Former Shichibukai...Now most famously known as the Reaper of the Seas, Lucas!

Though there’s no information on the others, just the identities of these 5 are enough to shock Gild Tesoro to death!

Especially the last two...no, just the last one is an even more shocking reveal for him!

After all, this man had once stood beside the Strongest Human Whitebeard and very nearly destroyed Marineford! He was supposed to be dead!

But now…

Gild Tesoro saw the figure on the stage and his face went pale. However, his mouth curved into a grin.

Even though he look in fear, he also shook in excitement!

If I can get this guy to work for me…

Just the thought of it excited him!

If he had Lucas by his side, who else does he have to fear!? Doflamingo? The World Government?

Gild Tesoro wasn’t an idiot. He knew that he wasn’t strong enough to defeat Lucas into submission.

But...it’s a different story if they are inside his domain!

Even if he can’t do anything to Lucas, there’s still that kid who calls him father.

In his mind, Gild Tesoro was already running multiple scenarios to make Lucas his own slave!

After the song, the audience cheered and clapped.

Lucas and Luna both went back to the ship where Lucas tossed the mike back to Gild Tesoro.


“Hahaha! Of course I am! You have really widened my views! That was a nice song!”

Lucas simply rolled his eyes.

By his side, Luna was still happily singing “We Go!” while hopping around.

Hina looked at Lucas and nodded.

“Hina didn’t think you were a good singer too.”

“What else can’t you do?”

Betty laughed and clung to him which made Hina irritated.

Ignored the two who were glaring at each other, Lucas turned back to Gild Tesoro.

“Well? Are you gonna continue staying here or what?”

“Haha. Let me show you to the parking space so you can park your little ship.”

Lucas’ face twitched.

This damned gold shit had to emphasize on ‘little’...

As they parked Merry in a free space, a red haired beauty with nice curves approached them.

She took off her sunglasses and placed them on the spot between her chest which made Kinnemon and Momonosuke both ogle at her.

Gild Tesoro smiled and introduced her to Lucas and the rest.

“This is Baccarat. She’s the Concierge for VIP Guests. Since you are part of the Strawhat fleet and you are also great in singing, we have already considered you as VIP Guests. She will show you around my city in my place.”

Gran Tesoro, though a ship, is also a city and a country of its own which is recognized by the World Government.

Which is to say, Gild Tesoro is also a King himself.

After introducing Baccarat, GIld Tesoro made up some excuse to leave.

Hina looked at him leaving then whispered in Lucas’ ear.

“Hina thought you would beat him up and take the ship?”

“No rush. This guy seems to be planning something devious. I want to see what that gold shit can do.”

After Gild Tesoro left, Baccarat reintroduced herself.

“Good day to you all. I am Baccarat. It’s a pleasure to meet such famous people!”

Law frowned and had a bad feeling.

“You know us?”

“But of course! All government heads, Marine leaders, and famous pirates are on our VIP list. I am especially a fan of Mr. Lucas!”

As if she didn’t emphasize it enough, she also drew near Lucas and hugged his arm.

Lucas felt the softness in his arm but didn’t further entertain her.

This woman is bad news...seriously. Her ability to steal luck is annoying…Though it probably won’t work on me.

Though he thought that, Lucas still made it a point to steer clear from this bad luck woman.

Lucas broke free from her grasp and didn’t pay her much attention.

Luna looked at Baccarat and tilted her head cutely.

“Aunty, my daddy is already married! You can’t touch him!”

Hm? It seems Luna felt something from her as well.

Lucas smiled at Luna and patted her head.

A vein popped out from Baccarat’s forehead when she heard the word ‘aunty’.

Who’s the aunty!? I am still young you know!?

Still, she kept her smile and bent down to look at Luna.

The moment she bent down, her cleavage was in full view to the rest.

Kinnemon and Momonosuke both had blood on the nose while their eyes nearly popped out.

“This little sister. You can call me Big Sis instead.”



Another vein popped out on her forehead.

Just then, Momonosuke came to the rescue.

“Big Sis! You are so beautiful!”

“Oh my, thank you, cute little brother.”

Baccarat seemed as if she found a way out from her embarrassment so she hugged Momonosuke dearly.

While being burrowed in between the cleavage, Momonosuke turned his head to Kinnemon and grinned smugly.

Kinnemon’s face darkened.


Hina and Betty just looked at the two of them with half-closed eyes. In their mind, Momonosuke’s appearance was no longer cute.

Luna also stared at him with half-closed eyes.

I see, so this is a pervert that mommy mentioned…

At the side, Law just sighed and shook his head.

...Why did I have to come with these fools…?

As for Monet, she just quietly followed behind Lucas with a half-smile on her face.

“Please, this way.”

After a while, Baccarat motioned for them to sit in a luxurious car which is powered by Muscle Turtles instead of a normal car engine from Lucas’ previous world.

Lucas knew that these turtles are basically being forced but didn’t say much to it.

“Wow! So fluffy!”

Luna was the first to hop in and felt the soft carpet in the car.

The rest followed and sat there.

Lucas didn’t really want to sit next to Baccarat at the front so he asked Kinnemon to sit there while carrying Momonosuke.

Anyway, those two are perverts who wanted to get close to Baccarat so they didn’t mind.

“There’s a drink bar there too so you can drink whatever you want.”

Lucas took a look and grabbed a random alcohol as he poured one for him, Betty, and Hina. He just gave fruit juice to Luna.

The seating arrangement was Kinnemon and Momonosuke at the front with Baccarat. Law and Monet sat behind them with the backs turned to them. Then Betty, Lucas, and Hina at the back as Lucas enjoyed the two beauties sitting on both sides of him.

Luna herself is sitting on Lucas’ lap while happily drinking her juice.

“City of Gran Tesoro. Let’s go!”

Baccarat smiled and turned the key. The turtles on the sides were electrified and they started to pump on the engine for the car to move.

Smoke exited the exhaust pipes at the sides then stopped as the car moved in a comfortable yet fast speed.

“First is the Downtown Area.”

The car passed through a street filled with lights, music, and dancing.

Kinnemon and Momonosuke who sat at the front were surprised to see such a view and were enjoying it.

Lucas looked around and simply felt nostalgic. This place is probably the closest to the normal city view from his previous world.

He let himself drown in nostalgia a bit while drinking the glass of wine.

“This is really a wonderful place!”

Kinnemon exclaimed in surprise.

Baccarat smiled and shook her finger.

“No, no. This is still the plain area of the city.”


“This ship is approximately 10 kilometers long. It’s fully equipped with hotels, a shopping mall, and a casino...as well as pools, an aquarium, a theater, and a golf course. This giant ship itself is its own independent country officially recognized by the World Government.”

Both Kinnemon and Momonosuke’s jaws dropped to the ground as they listened while those sitting at the back didn’t have a change in expression.

Baccarat continued.

“The front of the ship is also equipped with Giant Turtles, allowing it to travel to anywhere in the world regardless of any sea or wind currents.”

As he listened, Lucas just sneered in his mind.

Travel anywhere? Can it travel to Fishman Island? Or any Sky Islands?

Anyway, this whole thing is going to be mine.

Lucas chuckled and didn’t care about Baccarat’s boasting.

“The Luxurious Area is coming up next.”

The car went through a huge arched gate and it was like they were in a different world.

To sum it up, while it still looked like a regular city before, now it looked like they were in Las Vegas.

Lucas thought as he looked around.

I haven’t been to Vegas before. But it looks like this in the movies. Only, this place has way more gold.

The buildings were golden, the statues were golden, heck even the trash can is gold.

In the middle of the city is a tall tower. The top of the tower looked like that of a hand pointing to the skies.

Lucas looked around and saw there are also video denden mushis that works like a surveillance camera.

“T-this is certainly impressive!”

“I agree!”

Kinnemon and Momonosuke both exclaimed.

Looking at their appearance, Lucas wanted to smack their faces.

Why do these fools look like they don’t want to return to Wano!?

It was a good thing Oden and Toki aren’t here. Otherwise, they will definitely cry.

...Nah, Oden will probably fool along with these guys and Toki would just quietly laugh at them from the back…

Lucas shook his head and no longer bothered with the two at the front.

“Shall we go to the casino?”

“Go! Let’s go!”

Baccarat asked and Kinnemon happily answered.


Lucas really wanted to punch that guy in the face.

Isn’t he the one who wanted to deal with Kaido as soon as possible!?

Baccarat smiled and drove to the casino which was located on the tall tower at the middle of the city.

“Let me present to you...the Reoro!”

Inside the Reoro was a huge casino.

By huge, it meant there are even slot machines about 10 times as large as a normal slot machine and roulette that is also large enough to build a house on it.

“The casino offers a wide variety of games and attractions. Feel free to ask any questions you have. I’ll be your guide.”

Then, a server approached them with a suitcase on hand.

Baccarat motion for him to open the suitcase and it revealed rows of chips with a golden center and black and blue stripes around it.

“For now, we’ll lend you 20 million Berries’ worth of chips.”

“T-twenty million!?”

Kinnemon’s jaw dropped.

Apart from him and Momonosuke, Lucas and the others didn’t show any reaction at all.

“Do you know how to even play, Kinnemon?”

“O-of course!”

Lucas smiled and tossed him 5 million Berries’ worth of chips. Afterward, he took the briefcase and tossed it to Monet to hold on.

“You and Momonosuke go play then. Take Baccarat with you. We’ll have a look around.”


Kinnemon looked happy to go and play and Momonosuke was happy to have Baccarat tag along.

Baccarat didn’t want to go with them but Lucas didn’t let her say anything else as their group left.

Baccarat stomped her feet and pouted. Beside him, Kinnemon approached with a dirty smile.

“Hehe, Miss Baccarat. Can you tell me how to play that one?”

“...Of course. I will show you.”

Baccarat’s face cramped but she still smiled and did her job.

Lucas smiled in his mind.

Let those two perverts deal with that woman while I go rob this place of its money.

How to rob? Simple really...just win everything!

Slots, WIN!

Blackjack, WIN!

Roulette, WIN!

Lucas and his group visited every game and attraction. He let Luna play most of them and simply supported her from behind.

At first, Lucas wanted to test out the ability using Baccarat’s Lucky ability but he wanted to try not cheating first.

However, even though he didn’t do anything, they were still winning.

Was Baccarat using her ability to help them? Or is it something else?

But when they met up again with Baccarat a few hours later, Lucas could see her face became tense when she heard they won 1.5 billion Berries already.

Lucas concluded that it wasn’t Baccarat who’s doing it.

If so…

Lucas turned to look at Luna.

“Hehe, my daughter is really lucky~”

“...She certainly is…”

The person in question, Luna, didn’t know what was happening behind the scenes but was extremely happy to have a lot of money!

Lucas wondered what Nami would say if she knew that her daughter just won a billion Berries?

Lucas smiled as he imagined her dumbstruck face.

As for Kinnemon, they also didn’t receive any losses and won 10 million Berries.

“Nicely done everyone. Perhaps you’d like to visit the VIP room next?”


“It’s high-risk, high-return. Win and you’re a multi-billionaire. Are you game for some special gambling?”

Kinnemon hummed and looked at Lucas.

Lucas showed a fearless grin.

“Why not? My daughter hasn’t played enough yet.”

Hearing this, Baccarat swore in her mind.

Haven’t played enough yet? She just won 1.5 billion! I was still afraid you won’t dare to go in the VIP room but you still think this isn’t enough!?

Baccarat sighed in relief in her mind and continued to smile.

“That’s great! Wonderful!”

Baccarat led them to a golden elevator.

It only showed four levels. B for basement, Casino, VIP, and Hotel.

However, when the arrow pointed at the VIP, the doors didn’t open. Baccarat knocked on the door and suddenly, a huge head appeared on the door.


“W-what sorcery is this!?”

Kinnemon asked in surprise.

His hand grasped the handle of his sword, ready to slash at the demonic thing in front of them.

Lucas raised his hand to stop him and calmed him down.

“This is Tanaka-san. Head of the casino’s security.”

Tanaka bowed his huge head and smiled.


“He has the power of the Through Devil Fruit (Nuke Nuke no Mi). He can pass through any non-living object.”

Tanaka walked towards the group and presented his hand.

“Take my hand, if you would.”

Lucas turned to Kinnemon since he didn’t want to touch this huge head.

Kinnemon held Tanaka’s hand followed by Momonosuke, Monet, Betty, Hina, Lucas, then Luna.

Lucas could simply use his own powers to get through the door but he didn’t want to reveal everything just yet.

After passing through the door, they saw a square-shaped room with three levels. On the bottom floor, there sat two giants and a huge thick metal cup between them.

The special gambling that Baccarat mentioned seemed to be a simple dice game where you bet even or odd.

Hina seemed to have felt something and turned her head to the side.

The moment she did, she saw a familiar person turning her head towards her as well.

Lucas was curious and turned to look. When he did, his face froze.

Geh-! It’s that Momousagi…

Betty saw her as well and showed a slight smile.

“Oh? Isn’t that little rabbit? It’s been a while since Alabasta.”

“...What the hell is a Revolutionary Commander doing here?”

“And what’s a Vice Admiral doing here? Are you looking for a sugar daddy?”

A vein popped out on Momousagi’s forehead.

She wanted to retaliate but a colleague of hers quickly calmed her down.

Baccarat smiled at them.

“The World Government recognizes Gran Tesoro as a special neutral area. The Marines can’t go make any arrests here. That’s the rule.”


Momousagi clicked her tongue at Baccarat’s explanation as it seemed like she was trying to remind her instead of explaining to them.

She glared at Betty then looked at Hina.

“So this is why you resigned?”

“Hina is a pirate now.”


Momousagi sighed then turned to look at Lucas.

“You...so you're still alive huh, brat?”

“Seems like it.”

Lucas shrugged and didn’t mind being exposed.

Momousagi turned to another marine officer with them and whispered some commands. The marine officer saluted then left the room.

She saw Baccarat was giving her a look so she explained.

“Relax. I just had him report the situation. Gran Tesoro may be a neutral area, but if the World Government knows you are harboring this man...well, if I’m lucky, I can go and let loose here.”


Baccarat frowned but didn’t say any more.

Then, they saw a round of the game being played.

A large blonde man appeared and tossed the two metal dice on the cup.

Then, he grabbed the metal cup and did a backflip to flip the cup on the ground and hide the contents of the dice.

Next, he took a large axe and jumped. He swung the axe down and used its force to spin his body multiple times before hitting the metal cup...with his head!


“The axe is meaningless!”

Kinnemon and Momonosuke overreacted as usual.

The metal cup broke into pieces from the impact with his head and the dice were revealed.

“2-6! Even!”

The man who hit the large and thick metal cup with his head trembled from the pain with a smile.

“Feels so good~!”


Lucas pointed at that man then talked to Luna.

“Luna, see that guy? That guy is a masochist. They’re bad people. Never EVER get near those kinds of people.”

“Un! I understand daddy!”

Hina stared at the scene with half-closed eyes.

“None of that made any sense.”

What!? Another chapter!?

As you can probably tell from this chap, Baccarat won't be part of the harem at all. Even if Lucas would take the ship for himself in the future, at most, she will remain on the ship to help oversee things. She may become an ally, but not part of the harem.

See ya next chap!

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