Trouble With Horns

67: Beautiful

Kimberly Gray: Hey, are you there?

I almost dropped my controller when I saw the message come in on my phone, and I lunged to pick it up.

“You okay?” Dawn asked, leaning over to snuggle against me while she paused our game.

We’d been playing a coop RPG game, some cute turn based thing with goofy characters and hilarious interactions with the environment that frequently caused disaster. It was fun, lighthearted and the exact opposite of the increasingly high stakes of CORA.

For the past five days, we’d been hanging out in our new apartment, enjoying each other’s company and taking time to just be a couple. It was nice, but I was starting to get the itch to get back into the game now. I guess that time had come?

“It’s Civette,” I said, lifting my phone so she could see.

“Wow, okay,” she blinked, shifting on the sofa so that she could see better. “What does she want?”

“Let me find out,” I said, tapping out a message.

Tami Heaton: Yeah, what’s up? Is your um… thingy done? Whatever you were doing? Are you okay? Where are you?

Kimberly Gray: More or less. I don’t want to talk about it over the FTLN though. Would you be okay if I ah… visited you in person?

“That doesn’t raise any alarm bells,” Dawn muttered sarcastically. “I think it's safe to let her come here though, I think? The building defence bots would rip her apart if she tried to hurt us.”

"I think so too," I nodded, then turned and pressed a slow, comfortable kiss to her lips. "Plus, I have you. You'd protect me."

Her arms wrapped around me, pulling me into her lap. "Yes, I definitely will. I love you."

"I love you too, Dawn," I sighed happily, snuggling in to enjoy her warmth.

"Going to reply?" She chuckled, stroking my shoulder with a thumb. "Knowing Civette, she's probably working herself up into an anxiety attack."

"Sure," I laughed, bringing my phone up to my face. I sent her confirmation, along with our address.

Kimberly Gray: Thank you so much. I'll be there in a few hours, I'm on the train right now.

Dawn and I spent the time cleaning up a little and showering. It’s not that we’d neglected either of those things, but we’d had a lot of sex recently and we wanted to be sure that Civette didn’t walk into a house that smelled of it. Nobody ever talks about the cleanup when two women get all wet and slippery for each other, but it’s a lot.

I was also loving the alone time with Dawn for another reason. We'd missed out on a lot of each other's lives, so we were using the time to explore each other's minds too.

She was more confident now, self assured in a way that was so amazingly attractive. It had a physical effect too. She used to glare a lot, staring at everyone around herself with a prickly distrust. That was gone, replaced by a calm and open expression that made her whole face look brighter and her eyes bigger.

"I've been thinking, by the way," she told me as we leaned against the breakfast bar in the kitchen area. "About CORA, I mean. You're meant to be the start of a new race, right?"

"I think so, yes," I nodded, searching her gorgeous brown eyes for a hint of what she was going to say.

I could go on about those eyes forever. They had a gentle tilt to them, the outer corners noticeably higher than the inner, and made them seem even bigger than they were. Her lashes were so long, too, and dense to boot. She'd never need to use mascara. My girl definitely loved her eyeshadow though, I don't think she took it off even for bed. Did she have one of those special formulas that didn't come off without a special remover?

Dawn booped my nose. "Tami?"

"Huh?" I blinked, once, twice, then blushed and grinned up at her through my own lashes. "Sorry, I got distracted thinking about how beautiful your eyes are."

A laugh lit up her whole face, and my heart along with it. God, she was gorgeous.

"Okay, so I was thinking, wings are probably a trait of this race, right?" She said, eyes still dancing with affectionate mirth. "As much as I love being carried around by you, and I don't, I think I'd like my own pair of wings. So, I wanted to figure out how to turn me into one of you. If that's okay."

"Of course it's okay," I smiled. "I'll help in whatever way I can. Provided I get a little payment..."

"Thanks, babe," she said, caressing my cheek. "And just what did you have in mind for payment?"

"I think you know," I said, tossing her a wink.

She licked her lips and speared me with a lidded gaze. "Oh, that's a lot to part with. I'll have to think about it."

My brain stuttered to a halt, and I had to lift a hand. "Hold on, I'm lost… I was talking about sex, but are you thinking something else? I'm dumb, sorry."

Dawn let out an explosive chuckle and pushed off the breakfast bar. “I know I keep saying you’re really smart in your own way,” she murmured, stepping up in front of me. “But sometimes, you are very slow.”

My mouth went dry as she pressed in against me, using her hips to trap mine against the bar. She had this hungry look in her eyes that I knew intimately well by now. It was the look she got when she was in a dominant mood. When she wanted to take me against the nearest surface until I was shaking, covered in sweat, and howling her name.

She leaned in, slow and purposeful, but with each inch she also pushed me backwards. Moments, I was bent backwards over the bar and thanking the AI that had created this flexible body.

“I knew you were talking about sex, dummy,” she whispered into my ear. “I was flirting. I thought you were the master of getting into a girl’s pants? Why the sudden uncertainty?”

"Oh… uh." God, this was hot. I was flushed and eager, too. Oh, and wet as hell. "Well, in that case, can I have some of that payment now?" I asked, then glanced down to indicate our position. "Like this? Please?"

Rather than use words to answer, she simply kissed me. Her lips were hot and sensual on mine, devouring me with breathless hunger. Teeth nipped at my bottom lip, sharp and stinging, only to be replaced by a soothing caress from her tongue.

I let out a small moan and slipped my hands up under her shirt, desperate to feel the tense muscle of her stomach as she held herself over me. Her skin was warm under my touch, and silky in a way that no fabric could ever hope to achieve.

"Dawn," I gasped into the kiss, voice husky and breathless. God, I loved my voice now. So hot, so feminine, so… me.

As if summoned, her hand shifted to my hip, then down to the waistband of my track pants. A finger slipped beneath, running along the inside, teasing me with the promise of pleasure.

"Remember the first time I called you beautiful?" She asked, breaking the kiss so she could lap gently at my neck. "It was similar to this."

The smile that was already on my lips broadened with the memory. "I'm not going to forget. It was the first time anyone had ever called me beautiful, I think."

"You've only gotten more beautiful since," she said, tone full of love as her fingers slid further down towards my heat. "I'm a lucky girl, to get to make love to you every day."

I was going to say something about me being the lucky one right then, but she stole my breath with a careful brush of a finger over sensitive nerves. My eyes fluttered closed as she danced through my soaked center, each gentle movement sending sparks of desire sizzling up my spine.

The tips of two fingers came to rest at my entrance, where they stayed for a moment, like a baseball hanging at the apex of its flight through the air.

She thrust forward with her hips, pushing her fingers inside and grinding her hand against my slit. Stars danced behind my eyes as she plunged deep inside my core, then went supernova as she formed a V with her fingers. She'd never done that before!

Letting out a giddy, giggling moan, I breathed, "Holy shit, do that again."

She did so, combining her fingers before pulling them out, then back in again with careful force. I shuddered and closed my eyes, arching my neck to give her mouth continued access to my neck.

I loved it when she fucked me like this, hips crashing in, using her fingers where another couple might use a strap. It was hot, sensual, and dirty, all at the same time.

Then there was the way she was separating and moving her fingers around inside me with each thrust. It drove me wild. Not so much because of any particular sensation, but because it highlighted that she was inside me. I could feel her, and I could also feel the way my muscles pulsed and wrapped around her, eager to hold her inside.

The doorbell rang just as she pushed in again. Our friend was just through the door, and the danger of the moment burned a path for my orgasm like the streamer that proceeds a lightning strike.

Dawn trapped my shuddering moans inside my mouth with a hungry kiss, but I was only distantly aware of it as my mind lit up with pleasure. I really loved being a girl, and I really really loved the girl on top of me.


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