Trapped in Paradise

Chapter 280

Chapter 280: Class Time

“Uh… this…”

Zhang Shaoqing, who had gone on stage to present the group assignment on Monday, was scratching his head.

Ning Chu, sitting in the audience, couldn’t help but giggle at Zhang Shaoqing’s predicament.

Just yesterday, she had gone shopping with Yan Xinya and Lily during the day, and after rushing home to type her novel, she had been busy until late at night. Then, Wen Yang had played with her toys until she was stuffed!

Two nights in her house! Wen Yang was really getting out of hand!

She had only slept for five hours that night, which normally would have been enough to make her sleepy in class the next day, but she felt full of energy, almost wanting to run a few laps.

Who knows why.

“Didn’t we give him a speech draft? He could just read it!”

Ning Chu rested her chin on her hand and complained, “I didn’t see him at all while doing the assignment. How can he not mess it up when he’s in charge of the presentation?”

“He probably hasn’t even looked at the assignment,” Wen Yang shrugged, explaining to Zhang Shaoqing, “Over the weekend, his family dragged him back for blind dates. I heard he met more than ten girls in two days.”

“Pff, how tragic! No wonder you guys made plans to play murder mystery, but didn’t mention it at all over the weekend.”

Ning Chu laughed out loud, earning a resentful glare from Zhang Shaoqing on stage.

Look at his eyes, looking like a frustrated housewife~

Even though he looked like he was making a fool of himself on stage, stammering and unable to say anything substantial with his speech draft in hand, he remained calm and had a smile on his face. He didn’t seem like someone being publicly executed; he looked more like someone who just won a prize.

The group assignment led by Wen Yang was almost the best in the class, both in content and PPT.

Unfortunately, Zhang Shaoqing’s explanation dragged them down. The teacher couldn’t take it anymore and kicked him off the stage: “Let’s have someone else from your group come up.”

“I’ll do it.”

Wen Yang stepped up voluntarily, while Zhang Shaoqing, looking defeated, sat down cursing under his breath.

Ning Chu leaned over to Zhang Shaoqing: “What’s wrong? Bad mood?”

“How can I be in a good mood after getting dragged back for blind dates with ten girls in two days?”

“Not even one cat girl?”

“Not a single one! Damn it, I want to run away from home!”

Zhang Shaoqing rubbed his temples in distress and absentmindedly reached into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes, paused, and put it back: “Damn it, I can’t even smoke in class.”

This guy was obviously in a terrible mood!

After knowing him for so long, Ning Chu knew that Zhang Shaoqing wasn’t really addicted to smoking; he only smoked occasionally to kill time, and even two cigarettes a day was a lot for him.

But when he was in a bad mood, he would chain-smoke like there was no tomorrow, leaving cigarette butts all over the dorm’s balcony when his childhood sweetheart was taken away.

“My mom suddenly found me a stepfather, and that man disgusts me.”

Ning Chu felt helpless.

Why was it always Zhang Shaoqing getting into trouble? Look at the two good boys, Wen Yang and Wang Jie, they never cause any trouble and are always cheerful!

She wasn’t Zhang Shaoqing’s mother, so why did she have to worry about him all the time?

“You don’t spend most of your time at home anyway,” she tried to console him. “Wen Yang will come back to the dorm to drink with you tonight?”

“Drink again?”


“Let’s go clubbing tonight!”

“Isn’t that still drinking?”


The last time Ning Chu went to a quiet bar, nothing weird happened, and there was no raunchy display.

But a club where you could dance probably wasn’t as tame as that.

Ning Chu frowned: “Wen Yang and I aren’t going.”

“Then what’s the point of me going with Wang Jie?” Zhang Shaoqing glanced at Wang Jie, “What’s wrong? Are you in a bad mood too?”

Wang Jie looked a bit off, his lips pale, slumped in his seat, having not spoken a word in class for a while, and even stopped playing his mobile game.

“I’m okay, just tired…”

“Went to see your girlfriend over the weekend?”

“Yeah, I can’t go to the club. I need to sleep early tonight to recharge.”

“If I had known, I’d have told you to drink more goji berries and exercise. Getting drained by women is really embarrassing!”

Ning Chu looked at Wang Jie’s expression and became even more worried about her future.

When guys get drained, they can barely stand up again, and at least there’s the sage mode buffer, but there’s a limit to that. But for her…

With Wen Yang’s level in the small royal text, even if she didn’t go to the hospital the next day, she’d still have trouble walking, let alone thinking about that black-eyed guy—she’d be lucky if she didn’t faint!

“I want to go to the club, but there’s no one to go with me.”

“If you’re in the dorm, you could drink at an outdoor barbecue stall. There’s no way Wen Yang and I are going to a club.”

“Then I might as well just play games in the dorm.”

Ning Chu sighed helplessly: “I can’t be bothered with you.”

After all, Zhang Shaoqing nowadays wasn’t likely to morph into a villain causing trouble for girls anymore.

She hadn’t set any convoluted backstory for the villain, but Zhang Shaoqing really did have a rough home life… Which definitely wasn’t her fault! It was all the world’s fault!

Heaven was up to no good! And turned her into a succubus!

“What are you talking about?” Wen Yang came off stage and sat beside Ning Chu.

“Shaoqing wants to go to the club to drink, but I don’t want you to go.”

“Wen Yang! If you’re a man, stop being a pushover! Come drink with me tonight!” Zhang Shaoqing put his arm around Wen Yang’s neck, trying to tempt him, “I’ll take you to a wild club~ You know, the kind with pretty girls dancing!”

As a man, Wen Yang couldn’t help but feel a bit curious and excited.

Seeing his eyes light up, Zhang Shaoqing struck while the iron was hot: “Let’s drink a bit, dance~ The club is full of beautiful girls; you’ll definitely flirt with at least three tonight with your good looks!”

“Eh, let’s skip that.”

Wen Yang was interested in watching the performances, but flirting with girls, eh, not so much.

No girl could compare to his little succubus at home!

Those women were all trouble bundled together. But his own transformed succubus, with her slightly masculine character, wasn’t clingy and wasn’t too distant either. She could speak her mind and didn’t have to be overly dramatic like other girls.

The only problem was she was too shy and not seductive enough.

“What the hell! Are you still a man or not?”

Ning Chu chimed in: “Wen Yang just wants to stay pure, okay! Not like you!”

“Wow~ Protecting him now~”

She shot Zhang Shaoqing a glare, then softly poked Wen Yang in the waist, leaning in to whisper, “Were you just a little moved?”


“How could that be! I am ready to see the girls dancing!”

Wen Yang firmly stated, “Why not just watch you dance?”


That dance was probably not very decent at all, right?

Ning Chu quickly changed the subject: “The finals are coming up in less than two months; lend me your notes, I need to start reviewing.”

“Sure, but if you don’t understand something, I’ll charge you.”

“Why does it feel like you’re becoming increasingly dishonest…”

Once the innocent virgin who hadn’t even tasted soup, who used to blush and panic at the approach of girls, how did he turn into this flirty version now!

Always talking about teasing!


No bonus update today~

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