Try and Catch Me

Chapter 43

Storm (3)

Tamara snatched the gin bottle from his hands. Before any of them could react, she rushed to her workroom, leaving Frankie and Lia in the living room. When she holed herself in there, it would take a long time before she came out again. Lia crossed her fingers, hoping that her mother would come out faster this time.

Frankie watched Tamara leave the room and then turned to Lia with eyes full of questions and bewilderment. “What now?”

Lia shrugged. “Now we wait. And no, we can’t rush this,” she said when Frankie attempted to protest. “Wait here, I’ll give you more medicine for your mother and then go back to her side.”

“No! I’ll wait here.”

She sauntered and towered over him, trying her best to soothe her temper. “Look, we all want to help Yolly but both you and I,” pointing towards him and then to herself, “can’t do much at this point. Once my mother’s done, rest assured I’ll deliver it to your house right away. If you stay here, who will look after your mother?”

Deflated, Frankie dropped to his chair, his arms covered his head again. “…will she be okay? Be honest.”

Lia chewed her lip. She wanted to assure him that everything’s going to be alright, that her mother would make the best medicine for her friend and for everyone infected. But she did not want to give empty promises and false assurances. Any more than this would surely break Frankie. She did not have the heart to do that.

“I’m not sure either. But let’s hope for the best,” she said grimly.

Frankie seemed to accept this as he nodded his head, albeit reluctantly. Lia glanced at the workroom and prayed silently that Tamara would make something, anything that could help.

“So it really was you.” Frankie loosened his grip over his head and peered at her. The fury and anxiety that surrounded him before had dissipated and in place of it was curiosity.

Lia furrowed her brows, not understanding the question.

“The guy who comes to our store, that’s you, yeah?”

When realization dawned on her, her mouth formed an O and said nothing. No wonder, Frankie had given her a weird look since he entered their house. He was probably expecting a guy. That was, after all, her usual get up when she went to their store.

“Should’ve known. Too pretty for a guy.” Frankie nodded and muttered to himself.

Not knowing how to react on that, she just shrugged. “Let me get you the medicine.”

After assuring Frankie that she would drop by as soon as Tamara finished whatever concoction she was making, she sent him out and watched his figure disappear in the woods.

This problem seemed bigger than she thought. Could this still be under the organization Eldric follows? Definitely. He mentioned about an investigation. Did he know about the new information about this… whatever was this disease or phenomenon that was taking over the town? Or did he already know the cure? No, that could not be true either. If he did, he would order to treat anyone infected and Frankie would catch that information.

Lia shook her head. All of these speculations gave her nothing but headache and worries. She needed to discuss this with her mother.

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