Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 1159

Chapter 1101 I propose to blow her up!

Downey clearly felt that it was a very strange feeling, as if it were the source of emotion. The part that was perceived through the twelve lamp rings was clearly engraved in Downey’s will.

It was as if something was carefully choosing the time and sent an invitation to Downey.

It was really weird. Downey received an invitation from an artifact.

Downey finally chose to go.

For the emotional spectrum pool, in order to qualify for the fourth stage, he must go.

If the emotional spectrum pool does not work, then he can only take the risk of deducing the anti-life equation, which will only become more uncontrollable and more dangerous.

Emotional spectrum pool, Downey must get his hands.

After moving for a long time, Downey finally entered the depths of the almighty universe, searching for the feeling of being in the dark. Downey finally came to a very secret area and passed through the non-existent barrier.

Twelve rays of light surged from Downey, each of which symbolized an extreme emotion, especially when eleven rays of light converge, and the last ultraviolet light converges alone, between the visible spectrum and the invisible spectrum. The boundaries are unprecedentedly clear.

“Are you there…?”

Downey calmly observed the front. There was a group of unknown things floating there, and every tiny thing contained power that made Downey amazed.

There is no imaginary pool, or in other words, this entire area itself is a giant pool, a pool dedicated to carrying an endless spectrum of emotions.

“Emotional spectrum pool, is this this?”

Downey touched his chin, cautiously, and did not approach it rashly. Even if there are twelve rings as a medium, clearly telling him that this is the emotional spectrum pool, but Downey still maintains a vigilant attitude.

The source of the emotional spectrum has never been shown in comics, only that it comes from the almighty universe.

Even the light of creation that awakened the emotional spectrum power of the world inside the wall also came from the world outside the wall.

“If this is really an emotional spectrum pool, then the place of origin must have a monitoring mechanism for this thing…”

Downey still did not act, and stood calmly, observing from a distance.

I saw the gathering of emotions. From time to time, strange creatures appeared, constantly swimming, like fishes playing in the water.

Gradually, some more emotional creatures also appeared, but more often they were in a hidden state.

It seems that these are existences similar to the light of creation. The life forms born in the self-emotional spectrum naturally possess super-high authority and undertake important missions.

“Emotional Spectrum Pool…”

Downey observed in silence for a long time, hesitating and thinking again and again, and finally decided to do something about it.

“I can’t perceive the end of the emotional spectrum at all. It may be because of the characteristics of the emotional spectrum, or its specifications are far beyond me, so my perception is limited… But either way, it means it is useful to me. ”

Even if the emotional spectrum pool is only an artifact of the third stage, it is still useful to Downey!

At least, it will allow Downey to take a big step forward at the level of the third stage!

Downey took a deep breath, no longer concealed, suddenly revealed his figure, and rushed into the vast and endless spectrum of emotions.

The entire emotional spectrum fell into an instant stagnation. Soon, a faintly repressive power was produced. The many strange creatures that wandered through the spectrum also looked at Downey in amazement.

A vague agitation is slowly unfolding.


Cybertron star.

Prosperous and prosperous as always.

At this time, Cybertron has been removed from the body of the main watcher, and resides at a distance from the body of the main watcher. It is surrounded by several ninth-level gods with powerful shielding mechanisms. Hide Cybertron as much as possible.

This is the right way. Who knows how many ruthless characters there are in the Almighty Universe. If you run into one, it will only increase trouble.

On this prosperous planet, some interesting things happen every moment.

The new arrival of ancient Doomsday and Doomsday King Kong has found brand new toys.

This is a weak chicken named Dracula. It can’t be killed no matter **** it. It successfully attracted the attention of the two irritable Doomsday.


Ancient Destroy Sun went up and slapped Dracula as before, slapped Dracula into sludge, and then stood silently on the spot, waiting quietly for Dracula’s resurrection.

Whenever Dracula is resurrected, there will always be a subtle change in the cruel and tyrannical gaze of the Day of Ancient Destruction. This is a desire to explore.

Genetic instinct tells him that understanding the secret of Dracula, the weak chicken, must be good for his evolution.

So, the Days of Ancient Destruction were repeated, using various methods to ravage Dracula.

“Enough, I will do it myself!”

Dracula became angry and strangled himself to death.

The day of ancient destruction paused, patiently waiting for Dracula’s resurrection.

“Give up. In this way, it is impossible to transfer his secrets to you. Moreover, you are immortal, and it is useless to transfer his abilities.”

Destroy Sun King Kong waited again and again, and finally said in a deep voice impatiently.

Ancient Destruction Day glared at him, and continued to stare at Dracula’s body intently, waiting for Dracula’s resurrection.

He is not tired of this game. Anyway, his evolutionary path has been stuck to death. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t find a further way. It’s better to think about Dracula.

The Day of Destruction King Kong watched the Day of Ancient Destruction for a long time, and then sneered, and simply left. He was fed up with this seemingly smart but stupid guy.

Want to evolve? In fact, there are always methods, just wait for Downey to come back, there is no need to waste time researching what is useful, there is no use for Dracula!

He has had enough.

Competing with the Ancient Destruction Day for so long, the Destruction Day King Kong felt that he had already seen through this brainless guy.

The Destroyer King Kong left silently, mixing in this huge planet, with a cold expression, watching everything intently.

He has no plans to do anything. There are many ninth-level gods on this planet, enough to maimed him in the first place.

He was suppressing instinct, waiting patiently for Downey’s return.


At this moment, a vague and terrifying wave suddenly passed to Cybertron. This coercion was so powerful that it reached Cybertron directly over an extremely long distance.

This coercion is so terrifying that it has far exceeded the upper limit of the third stage.

“That direction is the world inside the wall.”

“Something happened to the world inside the wall…”

“Who is it, Goddess of Darkness?”

looked at the world inside the wall one after another.

From that direction, there is a steady stream of terrifying depression, and the many beings can’t breathe.

The horror of the fourth stage is completely revealed in front of the Almighty Universe. The terrible gap that makes ordinary ninth-level gods almost desperate. At this stage, only the dark goddess Papetua can possess it.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

In the world inside the wall, the Goddess of Darkness suppressed her irritable mood after a period of silence, but no matter how she waited, she was annoyed to find that no one would come to her…

Yes, as the creator of the world, she didn’t even have a horse after she got out of trouble! !

Those scums on the wall of origin, who wanted to enter the Almighty Universe, had no plans to take refuge in her. After some fierce guys broke free from the wall, they attacked Papetua without saying a word because she blocked the gap. , Making many beings angry and dissatisfied…

The Dark Goddess is fed up with this **** situation.

Without a leading party, she intends to lead herself.

This goddess, finally, after confirming that she is a lonely family member, in a rage, left the wall of origin and entered the world within the wall.

At the moment she left, many old guys who broke free from the wall of origin swarmed into the gap and disappeared into the void.

“This neuropathy is finally gone.”

Some gods looked at the back of the Dark Goddess indifferently, and snorted coldly.

The vast majority of them don’t know who the Goddess of Darkness is at all, and they are even less interested in knowing. They just want this madman to get out and let them out of the hole.

For them, what **** creator god, what secrets of the world inside the wall, tied together is not as important as the almighty universe outside the wall.

This is still breaking free from the wall, but a very small part.

The vast majority of others are still struggling on the wall of origin, and some even begged those who succeeded in getting off the wall to be able to pull them off.

“If you pull me, I almost can break free!”

“Go! Are you stupid? Except around the cavity, the farther the distance, the greater the suction!”

Only those who were imprisoned around the hollow, broke free more “easyly”, and those who were farther away did not have the ability to break free at all.

This is a carnival feast for the lucky ones.

In this regard, the Goddess of Darkness did not say anything. The first time she left the wall of origin, she first carefully watched the direction of heaven and hell, focusing on monitoring those gods that were equal or even more powerful than her. It was for her to leave the wall of origin. What an attitude.

The answer is…no attitude.

Those powerful guys, as if completely ignoring her, nothing happened.

The Dark Goddess entered the world of Wan Tianyi with confidence.

“The seven powers of creation, I have obtained the source of life and the source of wisdom, I still lack five powers, but the remaining five…”

The goddess of darkness pondered silently.

is a bit tricky.

The ultraviolet light was taken outside the wall by Downey, she did not dare to leave the world inside the wall; the static force was taken away by the ultimate flash, she wanted to find the ultimate flash, it would take a lot of time; as for the other…

Magic, has been clearly divided, and is mainly controlled by the two magic gods.

If there is no faith, it is even more troublesome, and it can only be obtained by erasing the hope of countless living entities.

As for the extra-dimensional structure of the imagination frame, it is easy to get it.

The goddess of darkness thought for a long time before slowly thinking that she should get the army first before talking…The cutting-edge predator group that she has developed through painstaking efforts is her most proud work and her greatest confidence.

“Siyuan Universe…”

The dark goddess crossed the wall of superpower, staring straightly at the whole world of Wantianyi with hollow eyes in the cold numbness.

The more I look at it, the more frustrated my heart becomes.

A good world of Wan Tianyi, how could it become such a ghost? ! There are all a pile of big steel lumps walking around, and the heart is stuffed to see.

It’s not impossible to re-modify the entire super universe, and turn the restarted super universe into the world in her mind, but…

The Goddess of Darkness looked at the main universe again, and suddenly she was a little sitting on wax.

She wanted to swear.

That terrifying guy is too much stronger than her specifications. This kind of existence is not the ultimate, or a certain ultimate follower. Why is it in the bullet land of the main universe…too terrifying…

The Goddess of Darkness was in a very bad mood. She bit her scalp and carefully entered the world of Wan Tianyi, and then activated the power of creation of the source of life to search for the whereabouts of Origin Universe.

The Origin Universe is the reality hidden in the deepest part of the Wan Tianyi world. Generally speaking, only by destroying the entire Wan Tianyi world and erasing it together with the concept, the Origin Universe, which symbolizes the truth and the source, will it be appear.

This is a secret that even the very ancient gods don’t know.

For the Dark Goddess, entering the Origin Universe is really too simple. The Origin Universe is also part of her creation category.


There was a faint sound, and the huge shadow of the Goddess of Darkness had entered the Origin Universe, and she looked at Earth and Mars with some joy. Above, there were still flesh and blood people.

Instead of big pimple of steel.

The huge shadow covered the entire solar system, and the azure earth and fiery red Mars were all shrouded in this terrifying shadow. The sun is obscured, the moon is shielded, everything becomes dim.

“what’s happening?!”

“Aliens have invaded!!!”

“Go and contact the Supreme Superman…”

“We can’t reach him He disappeared a long time ago!!!”

The whole Earth of Origin was in a mess, and many high-level executives looked at the huge figures in the sky with livid expressions. They could only see with their naked eyes, because all attempts to use electronic equipment for shooting and transmission failed.

What they saw through the instrument was nothing but a blank and messy garbled code.

Some executives tried to call the only superhero in the universe, the Supreme Superman, to return, but found nothing.

The whole earth is in a mess, and the remaining Martians are also stunned.

At this moment, let alone Siwon Universe, even the editorial department closely connected with Siwon Universe suddenly exploded!

Many editors began to get together in a panic, urgently negotiating strategies, but in the end they found to their frustration that they had nothing to do, but they had no choice but to stand by and save the editorial department as much as possible.

As for the earth and Mars…abandon it.

“She is here anyway!” An editor gritted his teeth.

“In the entire super-large universe, only Origin Earth and the main universe are normal. She dare not go to the main universe, so she can only come to us…”

“I have a proposal: Let’s blow her up!”

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