Two Manipulate

Chapter 11: Desires

"So, how does this involve any of us?" I asked.

"Do not pretend that you have no idea what I am talking about!" Daniella shouted.

I walked up to Daniella.

"No," I said, "No I don't know."

Everyone gasped.

"LIAR!" Pedro exclaimed.

"I am not done talking," I said, silencing Pedro, "Whether my parents did kill your Aunt and Uncle, I don't know. But you are misunderstanding me."

Daniella became confused at my statement.

"Those are crimes my parents committed. Not me. I am simply their daughter."

"How do you not know your parents' crimes if you are their 'daughter'?" Reina asked.

"Do you think I would sneak into my parent's office, checking their whereabouts for 18 years of my existence?" I asked, "Of course not - It's none of my business."

Pedro shook his head in disbelief, "Liar."

I walked up to him, "Care to record me say these words again?" I asked, "Feel free to also share it with the school."

Pedro kept silent. I snickered as I then turned to look at everyone else, "I am on your side here. If you want to shout accusations at this, take it out on them, not me."

"Like I said - I am simply their daughter who has been kept in the dark about their past."

"As if," Daniella muttered as she started walking away but I grabbed her arm before she could move any further, then whispered into her ear:

"Very bold of you to blurt out things like that, Daniella. Espero con ansias este desafío al que te estás lanzando."

With a stern voice, I continued, "Stop being sensitive. De todos modos, no conseguirás que reacciones así de forma exagerada."

Daniella pushed me aside as she walked away.

"Karina!" Camila called out, rushing to my side.

"Karina even has a puppet," Reina said, with a smug smile on her face.

She wants to join the war game too...

"Sorry if you are made one by Daniella, but Camila is no such thing," I replied.

Everyone felt silent, unable to utter another word. I was surprised to see Pedro quiet.

"Karina, WATCH OUT!"


I looked at Karina's conversation with Daniella. The fear in her eyes, the hatred in her facial expression. Seeing Daniella walk away and seeing Karina smirk was... interesting to see.

"That's my Princess."

Everyone fell silent after Karina's response to Reina. Daniella has been gone for a while, so I took it that we were waiting for her. I decided to lay low and hide myself. If Daniella had been gone for a while, it meant nothing but trouble. Everyone sat down on the ground.

"Where is Daniella? We can't wait forever for her!" Cruz exclaimed in annoyance.

"She will be here soon," Reina replied.

"How can you be sure of that?" Cruz asked.

"Because I know so," Reina replied.

I decided to hide away and looked for Daniella myself. But not too far away, I saw her walking away, with something in her hand. I quickly went after her in secret, not wanting to blow my cover. I saw her approaching Karina from behind with speed, with a brick in her hand.

Is she trying to kill Karina?

"Karina, WATCH OUT!" Maya shouted.

Swiftly I snatched the brick away from Daniella's hand and tossed it aside, pushing her to Pedro.

"Murder is in your blood huh?"


Before I could turn around, I felt a brick being tossed aside and Daniella letting out a little yelp as she fell into Pedro's arms.

"Murder is in your blood huh?" Karlos asked, approaching Daniella.

"Well, isn't Karina such a lucky girl?" Daniella replied rhetorically, "Protecting a murderer... and a psychopath."

"I think you are describing yourself," Camila added.

"Watch your tongue," Pedro said.

"No, I think you should watch yours - both of you," Camila continued, facing everyone, "Isn't it funny how Daniella has been planning Karina's death since yesterday... or ever since we started school?"

"Woah," everyone else said, except for Maya, Cruz, and Reina.

"And for Pedro to be so quiet after Rico's theory, sounds a bit peculiar for a talkative like you," Camila said, smirking, "But who am I kidding? You all saw it yourself, right?"

Many agreed.

"Camila, sabes que no tienes que hacer esto," I said.

"¿Cómo sabrán Daniella y sus secuaces que no son dueños del lugar si nadie dice nada?" Camila replied, "They need to be put back in their place."

Camila looked at me with a smile, "Karlos y tú tal vez tenéis cosas de qué hablar."

With a small smile, I walked away with Karlos, leaving the rest to Camila.

I know she is strong. She will handle it.

Making sure that we were by ourselves, Karlos spoke.

"You are not hurt are you?"

"No, thanks to you," I said, "How are you like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like the way you are," I replied, "Don't you think I am a bad influence on you?"

"You make my heart beat a thousand times more instead Princess."

"I mean it Karlos."

I went over to one of the trees and leaned against it, with my arms folded against my chest, "You should stop helping me."

"Karina," Karlos said, "Deja de ser negativo."

With a smile, Karlos cupped my face, "We are in this together, okay? We both want the same thing in life."

"So what?" I asked.

"That makes us even," Karlos replied, "We joined this Academy to kill two birds with one stone - To become Imperial Scholars and gain intel on our next mafia war culprit."

"But with our family rivalry," I said.

"So what? It's their problem," he said, taking my hands, "The choice is ours."

Laughing, I faced Karlos, "Okay - I give you the benefit of the doubt. What do you want?" I asked.

"You," Karlos replied, "I want Karina Hernandez by my side again."

With a small chuckle, I continued, "As if."

"If we become partners, I want you to stay away from me once the job's done. Understood?" I asked.



He was laughing under his breath.

"I can promise that I will stay away from you..."

He leaned in close, continuing, "But I don't think you can stay away from me."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed by his confidence, "Think what you want to think."

I was still unable to read what was on his mind. Does he mean what he says, or is he playing with me?

"Don't pretend like you don't have desires," I said, "What do you want in exchange for my partnership?"


"Okay," I said with a smile on my face.

"But I also want freedom."

I looked at Karlos, confused, "Freedom from what?"

"Freedom from our parents' demands," he replied, his eyes softer than before.

I wonder if they have always been like this.

"Princess, don't act like you don't have the same wish," Karlos said, with a smile on his face. "So?"

Pushing Karlos away slowly, I responded, "Can't seem to hide anything from you huh?"

Karlos shook his head.

"Your offer is... too good to turn away - killing two birds with one stone is just what I need," I said.

"So, partners?" Karlos asked, holding his hand out.

Karlos and I stared at each other as we shook hands, "Partners."

"Karina, Karlos," Camila called out to us.

"They want us back?" Karlos asked.

Camila nodded, "Only if you are both done talking," she said, with a hint of silliness in her voice.

"Don't worry Camila, we are done," I said, following Camila from behind.

I looked at Karlos, feeling more happier and confident.

I want you to stay away from me once the job's done. Understood?

Thinking about my words to Karlos, made me question his.

"I can promise that I will stay away from you..."

"But I don't think you can stay away from me."

¿Qué estás haciendo...

Karlos Ramírez?

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