Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 I want to talk to you

Downey originally thought that dinner was a small gathering with a limited number of people, such as the professor and Qin. The high-level combat power of these mutants, who are also mutants, could also get to know each other through gatherings, and it would be easy to talk when they meet in the future.

But he didn’t expect dinner to be a school carnival.

Professor X opened the school hall. Mutant students of all grades all participated. Dozens of tables were put together. There were famous delicacies from all continents, and all kinds of rare and rare food and dishes were on the table.

The fragrance is diffuse and colorful, which makes people salivate.

Children and adolescents, big and small, rushed to each other, laughing and talking, and some cunning boys took out the wine they didn’t know where they got. You got a drink and I got a drink, but they were quickly taken by the mentors.

They are not old enough to drink, they will definitely be punished severely. Xavier School’s rules are strict in some respects.

Downey always felt that he was not suitable for this kind of occasion. It was indeed very lively. A bunch of children running back and forth, yelling, cakes and other things were smeared everywhere, which was very interesting. But Downey felt awkward.

When he was sitting on the seat, a bunch of bad boys surrounded him, his eyes were intently, and no one was talking, just watching like that, his eyes were as if he was looking at a rare animal.

Downey finally couldn’t help it, and said angrily: “You guys, just ask if you have any questions. What do you mean by just looking at me? Is it awkward?” He was seen as a little hairy, and a bunch of teenagers didn’t say a word. Staring at him.

Finally, there was a shaggy boy who couldn’t help it. He was impatient and drank some wine. He jumped up and asked, “Are you a mechanic?”

nonsense! Am I not going to pay you back? !

Downey glanced at him disdainfully and asked who he was.

The shaggy boy claimed to be John Eldice, and he nicknamed himself Fireman.

“They said you killed a lot of people.” John said that he was very young, and his personality was impulsive and irritable. He was exactly the same as his ability to control fire. He was very curious about people like Downey.

“Human? It depends on your definition of’person’. Some time ago I just killed a guy, who happened to be called John, isn’t it your brother?” Downey said jokingly, as he picked up a small fish with a fork. Smell it, it’s delicious.

Not only was the fire man not afraid, but his eyes were bright. He was manic and could hardly feel at ease to be a good boy in a peaceful school. He yearned for Downey’s life very much.

Another boy suddenly said, “What will you do later, will you continue to hunt down vampires?” This peaceful boy introduced himself as Bobby Drake.

Downey looked at him in surprise. The news of his slaughter of vampires circulated the most in the dark world, and everything on the surface was blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Security Council. How did this young man know?

“I know some hacking techniques. I hacked into some systems and found that many people are talking about you and they are waiting to see what you do next.” Bobby said that he also knew that there are vampires in the world at that time. Biology, not only in film and television works.

The other observers were surprised, and rushed to ask Bobby questions, is there really such a creature as a vampire?

“Will it be a type of mutant? Just like angel mutants and demon mutants, there are also vampire mutants?” Some people have guessed that he is knowledgeable and knows some ability factions within the mutants.

Downey smiled and shook his head. He held up another plate and delivered it directly to his mouth in the stunned gaze of the teenagers. He didn’t care about table manners at all, let alone treat himself as an outsider. He was extremely heroic.

Many people looked over, then turned their heads with a smile, like Professor Charles waiting from a distance to watch him teasing with a bunch of bad boys, very happy to see Downey mingle with them.

Downey wiped his mouth and warned the teenagers that vampires are a group of humble livestock. They feed on innocent ordinary people and are big cancers attached to humans. As long as you have a chance to encounter it in the future, you can immediately kill the killer without hesitation.

“A bite of that kind of thing is basically useless.” Downey advised him to instill some real events into the flowers in the greenhouse to arouse their vigilance and self-protection consciousness.

“Then what will you do? Will you continue to hunt down vampires as some people have guessed? Many bad guys are saying that there will be a big battle. They even guess that you may lead the entire mutant group to vampires. Launch a huge war sweeping the world.” Bobby chased Downey. He lived in school all year round and rarely went to the outside world. He wanted to get some news through Downey.

“Will it lead to a war between our mutants and vampires? I don’t know. I don’t have that appeal at the moment. Professors and Lao Wan can’t listen to me. But at least one thing is obvious, my war with vampires. It’s started.” Downey went around, he had never seen so many good things, let alone eaten, he hadn’t even heard of it, this time he was going to have a good time with a bunch of teenagers behind his ass. he.

The words that Downey seemed to be ordinary, but set off a huge wave among a group of greenhouse flowers, which infinitely improved his compelling character.

One person, start a war! But the person who was speaking had a natural tone! It seems normal for him to fight a war by himself!

The second middle school boys are a little crazy. They are not deep in the world, have too little experience, and have never met such a crazy person, not to mention that they take this young crazy for granted!

One person starts a war, one person is an army!

This group of middle two boys were instantly immersed in fantasy, in the wilds where the war was flying, UU reading also single-handedly rushed to the enemy’s army and beat them to pieces. Fireman John was the most crazy. He patted the table vigorously, and when he was excited, he took out a can of wine he had kept in his pocket for a long time, opened it and poured it into his mouth.

Fireman John dared to swear that he had never met such a person. The image of the young man in front of him was infinitely tall, and he punched him open the door of a new world.

Ororo came over, slapped John down, slapped his hand and grabbed the wine in his hand. He blamed Downey: “You shouldn’t tell them this, let alone watch them drinking. They are too young and shouldn’t. Get in touch with things they can’t.”

This is the consistent philosophy of the Xavier School of Talented Youth. They take good care of these young people.

Downey shrugged and smiled apologetically, even though he felt a little disapproving. This world is cruel, and there is not much time and space for these young people to grow up slowly. The flowers in the greenhouse are beautiful, but in the end they are embarrassing and useful.

Downey took a group of bad boys around to looting food, which caused many students to complain, but soon more people would join in, swept the rich food, and ate them one after another.

This night, everyone was having fun, and this night, many people knew and accepted the strange face of Downey.

When the meeting ended, it was already midnight.

Downey went back to the room he had arranged for him in advance and touched his stomach to eat. He didn’t sleep when the others were contented to fall asleep, and Downey was waiting for something, he believed someone would come to him.

Soon, there was a creaking sound in the corridor, followed by a knock on the door.

“Mr. Downey, are you asleep? I’m John, I want to talk to you.” Fireman John whispered, for fear of being discovered.

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