Tread Lightly

527 - To Monkey

Sitting at a desk in Earl's new workshop, I'm in awe of the tools and contraptions around. There have to be a dozen different kinds of furnaces and a hundred contraptions I don't know the name of. The heat alone is enough to fog the glass on the building one over. It truly has been too long since I last set foot in a workshop of his. It was... before we went to the Underworld. Maybe even before that. It never ceases to amaze me.

While everyone else seems to have relaxed after the war, Earl Garner has only become busier. Instead of creating weapons of war, however...

He's moved on to greener pastures.

"I call this an Automatic Shoveling Hoe. It can till the ground of a farm for up to ten square miles per day on its own, as long as a bit of Ether is used to get the gears turning. Primrose didn't like the name, though... so we're calling it an Ash."

I raise an eyebrow at his explanation of the contraption before me, riddled with spikes, blades, and a bucket of some design. It is... beyond my understanding, but I ask for just a little.

"But... farmers can't use Ether? How will any of them ever get this thing running?"

My friend points to me with a smile on his face, running across the room to grab another thing. It looks like a cylindrical device, covered in warning signs and labels with pieces of copper and gold wired around its sides.

"Aha! See! That's what I thought, too, so I never bothered before with things like this! But I had an idea. I could reuse the idea of the old testing devices for Sigiled and turn them into rudimentary storage of usable Ether. The concept came from Eli making non-living things capable of fighting with Ether, like the Mannequins. Now, as I'm sure you know, Ether is all over in the air and within the bodies of Sigiled, but only the kind inside people can be easily used. So, these manage to retain the imprint of a person for up to fourteen days. These can be sold to run such tools without a Sigiled ever touching them."

I scratch my forehead as I stare at the tool, sensing the feeble strands of Ether within the device. I open my mouth to ask another question, but the man's assistant is already on it.

"Fucking dumbass. Yes. It's pitiful compared to what you shit out on the daily, but for a tool like this, it'll last days, Wyatt. Not everyone is a fucking God. Think fast."

Primrose tosses me a container of my own, though this one is massively different. It has no warnings and is pitch-black in look.

"Oh, yes! That's my newest prototype. I obviously wanted to build something a little more... capable, and that's it! It contains the Ether an average 3rd Sigil could wield over the course of a full day. Not much for us, but for the common man, as long as it retains its signature, could run a tool like this for months."


"Could I get a word in?"

A peal of laughter comes from behind me as I attempt to ignore both Blake and Elizabeth in favor of speaking to Earl. Shaking my head, I step a bit closer to the tool, poking it lightly to test its durability.

"But what will you do with this? Sell it? And what else can be made?"

Earl shrugs as if he has no clue but is already listing off alternative devices.

"Sell it, most likely. Not too expensive, though, just enough to pay for the materials that I don't Create. If it becomes too much for me to handle on my own, however, things might have to change. Beyond the Ash, I was thinking of vehicles like the Steam Train but smaller! More portable and usable, preferably seafaring! With the changes to the continent... people need easier ways to travel. Maybe even weapons for people to protect themselves with that don't require a Sigil but can be made stronger with Ether. Tools to help with temperature, seeing as the outside world is quite... bad in some spots. There's much to be done and so little time."

I laugh, waving my friend off. He's always so stuck in a rush. I can already see the fuming smoke out of Primrose's ears at his comment. She doesn't like it when he's too busy and ignores her entirely. Nevertheless, I am thankful I vetoed his participation in the final battle. If we had lost his mind... I would never have forgiven myself. The smile on my face would take the reappearance of Vincent to remove today.

"Too little time? You have all the time in the world, my friend. Just keep making the world better."

The genius smiles at me with all the joy I could ever hope to see on his face. And to my surprise, Primrose shares that happiness, but the instant she notices that I can see her, she turns away to move something on a table. So weird, that girl.

"Well, I guess you're right. Is there anything you'd want me to make for you? Or you, Elizabeth? Blake? Primrose? I can try to do another arm for you, Wyatt, but..."

Earl spreads his arms open, offering to the four of us, counting Lily, a privilege no one else has ever gotten.

I shake my head lightly and turn him down despite how much of an honor it is.

"I'm good. Maybe one day, if I ever need to fight again, but for now, I'm good. Focus on creating creation, not creating destruction."

Just as I finish my comment, however, the little girl beside me shouts out in expectant enthusiasm.

"Aren't you making someone like me!? Can you do it faster!?"

I chuckle, stepping to the side to rustle her hair. Earl nods like it's the most crucial mission in the world and steps away toward the back of the shop for a moment.

"Of course, missus. But this one has a special purpose! I'll be right back! You'll love to see the progress!"

Elizabeth plants herself on an open spot of a nearby table while Earl is gone and presses Primrose, who is tinkering with a container of gas, with quite an invasive question—a bold one that has Blake's face sinking.

"You mentioned wanting to propose last I saw you. Any update on that? You two have been tied at the hips for more than a year at this point, no? You better tie that knot before someone takes him from you."

The glare that Primrose returns Elizabeth makes me snort as the inquisitor puts her hands in the air as if she did nothing wrong. Primrose puts a finger to her lips while growling out a threat.

"Not a word. I said that in confidence! Now he knows, too! And no one will dare! They'll die before they even get close. No one but me knows the difference between what tools will kill you and what will turn on the furnace. Oh! He's coming back. Shut up! Both of you! And you! Don't say anything!"

Primrose becomes more agitated, pointing at Blake and me before motioning to Lily a moment later. She is embarrassed. How... funny. It's so unlike her. I didn't even hear a single curse word there.

"Say anything about what?"

Earl comes back just a little too soon, and I catch the deathly meaning from Primrose. Not wanting to ruin it for her or for him, I save her.

"About Virgil's birthday. It's coming up soon. We're gonna surprise him."

The man, holding a box in his hand made of purple-tinted wood, grins lavishly as he places it on the table next to Elizabeth and before Lily.

"Yeah, right. You've got a better chance of killing Wyatt with a stick than surprising Virgil with anything. He'll sniff it out a mile away. Plus, I heard no one has seen him lately. Hopefully, he will come and visit now that you're awake. I'm willing to help, regardless. Oh, here you go, Lily. Open it! It's not done yet, but it's on the way!"

A prancing and giddy Blooming Spider Lily wraps her tiny hands around the box before prying it open. The little girl, bound by her gloomy dress and skirt, gasps aloud at the contents of the box.

"A shotgun!"

I look down at the insides of the container, impressed by the craftsmanship. Every time, I wonder just how Earl can do it better the next time. And he always does.

My breath catches in my throat as I take it in. The weapon is unlike anything I've ever seen. The gun is riddled with glowing veins that pulse with deathly darkness, an aura that chills me to my core. These veins, almost alive, snake across the barrel and grip, emanating a sensation that feels like Death herself... or... himself.

My eyes trace the veins, following them to the handle. It's bone-white, smooth yet cold, ending in a shrunken skull. The skull is grotesque, with four hollow eyes that seem to peer into my soul. I shudder as I know just where that skull comes from.

My father. And Kudo.

Worse yet, the skull's mouth is twisted into a silent scream, as if it is locked into eternal pain. The only comfort I feel at the moment is that I know my father was not within the skull when it was formed. It was only the remnants that were no longer him.

Drapes of cloth surround the two short barrels of the gun, reminding me of Kudo's cowl. The fabric looks ancient, frayed, and darkened by time. With the cloth and bone, it almost looks crude in construction, but with my senses, I can tell it is anything but.

I notice the trigger next. It's made of bone, too, shaped like a finger bone—my own finger twitches in response, imagining the feel of it beneath my touch.

But someone else picks it up from the box, flinging it all over with her petite hands. Earl freaks out for a second before calming down when I grab Lily's shoulders to slow her excitement with the weapon.

"Relax. It's not going anywhere."

"Yeah. And sorry about not asking for your permission, Wyatt. He was your dad, too. But Lily... she was lonely without you, so... I promised to help her. And, it's far safer to put his remains in this than just leave it around."

I nod, staring at the four-eyed skull at the bottom of the weapon as it lights up with a deep crimson. I understand. I'm not angry. Or disappointed. I just... miss him. I miss the fact that I never got to know him. I guess... this is the next best thing.

"It's fine. But... what do you mean it's not done yet? It feels... pretty dangerous already."

Earl points to the sockets within the eyes at the bottom as I realize only one of the four actually glows.

"It's still sealed. Leviathan did the honors while you were out. I need to improve the framework and the inscriptions of Ether within it before we start unsealing it piece by piece. By the end... it'll be the first man-made Divinity. Well... Lily, too, but she's not the same. It should have a soul when I'm done, definitely not your father, but... I can't be sure how it will act. I'm hoping it will be childlike instead of mature, but who knows how these things work? You would, I guess, oh, God of Souls."

I shrug, not knowing the result myself, while Earl steps forward to take the weapon back from Lily, and she pouts in annoyance.

"Come on! I've barely held him!"

I rub her shoulder to get her to acquiesce.

"He's gotta work on him for you, Lily. He can't do it if you won't give it back."


I give Earl a look, but he can only give me a straight smile as he retrieves the shotgun from Lily and sets it back into the box. Once he's done, he turns to face me and asks a question.

"Where are you guys going next? I know you just woke up a few hours ago, but have you seen your mother yet?"

Shaking my head, I glance at Elizabeth. Blake kind of shuffles toward Earl before whispering into his ear. I don't pry, knowing it's likely a personal request of some kind.

"Where is she? I'm sure you know. You seem to know everything about everything."

Elizabeth smirks and bounces her head toward the door.

"Yeah. I've been keeping tabs on most people with Tomas—especially the dangerous figures. Your mother went to the Depths with Marigold to show her the homeland of the demons. Speaking of... We have a meeting with Leviathan soon. If you could come, that'd be great."

I get caught up before agreeing to her question. Ma did what?

"She... took Marigold to the other side of the continent? A baby? Is she insane? Wait... don't answer that."

Elizabeth throws her hands up as if she already tried to deal with this situation in the past. I can practically feel her annoyance from here.

"Yeah. Yeah. Aniwye said she could take care of Marigold fine if they went around the New Sea. While she's probably right, I still didn't like the idea of taking a baby across the continent."

Fuck. Another thing. New Sea?

"What's that? The ocean moved?"

The woman takes my hand and leads me out of the building, letting Blake stay inside as she's fallen into an in-depth conversation with Earl and Primrose. I wave to the two, and they wave back at me.

"Bye, Wyatt! Lily! Elizabeth! On Monday, make sure you go to Bonfire's cabin! He's hosting!"

Earl shouts at me while Elizabeth explains a little. Her hands paint a bit of a picture as she forms a circle with her fingers.

"The fight against Usen had... disastrous impacts on our continent. The aftereffects flooded the center, which had many low valleys, and were made even worse by the craters left behind in the fighting. So, now, from about halfway into the Wilds all the way to Qune and Gravecross as its border, there is a new sea. We call it... New Sea. Not my idea! Was Tomas's, actually. The stubborn man, however, is determined to build up Vallens and restore it to an island. I'll probably join in that effort here soon."

I bite my lip, feeling awful about the damage we left behind. We've permanently ruined our world. For a terrible second, I consider leaving, starting anew, but I shake it away as I remember what Flint told me when we fought. I'm not a Voyager. I won't just destroy and leave.

Elizabeth must notice my concern as she tries to make it better.

"It's not all bad! There are plenty of islands within the New Sea. The Spires in Starkbluffs is a massive archipelago that the Bado have now returned to. Plus, the ocean retreated a great deal, giving us more land on our shores. We lost our most dangerous lands and gained plenty of usable land. It doesn't hurt that we're more separated from the demons than ever before, too. Plus, the Nahullo are happy now that they have a portion of that sea frozen that they can fish in for food. You did just enough destruction to change the continent, not ruin it. Still, there are dangerous places left behind that are better left untouched."

I nod deeply. What she said makes sense. While we did lose a bunch of land, it's now vastly safer. The relief I feel due to the knowledge that I didn't destroy my home is... impossible to describe. We can always find more, too. There are plenty of islands in the Endless Seas, and based on what Vincent told Johnny, there are more continents out there, too. Ones just as dangerous as ours.

Vincent had nearly died out there—several times. Sure, he was a Demigod back then and not a God, but that still displayed the grandeur beyond the horizon.

Just thinking about the possible adventure... it gets my blood flowing. I shake my head roughly, however, focusing on something more important.

"My Ma, then. How far away is she? And where are you meeting Leviathan?"

Elizabeth smiles softly as she turns to face the westward horizon. I can almost see the excitement on her face as she stares outwardly.

"Tomas and I were planning on heading to Leviathan's Hearth all the way on the other side of the continent. You could join us. Aniwye is probably there already."

I get her attention with a face that must reek of disbelief.

"What? How are you two going to traverse thousands and thousands of miles in a single day over mostly water? Can Virgil even do that?"

The woman's lips only widen as she walks toward the edge of the floating city. I follow her, passing by countless people before we're at the edge, hovering over the vastness below.

"No. None of us are that fast. Well, maybe you are now, but... we don't have to be. Leviathan is set to open a Crossroads for us here shortly. One of the Gods we killed was an expert in the Void, and that lets her use their Divinity for such things."

"And we're okay with her having that power?"

I immediately rebuttal with worry, but Elizabeth doesn't possess my same concern. She peers up at me with pride as she confidently declares my strength.

"No. We're not. Because if she ever misuses it, you will put an end to her and all that she holds dear. Furthermore, Bonfire is still training. Our hope is that he can reach Godhood by the end of next year so that you won't be alone. Abraham doesn't want to be left behind, but... I don't think he's capable, in all honesty. Unfortunately, the others with the potential have been killed or... crippled. Our peace can never be held simply on mutual trust and friendship alone. It just isn't possible. Friendship with guaranteed destruction should we come to blows is far better for long-term prosperity. It'll keep both in line."

My eyes fall down onto her as she places her hands behind her back and grins, attempting to be cute. It's a ploy, however. I know her. I know her very well.

"Learned a lot from Eli, huh?"

Elizabeth nods, her face instantly shifting into a scowl. She sure doesn't like being compared to him. Immediately, I feel bad as I know her feelings about that man.

"Yeah. I guess. Don't say that, though, please. I don't like it. Let's find Tomas. Leviathan should be ready soon."

I apologize to her quickly, and we step away from the edge of the city. As we do so, I realize we forgot Lily back at the workshop. Fuck. She better not be playing with that shotgun!

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