Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 80: Released!

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Chapter 80: Released!

As soon as Luffy said that, the New Fishman Pirates’ Officers went into action!

Dosun wielded a huge hammer and swung down at Luffy.


Luffy glanced at it and lifted his left hand to block.


A dull sound rang out but the hammer didn’t budge Luffy even by a millimeter!

Dosun grew irritated and swung his hammer again. Each blow was stronger than the last!



Hearing Dosun shout out loud the onomatopoeia of his attack, even Lucas felt awkward and wished he could just ‘GOGYAN’ his face…

As if hearing what he was thinking, Luffy swung down his armament haki clad fist and smashed it on Dosun’s face.



Dosun was sent flying and landed right next to Hody.

Luffy snorted and was about to look for his next opponent but felt something on his foot.

Looking down, he saw the ground suddenly changed and revealed a fishman with crooked blue and purple stripes.

Zeo calmly looked at Luffy without a change of expression then said.

“Hmph, how did you like my Super Sole Head-butt!?”


He was too proud to admit his mistake!

Apparently, Luffy wasn’t amused by it and simply smashed his foot down hard.

“Then have a taste of my Gomu gomu no Stamp!”



How merciless!!!

After dealing with Zeo, a small shadow quickly shot at Luffy from his blind spot.

Daruma had used his sharp teeth to cut through the ground to create a network of tunnels underneath.

Using this, he was able to easily enter Luffy’s blind spot and launch his attack!

Maybe if it was Luffy in the past, this would be considered troublesome for him to deal with. But now…

Luffy didn’t even turn around. He simply tilted his neck to dodge and swung his fist again.


Daruma was confused how Luffy saw him coming but knew not to dwell on it too much at the moment as he needed to retreat. He can slowly think about it underground where Luffy can’t reach him!

That’s why he tried to enter the ground again as soon as he landed only for Luffy to reappear next to him before he could even bite through the ground!


He was hit again!

While Daruma was sent flying again, Ikaros charged at Luffy with his spears but was easily dealt with as well with Luffy’s attack.

Gomu gomu no...Jet Harpoon!

It was basically just Luffy extending his arm with all five fingers using Shigan.

It was an attack meant to stab through even the thickest skin...A very...deadly attack!


Luffy tilted his body to the side and dodged Hyouzou’s slash.

Being an octopus allowed Hyouzou to hold multiple blades at once. What’s more, he also has the ability to secrete poisonous venom and clad his swords with it!

Unlike in the original, Luffy’s resistance to poison isn’t as high as it was because he didn’t go through with Magellan’s poison torture.

Still, poison isn’t a problem for Luffy as he had armament haki.

Cladding his hand with armament haki, Luffy disappeared from his position and reappeared behind Hyouzou!

Hyouzou’s eyes constricted and quickly swung his blade to meet Luffy’s attack.


The two attacks clashed and produced a dull sound and a powerful shockwave.

Surprisingly, Hyouzou wasn’t blown away but instead, was simply pushed back by a bit.

Zoro’s eye opened and let out an impressed tone.


After that, he closed his eye again and no longer bothered.

He was indeed interested, but since the fight was about to end soon, he had lost interest immediately.

As expected, Luffy didn’t give Hyouzou any chances and used his Jet Gatling to deal with his numerous swords!

At this time, Hody finally recovered from being hit.

Seeing his officers were all defeated in that moment where he was incapacitated, Hody was angered!

His eyes were bloodshot and his veins were bulging from the anger.

He walked to the fishman holding the bowl of ES and...chugged everything in it!

Instantly, Hody felt pain like never before!

He felt as if his insides were being pulled and constricted numerous times...as if it was undergoing some restructuring from within.

He also felt a burning heat rising from within him...which turned into a power that could even be felt by those outside!

Hody’s hair started to turn white from the pain and stress his body is enduring.

Luffy finally looked serious.

Even he can feel that Hody is already different from before!

Suddenly, without any warning at all, Hody’s body disappeared and reappeared in front of Luffy.

Luffy’s eyes widened as even he felt that Hody was too fast!

Seeing the attack heading towards him, Luffy twisted his body and dodged.

It wasn’t as if Hody knew haki, but Luffy knows fishman karate has a way to bypass devil fruit abilities as well and there was no need to risk it.

Luffy distanced himself and watched Hody cautiously.

Hody’s speed may be faster than his own...but it wasn’t at a level that he can’t deal with it.

“Heh, compared to that pidgeon cat guy, your speed isn’t much!”


Hody didn’t bother to respond and simply attacked Luffy once again.

Luffy blocked the attack and distanced himself again.

“Shishishi! There’s finally someone else I can try this move on!”

Luffy brought his arm to his mouth and bit on it. Then...he blew.

“Gear Fourth…!”

Blowing air onto his bones, Luffy’s body swelled up as he maintained his second gear as well as his armament haki!

The result was a bulky Luffy with both hardness, elasticity, and speed!


Lucas smiled.

As expected, Luffy still learned 4th gear. This isn’t too surprising.

But just as he was thinking that, Luffy did something else.

“And then…!”

Luffy inhaled deeply before exhaling. As he did, thick steam started to be released from his body, covering himself to almost no longer seeing him!

Lucas blinked.

Eh? What is this? How come I never seen this in the original?

“Gear Fourth...Released…!”

Released? Huh? What, is this Bankai or something!?

When the steam let up, Luffy’s body had slimmed back down but he didn’t seem to have powered down. His body was still covered in thick steam and both his arms and legs were clad in black armament haki that also reached to his chest where a spiral flame-shaped mark formed as well.

It was as if...his power was compressed and compacted…!

Lucas could even feel a dangerous vibe coming off from Luffy...as if he was once again facing Roger!

If this was true…

Lucas sweated and his face grew pale.

Damn! Gear 4th is already powerful enough! Compacting that power and focusing it will...at the very least, multiply his power twice of what it was! Maybe even more! But why isn’t it Gear 5th but instead, he called it ‘Released’?

Hody also felt the dangerous intent coming off from Luffy and was about to speak.



While Lucas was still thinking of the power Luffy now had, he heard what seemed to be a sonic boom followed by a punch that smashed Hody at insane speed!

Even with Hody in his current form, he was unable to even dodge the attack and can only get hit by it!

Everyone was quiet.

The New Fishman Pirates were already beyond afraid.

Captain...the captain was blown away again!!!

This time, it was even farther than before and actually sent outside of the palace!

After dealing that blow, Luffy exhaled deeply once again and steam let out from his mouth. His body returned to normal as he did.

“Haaaah...Man, using that technique really tires me out...Meat! I want meat!”

“...Didn’t you just eat?”

“I’m hungry again!”


Lucas can only laugh bitterly.

Luffy’s energy power works in ways he can never understand…

Lucas really doesn’t know how Luffy can come up with these powerful moves but still be an idiot at the same time...

Still...it was a pleasant surprise for him to see Luffy become so strong...even stronger than what he had seen in the original.

Most likely, not just Luffy. Even the others also powered up even more than original.

Lucas was looking forward to seeing them display their power.

Smiling, he patted Luffy shoulder and nodded at him.

“If you can maintain that kind of form in the future...you’ll definitely be a force to be reckoned with!”

“Shishishishi! That’s not all! I still have an idea for another form! Ah, but I haven’t tried it yet. I only have the image in my mind but not sure how to do it.”

“Oh? Maybe I can help. What are you thinking?”

“I’m not telling! You might copy it as well!”


Okay, fair enough.

Lucas sighed and looked at the remaining fishman pirates.

“What about them? Can you still fight?”

“Fight? I don’t need to.”

Luffy glanced at the fishmen and his gaze sharpened. A powerful Emperor’s Haki gushed out which instantly knocked the fishman pirates unconscious. At the same time, the guards and people on their side weren't affected.

Lucas nodded.

His control of the Emperor's Haki is also good.

Lucas was quite satisfied with how strong Luffy has gotten. But there is still room for improvement.

If he were to teach Luffy the armament haki of Wano, Ryuo…

Just thinking about it made Lucas smile.

Ahh, like I thought. It’s a lot more interesting to see Luffy’s growth first-hand rather than watching from the anime.

Ace approached Luffy and gave him a strong pat to the back.

“Hahaha! That’s my little brother! Now, if you can only perform Awakening as well, then it would be awesome!”

Hearing that, Lucas sweated.

Right...I forgot Luffy still hasn’t awakened…

If he can even do Awakening on top of that Gear Fourth Released...his power will surely let him reach Yonko's level! Perhaps even surpass it!

Lucas was really looking forward to seeing the day Luffy becomes the Pirate King.

What’s more, with Luffy by his side, they can definitely win against that bastard Kaido!

Toki...Oden...just wait.

Lucas wasn’t sure if Oden and Toki had died back then because he was sent forward in time...but there is a high chance that they had indeed died.

If they survived, then that’s good.

If not...Lucas was prepared to end Kaido!

No matter what it takes!

At the side, Shyarly watched everything unfold in front of her calmly.

She looked at Lucas who seemed to have something in his mind. She didn’t know what he was thinking but it made her recall the foresight that she had.

Before they left to Ryugu Palace, Shyarly tried to foresee the future just for a bit.

What she saw had shocked her to no end.

It was the image of Lucas.

He sat at a tall throne.

In front of him were the five elders.

They...were kneeling to him!

Here's the other chap! Wasn't able to post it yesterday too cause it was 5am and my mom is about to wake up. I'm screwed if she finds me still awake...oh, by the way, no one in my family knows about me writing. I just feel that it will get awkward and embarrassing because they will will definitely try to read this...XD The things I write here are too cringy and embarrassing! I know! I admit it!

Also. I needed to post this because I need to satisfy my urge to end things with a BIG CLIFF!

As promised, here is your weekly dose of cliffhanger!

See ya next chap!

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