Triple Strength

26. Camouflage: Wiremu

26. Camouflage: Wiremu

I reached up and grabbed the corner with one hand using the other hand to hopefully grab the slab when it breaks. I started to add weight by taking the weight off my feet. It was then carrying my entire weight. Not helpful. I started to bounce gently, then with more force. Then it broke. My feet were just off the ground so that was fine. My free arm caught the biggest piece, but others crashed to the ground. I paused with Hearing Aid and Granite Sense on full listening for any reaction. There was reaction from the other prisoners, but none from the guard room.

I pulled myself up into the crawl space between the cell block ceiling and the ground floor. I kept two smaller pieces of Granite with me that had a bit of an edge. To navigate I was trying to match Pip’s scent map with what I could smell. It was a large building and a lot of people were moving above me. Then my nose picked up the kitchens and this matched with Pip’s scent map and everything fell into place. Animal Bond went to Journeyman level and I received the Skill Bond Senses 1. Yes, another sensing skill. I will check later what Pip got as I am a bit busy right now. I think this skill is what my old master had with his Timber wolf bond.

Pip’s map showed a room near me which only had the smell of rats and dust and was near the edge of the building, so I headed toward it. I had moved off the stone at this point and there was only dirt under me. Pip was making his way back to me. The room was there but I couldn't make a hole in the floor. The granite pieces were not sharp enough, and I couldn't get enough leverage. I break out of a stone cell to get blocked by wood. Mutter, mutter, mutter.

I keep going to the edge of the building. The wood panels here are thicker than the flooring, but the difference is I can get leverage. Hearing Aid tells me there is no one there even though it is mid afternoon. Bond Senses tells me it is a garbage strewn alley, with rats? Pip perks up at that and speeds up on his way to me. I guess he is hungry. I turn and brace my feet against the boards and my arms against a flooring beam and apply all my Physical Strength. It bends and cracks and I have a hole large enough to crawl out.

I am filthy, in a garbage strewn alley with no armour and no weapons. Getting away without being seen is the first task. I can’t use the roofs in daylight as that would make me a target from the walls. The Guard Barracks is near the gate we entered but I need to get lost in the crowd first. Pip finally makes it but sorry we don’t have time for you to hunt.

At one end of the alley is a major road leading to the barracks entrance and the gate out. At the other end a minor road. On the other side of the alley was the back of a row of shops and their yards and tradesman entrances, and usually, the entrance to the upstairs accommodation. I walk down the alley away from the major road. I was looking for some clothing to cover my dirty rags preferably a coat or jacket, maybe a long sleeved shirt. One of the accommodations had some clothing hung out to dry on an upstairs balcony. I jumped the fence and climbed up to see if any would fit. I grabbed a couple and ducked back to the alley and donned them before entering the road and walking away from the barracks. The long sleeved, black maids dress was a little tight, but fortunately the sun hat would help cover my slightly unshaven face. I was lucky facial hair was slow growing for me.

I joined a busier road and then took turns at semi random. Half the town would have heard the alarm bells ring from the barracks triggering the gates to stop all traffic. Most of the townspeople just carried on as normal, just making way for the guardsmen who started moving out from the barracks searching and questioning people. I needed somewhere to hide and wait for dark. I could also do with a weapon. This town was quite a bit larger than Yelets. There has got to be more places to hide because this disguise was not going to hold up against any moderate inspection and definitely not to someone with Keen Sight. It was too tight around the shoulders and arms and I had no bust and combat boots. The sun hat didn’t match either.

I looked at a bathhouse with longing. It could work to hide in, but I had no money. Plus I had to go in as a male or it would totally blow my cover. Think stealth. I cut down an alley to the tradesmens entrances, after all I was dressed as a maid. Next to the bathhouse was a laundry place, which made sense. There were unattended baskets of laundry in the backyard, yes it was dirty laundry, but there might be something there that I could swap the dress for. I found the reason the baskets were in the backyard. A number of items were covered in vomit. Those laundry people needed to charge more. I found a pair of dark blue trousers that only had a wine stain on and embroidered dark grey shirt, which looked quite good on me, I thought. I left the maid's dress for them.

Dusk was only in about two hours. I doubted they would go door to door in the whole town for one person, though I might be wrong. The sensible way would be to run a fine tooth comb over everything going through the gates and enhance the wall watch and patrols. I would attempt to get out at some point, and I was planning that attempt tonight. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should wait a few days for the excitement to drop. The desire to get out of this town and out of this empire was very strong. I had two hours to mull it over. I saw an upper accommodation for a shop with an upper deck with a solid barrier railing. I stealthed up to it. Hearing Aid indicated the upper level was empty, but Pip and Bond Senses both indicated it was lived in. The door was locked, so I lay down on the deck out of sight to rest and wait.

I awoke to the sound of someone moving around in the accommodation. Night had fallen. Time to move on and investigate two things. Firstly, could I get money and equipment? Secondly, how difficult would it be to get over the wall? The night was still early so there were a lot of people still around. There were also a lot of guardsmen around. As the night got on it would be increasingly more difficult to avoid the guardsmen as anyone seen would be accosted.

Pip had not received any of my senses skills with the upgrade in Animal Bond, instead he had picked up the skill Camouflage. It was one of my lowest levelled skills, but I guess it was the one he was most compatible with. He could now sit on my shoulder and people wouldn’t even see a bulge in the shirt. That is, people without Keen Sight. That Investigator concerned me. I hadn’t seen him again, but I had no doubt he was searching for me.

I decided to make my way to the nearest wall and see what I could find. I didn’t have the pickpocket skill so it was too risky to try that. I had no lock picks so I would literally have to break into a place to access it and with the number of guards out that was not a good idea. All I had were my two small pieces of granite and Pip. Or rather Pip was stuck with me as he could easily get out of the town.

Access to the top of the wall was through the towers that were periodically placed for the archers. Of course access was gated and guarded. Buildings were kept back from the wall by the width of a road which I guess made for easy troop movements. It also made the space visible from the wall and easy to patrol. I stealthed across the road in the darkest place I could find and crept along the base of the wall tillI I came to a corner of where it joined a tower. I engaged all my senses to find any danger. The moon was only a slither tonight and I was in the shadow. I engaged Camouflage while I tested the wall. Granite Sense told me it was well made and how thick it was. Mineral Lore levelled as I sensed the different materials that made the wall. That gave me a way forward to levelling the skill. Sense Spiritual and Detect Spiritual Traps told me the tower had spiritual protections. Quite complicated ones. Ordinary Detect Traps told me there was a physical trap at the gate. Granite Sense and Hearing Aid both told me there were a number of troops in the tower. I suspected more than usual. I suspected the entire wall was like this and they were there waiting for me to make an escape attempt.

Camouflage levelled. I could go up the outside of the tower, but I strongly suspected the top of the wall would also be like this. I could try going all the way to the top of the tower. The tower extended two stories above the wall for two levels of archers. It would give me a better view of the top of the wall and what the outside looked like. It was that or go back to the town and find somewhere to hide. I really wanted out. I decided to climb and look.

I climbed by creating small Granite Spikes angled up slightly to use and handholds. I made sure to remove them after. Sure enough Granite Spike levelled to Apprentice level and I could shape smaller better shaped holds. These were also more efficient for energy use. I was about four body lengths up when I froze and desperately engaged Camouflage. Patrols were passing both on the walls and on the road and they were paying attention to the wall. I think they have been warned I might have a stone affinity. There was really no other way to get out of the cell and I had left plenty of evidence. Camouflage saved me and jumped to Apprentice Level. It was probably Pip using his skill to help through the bond.

When I was beneath the level of the top of the wall I needed to move around the tower away from the wall till I got above it, probably equal to the first archer level. I moved very slowly and carefully trying to keep camouflage on all the time. The skill wasn’t designed to be used when moving and kept breaking, so I kept stopping and reengaging it. I was very glad Granite Bones enabled me to lock my joints or this would be incredibly more difficult. Granite Bones was also a lot stronger now and I could lock my finger joints on one hand and the bones would carry my weight without snapping. Eventually we will get to one finger.

Once I was out of sight of the doors on top of the wall to the tower I started to slowly climb again. Camouflage, Granite Bones and Granite Spikes all went up. Easy to tell which skills I am using for this. I made sure to avoid the arrow slit in the first archer level. Then there was a noise in the tower and a flurry of activity. I saw a runner leave the ground gate. Speed was important now and I went for the roof. I had obviously triggered an alarm trap my low level skills didn’t find.

Why did I go for the roof? I had no idea. Thinking back it was a dumb idea as I would have been trapped there and only good for target practice for their archers. I was moving around the tower as I climbed, thinking to go down the outside. The roof was sloping slate tiles, but I only got a hand on it and I was blown out and away from the tower. Of course they trapped the roof, was my thought as I fell. This town, this whole empire was really getting to me and I just wanted out.

What I got was the wind busted out of me as I landed hard on top of the wall. The only reason I didn't break anything was because of Granite Bones. Then a spear was thrust in my face.

“Stay down and don’t move a muscle, lad,” a gruff voice said. Other guards soon surrounded me as well.

I had some Granite spikes ready, but not nearly enough. I didn’t see any way out. Then it got worse. A higher, slightly out of breath voice that I had only heard once spoke.

“Well done, people, well done.” A gap was made and Investigator Smythe approached. “Alive too!” he smiled. “Who gets the reward?” he asked.

“That’ll be me.” The first gruff voice said.

“Excellent, and a bonus for your squad too.” he said and there were several murmurs of appreciation. He addressed me, “you and I lad were meant to have a conversation. We have lots more to talk about now,” he smiled. “Get him up,” he continued. “No! Wait! Don’t touch him.” he commanded. Everyone backed off a bit. “There is a snake on his shoulder, and I am betting it is poisonous. We will need a bag for it.” He said, eyeing me carefully. He definitely had Keen Sight.

Gruff voice said, “Thompson, go and get us a bag.”

Then I heard two faint clicks of bones striking together with the message ‘go left’ then the wall was engulfed in shadow. I triggered the six spikes I had readied, five for the ones with the closest weapons pointed at me and one for the Investigator. Then I rolled left as far and as fast as I could. One guard went down as I took his legs out from under him. There was the noise of rocks hitting the right hand wall and like there was a scuffle there. I could tell it was fake, but it was very realistic. Then I picked out the bones again that said ‘to me’. Hearing Aid was fantastic and I stealthed toward the sound. Then Pip and my Bond Senses picked up Tabitha’s scent. There was a loud grunt on the other side of the guards and then loud footsteps running away. I knew the footsteps were fake, but the grunt had been real.

“He’s this way!” shouted someone, and several took off after the footsteps.

“Wait.” Smythe said. He sounded in pain. Good. “It might be a trick, some stay here.”

I reached Tabitha and she was indicating back to town to hide, but I wanted to go over the wall.

“Too high, too smooth.” she whispered in my ear.

“I can fix,” I replied. I grabbed her hand and put it against one of the crenellations and created a Granite Spike hand hold under it. Her surprise was very apparent. She indicated approval and I went over first and created holds for us. She followed. Before she left the level of the wall top she made a noise like a shout from the Tower away from where the footsteps had gone to confuse them. I still couldn't see anything and was going by feel. This could only work because she had Dark Sight and could see the holds I made. I spent the effort to remove the ones above before I got out of range, so there would be no sign. She covered us in Shadows Embrace and let go of the Engulfing Shadows above. It was a tall wall.

Several times a face looked over the edge of the wall to examine it. When that happened we stopped moving and I engaged Camouflage. Unfortunately, Camouflage would need to be at Journeyman level to include others near to me. Our shadow seemed to blend with the shadow on the ground and we were also moving sideways along the wall as well as down. There was a bad moment when Investigator Smythe looked over. We were near the ground when that happened and I think we were outside his effective range. I am glad I had removed all the spikes as he would have definitely seen them.

When we got to the ground my hearing, which was keeping track of the top of the wall, heard Smythe yelling to wake a garrison and get patrols out and warn the border post. We started running away from the wall and then at an angle to it. Tabitha broke the silence.

“So, Rock Boy huh?” she said.

“Yup,” I replied.

“You have had that affinity all along, haven’t you,” she accused.

“Yes.” I replied.

“You let me be all show off about my affinity, and you smugly had one all along.” She was definitely winding up.

“Ah huh,” I said. “Your affinity is definitely worth showing off as it is amazing. It got us out of that scrape.” I said, trying to mollify her. Running and holding a conversation at the same time wasn’t the easiest.

“I should have left your ass up there,” she muttered, knowing I would hear her.

“I am glad you didn't,” I said. “That Investigator is a nasty piece of work, he has an Inquisition specialisation.” I could almost feel her wince.

“Damn, If that was one of the Empire's Inquisitors you wouldn’t be coming back from that,” she agreed. “The horses aren’t too far from here.”

I smelled the horses well out as we were coming from down wind. Rocky and Dusk were tied to a stake. They both had saddle bags. I went to mine and found the leather vest that Branik had made for me right back at the beginning.

“Branik sent a spare knife and Bow, but it is not a fancy one like you had.” Tabitha said. I saw I was back to the standard issue imperial bow. “She also sent your wages to date. She said even with the trouble you have caused, you were worth the hire. Apparently you are now also a spy?” she queried.

“I have the class,” I said, “but I am not employed by anyone.”

“Hmmph,” she said as if not quite believing me.

We mounted up and started for the border.

“We are going to have Garrison patrols out as soon as it is light I imagine. I expect a courier has already been sent to the border post. What happened at the Caravan?” I asked.

“Masnachwr was turned back from the gate after they took you and banned from entering. He came back to the caravan swearing and cursing that you were a spy and took it all out on Branik. I wouldn’t have stood for it, but she let him vent. He sent a messenger into the Torgovlya office and they sent out a wagon to swap goods. They weren't happy with Masnachwr and Masnachwr was blaming the Mothers Tusks. It was all very loud and messy. Masnachwr insisted they leave immediately for the border, so everyone packed up and they left.” She glanced at me to see how I was taking it.

She continued, “Branik took me aside and said if I wanted to go into town and try to help you I was free to do so. She paid us both up to date and said to consider our contract terminated. She told me that if I wanted my share of the coin from the loot to look her up in Hrothgar. She said that while she would like to talk to you, don’t expect any share of the loot as it will go to the Mothers Tusks to compensate for the loss of reputation they are going to suffer.”

“Was she really mad at me?” I asked.

“I don’t think so,” she said, a bit puzzled. “She said to tell you that you have saved the Mother’s Tusks twice and Kopje’s life in particular and that goes a long way with Orcs. The first time was with the Troll,” she said, “but when was the second?”

“The Troll was the second, the first time was the day we met and when she hired me. I will tell you the story some other time.” I replied.

“I think she would like an explanation and while she is not happy, she did send the knife and bow.” Tabitha’s tone indicated she didn’t really understand. “Does Branik know about the Stone affinity?” she asked

“No,” I said. “It is actually a Granite Affinity and nobody but you and an Imperial Inquisitor knows.” I said.

“Damn. The Empire is very keen to keep people with affinites. That is why only Warren knew about mine.” she said.

“He is not going to let us go is he? He now knows there are two of us, or that I have two affinities. We are not even going to be safe across the border.” I was thinking out loud but Tabitha wasn’t very happy with that logic.

We rode on through the night. She led, because she had Dark Sight, not because she had the faster horse. I patted Rocky. I was very happy with her. While we rode I considered my status. No class levels, but definite skill improvement. Still only two free attribute points.

Wiremu Hunter
















Strength (PS)








Agility (PA)



6 4


Poison R +4

Perception (PP)







Crush R +17


Strength (MS)






Agility (MA)



2 6


Pain R +9

Perception (MP)



0 6 18


Strength (SS)








Agility (SA)







Perception (SP)















Free Points




Resistances: Pain +9, Crushing +17, Poison +4



Cooking 2, Fishing 4, Butchering 3, Animal Care 3

Spear 1, Lock Pick 4,

Mineral Lore 2, Animal Lore 3,

Truth Sensing 2, Manipulate Status 4, Sense Spiritual 3,

Sense Treasure 2, Bond Senses 2,

Disarm Spiritual Traps 1, Detect Spiritual Traps 3,

Detect Traps 4, Spiritual Trapping 3, Disarm Traps 4,


Small Blades 7, Bow 8, Unarmed Combat 6, Throwing Weapons 5,

Tracking 8, Skinning 5, Trapping 9, Riding 7,

Deceive 9, Far Sight 7, Camouflage 6,

Granite Bones 7, Granite Spikes 6, Granite Senses 5 ,


Hammer 12, Hearing Aid 11. Identify 10, Animal Bond 10


Stealth 15

Affinity: Granite

Monster Kills: 1

Bond: Pip, Desert Viper.

Resistances: Crushing +16

Skills: Venom Bite, Quick Strike, Granite Bones,

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.