Triple Strength

296. Distracted Eyes: Tabitha.

296. Distracted Eyes: Tabitha.

We are now entering Empire territory. Wiremu has gone out to scout with Nne and Tano, as we could run into patrols any time. We also watch the sky for birds that might be bonds scouting for the Empire. We have wagons full of animals for sale, including some hawk chicks Wiremu found. Well, he found the eggs, and they hatched. Are we supplying the empire with more scouts?

Our biggest problem is Modrica and Umreti. They are carrying a couple of grains of sand, but more is needed. They are in full-covered leather and can slip on helmets, but more is needed. One will have to stay close to me at all times so I can create a Body Image for them, and Nyx will be with the other one. Of course, Modrica and Umreti have to refrain from any particular orcish actions, including low grunts and growls. I don’t have high hopes.

We are heading to Yelets. Lee has contacts there, and so do I. Dealing with Longstrider is what I am mostly worried about, but if we can do a deal, we can establish a base there. Lee won’t elaborate on her contacts, but whoever they are, they must be dealing with Longstrider.

Somewhere between here and Yelets is the quarry where Wiremu spent three years. The trouble is he doesn’t know where it is. He didn’t have Mapping at the time and took off running in a random direction. We are coming from a different direction than Wiremu originally travelled due to our diversion to see the gorillas, but it is a large quarry. There will be well-built roads to it for transporting the rock.

Tāoke was asleep in the sun on top of one of the wagons, and I sensed him waking up. A Granite plate appeared under him, and then a Granite layer on his tail. He banged his tail on the plate three times, then paused and did it again. I indicated the message was received, and he curled up and went back to sleep.

“Imperial patrol inbound,” I announced, “They don’t appear to have an inquisitor with them. Three squads.”

Three squads meant about thirty soldiers. I checked our forged paperwork was nearby. Wiremu had Copied a transport group’s paperwork, and I had Adjusted it to our needs. A new entity, Monster Traders, is licensed to transport and sell live animals between Freebourne and the Southern province of the Nystad Empire. Težka is our mascot, and his stylised image is our emblem. If you can’t hide him, flaunt him.

An hour later, Moja in the front wagon stopped for the patrol and pointed to me. I grabbed the papers and walked forward from the second wagon I had been riding. Walking meant I was lower than the mounted troopers, which would make me look small and frail.

“Hello, Force leader. Routine inspection?” I asked in a friendly tone.

“Yes, ma’am. Can I see your papers, please?”

I handed my papers to him. Mbili came up beside me. This is where his skills might be needed.

The Force leader looked up and counted, “Five wagons and live cargo and animal products. Is that all?” I nodded. “Three people are missing. Are they in the wagons?”

“No, sir. Two are our scouts, and the third is our hunter, who is out hunting.” Wiremu will actually be watching and covering us with his bow, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“We will be checking the wagons.”

“Yes, sir. The first is personnel gear and feed. Second are small carnivores. Third are the non-dangerous animals, and the fourth are generally poisonous. The fifth is reserved for our mascot.”


“Yes, sir. I am Lyla of the Monster Traders, and in the fifth is our monster.”

He looked at the signs painted on the side of the wagons and said, “A bear?”

“A Dire Bear, actually.”

“This I have to see.”

“Come with me. Just stay back. Mo is the only one who manages the bear. Mbili here can show your troopers the other wagons.” Time to live up to your reputation, Mbili.

The Force leader issued some orders for his Squad Leaders, and several troopers dismounted, and Mbili started with the near wagons. I led the Force leaders and two of the three squad leaders to the fifth wagon. Težka is also part of the distraction, and three of the key people followed me to see this distraction.

“Open the back,” I said to Mo, “let’s show off our pride and joy.”

Modrica opened the rear doors, revealing a cage with Težka chewing on a leg bone.

“Wow. How did you capture that?”

“With great difficulty, but it was only a cub when we caught it, and Mo raised it.”

“Are you selling it?”

“No way. This draws in the crowds, and business is good.”

“The army would be interested, especially if you have managed to train it. We have a place for a good trainer as well,” he says to Modrica.

“If we ever plan to sell, we will be in touch.” which, of course, means never. He doesn’t realise he just tried to hire an orc. The small stone is making him avoid paying attention to her. Wiremu has managed to adjust the level of the Phantasm influence, so it is a light touch. This is the first real test. I have a minimal image going in case he has sensing skills that pick up heartbeats or temperature, etc. The aim was to distract, which is almost a master-level Skill. I want to push it over that line to the master level.

He looked directly at Modrica for the first time, “The Empire will offer you a very generous amount. It can also be unwise to refuse.”

Modrica took a step back, so she was standing behind me, making it clear he had to deal with me.

A small sneer crossed his face, “Someone of your stature and talent shouldn’t have to hide behind anybody.”

A typical attempt to divide and conquer, “I would be careful what you insinuate Force Leader. Mo has the key to the cage.” Not that Težka needed a key to get out, but this was still posturing.

The Force Leader glanced at Modrica, noticing her step, and placed her right next to the lock for the cage.

I decided to direct their attention elsewhere. “Have you seen one of these Force Leader?” I held up a small Monster Core from the Hornets.

I saw he was looking at it carefully, and one of his Squad Leaders at least recognised it as a Monster Core.

“We are called Monster Traders, and we do trade in live animals and Monsters, but these are our prized stock that I am expecting the Empire to be interested in. Monster Cores are hard to come by, and this is our key product.”

I might have distracted him too much, as the look of greed was apparent.

I continued, “That is another reason we keep the Dire Bear, Force Leader. It deters bandits. We are pleased to have made it back to the Empire, where patrols like yours actively hunt the bandits, and we can feel safer.”

Things clicked for the Force leader, although his Squad leaders were faster. “I can see how that would work,” he said neutrally. He snapped into official mode again, “All Monsters must be registered before entering the city, and you will be responsible for any issues.”

“Of course. We are law-abiding traders.” That almost made Modrica laugh, which would have given everything away. “Is there anything else, Force leader?”

“Let's check with Squaddie Tyne.”

I assume that was the Squad Leader that Mbili was showing around. We walked back up the carriages.

“Report Squad Leader Tyne.”

“Yes, Sir. I sense a number of valuable items, especially in these last two wagons. The poisonous animals and the monster make it difficult for me to determine what they are.”

“You will be sensing items like this, Squad Leader?” I said as I tossed him the small monster core.

He coughed it and looked at it wide-eyed. “Yes sir, like this.”

“We keep them in those two wagons so they are more difficult to steal,” I explained. I didn’t bother explaining one was a live hive queen of Golden Hornets. I don’t want to freak them out. I held out my hand for the core. He reluctantly passed it back. It is like they have not seen one before. I guess they haven’t.

“May we proceed, Force Leader?” I asked.

He nodded, “I will sign off the field inspection, noting the need to register the live monsters. All personnel need to be present as well when you enter the city.” He got out the quill and marked our papers as such, and handed them back.

“Thank you. It is a pleasure to be back in the empire. Maybe you can help me with something Force Leader?”

“What is it?”

“We had some trouble with caging some animals and were thinking stone would be better despite the weight. I heard there was a quarry around here with a stone mason who might be able to help.?”

“Indeed, there was a quarry about three days north of here. But I don’t know that they sell directly. It is quite a detour, and they have agents in Yelets.”

“Thanks for the info.”

The troop rode off. I was after dark when Wiremu got back.

“I tracked them for a while. Steady on their patrol route.”

“You ready to revisit this quarry?”

Wiremu shrugged. “I have to start somewhere, and I can’t think of a better place.”

“It is going to bring back memories.”

“I know.”

“We could level the place.”

“We will probably end up doing that, but there are people to free first.”

“And people to kill. How many troops?

“There used to be a couple of hundred. There may be more now.”

“How good are the troops?”

“Not great. It used to be a punishment assignment. Most will only have one specialisation. They have hunting dogs with a tracker, but they do not keep troublemakers for long. I escaped with two low-level classes.”

“How do you want to do this?”

“You and I should scout the place at night, and then we can devise a plan.”

“Just scouting, huh?”

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