Triple Strength

9. Mother’s Tusks: Wiremu

9. Mother’s Tusks: Wiremu

“Greetings,” I reply. “Wiremu Hunter and Pip,” I introduce myself. I would have preferred to keep Pip hidden, but it is too late for that now.

“I am Branik of the Mother’s Tusks, this is Kopje and Smeška,” she indicated the spearmen in turn. Both Kopje and Smeška were thinner wiry Orcs in a combination of leather and chainmail. All their equipment was well maintained and in good condition. Smeška gave me a big wide grin, showing a lot of teeth. I didn’t know if that was a friendly gesture like humans do, or a threat.

“What brings you to this place, Wiremu Hunter?” She asked.

“Running, mostly. From them.” I pointed to the Imperials.

She nodded as if that made sense. “You are lacking in equipment” she stated the obvious. “You are entitled to a share of the loot. There will be a camp nearby.”

“Thanks,” I said, “the camp is that way.” I pointed. “There are two slaves there.”

“Are you a slave owner, Wiremu Hunter?” She was looking at me intently.

“No, the reason I was running was to avoid becoming a slave.” I replied.

“Hmmph.” she grunted and nodded to Kopje. He headed toward the camp.

A tall thin Elf approached and got Branik’s attention. “We will need you to help fix the wagon.” he instructed in a nasally tone that really grated on me.

Branik stared at him a moment, with her arms crossed. You could see his resolve wilting and I am sure she was not using any Skills. Then she stated, “The warriors will check for further threats and equipment. You no longer have the personnel for six wagons. We will be moving ahead with only the five.”

“But my contract ….” his words petered out under her stare.

“I strongly suggest you get any valuable cargo moved to one of the good wagons, Masnachwr, before we get replacement horses attached.” She looked at me. “Do you want a job, Wiremu Hunter?”

“Yes.” I replied quickly. Truth Sensing was giving me a very strong positive vibe from Branik and a very strong ‘be wary’ vibe from the elf.

The Elf’s protests were silenced by a look from Branik and she said, “Follow me.” She started walking off. “I suggest you hurry Masnachwr as we are moving as soon as possible.”

I followed. The Elf walked back to the non-combatants and started yelling instructions.

Once we were away, she turned to me. “You have just been hired by the Mother’s Tusk Mercenaries and we have standards.” She looked me up and down. “Which you don’t currently meet.” She declared. “What are your classes and skills?”

“I originally trained as a Hunter, so Traps, Bow and Small blades. I was recently a Quarry Worker, so I am strong and journeyman level Hammer skill. But if I ever see another hammer it will be too soon. Journeyman Stealth and beginner Far sight, Spear, Unarmed Combat and Throwing Weapons.” I decided I would not tell her about the Hearing Aid, Affinity or the Spy Class. She already knew about Pip.

“You work for me.” She declared. “Kopje is second in command, then Smeška. You don’t take orders from anyone else. What we need is someone to scout. Is that a job you could do, Wiremu Hunter?”

“Yes, I think so. Please just call me Wiremu. I have not done it before, but a lot of my hunter skills will be useful there.” I answered.

“Then you need to be light and fast.” she declared. “We will find some leather armour and ranged weapons. Keep the bow, we will find more arrows. The Dwarf there was a guard. He had a set of throwing knives. If you find them you may keep them. You will practise every night, both bow and Throwing weapons.” She paused and glared at me. “You will not use Throwing Weapons in a fight until it is at least Apprentice level.” I nodded. She continued, “The Mothers Tusks spar every morning, both unarmed and primary melee weapon. No mercenary should have Unarmed Combat at less than Apprentice Level and Primary Weapon at journeyman level. Your Primary melee weapon will probably be either Small Blades or Spear, but probably Small Blades so it doesn’t interfere with the bow. We will try you with both and see. Do you have a preference?”

“I am more familiar with Small Blades, but I am open to options and guidance. I am not used to fighting people, I am used to hunting beasts” I replied.

“At least you recognise the difference.” she said. She looked at the two utility knives in my belt. “We will also need to get you some decent small blades,” she stated. “You start with the Dwarf, he also had some decent knives. All coins get pooled and divided up. One share each and Two shares to the Mothers Tusks. I see you have already acquired a purse.” She was sharp, “As it was acquired before you joined you may keep it. All further coin will be shared.“ She said sternly. “We don’t have time for a full strip so we only want useful equipment and potions this time.” She waved me off to get started, while she started on the Lieutenant.

The Dwarf had two good fighting knives with sheaths and belt and a bandolier with pockets for six throwing knives, three of which were empty. I knew where one knife was. There was no way his armour would fit me, but I did grab his coat as it had deep pockets I could keep things in, like his coin purse. The next body must have been a general worker as there was nothing but a few coins. The next body was an imperial and he had a short sword and two potions I didn't recognise. Into the pockets they went. I stripped his chainmail off as it is valuable, but while his Armour would have fitted I was not going to risk being mistaken for an Imperial, or be so obvious I would be accused of killing one. The archer I killed was next and I emptied her quiver into mine. Her bow was the same as mine but she did have some spare bow strings. She also had two potions, one the same as the other imperial and one different. I am thinking these potions were part of the standard equipment for imperials. The archer I first looted had similar potions and spare string. I found two of the three missing throwing knives there.

I had a bunch of chainmail and four short swords over my shoulder and full pockets when Branik called me over to one of the wagons. She indicated for me to put the loot into a large chest. The chest had a stylised image of a bust of a large breasted female Orc with impressive Tusks. I guess this was our symbol. I put the coat with the full pockets in as well. It would all be sorted later. I kept the war knives and throwing knives. Kopje had come back with the six horses that had been in the Camp and the two slaves and was in a heated discussion with Masnachwr.

I used Identify on the slaves and as I suspected the slave bond was not active, with the death of the Imperials. The slaves were still glassy eyed and more listless than usual. I Identified Masnachwr while I was there and he came back with Level 9 Merchant, but I got the strong impression of another class also being there, similar to Thief, but not the same. Definitely something shady. This was expected of course, from somebody running a caravan in Imperial territory, but willing to fight Imperials. Or get his guards to fight them anyway. My top pick was smuggler. I hoped he realised the whole caravan would have been lost without the Mothers Tusks, an idiot Imperial commander and me.

Branik told me to go with Smeška and we headed back towards the imperial camp with an empty pack each. Smeška was a cheerful, chatty guy. When we got to the camp we went from tent to tent getting anything that might be valuable. There actually wasn’t a lot. I think Smeška found more in the Lieutenants tent. We also collected any food that would last. Smeška made me keep a second canteen. On the way back I detoured to pick up the small pack I had stashed in the grass, when I decided to get involved in the fight.

When we got back to the wagons the horses were hitched. Only two of the imperial horses were needed and the remaining four were tied to the last wagon. The Slaves were working transfering some final goods from the damaged wagon and there were some crates unloaded beside the road obviously discarded to make room for more valuable goods. Branik was very keen to be moving and was pushing everything along. I Identified the slaves and their bond was active again and lead to Masnachwr. I wasn’t sure what to think about that.

Branik called me over. “Wiremu, we are heading down the east road there. We will be travelling as fast as these wagons can manage, and we won’t be stopping till nightfall. Do you know any scouting signs?” I shook my head. “This is the all clear sign,” she drew in the dirt. “I expect to see this about 2-3 kilometres. If I don’t see one for five kilometres I will assume something has happened to you and there is danger. This is the warning sign. The direction of the symbol is the direction of the danger. If I see this Kopje or Smeška will come and investigate. Anything else you will need to come back and report. Do you know the Riding skill?”

“No,” I replied.

“On foot is better for now. Kopje will be watching the rear for any pursuit. You will need to watch the road and both sides. Once we are away from here we will get you the Riding Skill on one of those horses as there are times we might need to make a fast getaway.” I nodded. “Does the snake need anything?”

“No, he is fine.”

“Good. I am pretty sure Masnachwr didn’t see him. It might be handy to keep him hidden, in case we need an edge.”

I nodded again. “OK, I had best head off then.”

“Get some rations to take, and fill your canteens from the barrel before you go. If all goes well I will see you around dusk. Part of your job is to identify a good campsite. Obviously near water if possible and out of sight of the road. We will fill barrels when we cross a stream so water is preferred, but not essential. If there is fresh game when we meet, the Mothers Tusks will be appreciative. Orcs get grumpy without meat in their diet, but we get grumpier if we are surprised by danger. Don’t let it distract you from your job. We will discuss more tonight.”

I nodded and headed to the water barrel and sorted my small backpack. I never did find that sixth throwing knife or armour. I certainly understood the urgency to get moving.

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