Ugly Bastard System

UBS57 – Ticking Clock*

"Doctor, how is her condition right now?"

Dr. Mizushima wryly looked at the familiar faces—people who have been quite frequent to the hospital, either as patients or visitors—and steeled his heart. It was always the hardest part of the job—bearing the bad news to the concerned people.

Well, there were two people who did not exacly have any concern visible in their faces—not that the doctor would know. The police officer accompanying them had quite a neutral look. He must have already seen a lot of crazy stuff in his field—enough to desensitize him of almost anything. The other man had a rather annoyed look on his face. His name was Hanazono Satoshi, and he did not want to be a part of all these drama. Too bad his official wife did not share his sentiments. Well, this was just one of the many reasons why he found her to be an annoying eyesore.

"Umm... miss Ruri's life is out of danger."

Everyone present there that mattered were much relieved to hear that, but the adults also knew better. The doctor did not exacly have an 'all is well' expression.

"You can tell us, Doctor," Gojima urged him as calmly as possible. The man only sighed in return and wiped his glasses.

"Well, the good news is, the concussion she got on her head did not do any permanent damage. With one or two months of rest, her brain would heal naturally. She cannot be allowed to feel any stress till then, or she might develop permanent epilepsy."

"And the bad news?" Sayuri asked with visible anxiety.

"The bad news is... her windpipes have gotten seriously damaged. It would require immediate surgery, or she would not be able to speak for the rest of her life. Even with the surgery, she would have trouble speaking for the rest of her life, I'm afraid."

Everyone present there froze after hearing what the doctor said.

For a moment, the visage of the usually cheerful pompous girl flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and they all felt pangs in their hearts. Why did she have to go through all these painful things?

"No! Doctor, you cannot let that happen! There must be a way to prevent that, right?!" Both Takeshi and Miki shouted.

"The operation," Gojima continued, "how much would it cost?"

"Forty million yen, and that is just an estimation. I'm afraid you would have to arrange at least half the amount within an hour, or it might be too late. Even an hour is already cutting a bit too short, actually."

Twently million within an hour...

That was a lot more than what Gojima expected. How much money did he have on cash? The answer came to his memory. Only five million. Whatever else he had was already in deposits—which would need a lot more than an hour. He looked at others faces. They also had the same darkened expression as him. Nobody kept a large amount of money at hand without getting it invested or deposited into something.

"We... we can only manage ten million within that time," Kobayashi Satoru said. "If we could only get a little more time—"

"I have five million on hand," Gojima said grimly.

Hanazono Satoshi had a bad premonition for a moment. Everyone was going to spend their money on that annoying brat? What if Sayuri also got in the mood—

"I can also give five million immediately," Sayuri said, making Satoshi's fear come true.

"Great! Doctor, please make the arrangements! We will bring in the money in no time! And you will also get the rest as soon as possible!" The Kobayashi couple exclaimed in joy. The girl could be saved!

"Nurse Honda."

"Yes, Doctor Mizushima. I will make the necessary arramgements."

"Um... excuse me, everyone," Satoshi suddenly barged into the hopeful moment, "Sayuri, can we talk a little in the corner?"

"...Hm. Excuse us, everyone." She had a hunch what her husband was going to say, and she really wished he would not say that. But she still went to the corner.

"Look, Sayuri—"

"Satoshi kun, please tell me you did not drag me to the corner to talk me out of spending the money for Ruri chan."

Satoshi bit his tongue hearing what she said. How—wait, was she serious?

"Sayuri, we need that money to help with our business—"

"Didn't you say that the business was going well and you were gaining a lot of customers?"

"Uh... yes I said that, and that is why I need that money!"

"Why? If you get a lot of customers, should'nt you be making a lot of profits as well?"

"Look, Sayuri, there are a lot of other factors in a business that you do not know."

"Maybe. But I don't think your business is in as dire of a situation as Ruri chan currently is."

"But... Sayuri, we need to also think about the future of our child—"

"And Ruri chan' future does not matter? Is that what you're trying to say?" Sayuri frowned.

Satoshi felt his temper rising, but he was not willing to create a scene in the hospital. Why the hell was this worthless country bumpkin acting all high and mighty?!

"I am not willing to prioritize a random girl over our children's future!"

Sayuri just dumbfoundedly stared at him. Ah... so this kind of person he was.

"Also, what is the point of spending this much over that girl anyway? That girl almost got killed by her own uncle! Who knows what kind of nasty reasons are there—"


Everyone suddenly snapped their head to the side after hearing a loud noise. They saw Sayuri staring with an expression that clearly showed anger, pain and disappointment at her husband, who looked quite shocked and was holding his cheek—which was bleedingly red.

"Satoshi kun. I've never been this much disappointed in my whole life on anyone else." She almost looked like she would start crying, but she held herself back.

Satoshi just glared at her for a moment, and then he power walked away—seething in impotent rage.

"S-Sayuri san?" Koharu was really shocked as she had never seen her like this, "are you alright? Did something happen between you tw—"

"I'm fine," Sayuri said as if nothing happened a moment ago. Now was not the time.

"Let us gather the money."



Warning: NSFW scenes ahead.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahn~"

"Take this, bitch!" Satoshi thrusted his dick as roughly he could into the blonde-haired girl in front of her, who was on her elbows and knees and was moaning loudly.

"Ah! Satoshi?! You are, ah, way too forceful today!" Lisa complained as she also moved her hip in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

"That bitch wasted all her money on that annoying brat! All the months I wasted sticking to her went to the drains! Fuck! I'm never showing my face to her ever again!"

"Ah! Satoshi, calm down! She still has her properties—"

"I don't care!" Satoshi started moving twice as fast as before, causing Lisa to moan faster and louder.

"Ahhn!" After around a minute, the girl faked her orgasm as she felt the man also releasing his load inside her. It was smart of her to take the pill when she heard his angry frustrated voice on phone.

"Hah, hah, hey, Lisa, we don't need her anymore, right? Why don't we permanent move to the apartment I brought in your name?"

"Hah, hah, Satoshi~ I told you that I wish to have my first wedding night there!"

"Then marry me!" Satoshi immediately whipped out the diamond ring he had prepared a while ago.

"Oh my~ I'm so happy~" The girl hugged him immediately.

"T-Then, we can go to the court tomorrow—"

"Da~me~" Lisa put a finger on his lips, stopping him.

"Huh? Why?!"

"I'm not marrying anyone in hiding. I want to celebrate it with my friends. Can't we do it two months after?"

"Huh?! I still have to wait for two months?!"

"Hey! It's a special occasion in my life!"

"Oh, okay..."

"Aww~ don't be sad! It's not like you have to stay two months away from me or anything! You can have me anytime you want! Here, boobies!" She shoved his face right between her cleavage. That calmed him down a little.

"Hey, Lisa. Your nipples look really glossy right now."

"And whose fault is that, hmph! You made it all sticky with your saliva!"

"Then I'll clean it up for you." He immediately started licking on them again. Lisa moaned in return and hugged his head tightly. Satoshi could not look upwards anymore, so he decided to focus on her nipples completely. One of his hands found its way to the other lonely nipple, while the other started toying with the insides of her vagina, making her go "Ummm~"

If he could see her expression, he would realized just how much disdainfully she was looking at him.

'Well well, it looks like I'd need to tell Akira sama to stop delaying it anymore. We still need to make him go in debt while Sayuri is still attracted to her, or she wouldn't come running towards us to save him after all.'

To be honest, she was also getting tired dealing with this guy. For all he claimed his wife to be a simple country bumpkin, his techniques were not that good either. Well, he lacked the creativity and the means Akira sama had in his disposal that would make a girl go crazy.

Well, at least today she was enjoying it, however little. That is because she tasted it when Satoshi kissed her a few minutes ago.

A housewife's taste.

He had definitely done it with his wife—at least to the third base.

So, she was indirectly also getting Sayuri's taste as well. But it was not enough. She wanted to experience it directly.

She did enjoy an well endowed man like Akira and his other henchmen, but she also enjoyed breaking pure married woman as well—that was one common hobby both she and her master shared. She kind of had an unwritten deal with Akira sama. For every woman he would entrap with his schemes, Lisa would get to have the first taste. The pure housewife's first orgasm always belonged to her.

She wanted Sayuri to squirm under her body, to break in pleasure. She needed to tell Akira to stop delaying.

"Ne~ Satoshi~ my pussy is also getting sticky. Clean it up the same way, will you?"

Satoshi wasted to time and shoved his mouth right between her thighs.

'Ahh~ the tongue that was inside Sayuri a while ago is now going inside me as well~ I can't wait to rub my pussy with hers directly~'

Satoshi flicked his tongue more intensely, completely misunderstanding her intensifying screams as his own achievement. See, this is why Lisa was far better than Sayuri! Only if he knew.


It was time to move to phase 2.

Crazy bi girl, stereotypical much? Yes, that's exactly how it is in the Hentaiverse.

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