Trouble With Horns

33: Uhaul

I leaned against Dawn, and through her, the wall, just basking in her presence. The feel of her mussed up hair as it tickled my cheek. The smell of her subtle vanilla perfume mixed with her natural smell. I was so overwhelmed by the feelings of love I was experiencing that I wasn't capable of anything other than simply experiencing her. It was interesting, being the same height as her, compared to the few inches of height she had on me in Cora. It meant we could rest our heads ear to ear against each other.

A few moments and I stepped back, smiling happily at her. “Come through to the kitchen with me. I’m cooking dinner. Tell me what happened.”

I took her hand and laced our fingers together, not actually waiting for an answer.

“Okay,” she laughed, giving my hand a squeeze. She sounded a little different, giddy in that way that people are when they’ve handed in an assignment or something.

I pulled her through to the kitchen, the others not seeing us move past, and turned to kiss her again. Because apparently I could do that now. I liked kissing her outside the game as much as I liked kissing her inside the game, which was something I’d been worried about. That whole VR to real life problem that was the death of so many relationships. When we parted again, I was flushed, giggling, and very much still in love with her.

“You’re so cute,” she grinned, capturing my cheek in her hand and earning a kiss to her palm for it.

“So how come we’re allowed to um… I don’t know. What is this actually?” I asked, feeling a spike of fear as I put the question out in the air.

“I’d like to uh… be with you. Outside the game I guess, and inside it?” she asked shyly, chewing on her tongue and blushing a little.

I couldn't help another giddy laugh as I threw my arms around her neck again. "I'd love that! But what about your parents and Kristina and stuff?"

"Uh… that's a bit of a story," she said sheepishly, launching into a tale that got crazier and crazier as she spoke every word.

Holy crap, May had really outdone herself this time, but I was most proud of Dawn. Standing up to her parents, Kristina's parents and Kristina herself and telling them all to go fuck themselves… and it was for me! She got another long kiss of appreciation for that, although, did it count if I just wanted to keep kissing her anyway? Either way, she was mine now, and I'd fight anyone who tried to hurt her.

Mine. My girlfriend. Wait… what about her stuff?

"What about all your stuff?" I asked. "You said that those SAI got your stuff out?"

"Uh… yeah. They have it in crates in the SWAT helicopter outside," she laughed apprehensively.

"Oh um… I guess… uh…" It was my turn to blush now as I asked, "Would you like to move into my apartment then?"

"What about you?" she frowned, motioning to my parents' place.

"I'd come back with you…" I smiled, hoping against hope that she'd say yes.

Moving in together so quickly was a bit of a crazy move, especially considering how much I’d avoided that topic with Kristina, but I wanted it so badly. The idea of not waking up next to her was awful.

"That would be… stereotypically lesbian of us, but hell yes!" she grinned, squeezing me into another hug.

Yes! Yes! Yes! It was going to happen! I was going to get to cook her dinner at night and make her coffee in the morning. I was going to get to sneak up on her while she was doing something and kiss her silly, I was going to get to do so many things… Oh damn I loved her. Wait… dinner!

“Okay, okay. I need to make dinner now, let me go!” I giggled, wriggling in her arms.

“Oh, you want to get away already huh?” she asked, her voice going low and so, so hot.

She wrapped her arms around me tight, then picked me up and moved me to where I’d hung the apron and released me. “There you go.”

“Show off,” I laughed, turning and putting the apron on over my casual T-shirt and jeans. “I really, really need to fix this whole strength problem.”

“Sure… but until then, I get to do all sorts of fun things,” she grinned, taking a seat on a stool to watch.

“Only if you remember that I’m stronger than you inside Cora,” I grinned back. “Much, much stronger.”

Her cheeks flushed a little more at my words, and she nodded. “Point taken. I look forward to it.”

I started to prepare dinner as we continued to chat, adding ingredients for an extra person. We talked about our shared past and all the crazy stuff we’d gotten up to. We talked about how strange it felt for us both to be in this relationship in the first place, but how right it felt at the same time.

The craziest part was how we hadn’t felt like this the entire time we’d known each other. I looked at her now and I was astounded by how I could have ever felt anything other than love when I looked into the eyes of this incredible girl. I knew I was being a sap too, but fuck, if this was what being a sappy couple felt like, I wanted more.

Cooking dinner took longer than it should, between the constant stolen kisses and Dawn's overprotective attitude to my handling of knives. She watched me like a hawk as I chopped up the various ingredients, stating that my fingers were important to her.

Once the pie was in its dish and stashed away in the oven, I set a timer and turned back to her.

"You ready to go say hi to the others?" I asked, moving over to put my hands on her hips. Gosh she looked good in her suit.

“Yeah sure,” she smiled. “Who’s the others, though?”

“Uh, you’ll see. Come on,” I said, taking her back to the living room.

Both were on the same couch, although there was a bit of distance between them. They had a holo screen in front of them with a video paused on it, and April was waving her arms around excitedly and talking about a potion or something. She had her knees pulled up against her chest, making her seem even smaller, while Taylor was draped languidly across the corner of the sofa. She had a calm little smile on her face, and I couldn’t help being happy that she was happy.

I pulled Dawn behind me to one of the other couches and sat down, gaining the attention of the other two in the process.

Taylor raised her eyebrows at Dawn and asked, “Hey what’s up. Why the suit?”

“Came from some annoying rich person party,” Dawn shrugged, then pulled me in against her when I sat down. Oh I liked that. I tucked my feet under myself the way I’d always wanted to be able to do and leaned against her with a happy sigh.

Letting my head dip to rest on her shoulder, I spoke to the others, “Dinner’s in the oven and cooking. How are you going?”

“Gooooood,” Taylor said, drawing out the word while eyeing Dawn and I suspiciously.

I gave her a knowing grin and waited to see how long it would take her to ask. I could see her struggling to hold it in. Deciding to introduce them at last, I motioned to April.

"Dawn, this is April. She's Alchemilla in the game," I said, absently playing a finger across Dawn's thigh, then looked up at April. "And this is Dawn. She's… Aurora in the game."

"Wait! The Aurora? Like the girl you're always with? The one you… um… you know?" April asked, her face going red as she tried to ask her question.

"The one I've been very intimate with? Yeah," I grinned, enjoying teasing both the girls on the other couch as they tried to figure out if Dawn and I were together.

"Okay, okay… enough teasing, you little shit," Dawn chuckled, squeezing me affectionately for a moment. "Yes, we're together now."

"Yes!" Taylor exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. “Finally!”

“What do you mean, finally?” Dawn asked. “It’s been like 3 days.”

“Has it?” Taylor asked, a cheeky as fuck grin spreading over her face. “Felt like at least a few years to me.”

“Okay, no. You shut up right now,” I frowned. “That isn’t a rabbithole of thought I feel like going down.”

“Yeah um… anyway, nice to meet you, April. I’ve watched your stream a few times. Very cute,” Dawn said, shaking her head to clear it of Taylor’s teasing.

“O-oh! Thank you!” April smiled shyly, hiding her face behind her knees.

“You’re welcome,” Dawn smiled, then went quiet as she ran out of things to say.

Aw, my Dawn. She’d just tried to find words and do the whole conversation thing for one of my friends. Unfortunately, having two people who were shy try and talk was very quickly going to dissolve into awkward silence, so I guess it was my turn to start a conversation.

“So… what’s that?” I asked, pointing to the paused video that hung in midair.

“Oh!” April exclaimed excitedly, latching on to the new topic like a life raft. “That’s a video from one of my streams where I was testing this potion that makes the drinker’s skin turn really hard! I originally wanted it so I could pick some spiky plants, but i realised it might be useful for tanks too after I was talking to Taylor!”

We talked about April’s potions for a while, then went on to discuss the impending team up and how we might make that work. So far it was just the four of us as confirmed party members, and while April’s healing potions would be good, she wasn’t really enough to be a dedicated healer. We’d need a healer, and I brought up the idea of inviting Xethu to be our healer. She seemed to like us, so it might work.

It was up to me to get her, and Rusti on board for being a proper party. I seemed to be that one person who was the social glue for a group, which was fine with me. I liked having that position. I wasn't terribly book-smart, but I could definitely talk to people.

Dad arrived home soon after the pie came out of the oven, and I introduced him to April and told him about how Dawn and I were dating. He gave her a friendly little speech about looking after his daughter… the use of that word and the change in how he went about being protective of me giving me goosebumps of euphoria. I was totally Daddy's little girl.

Then dinner was over, and Dad was rushing off to his workshop muttering something about a project for, "the kid."

It was also time for April to head home.

"It was fun hanging out," Taylor said, pulling the smaller girl into a hug.

April had this habit, I'd noticed, where you could tell she wanted the hug, but felt too anxious to actually ask for it. That was where Taylor came in. She just pulled April into hugs regardless, and April would do the only thing her anxious little mind could do. She flopped into the embrace, allowing herself to be enveloped by Taylor and her stronger arms. It was incredibly cute, but also had me thinking about the sort of shit she'd been through to make her this way.

April did so now, falling into Taylor’s waiting arms, except this time she wrapped her own arms tightly around Taylor in turn. When Taylor went to end the hug though, April held on.

Taylor smiled indulgently a moment, and gave an extra squeeze. "Let's do this again sometime hey April?"

Rather than reply, April nodded, then all of a sudden she gave a choked sob and clutched at Taylor desperately for a second before slipping to the ground.

I was there in a moment, unable to stop myself from wanting to comfort her even though Taylor was already there. My twin and I knelt in unison next to the now crying girl, our hands moving to pull her into a kneeling twin hug.

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked soothingly, concern wrinkling her brows as we made eye contact over the top of April's head.

April didn't reply, so I did for her. "She's incredibly lonely. So lonely she's been killing herself in Cora just to go to the death dream and talk to the motherly sub AI that May uses for her."

"How... do you know that?" April asked through her tears.

"May was worried about you. I was worried about you," I told her, giving her a squeeze.

"If you don't want to go home, you don't have to," Taylor said softly, running her hand gently over April's head.

"What do you mean?" the crying girl asked.

"Stay here. You can sleep in my bed with me. Have a sleepover like we're kids," Taylor smiled, leaning back to wipe the tears from April's face with tender fingers.

Behind me, I heard Dawn give the barest snort. I agreed with my lover, I kinda hoped that their sleepover would end with them tangled together like ours had.

"Really," April asked in a whisper, staring hopefully into Taylor's eyes. "I don't want to be annoying though. I mean, I'm a wreck and you're being so kind… I already feel like I'm imposing because I barely know you and here you are… wiping the tears off my face."

"It's not a problem. Seriously, you're great fun to talk to, and I'm always up for making new friends. Plus…" Taylor said earnestly, then paused for a few heartbeats before saying quietly, "You're very pretty."

That was my cue to get up. I stood up, carefully and quietly as I could manage, and backed up until I was standing next to Dawn, who put an arm around me. We watched as April gaped at Taylor for several long moments, then blushed a deep, beetroot red.

Dipping her head and dropping the eye contact, April murmured, "Thank you. You're um, really pretty too."

"Thank you too," Taylor winked. "Want to go see my room?"

"U-um… yes," April nodded, her huge eyes seeming even bigger right now.

"Come on then," Taylor smiled, standing up and helping the smaller girl to her feet. To Dawn and I she said, "If I don't see you later, goodnight you two, and remember that the walls are thin!"

I gave my sister a small wave as she left with April, then turned to Dawn. “Want to go back to my apartment, store your stuff there so the SAI aren’t waiting around longer? I know you said they were content out there but it still feels a bit mean.”

“Yeah sure. Plus… your place is more... private,” she grinned.

“Yes, yes it is…” I said, biting my lip and grinning back.




Getting a lift over to my apartment in a SWAT copter was an interesting experience, made more interesting by the company we had. Meeting the two SAI was fun, they were both pretty cute in an odd, goofy way. Siyeapia was cool, I liked her a lot, and I was kinda impressed by her wanton destruction of Dawn’s parents house. Devvy was also cute, and I found out the poor stressed out little police SAI was just barely ten years old in subjective time. Siyeapia had taken him under her wing when she found the lost little kid getting yelled at by a human police officer.

As I opened the door to my apartment, I turned to the others and said, “Alright, none of you are allowed to judge the mess. I haven’t been in a great state recently and my apartment might have suffered a little.”

“I won’t judge,” Dawn said, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “But you’ve always been a mess. I know what to expect.”

“No, no… I mean that it’s messy by my standards, not by normal standards,” I laughed, letting them in.

Siyeapia was using a smaller loading bot now to move things in, and while she did that, I got to work cleaning up the bedroom. Dawn cleared room in my living room for all her stuff until we could sort everything out, and Devvy made sure no one tried to steal any of the stuff. There was one particularly annoying drunk dude who turned up and thought the armed guards were a joke or something, and found himself hit by a stun round.

It didn’t take long in the end though, the hardest thing to move being Dawn’s pod, which was… an incredibly nice one. I was totally jealous. It went right beside mine in the cramped pod room, and I couldn’t help but feel a little fluttery bubble of happiness well up inside me as I stared at the two devices sitting next to each other.

It was hitting me in waves, the fact that I was both in a relationship with Dawn now, and that she was moving in with me. Contrary to when Kristina had asked about moving in together — over and over — I was beyond giddy with happiness about this arrangement.

I wasn’t able to parse what was different this time, but my feelings felt amplified a thousand fold compared to the ones I’d had for my ex. Was it the fact that I was able to be a girl in a relationship now, or was it specifically the fact that I was a girl in a lesbian relationship? I had no idea. I didn’t think I was very interested in men or male masculinity, so it was kind of a moot point, but still.

“Wow,” Dawn said, watching me put fresh sheets on the bed. “None of this is useful to you now is it? Like, the flannel might be good for me, with my wider shoulders, but even then it will be more useful as jackets than simple shirts. On you though? You’re way too small for this stuff.”

“Not the T-shirts I’m not,” I grinned, pointing to a stack of them I’d set out. “Aren’t you looking forward to waking up to me making you coffee in nothing but one of those shirts?”

Dawn’s lips parted slightly and she exhaled softly, looking at the shirts I’d indicated. “Yeah… wow.”

I gave her a smug smile and brushed past her. “I’m going to say goodbye to the bots. Make yourself at home.”

I left the room to do as I’d said, making sure to thank both of the SAI over and over for their help today. Things would have gone significantly worse for Dawn and I if it hadn’t been for their intervention. So far, SAIs were seeming to be better people on average than any human. Not that it was a high bar to clear most of the time unfortunately.

When I got back inside, Dawn was sitting on the freshly made bed just looking around at my mess. She seemed pensive when I sat down next to her, and I raised an eyebrow in question when she smiled at me.

“Just thinking about you. The past you, that is. You’re so different now that you’re Tami, but you also aren’t different at all. You still live life in the moment, you’re still overly excited by random things. You’re still loyal and friendly and good with people… but I can’t help but see all the differences in the details,” she said, taking my hand in hers and turning it over to stare at it. Her hand was bigger than mine now. Not by much, but it was there.

“I know what you mean,” I sighed thoughtfully. “I move differently, for one, but that might just be the different body. Did you know that you have to walk with an entirely different gait when your hips are this wide and angled differently? But like… I don’t know how to describe the personality stuff. I still feel like me, but it’s the me that no one else has seen. At least, no one else until you had your sword in my face.”

She grinned at that and glanced away, looking slightly embarrassed. “That was pretty funny. Fuck… that fight though. Did you even realise how flustered you made me when you crushed that spider between your fucking thighs? Wow!”

“Nope!” I giggled. “I thought I’d weirded you out.”

“No, I weirded myself out by getting turned on watching a girl in a skimpy dress crush spiders between her thighs, then watching the goo drip down them. Fuck, I’m getting a reaction just remembering it…” she breathed, running her free hand through her hair.

“And then the Inn. Darbs or something,” I grinned, enjoying the way she was getting all bashful about our early interactions. “Damn, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. Couldn’t keep my eyes off your eyes. They’re the same by the way, inside and out of Cora. They move the same way, smile the same way… eye fuck me the same way.”

“Oh yeah! How could I forget the eye contact!” she laughed turning back to me with a grin. “The way you were staring at me with like… raw desire. There wasn’t any subtlety in the looks you were giving me, none at all.”

“I’m not a terribly subtle person when it comes to emotions am I?” I laughed, leaning my head on her shoulder. “All or nothing. Hiding how I feel isn’t an option.”

“Not at all, which is why it’s so nice to be with you,” she murmured, taking my head in her hands and giving me a soft, warm kiss. “I can tell when I’m making you happy because it’s written all over you, from head to toe, and it’s wonderful to see.”

“You’re wonderful to see in general,” I mumbled, kissing her back lightly.

“Sap,” she laughed softly.

I hummed agreement and deepened our kisses into a proper one, pulling her down to lay on the bed properly. My hands were in her hair again, because I loved how soft and gorgeous it felt as it trailed between my fingers. She was incredible. I was kissing an amazing girl, but not just any girl. She was Dawn and she loved me. She loved me. I loved her back.

I gave a quiet groan of approval when her tongue skipped lightly across my lower lip, and wrapped a leg back around her to pull her against me. She responded by breaking the kiss and pulling me up properly onto the bed, then captured my lips again almost desperately. My heart was full and hammering as I felt her hunger for me in every little action she made.

I tugged absently at her shirt, untucking it and then slipping my hand beneath to draw little circles on the gently curving muscles of her back. I loved her soft skin, her incredible warmth, her beautiful heart. A little gasp and a tremor went through her at the touch to her back, and she shifted suddenly so that she was on top of me, pressing me into the mattress with her once again urgent lips. That growl… I guess that was a thing she liked!

I was breathless and insistent as I kept picking at her outfit, undressing her one inch at a time whenever I could get the leverage. I needed to feel more of her against me. More skin, more places to worship and touch. Fuck I’d been waiting so long for this. We’d both been waiting, but how long, neither of us knew.

Parting from the kiss for a jarring moment, she marvelled at me, her dark eyes searching mine with careful softness. "How is your bottom lip so big? It doesn't look nearly as big as it feels, and it already looks huge. I just want to bite it!"

"You can bite it," I murmured nipping at her bottom lip teasingly to show her.

She did, a soft nibble that sent breathless sparks of warmth down my spine to pool directly in my center. That did it, I was done with the whole clothes thing. I pushed her off me and into a sitting position, earning a wide eyed look from those warm brown eyes of hers, and yanked and pulled at her shirt and jacket until she gave in and took it all off.

Her breasts were cupped in a pretty red lace bra that drew attention to her tanned skin in a way that demanded my lips. I kissed, nipped and licked at the skin of her breasts for several moments, just enjoying the feel of finally getting to touch her bare skin. I felt heady and dizzy as feelings of lust and love crashed together and merged into something greater than either, filling my body with so much exquisite emotion I was no longer fully in control.

With the same insistent need that I’d displayed in getting her topless, she pulled my T-shirt over my head to reveal my own plain grey bra that I’d been wearing. She wasn’t content with just that much though, and was quickly and gently reaching around me to unhook it, giving me a playful kiss to my neck in the process.

That playful kiss turned into something more as she realised that my neck was exactly where her lips were meant to be. She was totally right. I groaned as shivers of anticipatory delight pulsed through and pulled her closer. My hands were once again exploring the smooth skin of her back with as much care as I could manage. This woman… Dawn. I was overwhelmed.

How had I gone almost my whole life without wanting her? How had I gone almost my whole life without needing her like this? Dawn, the girl I’d first met at primary school as we sat next to each other and laughed at how we had put pencils up our noses. It was wild to think about ending up here, if you looked from back then into the future, but it was also inevitable once you took one simple fact into account. I was a girl.

If I’d been a girl from the start, like May had said I should have been, then high school might have been a very different experience. I couldn’t help but hope that we’d have found each other down that path as well. Because I couldn’t imagine a life going forward without Dawn’s warm, soft lips trailing worship down my skin.

When her tongue finally found my nipple, I sighed with such aching delight that tears sprung into the corners of my eyes. Any feeling of pleasure I felt was being caught and accelerated in much the same way that I had been when I was fired out of one of the Ranburu’s cannons. The sensation was charged and electrified, but also softened and raised into a warm feeling that I was quickly going to become addicted to. Sex was great… but making love, well making love had my mind stratospheric.

I couldn’t let her have all the fun though.

I slipped a cheeky hand between us and began to trace teasing circles across her thighs, the patterns becoming erratic and unthinking with each nip and suck she gave to my nipples. I could feel her lips smiling against the skin of my breasts as she felt my reaction to each new spark of urgent pleasure she delivered. It made my fingers feel just that much more needy in the quest to get a similar reaction from her.

“I want you naked. Fully naked,” I panted through the adoring fog of love that clouded my mind.

“Yes ma’am, but only if you do the same,” she chuckled, the husky murmur sending more warmth to my core, just as if she’d kissed me.

I did as she’s asked, using shaking hands to unbutton my jeans and kick them and my underwear off. She did the same, getting off the bed for a moment to deal with those tight pants I’d been staring at all night. Then, they were off, and so were the red panties that matched her bra.

I laid back and watched with wide eyed awe as I finally saw her. She was gorgeous, her body a mix of feminine curves and underlying toned muscle that was delicious and intoxicating to behold. My eyes followed her tanned skin as it rose and fell across the dips and curves of her body and I had to make an attempt at a calming breath just to focus on the task at hand.

Her body had touches of Rora all through it too, I noticed as she climbed back onto the bed. Rather, her Rora body had touches of her Dawn body, and it did strange things to my mind for a moment. Deja vu flickering on and off for as it tried to parse the two. With a touch though, her hand trailing from ankle upwards, all considerations of the similarities and differences between the two bodies were gone.

I felt like I was being lifted off the bed slightly as her fingers neared my center, the tiny friction of her trailing fingertips feeling like so much more as I shivered in anticipation. When they finally brushed against my outer folds, I gave an unintelligible gasping plea.

“What’s that, my love?” she asked, settling on the bed beside me, just gently resting her fingertip on me.

“Inside,” was the only gasping word I could manage, too turned on to think of anything other than wanting her.

"A-are you sure? The last time… I don't want to hurt or upset you," she murmured worriedly.

"That was different… please, I need to feel you," I moaned gazing pleadingly into her loving eyes.

She nodded, and I watched as she took a deep breath, her eyes going down to watch. I closed my eyes to feel.

She didn't give me what I wanted, not immediately, and I squirmed in frustration for a second before her fingers began to play among my wetness. Not inside, like I'd asked, but that was to be expected, and I welcomed the build up. The climb of delight and love she was about to perform. Her fingers moved and danced, and my mind danced along with them as the pleasure she invoked pulled the strings.

Eyes and mouth fluttered open with a gasp as she grazed the hood of my aching nub with a finger, and I looked over to find her eyes searching my face for every flicker of reaction. They settled into my gaze when she saw my eyes were open, and I felt my lungs swell, almost full with the shared love that was so potent between us. Every movement, every shift of weight and every searing look was laced with an undercurrent of affection and devotion that had me wanting rings and vows already.

Then she slipped a finger inside, my center so wet with need for her that it was almost effortless. My arms went around her neck in an instant and I clung to her with shaking limbs. Oh my god.

"Are you okay?" she asked, nervous worry in her voice.

"Yes! More," I begged, my voice trembling with intensity and anticipation.

This was something bigger than simple sex for me. It was about a part of sex that I had always wanted and feared in equal measure. Dawn had proven to me that I enjoyed so much else about pleasure as a woman, but this was something new. Untrodden territory and so utterly at odds with everything I'd known.

Her finger was only an inch or so inside, but already it felt like I was full. Then she went further, and I gasped again, my arms going tight as I held on. Further and fuller she went, until she ran out of finger, and my mind was a short circuiting mess. If I'd been in Cora, I was sure that I would have been throwing sparks quite literally. I was so close, so heart stoppingly close. Why was she pausing? Damn it Dawn, do something!

"You like it?" she asked teasingly, giving her finger an experimental flex and earning another stuttering moan from me.

"It's different, I… I think I like it. No more and n-no less than everything else you’ve shown me so far, but I definitely l-like it,” I mumbled with baited breath, my heart and core throbbing in time as I waited for her to take me further.

“So... if I do this…?” she chuckled almost evilly, bringing her thumb in and pressing down gently against the rest of my center.

I jerked and nodded, failing to get the word yes out because she’d just taken all the air in my lungs. Her eyes danced with mirth as she began again, giving broad, gentle strokes with her thumb even as her finger moved sensuously inside me. The combination had my back arching as brilliant sparks of delight rushed through me, playing havoc with every nerve in my body. I loved this woman. I loved her. I loved her.

“Dawn!” I cried, gasping and moaned in the same breath. “I love you! Dawn!”

Slipping her head between my arms, she gave a playful flick of her tongue against my nipple and there I went. My body bucking and my voice crying out in ecstasy was the last thing I was conscious of before I rode a wave of lightning and love so immense and profound I swear my mind left my body for a moment. Then another wave rushed through me, and another, and another. Somewhere in the universe, a hand, a tongue, and a beautiful mind were all still at work on me.

As I came down slowly, and Dawn withdrew her finger from within me, I became aware of the fact I had my teeth in her shoulder. I hadn’t broken skin, but that must be hurting! I pulled my teeth away and blinked a dazed smile into her gorgeous, loving eyes.

“What was that?” I asked, my voice feeling rough like I’d just been screaming… which was more than likely. Wow, that was almost embarrassing.

“That... was me loving you,” she smiled softly, settling her head down on the pillow to watch me. “Was it nice?”

“Is that a rhetorical question?” I giggled, staring into her warm loving eyes. “I think you like, partially knocked me out there.”

“That’s a yes then? Fuck, you were so beautiful just now. I think I’m going to remember that image until the end of time. I love you so much Tami Heaton,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.

I pulled her against me, kissing her tenderly for a moment, before I mumbled into the kiss. “I love you too Dawn. I love you too, and I’m going to show you just how much in a moment.”

The End of Trouble With Horns, Book 1.


Hello everyone, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this story, you might enjoy my other ones! Check out my profile and click on the "series" tab to find more!

If that doesn't satisfy you, I also have a number of patreon exclusive stories. Here's a link to my patreon and some descriptions of the stories you can find there.

Digital Galaxies: Set in the troubleverse, one year after Trouble with Horns began. Kicked out of home for being a failure, Clay only has his online friends to turn to. Barely finished moving in with them, they all decide to escape from reality for a while by diving into the newest Sci-fi VRMMO, Digital Galaxies. For some strange reason, Clay feels drawn to playing as a small fox girl, rather than the guy his friends expect. Follow the adventures of a small but plucky crew of 8 as they careen around the galaxy getting up to all sorts of shenanigans.

College Steps: Story about a trans girl called Glade navigating her way through college life, a gay awakening and a rivalry with a really cute girl. Also her roommate is crazy.

Esmie the Calamity: A troubleverse story about two friends making a let's play in CORA. Very very goofy story, please don't take it seriously O.O

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