Tread Lightly

530 - Heartfelt Cards - THE END


Over 2 Years Later

"Wyatt! Are you ready yet!? You don't want us to be late, do you!?"

A shout comes from the other side of our house, Elizabeth hurrying me along. I do my best to speed up, but I spent too much time on my project and not enough on getting dressed this morning. The amount of Ether I spent is exhausting, even for me.

Still, I stand with haste, only to hear Blodwyn nag me as well.

"It's been almost a month since we saw anything more than corn and Elizabeth. You can work more on it later. It's okay if you can't figure out that final piece."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I shake my head as I slide my coat on over my arms, the fabric fitting nicely over my flesh. Pants are next, and then finally, boots shimmy up and onto my feet. I take a glance at the rugged leather for a moment, nearly laughing at the fact I wear them at all.

What? Is a rock going to bruise my foot?

A second later, I'm out of the bedroom, tapping down the steps to find Elizabeth waiting for me. A bag is in her hand, some dessert hidden within as she glares at me. I am lost between her beautiful sundress and the finger pointed directly at me.

"Hey! Primrose is making her cherry pie today. If we get there late and Bonfire ate it all already, you're cooking dinner for the next week!"

I wave my hands in self-defense, the battle a sure loss. I don't want to cook! I'm awful at it! At least compared to her.

"No! He would never! He knows how much you love cherries! And Lily! He wouldn't dare!"

A raised eyebrow comes next as I'm hit with yet another question. I'd be annoyed if I wasn't used to it.

"Where is your sister? She left to see her friends a few days ago. Is the tether alright?"

With a flick of my mind, I reach out to the stretched line of Ether that cradles Lily's Concept to her actualized form. I can't see through her eyes or anything, but I can easily sense her. She's... smiling. Laughing.

That's good enough for me. Her school has a break this week, so we let her do whatever she wants. I'd hate to force her to come with us when she doesn't want to. I reply to Elizabeth while stepping out the door, a bundle of black fur on the porch.

"She's fine. With Kenny and Vanessa. C'mon, Dakota."

A low groan of understanding originates from the fox as Elizabeth follows me. I take in the bright sun above, the lemony luminance that radiates off the fields of corn around us. Inhaling the scent for a second, I just enjoy it all.

"That's great! I'm happy she's found some friends at her school. I just wonder what they would think if they saw the real her! Hahaha!"

A burst of laughter that always brings a smile to my face does it yet again. Turning to face Elizabeth, I lay out a hand for her. Ether swims through my body as I let my Concept tap into a specific series of actions.

I've made tremendous progress over the past two years with my Ether. Not as much as before, but... those years were special. Nothing in the cosmos can push me as I was constantly herded back then.

Elizabeth's eyes fall to my hand with a resplendent joy. As always, she has a question while holding defensively onto her back.

"Blink or Soultravel?"

I answer quickly, and she accepts the offer.

"Soultravel, of course. Blink would ruin the dessert."

A squinted pair of eyes follow me while the hand I hold onto begins to dematerialize. The effect then spreads to the fox rubbing against my leg and even the food in the held bag. The last to vanish from sight should any be watching us is me.

Then, miles pass us by, a thousand in less than a second. We chose to live far from everyone else for one simple reason.

I can't just walk through a street. Everyone either wants to talk to me or run from me. I've seen people drop what they're holding and rush at me while others have a heart attack from fear. Plus... it takes quite a bit of effort to restrain my Ether or my Concept at this point. Unsigiled... do not handle a God walking amidst them all too well.

It is what it is. I just wish Levi didn't announce that I was a God in her stupid religion. What even is Satanism anyway?

So dumb.

I miss not being recognized.

Nevertheless, our travel is short and sweet, with my timing near-perfect to stop the flow of Ether. With Limitless, I can spread Soultravel to others and objects. It already was unbelievable with its speed, but now it's even better.

My feet touch the hard concrete before Bonfire and Abraham's shared house. I look over all its features while Elizabeth and Dakota regain their bearings. The former checks the food while the latter sniffs his paws. At the same time, I pull my aura inward, the passive Concepts that roil off my form and the Ether that departs me without my notice. The action itself isn't tricky, easily done by my Dominion, but after a while it can become tiring. It's like... sucking in my gut. Not bad for short periods, yet annoying and troublesome for hours or more. Nonetheless, this is worth it.

The house isn't that large—six or so rooms, if I remember correctly. The last time I was here, Abraham threatened to move back to the Frozen Wastes with his girlfriend because Bonfire couldn't keep it clean.

How about that? Two Demigods unable to settle living arrangements in a house?

I wonder how that argument went. I've been so focused on my project for the past few weeks that I completely forgot about visiting them. And everyone else.

But Virgil. I... still haven't found where he went off to. His siblings held a funeral. Aron said he wasn't coming back. She... said that he came back once. And left.

We all think he can't stand his new body. It's more than just hunting the remnant forces of Usen to him. Not even the naturally growing Demigods and monsters in the world would call to him like this.

It's been two years since I saw my best friend.

"You alright?"

A hand wraps around mine and clutches it tightly. A mouth opens on the side of my cheek as Blodwyn follows up with his own sarcastic remark.

"I think he's already turned back to that damned thing. Just give it a break for a day. It'll be fine."

Elizabeth shakes her head. Somehow, she knows me better than my literal soul mate.

"Nah. That's not it. If you don't want to come today, we can head back. I'm sure they'll understand."

I breathe in deeply and step forward toward the door. Outstretching a hand, I nearly make it to the doorknob before it pulls itself open. On the other side, a venomously green dress overflows past the doorway.

Primrose smiles and waves us in, her grouchiness still on display.

"Ten minutes late? So unlike you, Elizabeth. Everyone's practically already here besides you guys!"

Practically yanked in by her voice, I enter, only to experience the cacophony of voices within. Typically, I restrict my senses too with my aura, not wanting to constantly participate in all that noise, so I couldn't tell beforehand.

But while at the entrance of the house, my tongue is caught in my mouth. Ahead is the living room, where Rich is playing music with a guitar across the couch from Blake, her twins, and Skybullet. Abraham is reclined on a separate chair, a veil over his eyes.

I can hear his snores from here. Walking past him is his girlfriend with a short giggle at his condition. Inerea pats his foot, but that still doesn't wake the half-Nahullo, likely lost in dreamland. She continues on to find Bonfire setting up the wide circular table for our games.

She gives him a snarl but doesn't say anything to him or Earl, who is across from him. Bonfire still runs his typical board and card games for us, but Earl has created some pretty crazy stuff. Changing decks, evolving cards, and figurines that can move and fight.

Every month, we make sure to do this. And I can't help but smile as I see a broad back at the short bar the two roommates have in their house. Tomas sits at the bar with a cigar in his mouth, reminding me of a certain gunslinger. He doesn't come to these often.

Elizabeth says something, and so does Primrose, but I step past them all, heading straight for the General. Climbing up to the stool with him, I place my elbows on the granite.

"How are things?"

I tend to avoid drama, only coming in to help when absolutely needed. For example, one time, a group of demons and Pygmies tried to summon a God from deep in the cosmos. Tomas sent someone to fetch me to help, just in case they succeeded.

They did not.

"Alright. The Church Of Leviathan is making things difficult for new settlers heading west past the waters, but things will iron out. Those Bishops and Cardinals know better than to hurt my people. Our people."

Nodding, I follow along as he continues to tell me about the situation of New Vallens, the island country that he's been leading for the past year. The whole continent had already been split apart into its own factions since Vincent's death.

Only this time...

It isn't by race but by location and ideals. New Vallens, Nevermore, Lehan Theocracy, Northbound Alliance, Illstra's Union, Soaring Waves, and the Southern States. Tomas' home is smack dab in the middle of it all as he's uplifted the earth in the sea to create an isle where his father raised him.

Demons, Nahullo, Pygmies, Bado, and Undead are all welcome to his motherland. I'm surprised he came all the way here for today. Oh right. Of course, he would. Today is the anniversary of Marshall's death.

Where else would he want to be than with us? The only other person in his country who would understand him is Rich, but the musician doesn't talk much. He just hums a tune.

The alcohol in Tomas' hand sinks down his chest tightly, and I can only pat him on the shoulder. The sensation of doing so only seems to make me feel worse.

"I miss him, too. All of them. Leonard. Sacate. Heath. Johnny. Virgil. My father. Louis. So many died."

A nod is my only answer before another joins us. Silas sits on my left, grasping outward and pouring himself a drink. It's all he can taste, after all.

"I miss Isaac most of all."

"Ed. Kate. Even... even Eli a little bit."

Mie and her partner chime in for a little bit. Birdie struts past us while calling us out on our moods.

"Hey! Cheer up, you five. Today is a celebration! Oh... I wasn't supposed to say that."

I raise an eyebrow as the Undead woman scurries away. Both Tomas and Silas resign to shrug and continue their drinks. I stand from my chair and walk around the house a little more.

Doing so, I spot the painting on the wall of a friend I haven't seen in over a year. Autumn Adkins, her flowing sword singing of crackling storms while water downpours across her and her ship.

The admiral and leader of the Soaring Waves holds a smile on her face despite the conditions the painting is modeled after. I know she must have been pissed having to chase down a pirate that ransacked a town.

Bonfire has too much of a crush on her to bear her in any other light, though. I doubt anything will come of his feelings, however. Autumn thinks he's too weird. Hard to argue with her on that.

A commotion brings me out of my thoughts, however, as the front door opens from the outside. A pair of heart boots slams into the entrance, and my head turns to greet the fellow. But it is more than that. The entire building falls silent to the man standing there.

He's always invited, but he's never come before, too entranced in his school. The Heartsword Academy is the premier ground for all up-and-coming Sigiled. People flock from all over the continent to apply, but most are turned down.

Every month, only a handful of people are allowed out of the tens of thousands that try.

Lennon Hull gives no quarter, even with his injuries, although some are healed.

The noise resumes as the soldier stumbles in with a cane. I restored his right arm years ago, but that is all. He would only cave for one side until his soul heals enough for his Dominion. Though... I don't hold much hope for that to happen.

I step up to my friend and wrap an arm around him.

"I'm glad to see you. It's been a while."

Lennon's face actually displays a smile as he faces me in turn. He even returns the hug with his one arm.

"Likewise. I figured I'd finally come to one of these. Maybe even pick up some new recruits from Blake's pair."


The woman in mention shouts at Lennon as I gape at the man in shock. He actually made a joke. That's...

"I'm just kidding. But send them to me when they're older if they're interested. Free entry for Johnny's kids. No Trial Of Limits either."

Blake stands from her seat, handing both her twins to Richard, who takes them for a moment. The guitar-player doesn't seem to bind the burden. Then, she walks over to us. Water shapes in her eyes as she thanks Lennon.

"I appreciate the offer, Lennon. I'll send them the moment they are ready. I don't want them to be weak, and they can have no better teacher."

I interject by pointing at myself with my index.

"What about me? He's not a God, y'know."

Blake side-eyes me while Primrose shuttles past, a steaming pie in her hands. The venomous woman continues to earn her title.

"Yeah, and you can't teach a cow how to be livestock! Lennon's the one who swung a sword to kill Gods! He's the only one of you freaks who is still human to the core! My kid's going with him!"

I bite my tongue as she steps away, unable to say anything in response lest I be barred from her cooking. Sighing, I push Lennon after her, the man struggling to stay standing even with his cane. I don't know how he got here from the many miles he had to travel, but he must be tired. And hungry.

"Go on. Get some of her pie. I'm going to go see Bonfire."

Lennon nods, doing precisely as I said. Though with how close he is following her, I am worried she'll say something rude.

Eh. He's not as volatile as he once was. I don't know what really happened to him. But Lennon Hull went his whole life without changing. That was until that final battle.

After it...

He's never been the same. No... that's not right. He changed when he fought Kaisen. Both times. The rematch reshaped him. Permanently.

My feet carry me over to Earl and Bonfire's table, and I take a seat between my friends. A hand is dealt to me instantly, and Abraham, dozing off still, sits across from me. A game is made before I can even say a word, and I have nothing to complain about. This is what I came for, after all!

Silas joins, and so does Elizabeth. The last to sit at the table for the game of Bonfire's Hold Em is Primrose. Bonfire opens his mouth to speak, but a knock bounces off the front door.

Once more, everyone's heads turn, even those who are not playing. No one else is supposed to come. Well, besides Autumn, but she's on the other side of the waters.

Silence reigns for several moments before a figure steps, literally, through the door as a living shadow. Tightly wrapped in dark clothing to hide his figure and weapons, the man raises an awkward hand. My heartbeat doubles as the man I've missed for so long has returned.


The Hunter is beset with a dozen shouts and acknowledgments all at once. I can immediately tell that my friend is overwhelmed, so I wave him over. My enthusiasm pushes away the others, for now, saving him from their countless questions.

I know it's been a while. But we can catch up later. We're about to play. Virgil bows his head toward me and sits directly beside me, just like a shadow would.

While he does so, Bonfire sets the ground rules without any interruptions. Things are no longer what they once were.

"No Ether above Solid. No Powers or anything else like it. I don't want my house to be destroyed. And no mind reading, Mie. That's no fun for anyone. Blodwyn, you and Wyatt can take turns. Beyond that... cheat all you want. Just don't get caught by someone else!"

A grin embeds itself on my face as the fun finally begins. But when it comes time for me to decide whether to play my hand or fold, I simply stare at the cards.

Virgil is here. He hasn't said why. But... he's here after two years. I wonder what he's been through. What kind of things he's killed. What things he's seen.

People whisper with terror and awe of the Flickering Wraith. Many are terrified of what he represents: sudden, inescapable death. At the same time, however, many gaze at him with wonder and adoration as he appears and slays a monster with nothing but those pupils being shown to the saved and premature night.

We're all here—all of us who are alive, at least. Aniwye is here. She's upstairs with Marigold, but the little one isn't too good around so many people. I'll have to see them in a little.


My eyes scratch over the room I'm in, and it enters the others. My perception expands as I let it balloon to its maximum. Everyone you cared to protect...

We're all here, Johnny.

Tranquility settles upon me.

The stress I've held for so long unwinds fully. I've always... felt something in the back of my head that it wasn't over yet. That... Virgil could die. And that...

I'd have to go out there. Because... if there is a being out there that can kill my best friend... Then I'll have to deal with it. And sure, if he's back now, that either means he's done or that he needs help. Whichever is the case, I'll deal with it tomorrow. For now...

I lay down my hand, playing the shitty card without a care in the world as my mind expands to the project I have been building. The consciousness in my mind flutters outward to attach to a saloon.

The very same kind I met Johnny in.

The place where... it truly all began. The origin of my Divinity. Sure, that day 'Ma' died set off the motions to it all, but nothing was set in stone until I met that man.

I enter it the instant I reach the plane I have built. The batwing doors swing wildly behind me, the limitless void on the other side. Ahead of me, the tables are empty, and the chairs are without the rowdiness from back then.

A bar rests without a bartender, hundreds of full and empty bottles on display while the stairs beside the many stools ride up to the second floor. The trim brawling ring is absent of participants, utterly desolate.

My eyes grace it all, even the banners that hail from the ceiling, graspable if one treads along the walkway on the second floor.

Yet, as I step up to the bar, a man appears to greet me. He is tall, with the build of a runner, yet possessing the muscle of a hardened warrior. Scars litter his face, and his hands hold a shot glass with the dexterity of a God.

However, all of those features are meaningless to me. It is the eyes that stare into my soul. A bird of prey is more than blind to such a man with his prowess, the golden pupils too radiant to unsee. They rotate while observing me as if peering beyond the physical, viewing the soul and that which lies beneath. It can see the Origin and then plan for one's Adaptation to their Limits.

"Hello, Wyatt. It is a pleasure to meet you. Are you here for techniques, information, or ascension?"

The smile on my face fades slightly. It is him, but it is not.

I built his body, his face, and even those eyes in this realm. But... while I'm Limitless, there are some things I cannot do. Nor would I want to. It would never indeed be him. Still... I think it's ready. I... don't need to remake him. This is enough.

"None of those things, Johnny. It's time we deploy the Saloon. Too many have died without knowing the right way to power. Too many struggle blind, without a guiding hand. But you... you..."

My words catch on themselves. The figure behind the bar twists his head, confused and unsure of what I am saying. He recognizes the plan, I'm sure, but it is the rest he does not know.

I just need to say it. Once I do... I can move on. I think.

"You will guide them all. I will improve you and all of the Saloon as much as I can, but this is your realm. When someone comes desperately needing aid, I know you will step up to the challenge. Because you always did. They won't be blind. They won't... they won't be aimless and without purpose. Just as you gave a group of ruffians a cause, you shall give all beings one in their own hearts."

When I finish speaking, my words don't echo. They are absorbed into the personalized and specialized realm I've created. Johnny nods, preparing to say something with the unique soul I've built for him, but I don't let him.

I cannot grow too attached to him. I just... can't.

"Goodbye, Johnny. I hope your next pupil is less tiresome than I."

When my consciousness comes back to my body, I find myself sitting on a petite hill, the sun falling in the distance. The lack of recognition of my surroundings isn't all that abnormal. I'm sure Blodwyn had fun playing cards tonight.

I'll always have another chance.

But I'm not alone on this hill. Elizabeth is beside me, lying down with her fingers crossed behind her long hair. I didn't dislike her short hair, but I always preferred the original strands that fell to her back. Our fox rests inches away, his head set upon my leg.

"Is he back yet, Blodwyn?"

I grin slightly, revolving to face Elizabeth.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. What was that celebration for anyway?"

The woman who has caught my heart returns the smile that melts the very thing. Leaning up to me, she pecks me on the lips before revealing the news.

"I'm pregnant."




Both Lily and Blodwyn cash in on their notes, but I'm just lost as Elizabeth's joy only continues to grow. My lips bounce off each other, and no sound is capable of leaving my throat.

My love, however, explains how she got past my hereditary limit. We always knew that we couldn't have kids, even on the very first date she dragged me on. But...

"It wasn't easy. Silas helped, and so did Dawn. It took dozens of Wishes and... woah, uh... hundreds of Decrees behind the scenes. I think I owe Silas and Mie a fortune. But we did it! I wanted to wait to tell you until we were sure it worked. I—"

I dive onto the woman, hugging her tightly with all the strength I can muster that won't hurt her. There are no words to describe my joy as the sun sets behind me, but the tears that fall from my face and onto hers have to be enough of an indication.

"Do you have an idea for a name?"

My question is quick, but it is only because I have a pretty good notion of what she will want. And I can only agree.

"Yeah. You're way happier about this than I expected. I mean, I expected... whatever. I've got a few ideas, but nothing concrete yet, although it is a boy. Silas' Wishes are more powerful when specific, so we already know."

I nod with more rivers from my face and place my forehead against hers. She doesn't say anything but looks up at me and into my eyes.

"Have you told Ma?"

The answer breaks my heart with how amazing it is.

"Yeah. She was building a cradle for us today. Who knows what kind of monster we'll give birth to, huh? Only Aniwye could handle it."

The short laugh from Elizabeth escalates my joy into cackling laughter. Still, our foreheads hang close, close enough that I can feel her soul. I can feel all the souls of the people around me, courtesy of my strength, but hers has always been different.

And... now...

This is all I have ever wanted. A full family. A happy one.

In my pocket, I pull out a photo and show it to Elizabeth. It's not the first time she's ever seen it—Killian, Ma, Lily, and me, yet this one is special.

"We're missing one from this photo, but... I'd love to recreate it. I know Killian would want us to."

I don't even need to look ahead or listen to hear the answer. I already know what it is. Still, I pull away from Elizabeth and sit beside her, grasping the slightly damaged photo in my hands.

Staring at my father's face, I recall the times I used to hate him for leaving me behind. I wanted him to bring me with him. Being abandoned was the worst thing in the world to me back then, but now I understand.

Anything to protect your family, right, Killian? Anything, no matter the cost to yourself or your soul.

I'll tell him about you—all the bits that I know and all the parts that Aniwye would regale. I often thought she exaggerated your skills, but... perhaps... she didn't speak highly enough. You won't be forgotten, father. Had you not chosen death, I am confident you would be just as strong as me.

I just hope I can be as good as you were, minus the absentee part, of course.

My hands tighten on the photo before it evaporates, my Ether running through it and placing it elsewhere, to a place connected to my soul, Concept, and existance.

It lands upon the bar of a great man, framed and returned to its previous glory. No matter how many centuries pass, no matter how many come and go, that photo will be seen by all.

I never gave my father anything. Not a birthday gift or a thank you.

This is it, Killian. Thank you for everything. It's time I start building up my own world so that my kid's shoulders are light. No one should have to walk with all those burdens.

"Hello, Skybullet. Welcome to the Saloon. What are you in for? Information? Guidance? Ascension? I can pull in any Sigil you resonate with, given you meet the conditions. Or is it just a little relaxation? I must warn you to tread lightly into the deeper sections as they are not yet finished. The shooting range is still under construction, my dear."

The first visitor to my grand creation leaves me elated as the sun finally sets before my eyes, the rays of light leaving me in darkness.

I suppose it's time to return home.

It's been a long, long day.

And I look forward to the next, whatever it may bring.

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