Triple Strength

31. Koza and Velikan: Wiremu

31. Koza and Velikan: Wiremu

It took three days to get to the head of the valley and another three to find our way up over the ridge to the next valley. Two nights camping on the bare rocks with no shelter in the biting wind. I was trying to keep heading east as best I could. Basically away from the empire. We were also heading north which I didn't want as it would get colder, but I had to carefully find our way. At least we didn’t have to back track this time. We worked our way down to a valley that was heading roughly north east.

Two days later we were following a stream down hill still heading roughly North East. I hoped we had crossed the spine and were heading down into Kirghiz. I was looking for a place where we could camp to rest for two or three days, before continuing. I was riding with Tabitha and spoke quietly to her.

“Don’t react, but we are being watched by an Orc. Looks like a hunter, let's wait to see if he makes contact.” We both had our cloaks on and hoods up against the wind, so I doubt he could tell much about us, apart from the obvious like my spears and bow.

The Orc watched us for about an hour before disappearing. The rest of the afternoon we were tense and on alert. I found a place by the stream to camp for the night. We both kept our weapons close. We didn’t really have anything of value to steal, except maybe the horses, but usually a bandit would only find that out after they had killed us. At least we were in someone's hunting grounds and hence a village may only be two or three days away. How friendly they were remained to be seen. The fact that they were an Orc hopefully indicated we were finally rid of the empire.

The night passed without disturbance. We got moving after the morning routine. As far as I could tell we were not being observed. Cold resistance had hit 10, but the levelling was definitely slowing down. I am sure Tabitha was several points behind as she was not nearly as disciplined in levelling it.

The valley had widened out, but the obvious route was near the stream. I wasn’t very surprised to come out into a clearing to find four armed and armoured dwarves waiting for us. I pulled Rocky to a halt at the edge of the clearing and lowered my hood. Tabitha followed my example. Hearing Aid picked up the Orc in the trees to the left. He was quite a good hunter as he was down wind and so Bond Senses didn't pick him up, but there was a creature in the trees to the right which We had never smelled before. There were other chemical smells from it, so it wasn’t an animal, and Hearing Aid indicated the heartbeat was small.

“Hello,” I greeted them.

One of the dwarfs stepped forward. “A couple of soft humans,” he observed gruffly. “What’re ya doing here!” he demanded.

“We are just travelling through peacefully,” I replied. “Do you have some claim to this land? Are you perhaps wanting a toll?” I asked in a casual tone.

“What!” he exclaimed and got very flustered. “We ain’t no bandits!” he shouted, obviously thrown off his script and outraged at the suggestion. Which was good.

“Well, that is good to know,” I said. “I wasn’t sure what to think with four well equipped warriors, an Orc,” I nodded to the trees to the left, “and another unknown,” nodding to the trees to the right. ”One can’t be too careful.” Hearing Aid picked up a clink that sounded like glass in the trees from the unknown.

The dwarf got back on track, “We need to be careful as well. Even soft humans can cause trouble and often do!” he exclaimed. “You are trouble.” he declared. “You,” he pointed at Tabitha, “are confusing your status, and you,” he pointed at me, “are making your status tell me you are a level 9 Quarry Worker which is obviously a lie.”

“That’s the funny thing.” I replied, still sounding casual, “I am actually a level 9 Quarry Worker, or I was. I’m obviously more than that now. So I guess we have a choice.” I continued. “We can carry on our peaceful way and keep well away from your camp. The Orc tracked us yesterday, I am sure he can make sure we keep going. Or,” and I patted the four hares my traps had caught overnight and raised my hand with the two fish I caught this morning, “we can share some grub and swap some stories. Your choice.”

“You got some guts, willingly coming into a camp of armoured dwarves,” he said, obviously stalling for time while he thought.

“Well, I know you are not Bandits.” I said with a grin.

He spluttered again. I could see one dwarf behind him smiling, she was the only one without a beard so it was the only mouth I could see.

“Come on Erik,” a high pitched voice came from the bushes to the right. “He’s out played you and I want to talk to him, cause I am sick of you boring lot.” The creature that stepped out of the trees was short, probably coming to below my chest, and was very obviously a well endowed female. She was carrying a glass container in each hand. She Identified as an Engineer and Alchemist with a Specialisation in Explosives. “What’s the matter boy?” she asked. “Have you never seen a Gnome before?”

“Actually, I have not had the pleasure.” I said.

“Oooh, I like you,” she cooed. “Com’on Erik, let's go, I’m hungry.”

Erik gave a long suffering sigh, gave the Orc a sign, and waved us forward. “Camp’s this way,'' he said.

Everyone was still wary with hands near weapons as we made our way to their camp. The Orc didn’t join us but followed from the trees, obviously watching in case we did something untoward.

On the way I introduced myself as Wiremu Hunter, originally a Hunter, but forced to be a Quarry Worker. Tabitha introduced herself as a trainee Merchant and Rider and played up that she was a city girl out of her depth. I am not sure how much we were believed, but merchants did sometimes hide or confuse their statuses.

All the Dwarves had the Miner class. Erik also had the Overseer Class and the Leadership Specialisation. Both Overseer and Leadership were strong in the Mental Stats and he probably had some skill tugging at him that we were not being totally straight up. My Truth Sensing was telling me that they were what they seemed or we would have been gone by now.

Snøfrid was the gnome and I don’t think she stopped talking. On the way back to camp she introduced the other dwarves. Lars and Ylwa both also had the Warrior Class. Ylwa was the female I saw smile. Borje was also a trainee engineer learning from Snøfrid. Apparently Koza was the Orc hunter and there was someone called Velikan helping him, but he was out hunting.

There were three more dwarves at the camp, so that made seven dwarves, all with the Mining Class, two Orc Hunters and one Gnome Explosives Engineer. It seemed pretty obvious what they were doing out here. I wondered where the mine was, or were they still looking for a good place to mine?

The three dwarves at the camp were also miners. Ashby was also a Herbalist and he was essentially the closest thing to their healer. Ulfhildr was the stoutest dwarf there. She was also a Blacksmith and hence their metal expert and gear maintenance person. Thyrrni was the thinnest Dwarf there and she was their Prospector. They were well set up in their classes. This expedition was well planned and equipped. In a clearing away from the camp was the sound of a lot of mules and there were piles of mining gear and alchemy supplies etc. Yes, they were well equipped.

There was already a stew pot on the fire and Ashby quickly butchered the Hares and added it to the pot. Apparently he was also the main cook. Being a Herbalist wasn't just about healing, but also bringing out the flavour of the meal.

Koza didn’t join us but remained in the forest watching. I could learn so much from these people. I really wanted to find a way to join them. I felt I didn't have anything to offer them. Koza was a higher level Hunter. I looked at their Prospector enviously. I was a patched together mishmash and Tabitha, a city girl. Why would they even want us to hang around. We had nothing to offer.

We shared stories of our travels from Kirsk, without going into details about why we left Kirsk in a hurry and why we were avoiding the imperial troops. When we said we were heading to Hrothgar they were shocked we were so far north. Apparently Jern was the nearest city and it was mainly Dwarvish and it was at least three weeks away from here. Then it was a windy mountainous road south to Hrothgar, usually taking about three weeks. If the weather was good.

In exchange we got stories of their travels and the several mines they tried and gave up on. I got the impression their Prospector Thyrni hadn’t been very popular. We also got some stories of Jern, mainly which taverns to try. I noticed we got no stories about why they were camped here and looked like they had been for a while. I wasn’t sure how to build trust. We were strangers passing. Would coming clean about the inquisitor help? It might mean they really didn’t want anything to do with us.

The afternoon was advancing and people were pottering around the camp doing the things that needed doing. Snøfrid was telling us a story of how she got an explosive wrong when she was younger and collapsed a mine trapping the village head. Apparently by the time she was excavated out all the village ale had been drunk, and everybody was drunk and there was trouble. I was thinking about how I could convince Erik to let us stay the night, or longer.

Then Koza came out of the forest and walked toward us. Next to him was the biggest Dire wolf I had ever seen. Ok I had never seen a Dire Wolf before, but this one was huge. I could have ridden him. His shoulders were not far below mine. This one was no stealth hunter, he definitely looked like he enjoyed chasing down his prey. As soon as he caught our scent his ears went flat, and the hair on the back of his neck went up and he bared his teeth and growled. Everybody stopped and looked, several automatically reaching for weapons and they were not looking at the Dire Wolf they were looking at what the Dire Wolf was growling at, us. Tabitha and I slowly rose to our feet, hands empty. There was no point in running anywhere. Koza put his hand on the wolf and together they moved toward us, the wolf continuing to growl.

When they got to the edge of the camp Koza spoke in a deep rumble, “Velikan says you have a dangerous animal on you. He doesn't know the smell, but he doesn’t like it.”

Everybody looked at us and several weapons were drawn. Velikan was obviously Koza’s bond animal. A Dire Wolf as a bond! I was in awe of Koza. I finally got to identify him and he wasn’t just a much higher level Hunter than me he was also a high level Monster Hunter and a high level Bounty Hunter. Two specialisations and well levelled. I guess he and Velikan don’t have to worry about stealth. They both looked like they enjoyed the chase.

I chose my next words very carefully, being sure to maintain eye contact. “Uōlek” I greeted him in Orcish as one would greet their master. It was how I used to greet Kopje. He was surprised and I noted that Erik and Thyrrni also showed surprise. “It is true that I also have a bond.” I was getting a strong impression through my bond link that Pip had a mutual dislike of Velikan. I reached my arm slowly to my shoulder and Pip moved out onto my arm, and then he did something I had never seen before. He hissed loudly and raised his upper body as if poised to strike. “I would like to introduce you to Pip,” I said.

I noticed Tabitha was poised for action as well. Hopefully, only I noticed the slight darkening around her, but I wouldn’t count on it. I was interested that it was their prospector Thyrrni that stepped forward and spoke.

“Hello Pip.” She greeted him. “Why do you hide a bond?” she asked. “We are not savages. It smells of treachery.”

“It is not treachery, but survival.” I said. “Ever since I bonded with Pip the only way we have stayed alive was by keeping him hidden.” I decided to tell my story, especially in relation to Pip, and see what happened. I didn’t have many choices. Not even Tabitha had heard it all, although I am sure she pieced together a lot.

“I was a fifteen year old level 2 Hunter when my village was raided by Imperial slavers. My master and parents were all killed and I was captured. We were taken to the slave quarry about two weeks west of Yelets, I never bothered to learn the name of it. After 6 months and getting the Quarry Worker Class I was at a low point when I found and bonded with Pip. He was the only thing that kept me going, but we had to hide him as if any word got out he would be killed and I would have been forced to be a slave. We were there another two and a half years before we escaped. I was a level 9 Quarry Worker at that time. After some time on the run I came across a caravan fighting some imperials, and they were at a stalemate. I intervened, even though my skills were too low, but it was enough for the caravan to prevail. That was when I was hired as a scout by Branik of the Mothers Tusks, who was in charge of security. Branik, Kopje and Smeška were the three members of the Mothers Tusks and they took to training me and Pip. Pip was still kept hidden from the rest of the caravan as there was uncertainty about loyalty.

“When we got to Yelets we hired more mercenaries and that’s when Tabitha and her brother joined us. I earned the opportunity to pick up a couple of skills from a trainer there and I got Animal Lore and Mineral Lore.”

Erik huffed when he heard that. “I don’t know what you did to earn that, but whatever it was you got ripped off kid. Learning Lore from skill books aint worth goblin shit.”

“I had no master, no one to learn off. The Mothers Tusks could train me in fighting, but not hunting and not minerals. Mineral Lore tipped my Quarry Worker to Level 10 and I was able to pick up Prospecting.”

All the dwarves were shocked at that, especially Erik and Thyrrni. “No, no, no,” Erik said. “You don’t get Prospecting from Quarry Worker and Level 1 Mineral Lore. That just doesn't happen. There is something else in play that you are not telling us.” I bet his Overseer and Leadership skills were ringing warning bells.

If I am going to be open I guess I need to be all in. “Indeed there is something else in play. Near the end of my time in the quarry I picked up a Granite Affinity.”

There was a muttering amongst the Dwarves. Erik said, “That is a useful affinity lad. Any sensing skills with it? You would have had to have had a specialised Sensing skill to trigger Prospecting.”

I nodded, “Granite Sense, but it has only just hit apprentice level.” He nodded. I continued, “Everything I know about it is self taught or from level 1 Mineral Lore. I have huge gaps in my knowledge. That is the same in my Hunting since I was Level 2.” Pip had settled down on my arm and Velikan had also crouched down, though he was still on guard. At least his hair was not still standing up and he wasn’t growling anymore.

“When we got to Kirsk we had to split from the Mothers Tusks and make a run for the border as I ran into an Imperial Inquisitor who wanted to detain me for my classes and affinity. Tabitha helped me get away and we have been lost since getting across the border.” I finished.

“That makes more sense, even though I feel you are leaving a lot out.” Erik turned to Tabitha. “What about you, Lass. How does a novice Merchant and Rider help someone escape from an Imperial inquisitor?”

Tabitha had also decided to lay her affinity out in the open. “It is because I also have an affinity” she stated. “A shadow Affinity.” The dwarves nodded in understanding. Koza had remained standing unmoving since we started. Snøfrid looked like she was bursting with questions, but determinedly keeping quiet for now.

Erik said, “I want to see your statuses. Thyrrni and I will be the only ones with the skills to see all your classes and affinities. The others will only see your top one or two classes.”

Tabitha frowned, her top class was Thief and she had carefully avoided that so far. I also hadn’t mentioned my Spy class. We also didn’t really have a choice. Koza alone could take us both out without breaking a sweat, and we would only be a light afternoon snack for Velikan.

I could tell when Erik and Thyrrni reached the Spy class as their looks suddenly focussed back on me. I said, “Self taught, by hiding Pip and Stealth.” Whatever Skill Erik had seemed to satisfy him and he gave a small nod that satisfied Thyrrni. Identify would display Specialisations first then Classes in order of Level. So they would see my Status as Prospector, Quarry Worker, Hunter, Spy, then affinity. A novice level identify often wouldn't pick up anything, but could, an Apprentice level would see the top one or two classes depending on the skill level and the level of Mental Perception as long as they weren't being hidden. Journeyman Level would reveal more and the higher the Mental Perception the more penetration. Skills obviously multiply the ability in various ways and masking skills counter it. A master level will start seeing key Skills and some top attributes.

Tabitha would display Shadow Predator, Thief, Merchant, Rider and then Shadow. Everybody would probably see the top two. She would be giving away everything to the whole group, whereas only Erik and Thyrrni would probably see my Spy. I could see her steeling herself for a reaction and lowered her Confuse Status.

Erik was the first to comment, “You weren’t kidding about the Shadow affinity, that seems like a powerful class, though I have not heard of it before.”

Tabatha obviously couldn’t take the wait. “What? No comment on me being a Thief?”

Erik looked puzzled, “Thief is a good Class. Useful too. Unless you were planning to use it on us? You look more intelligent than that. I haven’t misjudged you have I?” he asked.

“No, no, of course not. I just get a lot of negative comments and accusations from humans, that's all.” Tabitha said.

“Oh, well, you will find dwarves are more intelligent than humans. Any Class can be devastating when misused. Thief is no different.” He said.

“I have a question.” rumbled Koza. He looked at me. “Who taught you Orcish?”

“Mainly Kopje of the Mothers Tusks, although Branik and Smeška helped me practice it. I only had a chance to learn a few words and phrases.” I replied.

He looked at me for a moment then seemed to come to a decision. “You Ok. Pip OK. Girl Ok if you vouch for her.” He and Velikan then turned around and went back into the forest.

I looked at Erik, “What was that about?” I was puzzled.

It was Thyrrni who answered. “Orcs do not teach just anyone their language,” she said. “You must have impressed the Mothers Tusks. I have heard of the Mothers Tusks, they are a strong mercenary outfit based in Hrothgar. Branik is one of the three top leaders and leads one of their divisions.”

Erik spoke up, “Now that the unpleasantness is out of the way, you are welcome to stay with us for a night before you move on.”

“Yay!” piped up a high voice. Snøfrid was literally jumping up and down in excitement. “I have so many questions!” she declared.

“That is of course, if you want to,” said Erik looking at Snøfrid pointedly. She huffed.

If I am digging I might as well dig all the way and see what we can find. “What if we wanted to stay longer?” I asked.

Erik thought for a moment. “I can see how that would benefit you,” he said. “I don’t see how that would benefit us, or to be quite frank, the lass there.” he said looking at Tabitha. “We can talk more about it in the morning if you want to make an offer,” he said.

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