Triple Strength

20. Preparations: Wiremu

20. Preparations: Wiremu

I had Kopje set some ordinary traps up for me to find and disarm. I picked up Detect Traps and Disarm Traps very easily and they basically jumped to the top of Novice levels. With my background in setting traps this was child's play for me. Getting the Spiritual Traps skill was harder, but not as hard as it would have been without already having the Disarm Spiritual Traps Skill. I had purchased some ready made Spiritual traps and setting those by using Spiritual Agility wasn’t quite enough to give me the Skill. I had to go in and alter the camouflage settings before the Skill appeared. Then it was easier to alter other aspects of the traps. I got the impression that when I got to the apprentice level I would be able to create my own simple traps. I walked Tabitha through setting traps and Spiritual Traps. While she got the skill she never really got why I would place a trap in a certain position, or use a certain bait or camouflage. She was a city girl. She would never level those skills very far, but she could follow instructions, so it was an extra pair of hands. My Trapping was now one step from the Journeyman level.

Scouting on horseback was very different to on foot. For a start the horse scared all the game off. I had been learning a greater variety of scouting signs to communicate with Branik, although she now saw me quite often on the horse as I was staying closer to the road. My riding Skill was now in the apprentice levels. I have had time to think how vulnerable I am riding out alone. A decent archer and I am done for. The horse is fast, but I would rather be stealthy. It has been three days since we left the last farm and everybody is on edge. I am on edge. I keep running different scenarios in my head. What would I do if ….. Most of these scenarios are about when I am ambushed while out on my own.

What I didn’t think about was what I would do if I spotted their scout, because there they were, hiding in that rocky outcrop. They were watching me, so I didn’t deviate from my normal activities, and kept riding. How many were there? One or more? Farsight and Hearing Aid indicated only the one, but I was too far away to be certain. Was I riding into an ambush? My first priority was to get a warning to the caravan. I left a sign by the road for Branik that essentially said, “I have seen something suspicious”. I didn’t think that was enough. It would be almost an hour before the caravan got here and they might find and erase the sign. Intelligent enemies are a pain. Beasts are easier. Time for a sweep down one side and try to communicate while assuming I am being watched.

When I am level with the caravan I have had my stone knives out and been playing with them for about five minutes. I have no idea if I am actually being watched, but if I was the scout I would want to know where the caravan was. I acknowledged the caravan with a wave with a knife in one hand, and when I saw Branik watching me I made two specific and obvious movements that signed, one ahead. It was only because I had Hearing Aid tuned on her that I heard her low rumble of acknowledgement and the signal to carry on.

I finished the sweep and was coming back on the other side when Kopje made a small movement I could only see from horseback, getting my attention. As I rode past I said quietly, “I saw one scout in the rocky outcrop, on the right side of the road about 5km ahead. They probably followed me.”

He nodded, “Carry on carefully. We will investigate.” And he faded into the long grass. I seriously wanted to ditch the horse and be the hunter and not the prey. However, I followed instructions and was very careful.

My sweep forward came closer to the rocky outcrop, but I didn't see anyone else. Heading back to the caravan I was stopped by Kopje.

“There is only the one scout,” he said, “and they are staying with the caravan for the moment. We assume to check numbers and composition, but maybe also to communicate with someone. I wasn’t in town so they don’t know that I am around. You are our best tracker and scout, do you think you could backtrack the scout to find their camp and get us some idea of their numbers and make up?”

I nodded. “Pip and I should be able to. Smell is his specialty.”

“In that case,” Kopje said, “I will swap places with you and ride your route while you scout.” I dismounted. He continued, “The most obvious thing about you is the bow, so I am going to have to borrow it and the quiver.”

I didn’t like it, but I could see the logic. I handed them over feeling like I had just been disarmed. He mounted and positioned them where I would normally have them.

“Remember it is only scouting,” he said. “If they see you all our advantages will be gone, don’t take unnecessary risks.”

I nodded, and he wheeled the horse and rode off. I would start where I first spotted the scout as I knew he (or she) was there for some time, and hopefully their smell would linger. Their smell definitely lingered, as they had been there a couple of days watching for us. From their waste deposits, Pip could tell it was a she and he gave me the impression she was in heat. That was far more information than I wanted.

From my tracking and Pip’s scent we were able to find their camp which was well off the road and probably a day ahead for the caravan. The camp was mostly empty, only two people present, one archer and one slave. The slave was preparing a meal, obviously he was there to do the menial tasks. There were signs of a large number of horses, which I guess is how they made such good time. There was a horse trail heading toward the road, so I followed it.

They were preparing an ambush site. It was close to another rocky outcrop and archers would have a clear view of the road from there. Mostly they were digging trenches on either side of the road and then hiding them. I thought they might be for the warriors to hide in, but then it became obvious they were there so the wagons couldn’t leave the road and circle.

I counted another four archers, so with the one at camp and the scout that made six. One of them was obviously senior and may well have a specialised class. I wasn’t willing to go closer to identify them, because of the high perception of the archers. There were eight warriors. The older man that was at the interview was in charge and he looked like a specialised swordsman. The second warrior giving orders also looked like a specialised class, possibly a spearman like Kopje and Smeška? I backed off and made a circular route back to the caravan. On the way back I found something that might help us.

I met back up with Kopje and updated him with the numbers and preparation. I also told him what I had found and how I thought it could be used. He would take all that to Branik and they would discuss. For now I was to carry on. I got my bow back and mounted up with more confidence, knowing my death wasn’t planned till tomorrow morning. They wouldn’t want me as the scout to see their preparations. Spy levelled, which was good.

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