Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 64

It was an entirely different day for both Naell and Owly. Instead of their usual routine of doing nothing, they were on their way to the village of Noeadia.

Under the eastern Duchess of the Autumn kingdom, it was an estate run by a Baroness. Known for its handicraft of pots, jars and even jewelries, the village strives for its authenticity as skilled artisans.

That was why, all ladies from across the kingdom desire to own products made from that village.

‘A souvenir for mom and Lily.’ Thought Naell as he tried his best to become optimistic.

Admittedly, it was not entirely his choice to go there, but it was the request of the guild. That itself, Naell could decline, yet as much as he wanted to, what made him accept was the letter behind the summon.

‘A royal pain...’ He sighed and recalled a song from a movie. It was about a green B-rank monster and his talking beast companion.

Yet that just made him more nauseous. After all, for Naell, they had already travelled “far far away”.

Upon seeing him raise a hand to his mouth, one of the ladies travelling with them couldn't help but giggle. She then teasingly said,

“So it’s true that young master Naell's weakness is travel?”


Naell wasn’t even in the mood to acknowledge her presence, yet he did because she was none other than Utua Taglagas, the first princess of the Autumn Kingdom.

It was a known tale, that the royal blood of Taglagas came from the heroes who ended the great war.

History foretold that it took 50 years of bloodshed, and Taglagas was the place in which they defeated the demon king.

The celestials were so pleased they bestowed upon them many blessings. One of which was their kingdom and their autumn colored hair.

From then onwards, their lineage ruled with their looks being the tell-tale sign of the authority that was given to them.

Even some would argue that their eyes too were blessed; afterall a unique vibrant green was present for most in their family.

Coincidentally, (and unfortunately for Naell) those said green eyes were gazing curiously at him. The princess who was clad in a perpetual state of grace and royalty, regardless was cheekily grinning before saying,

“That’s kind of cute.”

• How’s that cute, HOOT? •


Her delicate face that showed maturity was very enticing. Most would even hold their breath as the beauty of Utua Taglagas was known far and wide.

Yet for Naell and the half asleep Owly, she was somewhat a villain. He could still remember how their very peace was interrupted.

Naell was resting in his humble bed, with thoughts of nothing but bliss. Yet everything changed when the letter arrived.

Apparently, he was being summoned by the Adventurer's guild on behalf of the Royal Family.

It was written that a group of merchants from the Republic of Summer had arrived at Taglagas.

That itself was nothing unusual as trading between other human kingdoms was long established. Yet it turns out it was actually the envoy of the 3rd prince.

It was a known fact that the Republic of Summer was long gone from being a monarchy. Although the royal family no longer had a political say, they still stood as figureheads that represented the deep history and respect of their people.

Due to this, King Taglagas assigned his daughter to look after the guest, to which Utua happily accepted the responsibility.

She was then made aware that the 3rd prince, and his envoys were planning to head to Noeadia after their visit to Taglagas.

As a result, Utua requested for the guild’s help. She then listed down adventurers she deemed fit as escorts, and together with the knights of Taglagas, they would be responsible for the royals’ safety.

In response to this, the guild then complied and handed out the letters to the said adventurers, one of whom was Naell who felt misfortune had befell him.

Still, he was only one of the many adventurers on the trip, having enlisted the known mage April Cadar, Troye Aster from the house of swords and a rising star called Cleave.

Not to mention, travelling with them were Casper Genoja, Wendy Temomplis, Septh Noom, Lesjon Star, and Aive Noeadia, nobles who are also powerful martial artists and mages.

With a lineup of such skilled people, their trip was in some way guaranteed smooth sailing.

However much to Naell’s dismay, he was seated with the nobles, while the other adventurers rode their own horses by each carriage.

Not to say that Naell in any way wanted to ride a horse, but in that moment, he felt he could do so, for Utua’s gaze was still awaiting a reply.

Finally, upon mustering up enough energy, Naell took a breath of air and managed to reply,

“I’m merely not used to traveling, princess.”

Naell's response was scoffed at by Septh Noom, a son of the Marquis who ruled the southern part of the Autumn Kingdom.

Having golden eyes and bright blue hair, he was quite popular with the ladies, yet it was already known that his eyes were only for Utua Taglagas.

Some had already accepted him as a rightful suitor of the princess, afterall he was a promising martial artist being known to be an expert of using a quarterstaff.

“Forgive my friend, Naell. He’s the jealous type.” Said Casper as he whispered in his left ear, yet with a voice that could be heard by everyone in the carriage.

“Why you…” Septh wanted to retaliate but calmed himself upon seeing Utua smiling at him.

“Don’t you worry Naell, he’s actually a nice guy.” Whispered Wendy on his right to reassure him as he looked rather troubled.

Yet little did they know, he was just tired from both the travel and their noise.

If there was one thing that Naell felt glad about, it was the fact Lesjon was clearly feeling the same as him. With a cold tone, the young master of Star then said,

"Well princess, we have not yet been briefed on why you chose us of all people."

Septh felt irritated with how Lesjon had phrased his words. Yet just like any Star, their tendency to say what they wanted was something all noble families were aware of. Nonetheless, he still wanted to correct him as a senior in the school, and a noble at that.

Septh was certainly not agitated just because he was in love with the princess; a thought he kept telling himself before he said aloud,

"How dare you speak like that in front of the princ---"

But before Septh could even further explode, due to what was not in his mind at all, Utua just responded, not even an inch of irritation was seen on her face.

"I was the one who chose you all. Well, except Aive. She requested to join us.’’

Upon hearing her words, Septh lost all his anger towards Lesjon and was already saying how honored he was to be part of her choice. He then stared at Naell, Casper and Wendy implying they should do the same.

Without a second to waste, Casper and Wendy complied, yet unlike the SIMP they were just chilling and being grateful as they say spoke,

"Thanks for the date--- we mean mission."

As for Naell, he simply nodded. All that he wanted was for the quest to end as soon as possible, and eat bitter foods as he was in the middle of the lovey-dovey couple.

Lesjon on the other hand sighed and said,

“What a drag.”

That earned him an approving gaze from Naell which Lesjon accepted wholeheartedly. Yet a cheeky grin from Utua who saw that exchange made both of them gaze elsewhere. She then added on,

"Isn’t it only befitting for us members of nobility, well-known mages and martial artists of the Autumn Kingdom to escort them? Don’t you think so Naell?"

‘Why me of all people???’

Naell was trying his best not to say what he was thinking, as he slowly took a breath and closed his eyes hoping that it was all a dream. The nightmares that were to the front, left and right of him were still there waiting for his response.

“I’m just here to do my job, princess.” He tried to reply normally but his face was still as cold as ever.

His facade made Casper and Wendy laugh. Utua however, gazed at him in bewilderment for a mere second before responding,

“I guess he truly is your cousin, Lesjon. Both of you are quite interesting indeed.”

That was the only time that Naell felt scared by Utua’s smile and gaze. He even felt cold, which was unusual for the so-called frosted ghostman.

Yet before Naell could even reply, all of them felt the approaching aura and magic from afar.

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