Ugly Bastard System

USB04 – Limit Break


"You are in the festival committee right?"
"Yes Sensei."

"Well, since Hanasato will be busy with her work, she will not be able to provide much help to the class. For that reason, I need two students who will be responsible for the class program. So, anybody interested in volunteering?"

And so it began.

Those who were loners, introverts and in the lower cast of the student hierarchy remained silent as statues. The popular ones started pushing a pretty girl and a handsome boy forward. The handsome one started playing humble with a wry smile and the pretty one went full "Eeeh~ no way~ I can't do it guys~"

What were their names again?

Satou Suzuki and Kawashima Kurumi. Though I suggest that you select Okada Haruka, she's the capable one.

'Should I? She seems just as unapproachable as her sister. Won't she be ostracized by others?'

They wouldn't dare. Sure, many don't like her but that only boils down to inferiority complex. Also, the Satou guy is good at playing the good guy. He is everyone's good friend after all.

'A friend of everyone might as well be a friend of none. Anyway, you seem to know quite well about everybody? Does that come as a part of your system?'

Well, UBS does allow you to create henchmen and women who will do your bidding and help you in your... adventures, provided that you provide them with the... right thing.


"Satou. Okada. I leave the class program in your hands."

There was pin drop silence in the classroom. 'Oho... this looks interesting.' Satou looked... a little troubled but mostly relieved. Kawashima and her... friends looked miffed. Okada seemed like she was oozing off confidence.

"Okay Sensei."
"Okay Sensei."

"Alright then, you students will decide on a theme for your class programs within the next two hours. Then we will discuss about it in the 2nd homeroom. Homeroom's over for now."




Now it was time for PE class... of first year students.

The students were mainly doing jogging as it was scheduled. Good enough for his 'first day'.

The first years are to take on a sport soon though. Until then, things should be okay with a little jogging and running. Well, standing and watching a bunch of kids run around doesn't seem hard. 'Should I spice it up with some rules or competition? Nah, its fine as it is.'

"You seem to be quite in a good mood, Gojima sensei."

'Hm?' Gojima turned his head to see Isshiki. What's he doing here?

He's the advisor of the baseball club.

"Well, the weather seems quite nice today. It will be a crime to not feel happy."

"That is correct. If only days would pass peacefully like this..."

...aaaaand someone screamed.

"Wha!" Everyone was startled by the sudden screams and looked at the source. It was a girl, who was shaking and pointing at the rooftop. Then everyone saw it.

"Mori chan! No!!!"
"How did she get up there?"
"Somebody save her please!"

Mori chan, the resident cat as well as the 'good luck charm' of the school, as Ubs said, was on the rooftop boundary beyond the fences. She was scared by the the height and wasn't moving, only sitting and loudly meowing.

Everyone started to panic. Things would go nowhere like this. Gojima had to play the responsible adult here.

"Everyone calm down! There is no use for panic here! You boys! Go to the storeroom and bring a large piece of cloth or a mattress!"

"Yes Sensei!" The boys ran off.

'Damn, this is my first day here and it is already so eventful. Can it get any worse?'

And it got worse.

A huge mouse was running straight towards the cat.
The cat then got scared and started running in the opposite direction.
At some point, the cat reached the end of the roof.
Then the mouse just... rammed into the cat.
Frightened, the cat jumped backwards, beyond where the sunshade ended.

Gojima's body froze. His vision went black and got replaced by something else.


A woman, eyes devoid of life, was standing on the edge of a bridge.

"Aoi! No! Please don't jump! I beg of you, please don't!! Don't leave me too!!!"

The woman couldn't hear his voice.

"Sacchan, don't cry. Mama's coming for you, so don't cry, okay?"
and she jumped.



He was back to the real world. And the cat was falling slowly. What was happening?

Your flashback's over? Welcome back. Its not just the cat, everything is moving slowly you know?

'What in the world?!!'

I boosted your reaction time twenty fold for 3 seconds. It costs a lot of energy and stamina you know? Its a good thing that you have tons of it. I mean, how else can someone last for 10 rounds in bed right? This will cost one round, by the way.

'Can I save the cat somehow? Ubs, is there a way?!'


'Please tell me!!!'

Well, human body has a lot of limiters to protect itself you know? I can remove them temporarily for you. I must say that it will damage your muscles and tendons and you will be in a world of pain for a few days.

'Fine, do it!'

Sigh, as you wish. Don't complain about the pain later on.

Gojima could finally feel his body catching up with his enhanced reflexes. So he dashed.

The other students only saw a gust of wind and... Sensei sprinting?

Gojima was around 50 meters away from them, right below the cat. He then caught the falling cat. All of this happened within only 3 seconds.

Everyone was silent. The cat was stunned, but recovered soon when it realized that it had been saved. It furiously started licking Gojima's face.

Everyone started cheering and ran towards him.

"Sensei, that was amazing!"
"I almost saw a blur you know?"
"Is Mori chan alright?"
"Sensei! You ran almost 50 meters in just 3 seconds! That must be a world record!!"
"Are you alright Gojima sensei?"

"I'm fi- wha?!!"

Gojima tried to stand but his whole body felt like someone stabbed him with thousands of needles, beat his whole body with a sledgehammer, then ran a truck over him. He felt his vision blur and students' shouts become distant.

Sleep, Gojima. You have used up all of your energy in that sudden acceleration. You will need around 22 shots worth of energy to fully repair your body. Sleep well.

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