TS reincarnated in Harem text

Chapter 21: Eh?


"You said my sister had a second personality, and the identity was the mask that had her consciousness inside my sister's body"

Maria exclaimed in the box while Suiri was not there.

Charlotte nodded her head.

"Yeah, I have a hunch that the possibility she's suffering from dissociative order is high now "

"And, I can feel the different characteristics between both of them"

"It's like two people are living inside one body"

Maria thought hard. She couldn't believe what she'd just heard. Her sister had another one living inside her body. Except for knowing her help with Suiri's emotions, she was clueless about what kind of that girl's personality was. What was more outrageous was that her junior had discovered this problem before her. She was unwilling but...

"Maria-senpai, the mask took over Suiri's body completely for a long time instead of a short period before"

"No need to blame yourself"

"If she'd just taken over for a second, I might not have noticed it either"

Charlotte licked...comforted Maria-senpai. She knew the mind of a siscon very well. If you wanted to pursue your crush, you had to conquer your crush's family members first while declaring your existence in front of the other party.

However, a new challenge was waiting ahead for Charlotte.

'My crush suffers from dissociative disorder and has her second personality. I'm in love with the original personality, but what should I do?'

Charlotte found that the path toward Suiri's heart was rough and hard. If she didn't get the approval of the second personality, then she wouldn't have a single tiny hope in the slightest.

Maria's mind was in a mess.

The turning point that helped her resolve her jealousy toward Suiri in the past was the existence of the mask. She didn't know that it'd been severe already. She just knew that Suiri was smart and a little genius. She had been once in hatred with her sister. 

Until she witnessed Suiri talking to the cat plushie in private, the gift that her mother Shiori gifted Suiri when she was 3 years old, she realized that this girl had suffered from mental illness. The mask was the evidence. Her parents also knew it. At that time, Maria was still young and didn't pay too much attention to it. She just thought it was a child playing with dolls or something. After listening to Suiri's true thoughts by eavesdropping, she let go of her childish mentality and accepted Suiri as her true sister. Recalling it for a while, Maria knew that Suiri's personality had been split since she was a child. 

'She didn't talk to the cat plushie but had a conversation with the second personality?'

Maria trembled involuntarily. How could she not remember the moment Suiri got split? Maybe she was the reason for Suiri's second personality. Her sister didn't have friends and she once hurt Suiri out of selfishness because Suiri stole almost the attention of her parents and everyone around her. She once treated her sister coldly under the disguise of strictness to relieve her inferior complex.

When Suiri was obedient toward her, Maria felt a sense of satisfaction inside her heart.

The mask erased her sister's complicated emotions toward her so Suiri had never called her 'Onee-chan' again with that fat baby face.

She wished that she could turn back time to slap her young self.

It was just her deduction.

And then, this disguise that once hurt Suiri evolved into the perfect image of an older sister to take advantage of her little sister.

Maria couldn't help but feel disgusted with her young self.

From then on, she vowed to help and protect her sister wholeheartedly. The superficial image would become true instead.

Considering the lyrics this morning, Maria blamed herself even more. She was a failure.

Hearing the comfort of her junior, Maria nodded her head blankly because she didn't want to expose her dark past.

She hoped Suiri could address her back as 'Onee-chan' instead of the unfamiliar formality 'Onee-sama' in the future.

"You're right"

Charlotte sighed a relief. Then, she said something that she shouldn't have.


"It's good. Maria-senpai, you hand your sister to me. I'll promise to protect her well"


Maria's face darkened. You just earned positive points from me and got carried away immediately.


Maria chuckled while Charlotte smiled gently.

"Ehehe, senpai, please take care of me"

Charlotte's eyes were extremely firm and serious which made Maria be startled.

If Maria thought of another possibility, Charlotte could take the first position at the top list of marriage partners for Suiri. Shinonawa Charlotte, the sole heiress of the first-rate family in Japan, would be an important figure in the financial and political world in the future. When the Shinonawa family and the Hoshiyuki family joined forces, they would become invincible existences. In addition, the Hoshiyuki family would improve its prestige by leaps and bounds. Maria, the heiress of the Hoshiyuki family, would gain a huge benefit.

However, she didn't have the right to interfere with Suiri's life and sell her sister for her own gain.

"As I said before. As long as you dare to hurt her, I won't forgive you"

Maria reaffirmed her statement.

"Don't worry, Maria-senpai, I won't let you down"

Charlotte knew without needing her senpai to remind her.

"I'll go to my class soon, Maria-senpai"

"You go"

Maria nodded. 

The typical Oujo-sama in the manga had gone away.

Suiri had gone to her class ahead because Maria said to Suiri that she had something to discuss with Charlotte.

Maria used both of her hands to hold her head.

She got a headache for no reason.

'Just living is painful enough

I just wanted to do nothing but enjoy the summer ♫'

The voice of Suiri was stuck in her head through her headphones. 

Since when?

She knew Suiri was mature but this kind of lyrics shouldn't have appeared in the child who was pampered by the wealthy family.

That melodious tone...

Not to mention the lyrics, the tone Suiri used definitely belonged to the experienced person. What did Suiri suffer without her knowing? Did she hurt her somehow? 

Maria couldn't come up with another reason because she had turned back before it was too late.

Hence, Maria hurting Suiri was impossible.

At the same time, Akane also had the same thoughts as Maria, the President of the Student Council.


Misa was sitting next to Akane's office table and closing both of her eyes.

"It seems that you get a troublesome,..no, it should be a very very very troublesome student, Aka-chan"

Misa commented.

"You shouldn't have interfered too much with students' private affairs, you know"

Akane took a bite of her sandwich, then said righteously.

"But I can't fold my hand and watch her live like that"

"Such a good student, her vocal ability is so decent"

Misa nodded.

"I agree with you but I'm curious about her more and more now"

"Her song this time is very good and I have a hunch it will become a hit"

"As the performer on the same stage, I'm jealous of the future drummer member"

Akane also nodded. She envied the future main guitarist as well.

They both looked at each other for a while.

Then, both Akane and Misa said simultaneously.

"How can a pampered young lady come up with these lyrics?"


This question had bothered Akane a lot after receiving the song at her home. Misa was also the same after having rehearsal practices.

"Hah~, forget it. Maybe time will answer but Akane"

"You forgot to bring a lunch box at home and had to buy a sandwich instead, huh?"

Misa said casually.

Akane could only smile awkwardly.

"Hehe~, I was so excited last night..."

Misa folded her hands.

"You're still as sloppy as ever. You didn't change at all"

"But don't smile stupidly like that"

Akane's expression froze.

"You know what I'm talking about"

"Our performance got a live broadcast"

"Are you worried about Iku-tan?"

Misa knew her best friend most. This girl always said and taught others how to live but she didn't get better than them at all. Speaking was easier than doing.

"Yeah...I should've covered my face when performing"

Misa chopped Akane's head.

"Ouch...What're you doing? It hurts. What if I can't get taller?"


Misa choked speechlessly.

"Excuse me, you'd passed the developing age already. Don't hold such an absurd idea"

Misa replied to her joke.

"You meanie..."

Akane groaned angrily.

"You preach to others how to enjoy life but look at yourself again"

"You just joked to pass the topic and smiled stupidly to cover your emotions"

"No need to be timid and cover your face while performing"

It was Misa's turn to preach to Akane.

"But...I'm the person who cut off Hajomono Ikuta's dream..."

Akane said bitterly.


"I know I've told you many times"

"Iku-tan losing the ability to sing was not your fault"

"If it'd been your fault, I wouldn't have associated with you either"

Misa shook her head and comforted.


"Thank you, Misa-chan. It means a lot"

Akane lowered her head sadly.

Hajimono Ikuta...If Akane hadn't been stubborn, perhaps she wouldn't have become a teacher...but a Rock musician instead...

She hated herself.

She hated the so-called perfection at that time.

She hated her music.

Recalling the bloody scene, Akane single-handedly destroyed her band in one second of her impulsiveness. She left a laryngeal trauma on Ikuta and completely cut off those chances to be promoted in the entertainment industry.

What Akane had said to Suiri was not completely wrong. She just told her that the members got blinded by money but in fact, fame was the main reason. Her family's background didn't lack anything in money. Therefore, if they had enough patience, the success would be firmly held in the palm of their hands.

But she pushed it away while they were going on the right path...


3 years ago.

"I object to your idea, Iku-tan"

Akane, who was still young, had the appearance of an extreme loli. Her hair was dyed with the black rose flower color and decorated with aquamarine color lines to her hair to match her blue sky eyes. Her ears were equipped with many ear-piercing accessories. Her neck had a domineering skull-like choker. Her clothes were bold as she only wore a T-shirt sports bras for children and coaxed herself with a signature band leather jacket. Her white button belly was shown to the outside. Her appearance gave off a cool vibe without lustful feelings. If you had any lustful thoughts, you should go to jail despite her being a legal loli.

In contrast, Hajimono Ikuta, a beta woman in her early twenties, was the main core member of 'The Sunny Cherry Blossom'. She had a shoulder-length sliver of ash hair. Her eyes were like the sun when the shining yellow color wanted to burn anyone who was captured in that gaze. Her height reached the number 166 centimeters. She also had the same outfit as Akane. Only wearing a T-shirt bra accidentally leaked out her well-trained six-pack muscle on her belly. Her chest size had a certification of the letter C. 

Ikuta looked at Akane dissatisfyingly.

"What? Can you tell me the reason why? Does my new song have something wrong?"

Her voice was soft and pleasant to the ears. Obviously, this kind of voice had gone through hard training sessions.

"Isn't our group following the right path with our current style? Why do you want to change style and theme?"

"This style of 'love' is blessed with the trend nowadays"

"You see, our band can reach the top. We can't take such a risk"

Akane retorted.

"Hah~, Aka-chan, I know you're worried about the whole band's development and path"

"But...More bands and singers are covering the 'love' theme already and our style isn't going anywhere"

"And we can't use our current style to persist"

"After all, we, Rock and Roll musicians, need to innovate our play"

Ikuta knew how music would work in the music industry. Your song depended on the consumers/listeners, not the creators. She had an ambition that her song would print to the brains of listeners. If she retired later, many people would still listen to her voice and songs.

Even though their band developed at high speed, there would be a moment when their development would meet a bottleneck. Their growth would be slowed down. At worst, they would be postponed. Unfortunately, their band 'The Sunny Cherry Blossom' had met this situation.

Unknown to the bandmates, Akane, Misa, and the bassist, Otonashi Momoka, all showed strange expressions.

Otonashi Momoka, a freelancer musician, decided to join the band as she saw the potential of this band. She was a schoolmate of Akane and Misa with a different major at Waseda University. A futanari female didn't belong to the categories of Alpha, Omega, and Beta. She still had her own gland to release pheromone. What was more strange was that she could attract all genders if she wanted. This case was special because it was rare in this society.

Her appearance had to use the word 'Unisex' to describe because she was both handsome and beautiful. Her long crimson hair covered her waist behind the back. The pink lemonade-like eyes highlighted her well-mold features.

When she heard the explanation of Ikuta, she felt that it made sense. Luck was also a part of strength.

When you can compose a new song, if it matches the current era and listeners, you will flourish, or else, you will lose money and reputation.

That was the cruel truth of this music circle. The higher the risk was, the higher rewards you got. However, in her band, money was not a problem. Fame, popularity, and reputation were the main factors. Akane, a rich girl, had covered all the fees to maintain the band if there was anything urgent.

But...Why did Ikuta seem to hurry more than ever?

"I know your idea is good...but it won't get high in this era"

"Why don't you let Akane continue to compose her song for our band?"

Momoko asked seriously because it related to the future development of the band.

"I admit your song is relatively new and weird"

"The disadvantage is that after listening, I forget it completely because it can't print into my memories"

Misa spoke truthfully. Although she knew how painful for Iku-tan, she had to say what she truly thought. Honesty was the best way to maintain the band's relationship.

Let this girl realize her ability.


Ikuta was stabbed in the heart.

Ikuta had her good singing ability but she was unwilling to live under the shadow of Akane. How could she swallow it? She also wanted to make a name by releasing a new song.

Until one day...

"Iku-tan, why do you want to leave our band?"

Akane asked in a disheartened voice while holding Ikuta's hand near the staircase.

"Let me go, I've done with your music"

"I'm not rich or talented like you"

"I'll go solo and prove myself"

Ikuta wanted to go downstairs but Akane kept clinging to her hands. Due to the difference in physical bodies, Akane couldn't keep Ikuta at all. 

"Don't go, we can discuss it later"

Ikuta looked at Akane coldly. Her jealousy toward this girl reaching its peak.

"Let me go!"

"I'm sick of your music"

Ikuta used her demanded tone.

Akane was startled by this sudden change. She could only watch Ikuta walking downstairs to step out of the building.

Unfortunately, something happened. Akane's body flew down the stairs because of the force of inertia.

Ikuta hugged her in a hurry to protect her.

After the fall was also the fall of the band 'The Sunny Cheery Blossom".

Ikuta suffered a laryngeal trauma which made her unable to produce any complete sound. Her head injury was covered with a bandage while Akane was safe and sound.

Akane's face was covered with the blood of Ikuta. Her eyes became dull and lost their color.

--Present time--

Akane recalled the whole incident. The sentence 'I'm sick of your music' was still lingering on her mind until now. She couldn't escape that experience of falling downstairs.

From that day, Akane could only let Ikuta go. The resentment in those eyes scared her. The sunny eyes were dyed darker than ever.

"I don't know how Iku-tan is now"

Misa spoke and observed the reaction in Akane's face.

The guilty conscience was clearly written on her best friend's face.

"Back to the topic, do you find something weird about student Hoshiyuki-san today?"

Akane nodded her head and said seriously.

"This girl indeed has a problem"

"I have a feeling it was slightly similar to her reaction from another day when I gave her a consultant"

Akane remembered when she made a joke with Suiri. Certainly, this girl could laugh and smile like an ordinary person despite how small movement her lips curled up. If she smiled normally and behaved more friendly, Akane could be sure that this girl would become a goddess in this school. However, after just a few seconds, she became colder and changed out of the blue.

"But how could you notice this, Misa-chan?"

Akane asked.

"After practicing together in those days, it was not hard to ignore those small details"

"After all, she could make you return to the music field"

Misa replied honestly.

"She always finds an excuse to go to some private places. As for what she did, no one knew"

She shrugged.

"As expected of Misa-chan, your observation is always so good"

Akane praised sincerely.

"Don't praise me..."

Misa murmured. "You don't seem to know the truth behind that incident..."

"What're you saying?"

Akane was confused.

"Nothing...Eat your lunch, there is still class for you this afternoon"

Misa strangely urged Akane.


Saying that, Akane finished her sandwich.

Suiri's eyes were dull and empty.

She couldn't concentrate on the lesson. Her mind was occupied with this morning's accident. It was the first time her so-called second personality had taken over her body for a long time. She truly didn't know how to continue to live on. The 'mask' was also a human being like her. She had her personality and emotions. Her purpose was clear from the beginning because she just wanted to protect and help her.

Suiri had some doubts. Her protection was somehow extreme as she didn't let her open her emotions to the outside anymore. She understood the 'mask'.


She was tired...

Just struggling with relationships was beyond her ability and mentality.

Some people said that you just needed to be courage to open your heart one more time and be a human in this society again. It was just simple like that. Not everyone was bad. She knew, but she found it was so hard.

Her second personality didn't communicate with her that much.

According to the last conversation with her, if she changed back to her old self, would 'the mask' disappear? That was why she said that she would throw her away.

Suiri didn't want her to disappear but she also wanted to taste a happy life, a normal youth because this had been her second life already.

She didn't know whether she could meet the Death God-like again in the last moment of this life, and then be reborn to the third life. Maybe not...

This existence must've felt pity on her so she could be reborn with memories intact. There would be no third life.

3 wishes had been granted.

She didn't know what to do.

If the 'mask' wanted her to share body with, she wouldn't mind at all. Because the 'mask' was also herself.

Suiri had a bold idea. Could the 'mask' be a personality to fix her anomaly in this world? After entering the plot, would she forcefully take over the body to complete the plot?

No, no, no...You thought too much, Suiri. You watched too much TV drama.

Suiri once again focused on the lesson in order not to think weirdly.

For a while...

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

The bell declared the end of the day. Luckily, she didn't have any activity in the Research Rock and Roll Club so she changed to do an activity of her go-home club instead. As for the love letters...

She just wanted to sleep in her comfy bed at home. That bed had the price of 5 years of continuously working part-time jobs in her last life. After tasting the sweetness of the bed, she decided to change her strategies to eliminate the destructed path and avoid being expelled from the family. Not only the bed she devoted to but also the high-end food for her stomach.

Coming back to the original topic, Suiri needed a new way to decrease the confession rate.

What was she best at? Music!!!

'Just write a song to dis...no...express my sarcasm'

Suiri had a plan in her mind.

With a new program being added by Principal Juvia, Suiri must take advantage of it.

She also was startled by how smart she was.


An emotionless laugh sound echoed slightly in front of the shoe cabinet.

"Sui-chan, what're you doing?"

Charlotte asked curiously because of Suiri's weird behavior.


"Suddenly, I have an inspiration..."

Suiri said perfunctorily. 

To be honest, she had gotten used to the existence of the two heroines, Charlotte and Sasaki.

After the confession of Mio, Suiri didn't see the shadow of that heroine ever again. Perhaps, the other party liked boys more than girls but was coerced by the family to confess to her. No matter how genius you were, the backer was indispensable in the business. Otherwise, you would be suppressed by others. In the original plot, Mio accepted the engagement because of this truth.


Suiri could feel that Charlotte was oddly clingy to her.

At this moment, Suiri realized something wrong. In the original plot, Charlotte had time to entangle with her. Obviously, you were tolerating the pressure from the family to gain the first position. How could you stick to me all the time?


Charlotte was surprised. She was also curious how the artist created a piece of music out of nowhere.

"Sui-chan, you're so good"

Charlotte's eyes shined brightly.

"Um...Thank you?"

Suiri didn't know how to respond.

At this moment, Suiri's phone rang. The caller was no one other than her mother Natasha.

"Sorry, let me hear my phone"

Suiri excused herself while Charlotte nodded in understanding.

"Привет мам"

(Hello, mom)

Suiri spoke.

"добрый день, дорогая"

(Hello, sweetheart)

"The thing you asked for has been accepted by Hurrayy Studio. Your aunt Mei had worked hard"

"You must contact her to express your thanks"

The other side of the phone replied.

"So fast!!"

Suiri exclaimed.

That was right. Her music would use animated pictures as her MV. As a self-proclaimed Otaku in her previous life, she preferred to use animations rather than act in real life. Hurrayy Studio was an animated company according to request.

Her aunt, Hoshiyuki Mei, an Alpha woman, with single status, was the president of the entertainment company. She was her mom Shiori's little sister. Due to her inability to learn in the technology field, she entered and opened a company in the entertainment industry instead. If she remembered correctly, her mom Natasha was still an artist under her company. Although the contract was still there, Natasha still chose to retire and do nothing. Aunt Mei also turned a blind eye. After all, they were family with each other. 

Suiri was an underaged artist in her aunt's company. As a result, her mom Natasha became her agent unknowingly.

Her aunt Mei pampered her a lot so she was grateful for her.

"Hehe~, after all, you're her lovely niece"

"The contract with the school had done beautifully"

"So your aunt's Dreamscape Delights won't have any conflict with the school in the future"

This was how the entertainment world worked. Everything needed to be clarified and the use of the image must be discussed beforehand. Suiri was an artist with great fame and still being under contract with the entertainment company. Therefore, she was strictly managed. This was a normal thing for an artist under the company. 

"I understand. Give my thanks to Aunt Mei"

Suiri said.

"Oh, if you want to thank her, you have to say directly"

"But my daughter...There is no free lunch in this world"

"She has assigned you to the variety show 'Challenge Idols' this weekend as a guest"

Natasha dropped a bomb.


Suiri unconsciously yelled.

"But I'm not an Idol"

Suiri retorted.

"Who will believe you? Considering your performance this morning, if I added a dance stage, you would've been mistaken as an Idol instead"


"If you're naive like this, without Aunt Mei's protection, I'm afraid that you will be eaten clean in this circle"

Natasha reminded her kindly. She understood because she was in this circle too long.

The reason why she manipulated to make the netizens call her daughter 'Wife' was because she didn't want anyone to take advantage of her naive daughter as a public figure couple. Being a couple with another celebrity in front of fans was a double-edged benefit. If you was less popular than the other party, it would be half-fine. Oppositely, if you had more fame than others, you would be sucked mercilessly. As an Omega, the other parties were often found as bad guys with ulterior motives.

With her operation, no one could formally form a couple with Suiri in the future. She and Mei had tried hard to pave the way for Suiri.

"Participating in the variety show to accumulate experience in the entertainment circle is a good choice for you"

After Natasha said that, Suiri knew good will of her mother and aunt.


Suiri answered hesitantly.


"After coming home, let's explain your lifestyle to me. How can you want to be a NEET in the future!?"

Natasha said in an angry tone and then turned off her phone.

*Bip, bip, bip*



Suiri involuntarily let out a sound with a dumbfounded expression.

"NEET? Eh?"


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