Triple Strength

55. Crime Boss: Tabitha

55. Crime Boss: Tabitha

Wiremu is away for three weeks and I have to carry on here. Even with the potions my injury is going to take a week to heal. It was a very deep knife wound and I am lucky I am alive. After the three days when Wiremu left I had some movement back in my arm, just be careful with the shoulder. I now had a Pain Resistance and a Poison Resistance, both only at level 1, and I have no desire to level them. I know they might save my life, but it is seriously painful. I really do want to avoid fights.

I am limited to playing Merchant while I heal. I generally find being a Merchant boring. I try to make it interesting by using Sentient Lore and Identify to analyse customers and try playing different types of salesperson to make the sale. Some of my colleagues are more aggressive and some are more subtle. Sometimes a persuasive skill will work, but it may well turn people off. Some of my colleagues, particularly the ones with the Influence Skill, will set themselves up as an example to follow. Others are more of a storyteller personality. So I have been trying them all on different customers, slowly figuring out which will work best on the different customers.

That is how I finally got my acting Skill, at work as a merchant. The skill is called Mimic and I am sure Nyx had an influence there. I can mimic people I have observed closely over a period of time. My work colleagues for example. I have been observing Trevor for weeks. Obviously Wiremu and, surprisingly, Warren. With this Skill I could direct Nyx to imitate Wiremu’s mannerisms very closely. This also took our Elemental Bond to the Apprentice level.

My goal over the next few weeks is to closely observe and then Mimic different people in all different areas of life. From the housewife to the high end call girls. Actually the call girls, both high end and not, are a top priority as males of almost all species are a sucker for that. I say almost all species because Elves in particular are not, and there is a variety in males, despite what people say. Wiremu is smart enough not to fall for it.

My sex life has been quite restrained here in Jern. Trevor and I have had a couple of liaisons, but they are very guarded. Neither willing to let the other in beyond the surface. A couple of one night stands with pickups in the gambling houses and that has been it. The male one thought he had picked me up and I let them continue to think that. The female one, I picked up and made it obvious. I haven’t seen Wiremu with anyone. He is more of a one partner person and into longer term relationships, so with us moving on he won’t commit easily.

I mostly used my Shadows and Spatial Awareness to watch the Street Girls and their customers and Pimps. I practised in the Shadows and occasionally had Nyx see if she could fool people. That was fairly blatant and obvious to Mimc. We would work from there to the more subtle. Yes, I also picked up some new techniques for my own sex life. Faking orgasims would now be easy, but I hope it would be unnecessary.

I also focussed on Mimicking people in the gambling houses. There were labourers to merchants to nobles. I practised on everybody and the Skill was soon at Apprentice level. This helped me mimic the more subtle things and I was picking up more things that were required to be successful, like dress clues, jewellery and hair styles etc.

Nyx and I were working on my Shadow manipulation as well. The sharp spikes I could do, but I was nowhere near as fast or accurate as she was. I wanted to mimic the feel of a hand as well, as a hand on the shoulder could be scary at night and distract more people. I was testing how much pressure I could exert and what I could pick up. I could pick up and hold single coins, but that was my limit so far. When I tried to pickpocket using it I was successful and levelled Pickpocket.

I tried to form some lock picks using shadows, but they weren’t strong enough. Then I realised what an idiot I was and filled the lock with shadow and effectively made a fake key. Small locks and well oiled locks were fine. With stiff locks I couldn't add enough pressure to it. I would need to start carrying around a small vial of oil. Practice with my Shadow Manipulation meant I could get the oil right into the places it was needed in both locks and hinges, regardless of which side of the wall the hinges were. I would start carrying around vials of different liquids and powders. Acids, poisons, and different lubricants would all be useful. This would be quite a game changer for me.

Wiremu had been gone for about two weeks and I was heading home from riding Dusk, after working at the Sølv Emporium all day. I was planning to get dressed up and go to a top class gambling house tonight, mainly just to watch people. It was not long after dark and as I approached the door I sensed someone in the house. I didn’t recognise him. He was very good if he got past Wiremu’s traps without triggering them. I didn’t hesitate because there was almost certainly somebody else watching each door, but they would be outside my Spatial Awareness range and I certainly didn’t want to give them an indication of what that was.

I entered as normal and said as I did, “Hello there. You are lucky my brother’s away or you would be having a much more violent reception.” I moved into the room, a small knife palmed and ready for violence.

He was sitting at our table, seemingly calm, but as much on trigger as myself I imagine.

“Most people are usually surprised to see me in their house,” he responded. He had a smooth deep voice. He was human.

I put a shocked expression on my face and exclaimed in mock surprise, “Oh my! There’s a strange man in my house! What will I do?” Then in a more normal tone I added, “Do you get caught in other people's houses often? I can’t imagine that is good for your reputation.” All this time I was pushing hard with my Spatial Awareness trying to get something from his status.

He had a small smile at my antics and said, “I only get caught when I want to be caught.”

“I am honoured that you wanted me to catch you, but I am not interested in a catch like you, so I am going to let you go.” I said as I indicated the door.

“I will go after I pass on the invitation I have for you.” he said.

“Most of my many suitors, invite me out in more public places. This is most unseemly.”

“Alas, it is not from myself. I am but the messenger in this instance.” He rose to his feet and placed a piece of paper on the table. “I strongly recommend you don’t be late. Maybe afterwards I can extend a personal invitation. I do believe that would be very enjoyable.” He had a smile of anticipation. And exited out the door and disappeared across the street.

The paper was an invitation to a meeting with one of the local crime bosses, Fett, to meet at an address in lower Jern at 2am. I had seen him around, always with three or four bodyguards. He was a frequent visitor to some of the gambling houses. Maybe he owned them, I am not sure. I had ended up in a card game with him once, but bowed out very quickly as that was not good for my health. He was a big human. It was probably muscle once, but he had a lot of fat on top of any muscle now. He was a violent man and not a man to take no for an answer.

This meeting was not going to go well regardless of any intentions. All my backup was out of town otherwise I definitely would have called on Wiremu and the Canine Queens for help. I could run. I could get protection from the Sølv Emporium. Doing that would severely hamper my future opportunities in this town. If I don’t go to the meeting they will target those close to me. The bottom line is am I prey or a Predator? Predators hunt smart and strike unexpectedly. I have almost six hours till 2am. It is time to hunt.

Twenty minutes later I was armed and armoured and hunting. By that I mean I was in a mini skirt and halter top and walking a street trying to catch one particular man. This was a route Fett took often, but I didn't have time to plan this properly. Thank the fuck for that Cold Resistance. I had been out here for over three hours and it was now getting close to midnight. I was starting to think he had taken another route when I saw his carriage. Showtime.

Mimicking the most successful prostitute I had seen, I moved out into the street far enough they had to slow the carriage there by grabbing attention. I half fell out of the way of the carriage making sure to show a lot of leg and a bit of butt. I didn’t have a lot of cleavage so we worked with what we could. I hid my smile when I heard the command to stop the carriage. There were two bodyguards on the front and two on the back, but it appeared only Fett was in the carriage.

“Hello, hello, I haven’t seen you before.” Fett had a higher voice than you would expect on a man so large.

“Hi there, can you help me up please?” I said in a tone that had surprise, but also a hint of a prostitute seeing a potential client. He would expect that. I raised a hand and he helped me up.

“Can I offer you a lift?” It was more a statement than a question.

I gave him my sunniest smile, “I would love that.”

I suffered his grope as he helped me into his carriage, closing the door and telling his driver / bodyguard to carry on. I moved into his embrace as if for a kiss and suddenly he couldn’t breath. Fancy that. A grown man choking on a bit of shadow. I slammed Shadows Embrace around us, as that was getting quite good at muffling sound. He started thrashing around. They would expect some movement back here, but I had to try to keep him from banging things too much. He was a strong man and Physical Strength is my weakest attribute. I grabbed the War Knife from my back holster and used the hilt to try for a knockout blow, but he was too tough. I then tried to break his elbows. I didn’t want to stab him if I could help it as there would be no hiding the blood. At least he couldn’t yell with Shadow blocking his airway. I got some poison into his eyes. Eventually he lost consciousness. I kept it up until I was quite sure he was dead. Then I broke his neck to make sure. These strong Physical types can take a lot before actually dying. I made sure.

The next part was going to be a bit on the fly. I didn’t know Fett well, I had only seen him a few times in the distance and briefly across a card table and tonight. I didn’t know much about his mannerisms or heard his voice much. I kept the carriage rocking for a while. I stopped after a while and Nyx and I got ready.

When we were nearing the address I was given I yelled, “Hold up, I need a piss!” in my best Fett voice of course. The carriage stopped by the alley that I had timed it too and Fett got out and went to the entrance and stood half in the shadow against the wall taking a piss. I left Nyx standing there in Fett’s image while I scurried to where I had stashed my armour and hurried into it. I left the skirt and halter top in the alley as I didn’t want to see them again. I joined Nyx and we went back into the carriage.

I could have taken off at that point, but seeing as Nyx and I had fooled the bodyguard I was going to see if I could take it the whole way. We pulled up to the address a bit before 1am. As I got out of the carriage I said, “Leave the girl, I will be back for more later.”

The bodyguards led the way into a room which was private for me. A weaselly fellow came and said, “Boric will be here at one with payment from his rounds. He has been short the last two payments.” I nodded, “The girl Tabitha will be here at two. We think she killed Stefan and Olga. It might be fun finding out eh?” He grinned. I grunted. He continued, “I have a word just come in from Longstrider in Yelets putting some claim on her and her brother.” I just looked at him, “Yeah,” he agreed. “Longstrider is not here. Larson is coming at three about this auction the trading houses are doing. He thinks we can make some good coin.” I nodded again, getting a puzzled look from the guy. The Crime Boss has a secretary and I don't even know his name.

“Let me know when Boric is here,” I said, moving to the booze and pouring a cup. Apparently that was the right thing to say and do. He nodded and left. Maybe this wouldn’t work. Maybe I need to just bail. My room has two doors. One of my bodyguards is outside the door I entered from and the other door leads to a meeting room. Two of my guards are there already. There is a chair and a table near the door to my room and then an open area for people to stand.

A nervous looking man arrived in the meeting room. Already there were my two guards, Weasel and about six others who looked like they belonged, including my messenger boy from earlier. Weasel knocked on the door and I went in and stood by the table. I was pushing with this Spatial Awareness as it was supposed to penetrate statuses and I really needed that right now.

Then it did. Some were still partially hidden but the bodyguards were open to me. They were both Guards, one with a Brawler Specialisation and one with a blunt weapon specialist. Weasel was still partly hidden, but from what I could see he was a bloody administrator with a forgery specialisation. Most were thieves with specialisations like Swindler, Grifter, Cutpurse, etc There was one Assassin I needed to watch. Messenger boy was a Thief, Burglar combo but with something else I couldn’t see. Explains him getting past the traps.

Boric was an open book, he was just a Merchant and Overseer. I looked at him and said in my best Fett voice, “Wait outside. I have an announcement for Members only.” He couldn’t leave fast enough. Everybody else was looking at me very expectantly.

Then I announced in Fett's voice, “There has been a change of leadership.” and I started ramping up the Intimidating Aura. I then let Nyx fade the image of Fett I was wearing and go back into her knife. The Assassin moved first and fast, but I was expecting that. I avoided her blade and she caught a face full of acid. I blasted the Intimidating Aura. Everybody was still as she died loudly over the next few minutes. Once she was silent I eased up on the Aura and said in my own voice, “As I said there has been a change in leadership.”

Messenger Boy immediately recognised my voice and looked at me in shock. A small grin appeared on his face. Everybody else was still in shock.

“For those of you a bit slow on the uptake, Fett is dead. I killed him earlier this evening.” The two bodyguards in the room were trading worried and puzzled looks. I continued, “Who was Fetts second in command?”

Several people looked at the dead assassin.

“Right, that makes this easy. You,” I pointed at the Weasel guy, “What’s your name?”

“Vesle, ah Miss…?” he replied.

If I am going to put on a show, go big or go home.

“You can call me Blacksteel.” I could see several people with scoffing looks. I continued, “If you're ever in doubt about who I am you can ask for proof,” I activated Sleight of Hand and Small Blades and whipped out my War knife and slammed it into the table top near Vesle. He jumped back. “This,” I said, “is a Blacksteel war knife. It is one of a kind. It is also enchanted.” I had Nyx move the shadows around it in an ominous way. I had her do it so those with the skill Sense Spiritual will see it wasn’t me doing that. I levered it out of the table. To those still with greedy looks I pointed to the dead Assassin and said, “Ambition is good, knowing your limits is healthy.” That brought reality back to them, for now. “You can just call me Black for convenience.”

“Vesle, am I right in that you organise this place?” He nodded. “Good. Bring the latest records and you and,” I pointed to Messenger boy, “What's your name?”


“You and Nijel will meet with me in the back room now. All other business is deferred. Vesle will be in touch. Now get.” As people started to leave I turned to the bodyguards, “You will go and meet with the other bodyguards and tell them what has happened. If you still want to work for me you will meet here after I have met with these two. If any of you don’t want to work for me you be gone for good. If I ever see you again, you won’t ever see anything again. If you do want to keep working, then there will be some additional training required. Go.”

I let Nijel and Vesle go first into the room and I followed. It didn’t make any difference for me but it removed the temptation of attempting a backstab for them. I had chosen Nijel because he knew my real identity and as far as I know he was the only one. Hopefully he will end up being my liaison here. If he didn’t then I would probably have to kill him.

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