Ugly Bastard System

UBS55 – Angels on My Side*

Warning: NSFW Sayuri time.


It had been around 20 minutes since Satoshi started touching his wife—his hands toying with her breasts while he vigorously performed cunnilingus on her. To his credit, Sayuri was tens times wetter than she had been in the beginning—in relative terms. In absolute terms, however, he managed to make her from maybe 1% aroused to at most 10%. And half of it might be attributed to his own saliva. Not an efficient labor, considering his whole tongue was numb and tired from overwork.

'Why the hell is this bitch so dry like a desert today? I never had to try this hard before!'

"Hah... hah... Satoshi kun, how long are you going to do this?" Sayuri asked, a little flushed but overall not really into it, "I am not really feeling it today. Can we just... skip for now? Maybe... try toni—tomorrow?"

Satoshi, totally disappointed with the results, moved away. He failed to get a proper reaction from her, but what was he going to do about his dick that was throbbing like crazy and clearly wanting some action?

"All right, you win. Maybe we'll do the whole thing some other time. But," he pulled down his pant in one motion and waved his junk in front of her, "I want you to calm it down first, you know how."

Sayuri stared at her husband's dick, which she had taken in her mouth countless times already, to his insistance. She always found it a little awkward to perform fellatio, and couldn't really bring herself to enjoy it like it was a delicious popsicle or something and use her tongue and mouth as masterfully as Satoshi wished for.

It smelled and tasted bad—even with him washing it thoroughly. She was never able say that to her husband and hurt his ego though.

Today, she was feeling even less willing to do it, but... maybe he would calm down for the rest of the day if she tried her best and get him to cum three times in a short time? He never lasted more than that—at least not in a meaningful way.

For a moment, Gojima's face again surfaced in her mind, but she shook it off. It was wrong. She sighed and grabbed his dick with her hands and slowly started to stroke it, trying to remember the steps she read about on the internet.

"Hey, that's not enough."
Use your mouth too. I used mine as well, right? So you need to use yours too."

Sayuri bit her lips as she got down on her knees. Maybe she should just say it directly that she was not willing? Claim that her consent mattered? But why wasn't she? Because of her immoral feelings for her neighbor that may have budded in her mind? Wasn't a reason like that far worse?

She felt a strand of her hair get on her face as her mouth slowly approached Satoshi's dick. She tucked it behind her ear and subconsciously closed her eyes, as her mouth was just an inch away—


They both flinched thanks to the sudden thundering noise.

"Wha? What was that?!"

Sayuri instantly stood up and looked upwards, from where the sound seemed to originate. It felt like it was coming from Ruri chan's apart—


There was another noise, and it definitely originated from Ruri chan's apartment!

"I need to go!"
"Hey! Where are you going?"

She did not pay attention to Satoshi, who was trying to pull his pants up. She needed to make sure Ruri chan was safe!



As Gojima entered the room and saw Ruri's bloody limp body lying on the ground, he felt something snap

The man, her own uncle who was strangling her, noticed them both. His eyes were crazy, and his mind was filled with hatred. How dare they interrupt his work?!

"How dare yo—"

Before he could complete his sentence, he felt a huge shadow covering him. His eyes went round, as he saw the bear-like man appearing right in front of him! Wha—

He flew away and crashed loudly into a wall as Gojima kicked him right in the stomach with all his strength. Sunohara slid down as he started vomiting blood—far more than Ruri managed to vomit from her petite self. The wooden wall where Sunohara crashed into had a few cracks in it. Was that too much strength? Gojima didn't care.

He almost instantly moved to where Sunohara was, the anger in his eyes gone—replaced with something far different, far primal.


Gojima grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him up. In a moment, Sunohara found himself from leaning against the wall in pain to floating in the air. No, that was not supposed to happ—

Gojima brought him high upto his shoulder, the man's body floating horizontal to the ground, helplessly flailing his arms around.

Then he slammed him to the floor again with all his strength.

The tatami mat below him tore from the impact. If someone checked, they would notice cracks in the wooden floor as well.



Takeshi noticed all of this with his jaw dropped. Shishou was strong! He was completely destroying the man who was trying to kill Ruri!

But right now, Ruri's safety was far more important to him. She was not moving at all. Was she already...

No! You had to remain positive! He ran to where she was and checked for her breathing.

...she was not breathing.

He froze. No way. They just had a fight a few hours ago. She was supposed to tell him something. She can't... she can't die! Mom, Dad... what should I—

"Takeshi! Wha—?!!"

He looked back and saw his parents freezing from the gruesome visage as well. Miki saw everything and just fainted in her parents' arms, occupying them further.

Time was running out! He had to do something! Anything!


Keep your eyes open and think till the very last moment—

'Calm down, Takeshi! Remember what you were taught in school! Check for pulse first!'

He grabbed Ruri's limp hand and checked for her pulse. She still had it!

'Good! What did the teacher teach in school? Push 30 times and then 2 breaths?'

He moved Ruri to a comfortable position and started to push her chest with both of his hands.

'27... 28... 29... 30! Now!'

He pinched her nose and brought his own mouth to hers, joining their lips together. His mouth instantly filled with the taste of blood and bile, but he didn't care about that right now!

Good thing his swimming teacher taught everyone how to perform CPR.

Good thing he managed to remember it.

Within half a minute, Ruri began to violently cough. She was breathing again! Takeshi slowly helped her lift her head. Her body was extremely cold. He started to rub her palm with his hands.

"Ruri! Are you alright?!"

"Cough! Cough!"

She tried to talk, but couldn't. Blood started to come out of her mouth again.

"Okay! Don't talk right now! And don't worry! I am here for you! I—I'll protect you!"

Ruri with her blurry eyes could barely see Takeshi. But her cold body could feel his warmth, as he held her. And a slight warmth in her lips—

She turned to the side to see her unc—no, her parent's murderer lying on the ground, far bloodier than her, and held far strongly by a far stronger monster. The good ogre.

Ruri passed away in relief. She was safe now. Her guardian angels were there for her.



As Gojima pinned the bloody Sunohara to the floor with one hand, he formed his other hand to a fist and slowly pulled it backwards. The muscles on his arm bulged, and the veins started to throb. Soon, his fist would come down on his face and they both realized what that would mean.

Sunohara saw the arm pulled backwards to the maximum. Whatever pain and drowsiness he was feeling due to getting violently hit was gone. His eyes were filled with fear. Because this time, it was...


He noticed the the bear-like man's eyes. They were filled with sheer bloodlust—not like his own, this man's was focused and directed.

This man has killed before. And he was just another addition to the number.

A pungent smell reached Gojima's nose, indicating that the man had pissed himself due to fear. He did not care. His fist descended on the fiend.

Today, he would end another monster, just like the four he ended before—

The world again slowed down around him. He felt his arm moving too slow for his liking. It was Ubs' doing without doubt. Why was he doing it? There was no need to drag it on—

Ken, stop! You cannot kill him!

'...No, I can. Do not stop the boost. Today, I finish this monster—'

You finish him and you get stuck in jail forever! This man is already finished. There are enough witnesses to keep him behind the bars for the rest of his life. You do not need to get your hands dirty!

'And being in the comfort of jail is enough for what he did to the poor girl?!'

...No, it isn't. But you rotting behind the bars for the rest of your life is not worth it.

'That does not matt—'

It does! Just look at the girl!

Gojima slowly turned her eyes to the side, where she was being held by Takeshi, who was rubbing her hands to warm her up.

'Smart kid. He went to her side to help her, while... while I...'

You were overcome with rage, I know. But look at the girl, Ken.

Ruri slowly looked at him, and then she smiled before passing out.


Right now, you being there for her is more important than you enacting justice. You cannot be there for her if you are stuck in jail.

Gojima turned his eyes towards Sunohara again. His fist was still midway in the air.

Ubs was right. He did not have the time to deal with this worthless maggot and its consequences.

He slowly shifted his arms trajectory.

As the world sped up, the punch missed Sunohara's face by a few millimeters. That was scary enough for him to pass out.

Gojima slowly got up and started to wobble on his feet. He now probably had even less than one AP left.

The girl might be peacefully sleeping, but she still was bleeding from the back of her head. That was not good. He would not have allowed her to sleep in that kind of situation.

They needed to get her to the hospital as soon as possible.

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