Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 1195

Chapter 1135 Garden of Destiny

In the entire almighty universe, such a huge world, there are always some secret special areas. These special places, placed in this huge and magnificent world, seem so small at first glance, but they are not humble at all.

For example, the place of origin, such as the world within the wall, or…the garden of destiny.

In the entire Almighty Universe, few people know where this mysterious garden is.

In some sporadic secret messages, many gods just knew that this mysterious garden, located in the middle of a mysterious sea somewhere, was the residence of fate in the legend.

The fate of the boss of the endless family is the destiny of all the destinies in the Almighty Universe. This one who holds the destiny of countless lives and even countless worlds is a silent observer standing behind the scenes of the Almighty World.

In comparison, the deity of destiny is the real observer. He likes to walk in the garden full of various flowers, holding books that record the destiny of countless lives, and open it from time to time. .

What Downey has to do now is to find the Garden of Destiny, meet with Destiny, and read the Book of Destiny with his own eyes.

He has to confirm certain things.

“So, this is why you came to me?”

Death combed her long black hair slowly, sitting lightly on a raised rock, slender thighs stacked on it, looking at Downey with interest.

“Yes, I want to confirm some things. Before I start an action, I must confirm it.” Downey looked at death blankly.

“Do you always have this attitude when you ask for help? Looking at me condescendingly?”

“Instead of asking others for help, I really wouldn’t be like this, but for your death, it’s better to be careful.” Downey said lightly.

Death put the comb aside, “What an annoying guy… I can only tell you the approximate location of the Destiny Garden, and you can only find the rest by yourself, because even I don’t know the specifics of Big Brother Garden. Location, that is a place that will change at any time. Only in the center where countless destinies intersect, will there be traces of the garden of destiny.”

Downey listened carefully, and nodded slightly when death was finished.

He has confirmed it and knows how to find his destiny.

“You came to me just to ask this? What’s the point?” Death looked at Downey, who was about to leave with a solemn expression, and couldn’t help blinking his eyes.

“That’s enough. I never had the idea that you can find destiny through you. I only inform destiny by asking you… I’m telling him, I want to see him, open the garden of destiny and talk to me. See you.”

Downey’s figure slowly disappeared in place, leaving Death biting his fingers, extremely irritable.

It was the first time that she saw a guy like Downey, who came to ask questions, and it was really here to ask questions…Is it so rude, direct and decisive? Shouldn’t you do something else? What a boring guy…

Death was stunned, with a boring look, he picked up her little comb again and began to comb her hair. This was the most pleasant way to pass the time in her long life.

Downey began to walk in the almighty universe. This time, he observed the world from an alternative perspective.

No longer look at this majestic world from the perspective of absolute detachment and overlooking of the gods, but from the observer standing at the intersection of countless destinies.

In fact, as long as Downey thinks, he can see the life fortunes of countless beings at a glance. For his existence, the countless low-level beings in the countless multiverses, their so-called destiny, the so-called past and future, only It takes a glance for Downey to see through.

The humble mundane life, its growth path is narrow and clearly visible, especially when it is located on the timeline, for Downey, everything is invisible at a glance.

Downey focused on observing the destiny of countless lives, silently searching for the interweaving point that exists in theory, the node that can affect the entire destiny of countless lives with just a little fiddle.

Then he found it.

Downey appeared there in an instant, stretched out his hand, and touched this key meeting point. Soon, in the dark, he seemed to have crossed the appearance of the entire almighty universe, and entered the deep layer covered and obscured by the appearance. It was countless destiny. , The vast ocean piled up by hundreds of millions of life forms in countless lives and deaths.

“The ocean where countless destinies finally converge…”

Downey shuttled in the middle of this peculiar ocean, constantly shuttled in countless mists.

Turning his head inadvertently, Downey saw a small boat moving, and three figures in black robes were standing on the boat looking at him.

Downey glanced at these three guys indifferently, and when he found out that they were the Three Sisters of Destiny, he ignored them, his body moved, disappeared into the same place instantly, deep into the ocean.

“How could… how could he appear here?”

“Apart from us, only destiny can significantly interfere here. Downey can enter here, at least it means that he has received fate’s favor and approval, otherwise it will never be possible.”

The three witches talked in a low voice.

The three of them watched Donny’s distance, stared for a while, and continued to row the boat in the ocean. In the ocean where destiny converges, you must be cautious about any action. If you don’t pay attention, you will fall into it in a muddled manner, intertwined by the chaotic fate, and you will never be able to break free.

Unless, they also have Downey’s ability, no matter what you mess, they can easily cross.

But unfortunately, they are not Downey after all, they are just the three sisters of Destiny, three very famous witches. ‘

That’s it.

Downey walked all the way, and finally saw an island within his sight.

This small island is really small and pocket-sized, with all kinds of strange flowers planted on it.

Downey stepped on the ground with both feet, just glanced briefly, and stared at the figure that had been standing in the middle of the garden a long time ago.

“This beautiful garden is the first time anyone who has nothing to do with fate has entered.” Fate slowly said.

Downey walked towards his destiny, his face calm: “That’s really an honor, I think, if I don’t say hello to death first, you won’t let me in, right? I guess again, in fact it is a promise. I still refused to meet my request. You have been thinking about it for a long time, right?”

“guessed wrong.”

Destiny began to pace in the garden, signalling Downey to keep up with him, and said as he walked: “Destiny itself will not have a’guess’ action that only appears on living bodies. Destiny is actually countless lives being carried on. After this move, something was finally born.”

“I understand what you mean, but this is not what I want to ask.”

Downey walked quickly to fate, blocking the path of fate, and said with a serious face: “I came to you to see my own destiny!”

Fate stopped, stood there quietly, his head slightly lifted, and the face under the hood could not see any emotional changes.

After a long time, I said: “Very bold request, but understandable, but I think you will be disappointed…disappointed in your own destiny.”

In front of Downey, Destiny flattened the book he was holding in his arms, slowly opened it, and after a moment of indulgence, it moved quickly, and finally stayed on the last page and showed it to Downey.

The picture above is… Downey is stretching his head, leaning close to Destiny to watch the scene of the Book of Destiny…

“I’m not looking at this.” Downey shook his head.

“But this is only recorded in the Book of Destiny.” Destiny closed the books and said lightly, “If you want to ask about everything you have done… you are worried, afraid that everything you have set appears in this book. Come on. If this is what you want to ask, then I can tell you, no.”

“For high-end life forms, all actions and all thoughts of low-end life can be clearly observed and completely predicted, because they can see everything. For destiny, everyone is within the scope of destiny. All will be recorded in the book, and you, obviously, what you are doing has already appeared in the book.”

“The more high-end existence, the less and less destiny can interfere, and the less and less the part that can be fully recorded. The meaning of high-end life is…”

Destiny kept instilling that theory about him in Downey, but it was interrupted by Downey.

“Well, I know what you mean, what I really want to know is, do you know what I have done? Do you know the destiny that I affected before I came into this world?”

Downey stared at the guy in front of him.

This is what Downey wants to know. He needs to ask an exact answer from this destiny’s mouth, no matter what the answer is, it can make Downey understand something.

“I can know a little bit, based on the current destiny, based on all your past actions… but I don’t want to know, even if it’s everything before you came into our world, I don’t want to know at all.”

Destiny answered.

“Thank you.”

Downey turned around and left, simply and neatly.

He already knew what he wanted, and that was enough. Although the result seemed useless, until he really confirmed it, he could confidently start the next action.

Reality controller is really a good thing…

Downey’s figure drifted away, disappearing into the fog on the ocean.

Fate just watched Donny’s departure, standing silently, motionless like a sculpture.

After a long time, until the three sisters of Destiny rowed their little broken boat hard and wandered slowly, and finally found the place in the Garden of Destiny, the three witches hurriedly landed ashore, fearing that their fate would run away.

“Why did you hide the Garden of Destiny before? We were all lost in the ocean!”

“We almost couldn’t go back!”

“We are not you. Without coordinates and frame of reference, this is just a fight for us…”

As soon as the three witches saw their fate, they began to grumble.

The last time they came to visit Destiny, but Destiny hid the Garden of Destiny, which made them almost sink into the ocean of Destiny… This experience is too bad, and the three sisters are fed up with this feeling.

Destiny said quietly: “But the three of you are finally safe. I can clearly see the ending. Your worries are unnecessary.”

“This is weird. Taking advantage of knowing fate to play tricks on life, isn’t this what you hate and avoid? You actually use this method to treat your helper…”

A witch was talking about it.

According to their familiarity and understanding of fate, this kind of conversation will not trigger an overreaction of fate at all. It is a very common behavior.

However, Destiny ignored them at all, and continued to pace and wander back and forth in this beautiful garden. No matter what the Three Destiny Sisters said, Destiny stopped responding to them.

The three sisters looked at each other, and they all saw the anxiety and surprise on each other’s face.

Such a fate…something wrong!

“Then let’s just say it straight. We found that fate is becoming chaotic, becoming unknowable and uncontrollable… Not only those high-end lives, even those low-level lives, are beginning to exceed our scope of observation! ”

“In the end what happened?!”

“The fate of the entire Almighty Universe collapsed in an unprecedented direction from the moment the monster beasts wreaked havoc, and the fate of the Almighty Universe is collapsing!”

The three witches looked anxious and asked what happened to fate.

The only ones who can answer their questions are the aggregators and ultimate observers of the omnipotent universe of fate but fate still has no positive answer. He just calmly said: “This is not something we should intervene, fate is just A comprehensive product of countless results, not a weapon that reversely controls the results… The three of you should be aware of this. No matter what will happen, once it becomes unobservable and unpredictable, it only means one thing… ”

Fate opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn’t say anything, just shook his head, showing incomparably indifferent expression.

The three sisters are like falling into an ice cave.

There was a deep horror on their faces.

There is only one possibility… Almighty Universe, the entire Almighty Universe, everything has been shattered, and only by erasing everything can destiny become chaotic and fuzzy.

“The Almighty Universe is still well preserved, but the entire fate of the Almighty Universe has become a mess…”

“This only shows one thing…”

“A major dangerous event has broken out, or has already broken out, and is interfering in everything from the result.”

“The worst thing is that we have no idea what happened, and the entire Almighty Universe is clearly silent…”

The three sisters chattered endlessly, trying to attract fate’s attention.

However, Fate still ignored the three of them, no matter what they said or shouted, Fate completely ignored them.

Destiny walked to the edge of the Garden of Destiny, standing on the beach, looking at the vast fog, watching quietly.

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