Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B4 – Chapter 28: Treasure Pavillion I

Walking the streets with Aisha beside him was more problematic than Zeke had expected.

When they first met, he had described her as one of the most famous beauties of Korrovan. Back then, he had spoken those flattering words lightly to make a good impression. However, now it seemed he might not have been too far off from the truth. The amount of people blatantly staring at them was staggering.

Their arm-in-arm walk drew considerable attention, particularly from the younger crowd, who appeared captivated by their relationship. Despite being escorted by such a lovely lady, Zeke found himself unhappy with the situation. He could already envision the rumors circulating about them after this outing.

If the young Firebrand heir hadn’t intended to act against him before, then he surely did now. Zeke had heard that he had unsuccessfully tried to court Aisha for years. Judging by his conduct, Zeke wouldn’t even be surprised to learn that suitors had mysteriously disappeared over the years.

Zeke could only sigh. It wasn’t a good idea to escalate tensions over such a misunderstanding. Regardless, he was already in a hostile relationship with the Firebrand school. What did it matter if they hated him even more? However, he noticed something peculiar.

Every time they passed a group of spectators, Aisha would tighten her hold on his arm and get closer. At first, Zeke thought she was doing it unconsciously. However, he soon noticed the crafty glint in her eyes. There was no doubt she did this on purpose. Zeke decided not to say anything yet and merely observed her for a while.

Now that he had caught on, it was hard not to notice what she was doing. She practically snuggled up to him whenever people were watching, only to distance herself again when they were alone. Zeke had a good idea of what she was trying to accomplish but couldn’t be sure of her motive.

“Why are you doing this?” Zeke eventually asked.

Aisha turned to him with a confused look. However, when she saw his expression, her face quickly changed to one of slight embarrassment. “Was I that obvious?”


“It is quite embarrassing to be caught like this…” Aisha said bashfully, averting her eyes.

Zeke wasn’t buying it. He had already seen how sly she could be, and he wouldn’t easily fall for her act. She was the daughter of a famous merchant house and not some naïve damsel. It would be foolish to assume that there was no rationale behind her actions.

He kept his face neutral, not reacting at all to her timid appearance. He merely looked at her and waited for her to answer the previous question. After a moment, Aisha sighed, her lips forming a pout. “You are no fun at all. You know that?”


Upon noticing how her playfulness did not affect Zeke, her face grew slightly more serious. “Fine, fine, I’ll tell you. I was trying to start a rumor.”


“Care to guess?” she asked, the smile back on her face.

This was different from before; she wasn’t just playing around anymore. This was a test. “Most likely to pit me against the Firebrand school,” Zeke answered. “However, I do not know what you stand to gain from that. After all, we are already allies, and I have promised my support.”

Aisha hummed, studying him for a moment. “Then what do you think would happen if it became known that we have allied ourselves with a famous merchant from Tradespire?”

Zeke furrowed his brows and thought about her question. He didn’t know where she was going with this, but he still answered honestly. “The Firebrand family will most likely back off when our partnership becomes known. It is also possible that they would redouble their efforts. However, I think the first option is far more likely. They stand to gain little from antagonizing somebody with such deep coffers and a penchant for vengeance.”

Aisha nodded. “I think so as well.”

“Then, why are you—” Zeke started but fell silent mid-sentence.

Something in Aisha’s expression made him pause—a deeply hidden emotion he hadn’t noticed before. It was anger. A cold rage that quietly boiled beneath the surface — a building volcano ready to erupt. Zeke knew that feeling well. He carried the same kind of anger in his chest. It was the desire for vengeance.

Suddenly, the motive behind Aisha’s actions became apparent. “You don’t want them to back down, do you? You want the situation to escalate.”

Aisha didn’t reply but merely smiled. However, there were many emotions contained in that expression. She seemed surprised that he had caught on so quickly. But primarily, Zeke saw the pain behind the facade. It was only now that he remembered all the people their family had lost during this time.

Seeing this, he felt a prick in his conscience. Zeke recalled how he had even been thankful to the Firebrand school just earlier. In his scheme, he hadn’t even considered the amount of suffering his new allies had endured. He ignored the many people who had lost their lives and how that must have felt for the survivors.

To him, this had merely been a chance to get what he wanted. Zeke had even thought that he had been quite sincere toward them, but now he wasn’t so sure anymore. At the end of the day, he was treating them as a means to an end. He had thought they would be content with the money he promised. But how could human beings be so simple?

Once again, Zeke realized how lacking he was as a leader. Was it any wonder so many of his people had left? Was it any wonder he failed to inspire genuine loyalty?

Honestly, he was quite the hypocrite.

In his quest for vengeance, he was willing to do almost anything. At the same time, he had failed to recognize the same determination in Aisha. Even though she had most likely lost more people than him, he hadn’t even considered she might hold a grudge. It was as if he thought himself the only one capable of doing so.

Zeke hung his head. This wouldn’t do. He would not fall into the same old traps again. If he wanted them to be truly loyal, he would have to consider their feelings and plan accordingly. If Aisha felt this way, then it was reasonable to assume that Mohan and the others held similar sentiments. This was his chance to make up for past mistakes — to grow both as a leader and a person.

Zeke noticed another pair of pedestrians strolling towards them. Making sure they were being observed, he put his hand on Aisha’s and leaned in to whisper softly into her ear, “Is this how you start a rumor?”

Her gaze snapped to his. He gave her a smile, and after a moment, she returned it warmly. The passers-by stopped in their tracks and stared at them until they had turned a corner.

“So,” Zeke said, “tell me everything about the Firebrand school.”

Aisha smiled like a cat over spilled milk.

Zeke was so engrossed listening to Aisha that he only noticed they had arrived when she gestured to the building before them.

He looked up at the imposing structure. The deep shadow of the golden dome roof fell onto the plaza at its front, providing it with a pleasant shade. A small lake lay to its left and a park to its right. It was truly an idyllic scene. Zeke could hardly imagine what such a large plot of land close to the city's center would be worth. Even to him, that was an absurd level of wealth.

Aisha smiled at his expression and pulled him along. She had become much more genuine in her actions after realizing his intentions. Even though she behaved barely differently from before, Zeke somehow knew that her actions and smiles had become a lot more natural and honest.

“Don’t stare too much,” she cautioned as they approached the entrance. “They will think you destitute if you show your admiration openly.”

Zeke nodded. It was the same everywhere. Whether it was Arkanheim, Tradespire, or Korrovan, the upper echelon always acted aloof. This didn’t hold true for everybody, though. Zeke had long since noticed that the true powerhouses of the world wholly ignored such conventions. Maximilian had never cared to put on airs, and neither did Aurelia Thorsten.

However, he was still far from a level where he could afford to act like them. Ignoring the opinions of others was a privilege of the strong, after all. It was a privilege that he would undoubtedly earn for himself at some point. For now, however, he still needed to put on an act.

Zeke schooled his expression as they entered through the giant marble gate. A tastefully dressed woman wearing a veil was already waiting for them. “It is good to see you again, Aisha.”

“Likewise,” Aisha replied with a smile. “It has been some time since my last visit.”

“It has indeed,” the woman replied. “I was worried when I heard about your situation, but it seems your family managed to recover.”

Aisha’s expression flickered momentarily, but the smile never left her face. “It was only a temporary setback. Nothing for you to worry about, Priya.” She had emphasized that last sentence, warning the woman not to pry.

The other woman, Priya, nodded graciously and turned her attention to Zeke. “Is this your boyfriend?”

“No,” Aisha said curtly. “Blood Dragon is merely helping us train our new guards.”

“Really?” Priya asked. Despite the veil, it was clear from her voice that she was smiling. “You two are very close from what I hear, though...”

Zeke carefully examined the woman in front of him. She seemed to have already heard the rumors despite not even an hour having passed. With such frightening information-gathering capabilities, she couldn’t be just anyone. She was also aware of the Nair family’s situation and even dared to tease Aisha.

He carefully probed her using his Magic. Priya was about the same age as Aisha and was quite attractive in her own right. Her hair was dark with a trace of indigo, and her ocean-blue eyes reminded him a bit of Sophia. However, they were missing the same enchanting allure the Mind Mage possessed.

Zeke saw her face despite the veil. In front of him, something of this level posed no obstruction. Unlike the situation with Messenger, his sphere of awareness quickly pierced the fabric. After all, her veil was merely a decorative piece instead of an artifact capable of blocking his senses.

He also noticed that she was a Water Mage. Furthermore, her Core was much larger than his own. She seemed to be on track to becoming a Grand Mage already. Such progress at her age meant that she had a constant supply of Essence crystals. She was definitely somebody important.

Noticing his gaze, Aisha whispered to him. “She is Priya Varun.”

Zeke immediately hooked on to that name. Varun was the name of one of the wealthiest families of Korrovan. They had their hands in every kind of business here. Notably, the Treasure Pavillion also belonged to them.

“Greetings, lady Varun,” Zeke said with a slight bow. “To what do we owe the honor?”

“Oh?” Priya said teasingly. “Why does it sound like you want me to leave? Am I that lacking as a guide?”

“Not at all,” Zeke replied smoothly. She was clearly testing him. However, two could play that game. “In fact, it is good that you have come.”

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she tried to discover his meaning. “Why is that?”

“Miss Nair made some bold claims about this establishment, but I remain skeptical. You see, I am searching for something incredibly rare, and I am doubtful I will be able to find it…” he paused, looking around the hall meaningfully,” …in such a place.”

Priya’s jaw dropped. She clearly wasn’t used to people insulting her family’s business right to her face. Now, she could react in one of two ways: either she would get angry or…

“Something rare?” she said, the challenge evident in her voice. “I am certain our modest place can fulfill your needs. If you have the funds to afford it, that is.”

She had accepted his challenge. Instead of replying, he tossed a weighty bar of gold at her.

Priya’s eyes widened when she saw the number 10’000 etched onto its surface. However, she remained composed as she tried to return the bar. “There are many things you won’t be able to afford with just this amount. You might be disappointed.”

Zeke shook his head, refusing to take his money back. “This is merely a downpayment to express my sincerity.”

Hearing that, her eyes grew more serious. If Zeke was willing to spend this much, then what he was looking for couldn’t be simple. It would be embarrassing if she couldn’t fulfill his wishes after speaking so confidently earlier. “What department?”

Zeke couldn’t help but smile. His gamble had paid off. “I am looking for a plant.”


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