Triple Strength

67. The Carter Identity: Tabitha

67. The Carter Identity: Tabitha

I am sure there is a lot more to what happened than the bare bones information Wiremu found out. It is time to make my own inquiries. It is also time to activate my new identity. I had purchased a Kirghiz identity in Jern and set up separate accounts with the Kirghiz Treasury. I was planning to become a member of the Mercenary Guild under that identity here in Hrothgar where I wasn’t known. I was planning to use it for my clandestine activities to separate them from the Elemental Traders. With the Anti-Empire sentiment growing I might have to switch them around. I had chosen a single name in typical Kirghiz style, Skygge.

Tabitha Carter was already known as a Thief in Jern and had access to non-public jobs. If I transfer Elemental Traders to Skygge this should facilitate working in Kirghiz. I will need to convince Wiremu to get a Kirghiz identity as well. We should have done that at the start. Luckily money was no object as these things were expensive. The hardest part is finding the right contacts, I never thought I would miss Vesle. Meanwhile, all the blame for Tabitha’s thieving can be put onto the Empire. “Oh, you were robbed by that Tabitha Carter Thief? Did you know she’s a bloody Imperial?” It was supposed to be the other way around but that won’t work now. I guess I have really left my home country behind.

I need to register Skygge with the Merchant Guild and then with the Mercenary Guild, but not as a mercenary, as a trader and be able to post jobs and sell to mercenaries in their trading hall. That is a lot to do today but the sooner the Elemental Traders are separated from the Carter identity the better.

I checked with Wiremu before I left and he chose the name Sten. Ört and Kryddor were there so I brought them up to speed so they could pass on the information. We might need backup tonight. It is unlikely, but it is best to be prepared. Ört knew how to contact the others. Modrica and I left for a very busy day.

Having Modrica with me helped me in getting information. She was huge and towered over everybody. The wound had healed and she had some sight back in the eye, but she was left with this massive scar right down her face including the eye and still missing tusk. She was very intimidating. She was also an Orc, so it wasn't so hard finding information about an Orc mercenary company with the backing of an intimidating Orc.

The disagreement with the Bounty Hunters was much more than a local brawl. It was a full-on street battle that the Army had to come and break up. Two of the Bounty Hunters had affinities and the other two had bonds. It was not clear how it started but when it hit the streets the building the Mother’s Tusks used as a headquarters was ablaze. Apparently, a Bounty Hunter and her wolf bond died along with a Water Affinity Hunter. There was a hawk diving them which was assumed as a bond for one of the others and there appeared to be an affinity which could melt rock. The Mother’s Tusks headquarters wasn’t just fire damaged, part of a stone wall was melted.

There was a big political argument happening afterwards with accusations being thrown between the Empire and the Kingdom. This was an Empire-sponsored Team and they did not like losing an Affinity user. They were demanding the Mother’s Tusks be handed over to face justice.

The Kingdom was responding and wanting compensation for the destruction of property and the unnecessary deaths of three upstanding citizens by incompetent Bounty Hunters who couldn’t even locate the right target. Border tensions were rising. I could see it was not a good time for the Kingdom to have 800 plus troops and three affinity users stationed three weeks away dealing with the Goblin Horde.

I registered as Skygge with the Merchants Guild as an owner for Elemental Traders. I also registered as a Trader with the Mercenary Guild. There were some documents that will need altering when we get back to Jern and once I get Wiremu’s new ID. I got a lead on a contact to get a new ID for Wiremu, but these things don’t happen overnight.

It is nearing the time for the meeting. Skavt insisted on joining us and the other Canine Queens will be nearby. I really needed someone to watch the outside of The Sweet Drinks Tavern but Wiremu is the only one, stealthy and observant enough and I don’t think it is a good idea for him to be nearby yet. Nyx can tell me where people are but identifying actions and who might be looking is way beyond her capabilities. She is totally alien in her outlook, mostly just identifying threats and meals.

The evening crowd in the Tavern seemed normal and semi-boisterous. There was a group of Dwarves celebrating on one side and a drunk elf at the bar arguing with the Orc bartender. I saw Ört at the bar, but there was no sign of Kryddor or the twins. It was about three-quarters full so we got a table with a view of the door and the back exit. I sat with my back to the door because it made no difference to my senses and it meant whoever came in looking for me would need to spend some time looking. Skavt sat opposite and Modrica at the end. There were three other seats at the table, one each next to me and Skavt and one at the end.

Shortly after the appointed time three heavily armed Orcs and a human entered the Tavern. I recognised Branik and Kopje and I signalled Skavt and Modrica that this was them. They immediately stood and locked eyes with the newcomers. I remember Branik being big and towering over me. Modrica still topped her in height and build. I rose as well after the others and turned to face them. They were heading over and people were actively getting out of their way.

“Branik, Kopje,” I greet them.

“Tabitha,” She responded. “I see you finally made it. You've grown.”

She wasn’t talking physically. “This is Modrica and Skavt.” I introduced them.

“Mercenaries?” she asked. Skavt nodded, but Modrica just curled up a lip and gave one of her deep guttural growls only Orcs could do, obviously denying it. It did nothing to lower the tension, in fact possibly the opposite.

“This is Hitro, a co-owner of the Mothers Tusks,” she indicated to the male Orc next to her and then indicated toward the male human, “Spionera, of the Royal Army.”

That didn’t do anything to lower the tension either. Hitro had a strong athletic build. Obviously very competent with specialisations in Sword and Bounty Hunter and that was all I could read. Spionera’s Status was unreadable, just like the drunk elf at the bar and one of the Dwarves celebrating.

“Come and have a seat. We heard about Smeška. That is very sad news, he was a great guy.” I started the conversation.

“He was,” Branik said. “He was also Hitro’s brother.”

Skavt said something in Orcish and Hitro replied. I really need to learn that language. Branik, Kopje and Spionera took seats. We all sat except Hitro who stayed standing.

“The message said it was from Warren?” Kopje asked.

“My adopted brother.” I replied. I was very conscious we were in a public place.

He nodded.

Spionara spoke, “We would like to speak to your brother, as there is a large diplomatic incident around some recent events of which he was the target.”

“We have recently become aware of that. It would depend on the nature of that conversation. All my brother has ever wanted to do was to be left alone to hunt and fish. The Empire wouldn’t let him do that. It is sounding like the Kingdom won’t either.” I replied.

Spionara replied, “It was a very strong Bounty Hunter team that was sent from the Empire. Coupled with some reports coming in from Jern concerning a Hunter with a certain unusual bond single-handedly taking down three Shamans. The report is unclear whether he may or may not have an affinity. Match that with an earlier report from a Scout with the Jern Guard about a Hunter with the same bond and his sister showing some very unusual Skills in a scouting contract. You can see where we would like a discussion about avoiding further diplomatic incidents and perhaps help in resolving this one.”

“Do you get reports from the Guard as well as the Army?” I queried.

“All reports of interesting Skills and events come to us so we can keep an eye on things.” He said.

Shit, he wasn’t just Royal Army, he was Royal Army Intelligence. And quite high up as well I would expect.

“We came to meet Branik and Kopje and are just passing through.” I then turned to Branik, “You brought him for a reason?”

“Several. If this was a trap he could hopefully defuse it without levelling the building. The Mother’s Tusks are currently on contract with the Royal Army. The Army requested to be here. Apparently, they tracked your brother to an Inn yesterday but he wasn’t there when they went to meet him for breakfast.” She had a small grin when she said that.

“What about us?” I asked Branik. “Where do my brother and I stand with the Mother’s Tusks?”

“There has been a lot of trouble surrounding him. As far as we are aware it has all been initiated by the Empire. The Mother’s Tusks are grateful for both of your actions last Spring. Having said that we cannot currently pay you your share as we have had significant extra expenses. To counter affinity users we needed enchanted equipment.”

“We are not in need of the coin. Consider it a donation to the Tusks, including the beast core share.” I responded.

“That is very generous,” Hitro said.

“Is there somewhere private we can talk to you and your brother?” Spionara said, glancing at Skavt and Modrica as well as the surroundings.

“More private than this? Yes. In private? No. Modrica works for me and me alone. Skavt leads the Mercenary group the Canine Queens of which my brother is a permanent member.” That got some surprised looks.

“We can use the Mother’s Tusks headquarters. Repairs are almost complete.” Branik offered.

“That works for us, tomorrow midday?” I said.

It was agreed and Spionara took his leave. I noticed the Elf was still there and probably listening to everything we said.

“Now that the obvious influence has gone, how good are we with the Mother’s Tusks?” I asked Branik and Hitro.

Branik replied, “You both were making considerable progress when we parted and if the reports are even close to true I would be looking to recruit. I see I have been beaten to it.” She nodded to Skavt. “You didn’t mention anything about yourself and a Mercenary team?”

“I am sticking to being a Merchant for now. It suits me better.” I said that mainly for our extra ears. “I might be open to a supply contract, although it is going to take a while before I have permanent offices.”

“We have established supply contracts in place. We are in need of more enchanted or Spiritually enhanced equipment if you have access to any. Or better yet an Enchanter,” she said.

“There is an auction in Jern in about two months with a lot of Spiritually Enhanced materials. I don’t have access to crafters for them nor to an Enchanter at this point. We are planning to be back in Jern for the auction so I can bid on material if your current suppliers have access to crafters. Just get me a list of what you need.” I replied.

“There are a lot of Merchants and Crafters heading there, despite the Goblins. I will let you know. We will catch up tomorrow in a less public area.” Branik concluded the conversation. Kopje and Skavt exchanged a few words in Orcish, Branik spoke to Modrica in Orcish but only got a nod in response, and they departed.

Now the question was, do we mind being followed back to our actual Inn? The Army will find us in due course anyway. The main question was, who else might be following us?

“Let's go with Plan B.” I said loud enough for Ört to hear. Plan A was us just heading back to the Inn and that was never going to happen. In plan B Skavt will take a different route to Modrica but the routes were close to each other and I would disappear to check both for tails. Ört would watch to see who left after us.

We all got up and Skavt went to the front entrance and Modrica and I went to the back. I disappeared into the shadows as soon as we left the light and she meandered along her route in the centre of the street. There was a watcher on each door and I left them unconscious in an alley, after taking the few valuables they had. I kept diligent watch the whole way in case there were sneakier people around. The twins would escort Ört back later. Because of the surprise about the Canine Queens, I figured they were still unknown. I kept watching outside the Hrano Inn till they returned in case. Clear for another night, probably our last. We updated Wiremu and bunked down wondering what the Army wanted. At least they weren’t trying to detain us, yet. No doubt there would be pressure to get whatever they wanted. I hope they didn’t want to sacrifice us to the Empire. It didn’t seem so, but you never know.

I dressed up as a junior apprentice running errands and left early using my mimic ability. I circled the Mothers Tusks headquarters which was a small workshop-type building with upstairs accommodation, a typical building in the tradesman district. The rear yard was set up as a small training and sparring area and I would find out what was inside in due course. The building was made of stone and there was evidence of new stone work on the front wall. It was solid, but not finished.

As of mid-morning, there were three watchers that I could see, one of whom I knocked out the night before. Once we went in there I could not see how we could get out without being tailed, therefore we need to prepare for our location to be known. Wiremu was spending the morning setting up some warning traps on our floor of the Hrano. I switched disguises and Mimicked a Housewife out shopping and thought I might have spotted a fourth watcher. I wasn’t so sure about that one. The housewife wearily took the shopping back to the Hrano and then I got changed. Showtime.

Wiremu was dressed very similarly to the first day he made enquiries. I dressed more as a merchant as I had publicly stated that was what I was last night at the Tavern. The Canine Queens were dressed in mercenary smart, but prepped for a fight, except for Kryddor who just lounged with his tongue out as normal. We formed up and walked to the Mothers Tusk’s headquarters.

We got there a few minutes late and Branik showed me in. The front part of the building which would have been a shop section was fitted out to be a lounge and meeting area. Kopje and Hitro were there with Spionera, two human soldiers and the Dwarf from the tavern. Spionera did not introduce any of them.

Spionara started, “As you are aware the Empire is making a big fuss over the loss of two of their Bounty Hunters, supposedly here on a legitimate Mercenary Guild Contract. What you are probably not aware of is that this is only the latest in a long line of incidents and incursions that have happened in the last year or so. The loss of an affinity user is a big loss. There might be only one person in ten thousand who will awaken an affinity. What we see now is an opportunity to put a stop to them and hopefully clean this city of some of the agents here.”

“Go on,” Wiremu said.

“What we would like to do is talk you, Warren Carter, up as the saviour of Jern and hold a big banquet and award Ceremony with honorary citizenship of the Kirghiz Kingdom.”

“So you want us to be the bait in a trap,” I said.

“Yes and no,” he replied. “While we acknowledge you have a lot of Skills, you don’t know our teams or codes and to be quite frank we consider that you would be too unpredictable to do what we see as necessary.” That got a few raised eyebrows from Branik and Kopje and a few knowing smiles from the Canine Queens. He continued, “What we want to do is substitute two of our own to play the Carter siblings, and we would rather you were a long way away and in fact never use that identity again.”

“That is my birth identity,” I said. “What do we get in exchange?”

“We would obviously set you up with new authentic Kirghiz Kingdom citizenship.” When he saw my frown at the obvious inadequacy of the compensation he continued, “You are a Merchant, we can set you up with a job or government contracts if you prefer. These would be in the capitol or one of the other cities, as we want you to stay well away from here or Jern.”

“That might be Ok for me, but what about Warren?” They had not made the connection to the Elemental Traders, so that was good.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“A chicken farm near some good fishing spots.” Wiremu replied, getting some confused looks. Then he smiled, “Just kidding, sort of. Tabitha is the wizard with coins between us so she will negotiate for both of us.”

“Very well, while Tabitha and I discuss this, can you please relate your experiences with the Goblins, starting with your first discovery of them? These two,” He indicated the human, male and female soldiers, “will need to be able to retell the stories with as few verifiable errors as possible.”

Wiremu sat with them and related his contract and finding the Goblins. No mention of an Affinity. Then he went through the scouting trip and then the fight with the army platoon against the Shamans. Then I went through my version of the scouting trip, and in between about my job as a merchant with the Sølv Emporium. I live a very boring life. I am not sure they actually believed that, but I don't actually care. Like all dealings with the government, they are not offering much compensation. An ID, which I might use as a backup, but which Wiremu needs. The trouble with government ID’s is they will track them. Then there were only promises of contracts. Some of those promises were written down as recommendations, but at the end of the day, they were only promises. They were as useful to me as the bits of metal the army would give the fake me as a ‘Medal of Honour’. I would milk these promises for everything I could get, but I was not expecting much.

Then Wiremu and I swapped clothes with the two ‘soldiers’ that obviously weren’t soldiers. Tāoke surprised them when he came out of the pocket. Once they were dressed as us they asked us to move and spar with them as they obviously worked to copy our movements and mannerisms etc. They obviously had high acting skills.

The Canine Queens were to return to the Inn without us and we were to escort the ‘Carter’ siblings to the Gate to the inner city where we would meet an honour guard to parade them to the main Army Headquarters. Wiremu and I ditched them when we got to the gate and met the Honour Guard. We were supposed to go all the way to the Headquarters and get changed there but I didn’t trust them that much. An easy way for us to stay out of sight would be to detain us, ‘for our own safety.’ Besides, authentic army uniforms will probably be quite valuable on the Black Market. We will see if they turn up with their Identifications and promises. They should, as we can still scuttle their plans, so I figure they will play nice. We just have to be careful. It might also just be my overactive Mental Agility making me suspicious.

Skygge booked a nice Inn for us to stay in for the remaining week and I would be Skygge from now on. Wiremu checked in on the Canine Queens and they went back for the last few day's holidays, while I looked for cargo for my wagons.

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