Twilight Of The Echo Bearer

4. Four Hunters.

Lux moved through the streets of Ashenveil with purposeful steps. The city had a way of suffocating light even the few street lamps that still worked flickered weakly, casting long shadows down the narrow alleys. He kept to the edges, blending into the dark like he belonged there.

As he passed, a few homeless peoeple huddled in their makeshift shelters. Their gaunt faces turned towards him with eyes full of curiosity and fear that followed his every move.

Lux didn’t slow down or acknowledge them. To him, they were already dead, just waiting for the night to claim them. They would end up as food for the creatures that ruled this rotten city and nothing would change that. Even if he managed to kill this Arthuros, the other will take his place.

In his mind, the map was clear. The Blood Lord’s hideout was just ahead, tucked away behind layers of security. Good place for a final confrontation, Lux thought grimly as his hand brushing against one of his twin pistols.

After a few more turns, he found himself staring at the building from the shadows. It looks like a big and decaying mansion with barred windows and a group of guards posted at every entrance, weapons visible. Lux's instincts told him there would be more hidden inside.

“This is going to be fun.”

However, before he could make a move to infiltrate he could feel something in the air. His senses pricked at the presence of others nearby. They were getting closer fast.

They weren’t just random passersby, he was sure of it. Whoever they were, they were coming directly for him.

Lux’s eyes flicked back to the guards. Getting caught now would only complicate things. Without a second thought he pivoted and dashed into the alleyways of Ashenveil. He kept running.

After what felt like minutes of weaving through darkened streets and cutting across rooftops, Lux finally slowed. He found himself in a desolate part of the city where the buildings leaned like skeletons and the moon’s light barely reached the ground.

He stopped, his hand hovering near his gun.

Then, four figures landed in front of him, their silhouettes outlined by the faint glow of the moon. They moved quietly, jumping down from the rooftops. Hunters, no doubt.

Lux calmly assessing them. His hand slid closer to the grip of his pistol but he didn’t draw it just yet.

The man from the tavern stood among them, his eyes scanning Lux with the same wariness and curiosity from before.

“Hello, there. Good night,” the man said. "We don’t mean any harm, relax."

Lux didn’t respond, his sharp gaze flicking between the four of them. He wondered what they want from him.

The man from the tavern took a step forward. "No need for a fight. We’re just here to talk."

Lux’s eyes narrowed, his fingers still hovering over his weapon. “I don’t have time for conversation,” he said coldly.

“You’ll want to hear this,” another of the Hunters said, stepping into the moonlight. His face was rough, lined with the kind of experience. "We know you’re after Arthuros. The Blood Lord."

Lux didn’t react and just looking at him.

“Thing is,” the first man continued, “we’re alos after him. But going in there alone, you’re walking into a deathtrap.”

Lux's eyes narrowed as he stared at the four Hunters. "You're also Hunters. Why haven't you killed him yet?" he asked with impatience tone.

Lux didn’t know the real reason. Probably they are being paid by Arthuros to not bother him and only Hunt the Supernatural outside of city wall like usual. Or perhaps they just afraid. But it doesn’t matter to him.

The four men exchanged tired glances, clearly having been through this conversation before. They looked as if they had dealt with other brash young Hunters trying to prove themselves.

One of them finally spoke, his tone flat. "It's not time yet."

"Or maybe you’re just not brave enough," Lux shot back.

"No," the man responded, his voice calm but edged with frustration.

"So, not strong enough, then?" Lux pressed again, his lips curling into a mocking smirk.

His taunts had the desired effect. The four Hunters shifted, visibly annoyed, but they held their ground, clearly trying not to rise to the bait. One of them stepped forward, speaking with barely contained irritation.

"Listen, we need a plan. Do you even know how strong Arthuros is? You think you can just walk in there and kill him alone?" the Hunter’s voice was heavy with disbelief. "He's got more than just guards. Some of them are Ghouls, but his inner circle, those are real Vampires. You understand what that means?"

Lux’s gaze remained cold, unaffected by their warnings.

"I already thought as much," he replied coolly.

The Hunters exchanged exasperated looks, the kind that said this kid doesn't know what he's dealing with.

The youngest among them let out a sigh, clearly thinking Lux was a hot-blooded fool chasing glory. The oldest Hunter, his face lined with years of experience, stepped forward.

"Listen, kid," he said. "You don’t know what you’re walking into. The Blood Lord isn’t just any Vampire. He’s powerful, probably around a hundred years old. You know what that means, right? The older the Vampire, the stronger they are. You don’t have a clue what kind of strength you’re up against."

Lux’s expression didn’t falter. Of course, he knew that. But he also didn’t care.

"I will kill him, and if you won’t let me pass, I may just have to kill you too," Lux said coldly as if its just a matter of fact, his hand resting on the hilt of his gun.

The tension between them tightened, the air crackling with the threat of violence. The four Hunters bristled because their patience were running thin.

Lux’s words were like sparks on dry wood, shimmering their anger.

The leader, the oldest of the group, clenched his jaw, his eyes hardening.

"You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "But you’re reckless. And recklessness gets you killed in a place like Ashenveil."

Lux stepped forward, his sharp gaze locking with the older man’s.

"Whatever you say," Lux said. "But I will get the job done."

The four Hunters stood their ground, their anger now palpable but Lux didn’t care.

For a moment, the alley fell into silence, the two sides sizing each other up. Then, the leader of the Hunters exhaled slowly, his muscles relaxing just a bit.

"Fine," he said. "But if you go in there and get yourself killed, that’s on you. Don’t say we didn’t warn you."

Without another word, Lux turned his back on them and began walking toward the mansion again. The four Hunters stood there for a moment, watching him go. One of them scoffed under his breath.

"Kid’s gonna get himself killed," he muttered.

The leader shook his head, eyes still on Lux.

"Maybe," he said, his voice thoughtful. "Or maybe... he’s exactly what we need. Lets follow him.”

“What four?” the younger Hunter asked in disbelief.

“We should take the chance when the time come,” the leader replied. “Stop asking. Lets go.”


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