Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 112: The Demon and The Dragon!

Chapter 112: The Demon and The Dragon!

A week had passed since the death of Wano’s shogun, Orochi.

The people of Wano were thrown into confusion and didn’t know what was happening. It was then that Hiyori had revealed herself as Hiyori Kozuki. Slowly, she began to correct the history of lies that were told by Orochi with the help of Denjiro and those loyal to the Kozuki family.

Turns out there were still plenty of people loyal to them. They all had tattoos of a reverse crescent moon on their ankles.

Initially, it was supposed to be a signal in case someone starts a rebellion. It was a signal left for Kinnemon when they got back so they could secretly gather troops.

Although all this planning turned out to be useless because of a certain overpowered protagonist...it was not completely useless as they are now the people maintaining order after Orochi died.

During this week, Lucas was itching to go to Onigashima and deal with Kaido once and for all, however, he was also worried for Hiyori if something bad were to happen. As such, he decided to stay here in the meantime to guard her.

With the shogun Orochi dead, Wano needed a new ruler.

Momonosuke is still too young, not to mention that he isn’t here yet. As such, Lucas told Hiyori to fill in that role instead.


It seems having a female shogun isn’t accepted in Wano. Hiyori was afraid that it will only backfire on them if she were to assume that role.

That’s when Denjiro suggested.

“Akaoni-sama, since you were the one who defeated Orochi, the people will accept you as the new Shogun!”


This was another reason why Lucas couldn’t leave for Onigashima…

At this moment, Lucas sat in a large hall. Though he was now the shogun, he still had his red demon mask on, making him look extremely ferocious.

As Wano’s shogun, Lucas had made a lot of changes. For example, releasing a bunch of JAMP mangas or creating the idol group WNO48. Yep, he has been very busy…

Jokes aside, Lucas naturally stopped all activities concerning any remaining factories or other shady business in Wano. Since Denjiro has been working undercover as a Yakuza boss for 20 years, he knew the ins and out of the dark side of Wano and naturally took this chance to get rid of it all.

The process was surprisingly smooth. All of Kaido’s men that were still in Wano have been flushed out along with Orochi’s retainers.

At first, the people of Wano were worried about the abrupt changes in the past few days but after a while, they noticed that things were still as before. Actually even better than before!

Gradually, they began to loosen up and started to celebrate!


Kaido had naturally heard of the news regarding the Red Demon and was angered.

His body started to grow big as he turned into a dragon.

“Kaido-sama! Please calm down!”

Beside him, a large beautiful woman with blonde hair and horns wearing a loose kimono attempted to calm him down. She was one of Kaido’s Flying Six Fellows, Black Maria.

“If that Red Demon is the same as the one you have fought 20 years ago…”

“Are you saying that I will lose!?”

Kaido glared down at Black Maria and growled.

“T-that’s not it! But Big Mom will soon be here...I think it is best to wait for her to arrive first. Then, when the time comes, the Red Demon can only face despair!”


Kaido growled.

When he had heard that the Red Demon was back, his scar started to ache once more, giving him a very bad feeling.

In his mind, he is confident that he won’t lose. However, he also felt something bad would happen if he were to face the Red Demon now.

That’s why he had waited...he had waited for a week…!

But now, he can no longer wait!

The longer the Red Demon stays here, the more Kaido would feel uncomfortable.

“Wororororo! If that brat can really kill me, then I’d like to see him try!”


It was better to face him head-on than to hide here and act as if he was scared.

Having made up his mind, Kaido no longer bothered with waiting and flew to the skies.

Seeing Kaido leave, the rest of the Flying Six Fellows, along with King, Queen, and Jack looked at each other.

King quickly snapped out of it and gave orders.

“Follow the Captain!”

“We can’t let the Captain fight alone!”

“Let’s go!”

X Drake, who was also among them, started to sweat.

Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! I was only able to delay it for a week!

That’s right, the idea of waiting until Big Mom arrives was something that he had suggested.

Of course, it would really be bad if Big Mom were to arrive...but recently, he had received word that the Strawhats seemed to have stumbled upon Big Mom and are fighting.

That’s why X Drake thought of stalling for now.

Unfortunately, Kaido didn’t have the patience to continue waiting anymore.

The fight that he was supposed to prevent was now finally happening!

Flower Capital, Wano.

Lucas looked at the paperwork in front of him and sighed. He wondered if it was right for him to suddenly become the shogun…

Just as he was about to think of a way to slack off, his eyes opened wide and he rushed outside the castle in an instant.

Looking up, he saw dark clouds starting to gather.

Then, a huge head of a dragon appeared, looking down on them.

The people of Wano began to panic as the guards attempted to calm them and led them to evacuate.

Wings expanded behind Lucas as he started to fly to the skies.

“There you are. I’ve been beginning to think that you became a coward, Kaido…!”


Kaido’s eyes glinted as he glared down on Lucas’ small figure.

Not wasting any more words, he opened his mouth as light started to gather.



Lucas snorted and waved his palm as if to slap the breath attack.


A mountain at the distance exploded. Lucas already knew that mountain was uninhabited before he redirected the blast there.

Kaido was shocked when he saw how easily Lucas deflected his attack.

Lucas extended his hand and curled his index finger to taunt him.

“Come, worm.”


And so began the battle of the Dragon and the Demon, once more…

On the shores of Kuri.

Several ships appeared nearby and dropped anchor.

A young man wearing a straw hat jumped and landed on the beach.

“Ohhhh! So this is Wano!?”

“Oi Luffy! You better not get lost now!”

“I don’t want to hear that from you, Zoro!”

“Ah!? What do you mean by that!?”

Zoro landed beside Luffy and glared at him.

Soon, the rest of the crew started to land as well.

Nami was carrying Luna in her arms when Luna suddenly exclaimed.

“Ah! Daddy is fighting a big dragon!”

Hearing that, Nami quickly asked.

“Eh? Luna, you can see them?”

“Un! Luna can see daddy!”

Suddenly, Ace landed as well and frowned.

“Dragon...she must mean Kaido. I heard that Kaido has the ability to transform into a Dragon.”

“That’s right! We must hurry!”

Kinnemon nodded in confirmation.

“What are we all waiting for then? Let’s go!”

Sabo grinned and urged the others.

Seeing everyone run towards where Lucas is, Sanji was also about to follow when someone held him back.

This person had pink hair and curly brows like Sanji.

“Hold on, are we all seriously fighting one of the Four Emperors? That Invincible Kaido!?”

“That’s right sis. Now come on! We’re lagging behind!”


This person is indeed Sanji’s sister, Reiju!

Reiju sighed and shook her head as she saw her brother follow the others. She began to question if it was right to follow them at all…

“Let’s go! Fight~! Fight~!”

Reiju turned to the person beside her who looked like an excited kid. She had white fur all over her body and a pair of rabbit ears on her blonde yellow hair.

Right, this person isn’t human, but from a race called the Minks, a rabbit-woman, Carrot!

Following behind her were a few more Minks. Two of which stood out quite a bit which appeared to be a large dog and cat-person. These were the leaders of the Minks, Inugarashi and Nekomamushi!

“To think this day would finally come!”

The two of them rushed with insane speed as they couldn’t wait any longer.

Once again, Reiju sighed.

“Maybe it was a mistake to come with them…”

Nevertheless, she was already here.

Reiju shook her head and ran as well behind them.

By the time they arrived at the Flower Capital, they saw the figure of Lucas fighting against a huge dragon.


“Uwa! What a huge dragon!”

“It’s bigger than Igneel!”


As if irritated by the huge dragon, Igneel roared in frustration.

Luffy, Ace, and Sabo jumped up and landed on Igneel’s back.

“Igneel, forward!”


Igneel roared and flew up. However, as they got near, they felt an immense pressure with each clash from Kaido and Lucas, causing Igneel to freeze up and unable to move properly.

At this time, King, Queen, and Jack had also appeared along with the Flying Six Fellows.

Like Luffy and the rest, they tried to approach Kaido in an attempt to help him but were also pushed back by the pressure between the two.

Left with no other choice, they could only target Luffy and the others who were also present.

It became an all-out battle between the Beast Pirates VS Strawhats, Whitebeard, and Revolutionary Army!

Lucas, who was currently fighting against Kaido, naturally noticed Luffy and the others arrive.

He didn’t think they would follow him all the way here…

No matter, first, I’ll deal with Kaido. Then scold Luffy later.

Kaido also noticed the new arrivals but didn’t bother with them. To Kaido, the only problem was the Red Demon. Anyone else can be killed later!

Kaido roared again and his huge figure morphed. As it is, Lucas was too fast and he can’t hit him enough in his huge form so he can only revert back to his human form instead.

Lucas’ eyes narrowed and used this chance to appear beside Kaido, slashing his katana right at his side.

Kaido met the attack with his huge bludgeon.

Black lightning sparked from their clash and an intense shockwave exploded from between them.

Lucas gritted his teeth and exerted even more power in his attack, directly blowing Kaido to the distance where he had redirected the Woro Breath Earlier.

This way, Lucas can fight without holding back from destroying the city!

“Time for Round 2!”

I know there was a delay again, sorry about that. was asleep for most of the time and went outside earlier. Honestly, my motivation for continuing the story has been dwindling as well but I also want to be able to end the story...so for now, please bear with the slow updates as compared to the alternative.

From this chap, you can see that a lot has actually happened in the 1 week time skip. Not only was Lucas made a temporary shogun, Luffy and the others fought with Big Mom and Reiju had somehow tagged along as well. These would be explained more in the future but for now, I'll just leave it up to your imaginations XD.

The fight scenes....are really hard to make...especially when Lucas is already so OP. Right now, I've limited him because he might destroy the city but now that they are further away from it, his real power would be shown!

That's all for now. See ya next chap!

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