Two Manipulate

Chapter 6: Weird Feeling



"Fiji here we come!" Cruz exclaimed as he entered the airline. Because of the school's high reputation of being the most 'prestigious', we, as Class 12A, had our private airline.


Andres whispered in my right ear.

"Oh, hi Andres," I replied, "Good to see you."

"Same," Andres said, moving away. "Great to see you also came for the trip."

"A break away from home is good once in a while, don't you think?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied, with a smug smile on his lips. "Well, I will catch you later."

"Bye Andres," I replied, before returning to Camila.

"Oooh, Andres is falling for you!" Camila exclaimed.

"Yeah... no," I replied, "I don't see him that way - he is too forward."

"But you always allow Karlos to be that way to you," Camila added, "Unless you have your eyes on Karlos!"

"Shhh!" I shouted. "Of course not!"

We were about to board the plane when we received the news that our Spanish teacher, Mr. Rodriguez, wouldn't join us on the trip. After quarreling between Pedro and the principal, he allowed us to travel alone.

"Let's go!" Pedro exclaimed.

We got in and off we flew. It was a bubbly morning as everyone sang songs, and played games, and some of us just stayed glued to our airpods. I didn't even hear Camila step away until I felt someone take an airpod from my ear.

"Karlos," I said. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Can't I listen to the songs Princess is playing?" Karlos asked.

I stared at him as he did the same to me. I remember those days when... we used to visit each other and during school trips, we would sit by ourselves and listen to each other's music playlists for hours. Staring at Karlos, brought back such memories...

Too bad that was short-lived.

"My list is boring. Sorry," I replied, "Song instrumentals are my kind of jam."

"But you have always been that way," Karlos replied, "Except for one."

"And which is?"

Karlos chuckled and closed his eyes, ignoring the question altogether.

"Suit yourself," I said, looking away and staring out the window.

We sat in silence, minding each other's business. Since Karlos was seated with me, I told him about the weird feeling I had.

"Siento que algo malo va a pasar," I said, "I don't know, it's just... weird."

Karlos opened his eyes and looked at me. "Confía en tu instinto, Karina."

He placed his hand on top of mine, causing me to face him.

"Do you think something might happen to one of us?" he asked.

"To all of us," I replied. "Never have I been skeptical about a school trip before but---"

Maya ran to us, shouting, "THE PLANE IS ON FIRE!"

We all paused, Karlos and I stood up, trying to make sure that what we heard was right.

"The plane," Maya repeated, panting heavily, "IS ON FIRE!"

I froze in place, Karlos looked at me before taking out a bag he brought along from the luggage space. I was telling Karlos of this weird feeling I had, only to find out it was happening at the moment. Coincidence or not, it felt too serious to brush it off. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and started running like mad people.


"What's happening?" I asked, still unable to make sense of the current situation we were in.

"PLANE CRASH NERD!" Daniella shouted.


"Sorry, Karlos," Daniella said, giving me a disgusted look before running.

"Gracias," I replied, looking for anything we could find useful for wherever we were to find ourselves.

"Everything is with me," Karlos said.

With a snicker, I simply gave a small chuckle, "Danger is your style I see."

"As always Princess," Karlos replied. "Surprised you are excluding yourself in that category."

"As for me, I am just resilient when it comes to matters like these, that's all," I explained.

Pedro pushed us aside and went to the pilot room. He came out after seconds, scratching his head like a madman.

"WHO'S THE PILOT?!" Pedro shouted.


"So much for a trip to Fiji," Karlos muttered.

"Tell me about it," I muttered in response.

He took a bag and strapped it on his back. He then took my hand, and we approached the airline door, Karlos opening it.


"SAVING OUR LIVES!" Karlos shouted back in response. "It's a dead end if we stay in here any longer."

The others pushed us aside as they jumped into the open sky.

"Ready Princess?" Karlos asked.

As I blankly looked at Karlos, I was about to respond when I was interrupted by the rest.


With a backpack on Karlos' back, we jumped in the air, the rest doing the same. My heart had a mixture of adrenaline, anxiety, fear, and calmness. As much as we were in the middle of facing a plane crash, the fact of being far apart from my parents felt like a blessing in disguise.

"One I didn't mind falling hard for," I said to myself as I saw the rows of tall, dark green trees, getting closer to them by the minute.

"We are entering into a forest!"

"What a trip," I said, as we quickly approached the forest.

"You sound calm Princess," Karlos said, changing his position.

Looking at the trees, I looked at Karlos, "This is not a circus Karlos," I said, pushing him in the air, "Don't die on me."

"Who said I would?" he asked, "I survived a knee scrape."

"And if you get hurt, I won't have any equipment to help you repair your bones," I replied, irritated by Karlos' playful attitude.

"But really, we are heading for a dangerous fall..."

"AHHHH!" We screamed as we rolled over the rough, wet, rooty ground. We all groaned as the others stood up from the rough fall. As soon as I opened my eyes, I met Karlos' eyes instead.

"Well, aren't you the lucky one, Karina?" Daniella said, pointing at Karlos.

Everyone else walked towards us slowly. I was about to get up when Karlos pulled me back close.

"Karlos..." I said, surprised that he took the fall for me again and his refusal to let me go.

"Don't sweat it, Princess," Karlos interrupted, placing his finger on my lip.

"I would do it for you anytime."

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