Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 1145

Chapter 1089 Through the wall of origin

The Sleeping God, as the chief judge’s chief assistant, was also extremely shocked when he learned the information above and below everything.

What shocked the sleeping gods even more was that the boss of their gods group, the justice of the gods talking about the strange path, was actually an adjutant above all things.

The sleeping **** is equivalent to the adjutant of the OAA adjutant.

This kind of information involving the ultimate, the sleeping **** will not casually reveal to other gods, even if he has directly contacted the fulcrum and indirectly knows the three ultimate existences of the original transcendence and the OAA.

Now, among the many gods who are rampaging in **** and making **** jump like a dog, no one is more irritable and anxious than the sleeping gods.

That’s under everything… the opposite of an ultimate existence!

Even if… just the opposite of the innate deficiency of the world inside the wall!

If OBA is allowed to come into the world, according to the judge’s words, everything will be brutally swallowed up, exhausting all the negative aspects of the world, and sweeping everything away.

If you don’t contain it in advance, the world inside the wall will be ruined when this ghost grows up.

The Sleeping God didn’t want to think about whether some ruthless characters in the world could withstand the growing OBA. He didn’t have this interest at all. He only knew that he was right to find and kill this ghost as soon as possible.

The gods continued to stay in hell, setting off battles and fierce battles with the powerful beings in hell.

“Does the endless family care about these **** robots?! Saying that these celestial groups are celestial gods, they are really celestial gods? Even if the endless family disdains it, if there is even one of the three giants of **** who sits…

Some demons watched viciously at the eight gods who were constantly patrolling the hell, talking in a low voice.

When will **** let these ghosts go sideways? Even if **** is an extremely open and chaotic world, the high-levels of the Universe Celestial Group almost came out, this is not integration, this is the most obvious provocation!

But the endless family just didn’t move… Seeing a ghost!

The whole **** was plunged into great anxiety and rage, and from time to time, some defying fellows could be seen attacking the Celestial Group suddenly.

But the Celestial God team didn’t know whether it was the iron or something. It just refused to leave, and would rather go to war with the many ruthless characters in **** than to leave.

Downey glanced casually at the hell, paused, and then ignored it.

This group of gods formed a group and ran to **** not long ago, going crazy like crazy…wandering around.

Yes, in the eyes of those who don’t know the truth, these gods seem to be collectively infected with the virus, their thinking organs are broken, and they are wandering in **** like crazy.

But Downey just glanced at it and knew what the gods were looking for.

“Born from hell, it attracted the attention of the Celestial Team… Is it OBA? Or is it… a giant monster?”

Donny thought silently.

The high probability should be OBA, if it is a giant beast, those trumpets in heaven will definitely not be so stable.

The giant fierce beast is placed in the tenth level sequence. It is also an extremely vicious guy, and the desire to destroy is the most exuberant. If this guy wakes up, no one can hold it except the tenth level.

“OBA, although the specifications are not enough, it is the only opposite of that one at any rate, similar to the antagonistic relationship between God and the beast. This essence is really remarkable, but…”

If you can get OBA, maybe Downey can get something.

Originally, Downey once thought about hunting OBA, and then relied on swallowing OBA to become the fourth stage. This was the most feasible method Downey could think of.

Unfortunately, I finally gave up.

OBA itself is a ghost that is born after exhausting all negative aspects. Any sin, hatred and other messy things are all synthetic materials of OBA.

No matter how arrogant Downey is, he doesn’t think he can maintain his complete self after fusing the OBA with a higher level of essence than himself…

With a high probability of being reversely manipulated and becoming a new chaotic individual, it is equivalent to becoming a new humanoid OBA.

Because, all negative things belong to the category of OBA, and the human form is other appearance, but it is secondary.

After thinking about it for a long time, Downey gave up the plan to start with OBA, which was too risky.

I still choose to break the wall of origin and go to the Almighty Universe to find the emotional spectrum pool, which is more reliable.

When this more feasible and safe path fails, then come back and consider OBA.

“Or the wall of origin is more important.”

Downey’s gaze crossed the hell, no longer paying attention to what happened in the hell, and flew to the wall of origin with a serious expression.

The closer you get to the wall of origin, the area covered by the golden light of the sky is completely blank, without any energy or information, and some are only dead and silent for billions of years.

When Downey stepped into the radiation range of the Origin Wall, his own characteristics exploded, and he was immune to the terrifying suction from the Origin Wall on the spot.

This projection of Downey flew to the wall of origin so lightly, without the slightest pressure from the wall of origin.

The body is still sitting on Cybertron, and the projection is used to test the wall of origin.

As Downey approached, some gods were alarmed.

Most of the gods posted on the wall were completely ignorant of their interest. They thought it was a ghost who was not afraid of death.

Wasn’t it the same before? Two quantum lifeforms merged into one under their gaze, and then they kept studying the wall of origin…what’s the use of this?

What can the trivial quantum life be able to do that the three generations of terror beings cannot do?

But as Downey kept getting closer, finally some gods who closed their eyes sensed something and slowly opened their eyes.

Staring straight at Downey.


A scream came out.


The entire wall of origin was shocked, and many gods opened their eyes one after another, and no longer cared about the rapid accumulation of wear and tear, and looked at the figure that was approaching intently.

“Finally here, the guy most likely to cross the Wall of Origin…”

“Unfortunately, why is it just a projection?! What are you worrying about! Hurry up and study the wall of origin, and then find a way to destroy this **** wall!”

“Drag me down, I am willing to pay any price, even if you respect you as the master, it is not impossible, as long as you can pull me off the wall, everything can be discussed.”

One after another, they stared at him, staring at Downey.

This projection of Downey calmly leaned against the wall of origin, ignoring these worthless nonsense.

Everyone has come to this point, and everyone can say nonsense.

Downey even directly ignored these eagerly awaited guys, and looked at the Wall of Origin.

Many gods looked at it, and there seemed to be light in their eyes.

Yujia Khan had a fierce look, his eyes opened a gap, and he closed immediately, suppressing his horror, and remained silent.

“Hey, a reptile has grown up to the present…” Yujia Khan felt that he was too impatient at the beginning and shouldn’t be so hurriedly on the wall twice…It’s stupid, so stupid.

If you can wait patiently for a while and thoroughly study this crawler named Downey, you will only be stronger. For example, is the secret that allowed Downey to grow up to rival him in one fell swoop, is it valuable?



Downey suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

There, a figure braving the blue light was slowly flying over. This guy seemed to be able to resist the suction of the Wall of Origin to a certain extent, but it was extremely difficult.

This guy who looked like a quantum life stayed far away from the wall of origin, staring at Downey.

“Dr. Manhattan? Quantum Superman? It’s actually merged into one, interesting.”

Downey just glanced at this guy in surprise, and didn’t intend to pay any more attention to it.

No matter how powerful it is, it is only a quantum life. Even if two lives merge into one, it is still a quantum life, and it is still only an eighth-level **** who can create countless identical clones.

Quantum God just watched from a distance, expressionless, no one knew what this guy was thinking.

Downey arbitrarily extended his will to try to interpret the thinking of this quantum god, but only observed a large amount of blankness and indifference, and did not get anything valuable at all.

Downey retracted his gaze and began to solemnly look at the wall of origin in front of him.

Although it has been studied many times, this time is obviously different from the previous one.

When Downey made this projection, he didn’t call it back.

Carrying a trace of Downey’s will, close to the wall of origin, there is only one purpose…that is, to try to travel through the past!

Measure personally, how vast and tough is this terrifying barrier created by visitors from the place of origin!

“According to the information in the comics, the key material for sealing the Goddess of Darkness is a peculiar thing called’sum total body’, which looks almost like a piece of meat.”

Downey projection stares at the wall of origin.

The entire wall of origin is a prison that blocks the goddess of darkness, but in the eyes of Downey now, this wall of origin is used to seal the world inside the wall!

The whole world inside the wall appeared in confusion. Downey speculated that the world inside the wall should be the funnel of the entire comic world and the gathering place of all bugs. The wall of origin is so large and vast, it is too exaggerated to seal a goddess of darkness. Up.

It can also be seen as a shackle used to seal the entire defect.

“I don’t know much about the sum total body. I have to feel it myself. The big deal is to lose this projection.”

Downey took a deep breath, and under the gaze of countless beings, he pressed against the wall of origin a little bit.

Downey slowly put his hand on the surface of the wall of origin, and then, the special nature derived from the golden superman in his body was suddenly activated. I saw this projection of Downey, like a stream of water, immersed in the origin. In the wall.

Many beings are agitated.

They all blushed and yelled, letting Downey drag them off.

“That’s it! I’ve seen ghosts go through a wall. Although it’s not the same, it’s going through a wall!”

“Quick! Let us down, the conditions are up to you…”

Many gods are going crazy, roaring loudly.

It’s a pity that Downey doesn’t like them at all. This projection has been completely integrated into the Wall of Origin and disappeared in an instant.

Inside the wall of origin, it was more empty than imagined.

The entire wall was filled with a strange substance, even if Downey had the ability to penetrate the wall, he was afraid of this kind of thing.

The total body, this is the substance that seals the goddess of darkness, and even the substance that seals the entire flaw, is already extremely terrifying.

“The difficulty of going through the wall is more amazing than imagined.”

Downey’s projection is madly depleting, every minute it moves, the accumulation of projection will be madly depleted.

Obviously, it was impossible to pass through the wall by projection, and Downey did not plan to pass through by projection.

“I don’t know where the Goddess of Darkness is imprisoned…There are other seven sealed dark powers of creation.”

Downey kept moving inside the wall, which was extremely difficult. At the same time, he tried to study the inside of the Wall of Origin. In this single-structured and single-material wall, it was an extremely tormenting thing.

“The total body, originated from the place of origin, has the weird characteristics of intimidating everything, and even the creation power of the creation **** group can be sealed. This is a good thing… I guess it’s right, this thing is placed The entire Almighty Universe is also an extremely rare treasure.”

Downey felt the sudden loss of the surrounding body to him, and couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

This is a real good thing. It belongs to the level of the Almighty Universe in terms of specifications. In terms of source, it originated directly from the place of origin…

After shuttled for a while, Downey’s projection was immediately worn out.

Downey’s ontology, far away on Cybertron, felt the many messages sent back from the projection, thoughtfully.

“The place of origin…”

Downey frowned.

The mystery zone in this almighty universe is completely covered in the comics. It is unknown how many world judges and how powerful combat power there are.

“Origin and flaw…”

Downey wondered about the fact that the visitors from the Land of Origins spent a tremendous amount of effort to build the Wall of Origins, fixing the scope of the flaws to eternity, obviously for some other reason.

In his guess, the place of origin should be similar to the identity of the regulator or even the maintainer of the Almighty Universe, and the flaw of the world within the wall is obviously unreasonable. It belongs to the opposite and is also within their duties.

“It’s not the time to alarm the place of origin. The desire and research on the total body needs to be temporarily released. At least the dark goddess must be released first. Without this crazy goddess doing things, where do I have a gap to do me? What about my own business…”

Downey slowly got up, looked at the wall of origin with deep eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Breaking the wall of origin… This is really a remarkable move, and no one has done it yet.

In an instant, countless projections were created, and all were sent to explore the wall of origin, trying to find more useful information.

Then Downey began to really prepare to smash the wall of origin.

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