Trapped in a slave girls body


Whats a man to do when he.. well.. when he isn't quite a man anymore. Instead what greeted my very eyes were small and dainty hands, soft and fair-skinned. I sighed softly, even that sounded definitely feminine and it somehow sounded very erotic. I groaned as I mentally slap myself, nows not the time; don't get distracted with yourself. I reminded myself. Again.

Here I am standing in what will be my old room or ex room since apparently I'm leaving.. or more like I've been sold. Yep, that's right. Apparently I'm now a slave.. a female slave. I do not like where this is going one bit. Not one bit. I jumped back on my bed letting myself free fall on top it. 


Was the first thing that came into my mind when I finally landed. Sigh. I miss modern comfort. I would like to get the hell out of dodge but the door is guarded by this burly looking barbarian muscle headed idiot. Apparently they have to make sure nothing goes wrong with this transaction since I have been bought by a very important person.

Still transmigration... honestly it's still hard to believe.. last I remember I was popping thirty tablets of sleeping tablets as well as couple of other tablets of varying amount. So I'm not surprised that I'm dead. I'm just surprised that somehow I have completely change bodies and still alive. The icing on the cake that is this strange situation is that I now a petite female body. 

Somehow I won't be at all surprised that I've been sold to some fat old ugly noble as a sex slave. Just my luck. If you're wondering at how I am so certain this is a world of magic, you only have to look at my collar. It's covered in a strange runic looking language and if I try to take it off it gives me a treat in the form of electric shock; just not enough to kill me, unfortunately. Nothing here runs on good old electricity, hence the floating orbs that are floating in the room like nobody's business giving off light.

Now my only dilemma is the fact that I don't quite know how to kill myself painlessly. I abhor the idea of living again, I think I've had enough of existing, it's just not for me. I also don't like to be in pain. I eyed the thin bedsheet on top of my bed in careful consideration. I shrug my shoulders. Well, a guy. Wait scratch that. Ahem. I mean a girl can't be picky now can she. Can't have my cake and eat it too apparently.

So I climbed on top of the bed. Throw up one side of the bedsheet on the wooden beam and made myself a noose. Looks good if I say so myself. I pulled on it a little testing it, hopefully, it will hold until I die of asphyxiation. Well, beggars can't be choosers. I put my head through the noose and tightened it. I inspected my work and smiled in satisfaction. 

As I was about to kick off the bed to let go of this short of life of being a girl, the door swings wide open. I stared in shock at the two people that stood outside my room. Well, they were pretty much doing the same. As if they can't believe that someone holds their own life with very little value.

Stood outside the door was a man with a bulging belly, balding as he had no hair on top of his head just on the sides. I almost laugh at how ridiculous he looked. If it wasn't for the gorgeous beauty standing next to him. 

Sleek black hair. Eyes blue and full of wisdom. A body that even Shakira would kill for.

She definitely looked very important as she's wearing what looks like a very expensive robe adorned with all kinds of shiny looking gems. She's also holding a staff in one of her hand.

I think the original owner of this body would know who she is but unfortunately, I don't get to piggyback on her memories so I'm clueless as a newborn babe about this world.

Oh well.. Not my problem for long I chuckled as I jumped down.

I blinked and suddenly I'm not being choked by a bedsheet. Instead, I'm now in the arms of the gorgeous babe.

What the hell just happened.

I wondered as the sexy woman mumbled something and now I feel my consciousness slipping.

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