Transmitted into a A/B/O novel as the villain

Green Basterd

My mother, She is the sweetest little lady you will ever meet. She is a very strong and indipendent woman who loves her family very much. She loves being a housewife and taking care of us and despite me being a boy, my mum taught me all I know about housework and cooking. She gave the warmest hugs.

My father, a total opposite of my mothe. If she is the warm breeze, he's a cold Blizzard. He is a hard worker. He loves my mom to death and have a hard time showing his emotions. I am very sad to say this but we have a terrible relationship. We always argue for the stupidest reasons.

My younger sister, the weirdest and annoying person I know. Despite being my twin she's nothing like me. She is a straight A student and unlike me she enjoys the university she's attending. Her interests include playing Pino, Partying, going out with friends, studying and for fun, dancing. She's a little short gremlin, but I still love her. She's a chatterbox who never shuts up.

My best friend, Dumbass Basterd, the person who I know ever since kindergarten, the person who I got in countless troubles with, the person who pulled me out of my darkest of times, My buddy, My crush, someone who will always have my back, My second family. This bitch is someone very close to me. We are almost inseparable. We promised that we will be best men at eachother's weddings, we also joked that if we stayed single till our 40's we'd marry eachother. Fucking Basterd.

I wouldn't get to experience any of that

Mom's hugs.

Dad's arguing.

The Monkey's Sister's unstoppable talking.

My best friend's wedding.

.........I will not experience any of that,............ atleast not anymore.

I am having something similar to 'life flashing before one's eyes' expect it isn't the memories of my childhood to adulthood, it's just........ regret. Regret I couldn't spend much time with my family, Regret that I was such a horrible brother and son, Regret that I didn't tell my best friend how I truly felt. Regret I couldn't do more, Regret that I wasn't more...........

I was supposed to be laying on the ground covered in red. The people around me should've been screaming for an ambulance. I couldn't have survived, the truck was, afterall, inches away from hitting me. 

I couldn't hear anything, have I gone deaf? That would explain the silance around me. But I couldn't even feel anything, I didn't feel the truck hitting me, heck! I couldn't even feel myself hitting the road. Me being deaf would answer my question but me not feeling anything would arise even more questions!

Everything seemed to have stopped the honking of the uncontrollable truck, the bustling of the market around me, the two people arguing two shops down. Even the earlier crying of the young boy had stopped. Speaking of the boy........ I am pretty sure I shoved the little boy towards the safe side of the road. Was he okay? Was he injured? WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING!?!?!?

I slowly opened my eyes to inspect, and what I saw made me widen my eyes in shock. Everything and everyone stood still. The truck was still few inches away from me. The boy I pushed, was still flying in the air. I mentally let out a relieved a breath when I realised that the boy was now out of the truck's way.

I couldn't move any part of my body expect my neck. My limbs were like led and no matter how much I tried I couldn't move. I looked around, the people who had realised what was about to happen looked horrified, the people who weren't paying much attention looked as if they were going on about their day. I looked at my side, towards a clock shop and saw that the clock's had stopped moving.

It all looked as if-

"Time has stopped moving?"

I quickly snapped my head towards the voice who had finished my words for me. Infront of me stood- no, flying mid-air, was a green cat with blue dear like antennas. I couldn't speak, but from what this thing had just uttered I think that-

"Ofcourse I can read minds! And for your information kind sir, I am not a thing, I am the manager of the TWS branch of the AL Bureau and The name I have chosen to go by is Roro"

Roro finished speaking, his green cat ears moving with every word, followed by his bright golden eyes. I was still thinking that I must have been high, that would be the only explaination for his bizzare circumstances. Is all of this even real?

"Good sir, you are not on any kind of substance and yes, it is all very much real." The time Roro was beginning to look a tad bit annoyed. I decided to just talk with him thru my mind. 

'Tell me why is all of this happening? Wasn't I supposed to be dead right now?' 

"Indeed, You are supposed to be dead right now sir, but you see I have stopped the flow of time for now, because I am in a bind sir." Roro was hovering infront of my face his, eyes, holding a unexplained charm to it.

'how is you being in a bind related to you stoping time moments before my death? Will you please hurry up and explain my circumstances!!'

"You see good sir, I am part of the AL bureau which stands for After life bureau, which decides a person's fate after his or her death. Under the afterlife bureau comes many branches of the Afterlife as you can see in this list" he said taking out a long list out of thin air. Instead of seeing the standard hell or heaven I saw some bizzare things.

RWM- Reincarnation with memories

RNM- Reincarnation with no memories

RWS- Reincarnation with a system

RIN  - Reincarnation in a Novel

RIF  - Reincarnation In a fantasy world

RIA  - Reincarnation in Anime

RAC- Reincarnation as a creature

TWM- Transmission with memories.

TNM- Transmission with no memories

TWS-  Transmission with a system

TWG- Transmission with a guide

Before I could read more the list disappeared from  his hands. I was kinda glad because the list was so long, it would've taken hours to read it completely

"After a person dies, if it's karma points are in negetive's he goes to hell no questions asked. If it's karma points are between 20-50 he goes to heaven But, if it's karma points are below 20 or above 50 it gets sent to the AL beru where they decide which branch will deal with it later." 

'hun, it's more uniformed then I thought. But wait, if what your saying is true I am supposed to meet you after I'am dead but if you stopped time and I'm not dead yet why am I meeting you now?!?'

"It's because of your fate changing action sir!" Roro's voice held some frustration and by his answer it seemed that the I wasn't supposed to save the kid.

"If the little boy had died, in a few years time, his parents would've went to a vacation to forget about their grief, if he had lived his parents would've went to the vacation anyway at the same time if he had died. It's because you risked your life to save him that he got traumatized because of your death that he hated traveling so the family didn't go anywhere for vacation and that caused a major butterfly effect that caused the distruction of this world 100 years from now" all I could do was say sorry

"But that's why I'm here, to prevent you from saving the child and making sure you die on your right time" He said, his eyes glowing on the mention of 'death'. 

'so are you gonna rewind time to correct this 'mistake'?' 

"Oh no, I can only stop the time not rewind it, rewinding time will cause me a lot of my power, to the point where I could even parrish........But if you become our 'client' I won't be taking that much dammage."

'Rewinding time? That means spending more with my family!' the hope was enough to convince me but I still wanted to listen to what Roro was saying next.

"To become our client you have to go to one of our special worlds and complete tasks given by us, when you will be done with all of the tasks you will get a reward called 'last golden wish award', from which you can go back to, approximately 24 hours before your death, please your single sign can save this planet" he pulled his best puppy-no-kitty eyes. 

'well, what's the catch? the offer seems too good to be true.'

"The catch is..........if you somehow die in that world you will loose your chance to reincarnate, ever again" Roro's eyes were serious and so was his tone.

I closed my eyes to think seriously, will the risk be worth it? Will I have a descent life in the other world? What will happen to my family while I'am in that world? What kind of world will that even be? After plundering over several questions I finally opened my brown eyes to look at Roro's Aquamarine one's.

'I have some questions and I want to add some conditions' 

"Ask away! But for the conditions.......I will see what I can do!" he started flying around me in happiness and his cat tail swinging left to right.

'What will happen to my family? What kind of world I would be sent to? What kind of   'system' will I get? What kind of tasks will be given? What will be my penalties if I fail?'

"For your first question

I can only let your death happen for now, so if you're asking about the fate's of your family then, they will do just fine.

For your second and third question

You will get a good world and system. 

For your fourth question

You will be given tasks which will be physically posible for you and your body

For your fifth question

Your penalties will be be decided on the difficulty of the task.

If these are all the questions you wanted to ask, let's talk about the conditions now."

'My first condition, Nobody will mourn my death for long, My second condition, After my death, my parents will be given a lot of money, My third condition, I want to speak to my family and my best friend one last time and my final condition? All of my search and watch history will be deleted.' 

"For your first condition, The maximum I can do is three years, for your second and final condition, I will arrange something, but for your third will not be possible for now but worry not good sir! Because I am the great Roro! And I shall make the impossible, possible" He had a glint of pride in his eyes and his voice was full of confidence.

It all sounded trobelsome as hell! But what choice did I have? Sensing what my reply will be Roro brought out a long scroll which red-

I, ___________ is willing to sign a contract with The AL(After life) bureau's 10th branch's manager, Roro. By this contract, I am to go into a world and complete the given tasks in return, for time before my death. The manager personally, will be responsible for my health and guidance in that world and I am required to reseve a system to give me tasks and penalties-

I couldn't read much before it seemed like my surroundings started glitching. I heard Roro curse under his breath and anger flashing in his eyes.

"......Those idiots..." His paw was tightening on the scroll and his frown deepened. I questioned what was happening and with a guilty look on his face he turned towards me.

"I am deeply sorry sir, it seems that my underlings have been messing around and caused the time to now continue freely, but due to my presence the time is glitching..... I calculated, we have a minute at most until the time continues......... You just have to think of your signature to sign the contract....... I apologise sir but you have to make your decision now!" 

I didn't, I couldn't think of anything else but my signature, Roro congratulations and his disappearance were the last thing I heard and saw before the truck finally collided with my body and I presumably, now, died.

I don't know if I truly died or not but after the pain calmed down, only a robotic voice remained in my head which was counting numbers as if loding something.

































at those last words of the robotic voice all I wanted to do was show the green basterd my middle finger!

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