Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 407 - One Of Us Must Die Today

Chapter 407: One Of Us Must Die Today


Chapter 407 – One Of Us Must Die Today

The Core of Consciousness Civilization went extinct, just like that.

Subsequently, Chen Yu spent the next hour visiting the various satellites these aliens lived on and gained a better understanding of their civilization.

First of all, why would these aliens have such a thorough understanding of the ecology of different civilizations?

Because this small star system actually used to house multiple intelligent civilizations in the past, and the numerous satellites here originally possessed varying ecosystems.

According to the information the Type-R Spacecraft deciphered, there used to be six intelligent civilizations here! These civilizations were initially distributed across six satellites, and the largest satellite’s mass was only 2.8 times greater than the moon’s.

The reason why the Core of Consciousness Civilization referred to itself as an empire was because it had unified the entire star system and transformed the ecosystems of all other satellites to match their home satellite.

In other words, despite living in this barren star system, the Empire possessed abundant experience in interstellar struggles.

Hence, in the Empire’s eyes, their star system was basically a miniature galaxy.

As for the solar system that was located six light-years away, it was akin to a new and distant galaxy to the Empire.

It was also precisely because of this difference in living environments that created the cognitive difference between human civilization and the Core of Consciousness Civilization. Contrasting the Core of Consciousness Civilization, human beings were much more open-minded and regarded the vast solar system as merely a “cradle.” Before learning to even walk, humanity had already begun staring at the sea of stars in the endless space…

In the process of taking the spacecraft back to deep space, Chen Yu showed the deciphered information to the camera and said, “They are the same as us. Not only are they carbon-based creatures, but they are also aerobic organisms. However, they receive their oxygen from nitrate compounds and do not possess a respiratory system. There is a huge difference in the structure of life between these aliens and the creatures on Earth. Simply put, eating is equivalent to breathing for them, and they won’t stop eating even when they’re sleeping.

“These aliens have probably taken on such an evolutionary path because the small mass of the satellites they live on are incapable of locking a large amount of gas. This also means these aliens can commit suicide easily. So long as they turn off the inhaling function of their ‘mouths,’ they can die immediately from a lack of oxygen.

“Now, here comes the problem.”

Stopping the projection of the information, Chen Yu continued, “How can a measly red dwarf and a bunch of small satellites possibly give birth to six intelligent civilizations? Is life really that abundant in the vast universe?

“What’s even stranger is that none of these intelligent civilizations have ever delved into this problem. Unlike humans, these aliens believe that life is abundant in the universe. As long as a celestial body possesses ample organic matter and its surface temperature is above -100 degrees, life can be born.

“So, in their mindsets, ‘high-temperature creatures’ like humans are incredible life forms.

“This is obviously different from humanity’s observation results.” After saying so, Chen Yu pointed in the direction of Alpha Centauri and Sirius and continued, “If life really is common, why are the Alpha Centauri and Sirius systems deserted? Hence, in my personal opinion, the reason why there are multiple intelligent civilizations in the Barnard’s Star system is probably the result of ‘man-made’ intervention. Otherwise, it would be too much of a coincidence.

“However, this is, in the end, only my guess. There might be some other hidden information I do not know of. I have already taken a recording of the deciphered information. When we return to the real world, I’ll extract the video from the camera and send it to the various research institutions. I hope we can get the real answer.”

During Chen Yu’s narration, the Type-R Spacecraft had broken out of Barnard’s Star’s gravitational field and gradually came to a halt.

“The civilization at Barnard’s Star is no more. We have no choice but to search for another civilization. Let me see which is the closest civilization from here…”

After taking out his phone and looking at the list of civilizations for a moment, Chen Yu held his forehead in pain and said, “The closest civilization from here is located in the Regulus system, which is 70 light-years away… Did all life in the surrounding systems get moved to Barnard’s Star?”

[70 light-years? Awesome!]

[We get to live a few more days. ( ͡°͜ʖ͡°)]

[I hope you run out of fuel during your trip, UP.]

[That’s an unreliable wish. It’s better to wish for the spacecraft to break down midway through the trip since the UP doesn’t know how to repair the spacecraft.]

[You guys are too cruel! You should wish for the UP to crash into a black hole instead! That way, he can die without pain.]

[In the end, the UP didn’t open up those metal shells and check how the aliens look like…]

[While I still have time, I plan to sell my house and pay a visit to a brothel. Any friends want to form a team with me?]

[You and your dirty mind! Ptui! I disdain forming teams. I’ll go solo.]

Subsequently, time passed by slowly as Chen Yu traveled across the vast universe. Although Chen Yu kept the livestream active during his three-day journey to Regulus, the only thing being broadcast was a black screen and some sporadic bullet comments.

Everyone among the audience took this opportunity to start a new life.

Some people sold their family property and played around for three days and three nights.

Some people boldly traded stocks and made a killing.

Some people borrowed money from loan sharks and enjoyed the pleasure of spending a fortune.

Some people cooped themselves up in a library and used this “free” time to study.

Every audience fulfilled many of their wishes during these three days.

This could be regarded as a reward for being a fan of Transdimensional Review.

Earth, 1.30 PM China time:

Reconnecting the camera to the livestream’s video input, colors returned to the livestream rooms.

At this time, Chen Yu could be seen standing upright in front of the camera. After waiting for half a minute, he said, “Good afternoon, humans of the universe. It is now 13:32 Beijing time. I have successfully arrived at the Regulus system that is approximately 77 light-years away from Earth.”

After saying so, Chen Yu shifted the camera’s angle and revealed the sight of two gorgeous stars to his audience.

At this time, the livestream’s viewer count had also skyrocketed from 2.41 million to nine digits!

Naturally, the bullet comment section had also regained life.

“As you can see, Regulus is a binary star system with two stars. In addition to the main star with amazing brightness, there is also a fast-rotating white dwarf. This also explains why the main star is so bright—it is because the main star is absorbing the large amounts of gas released after the death of the white dwarf.”

After saying so, Chen Yu shifted the camera’s focus to a green planet.

“Regulus B2. This planet’s future scientific name is Kakager Lanta. When translated, it means ‘shuttling in the free liquid of an eggshell.’ In the future, humans also refer to this planet as the ‘Eggshell.’ As the translated name suggests, Regulus B2 is an ocean planet. Regulus’s intelligent civilization lives here.”

[It’s so green.]

[It’s so beautiful! It’s not the slightest bit inferior to Earth.]

[Have you found our executioner? My youth has ended.]

[Hurry up and destroy the world, dammit. The loan sharks are knocking on my door.]


“After entering this star system, it only took a brief scan for me to find many intelligent creations in this system. There is even something similar to a Ringworld outside a gaseous planet. It’s safe to assume that the civilization here is highly developed and much more superior than the Core of Consciousness Empire.

“I have already sent a message to the aliens before starting the livestream, so we should see a reply soon.”

Sure enough, five minutes later, Chen Yu received a message notification from the spacecraft.

The spacecraft had received a language dictionary compressed in the form of quantum information.

“It’s here!”

His eyes glowing with excitement, Chen Yu quickly had the spacecraft decipher the language dictionary.

Three seconds later, the deciphering was completed.

A line of text appeared on the virtual screen before Chen Yu.

[Greetings, powerful envoy. 1:4:9]

“One-to-four-to-nine… What does that mean? Everyone, hold on a moment as I try to decipher it.”

After saying so, Chen Yu raised his watch and initiated a group conversation with the various governments.

[Chen Yu: “It seems to be a code. Does any country know what it means? Send me a message if you do.”]

Shortly after Chen Yu finished speaking, he received a message from an ID going by the Japanese Government.

[Japanese Government: “Mr. Chen, the 1:4:9 ratio should be an acoustic structure. It is most likely a specific communication channel of the alien civilization.”]

“An acoustic structure, is it…”

[Chen Yu: “How should I decipher it?”]

[Japanese Government: “Our think tanks have come up with three solutions. You can try them one by one to see if any are correct.”]

[Chen Yu: “OK, go on.”]

[Japanese Government: “1: Normal wave: Input the sound field calculation model. The sound wave propagates in the xe[0, h], ze[0, +∞], ye[-∞, +∞] region, and the sound wave is a simple harmonic. Assume that the amount of acoustics produced has nothing to do with the y coordinate, and you will get a geometric figure.”]

Sweat began appearing on Chen Yu’s forehead.

[Chen Yu: “What next?”]

[Japanese Government: “According to the graph, the wave equation is (cannot enter the formula) + (cannot enter the formula)-(cannot enter the formula) + 0; let P(x, z, t) = p(x, z) ( Cannot enter formula), then

…simplified solution:

1: Because the wave field has only traveling waves propagating in the positive direction along the Z-axis, D=0; the physical nature of this result is: the boundary condition of sound waves without reflection when →∞.

2: Because the wave field is a standing wave along the X-axis, the formal solution of sound propagation in the parallel plane layer = p (x, z) = (the formula cannot be entered).

Try entering this number result into the communication channel and see if it is correct.”]

Chen Yu hurriedly entered the formulas provided into the spacecraft’s communication system. A second later, he received an error.

[Chen Yu: “It’s incorrect! I can’t connect it!”]

[Japanese Government: “Don’t panic. Let’s try using a standing wave in three-dimensional space next. The boundary conditions are… where k²(x), k²(y), k²(z) are three undetermined constants. They satisfy the following relationship: k²(x), k²(y), k²(y)=k²… So the solution to satisfy the equation is… Mr. Chen, please try entering this data.”]

Following the Japanese Government’s instructions, Chen Yu entered the array of numbers into the spacecraft’s communication system in a daze. And after conducting a standardized screening, he sent out the most suitable digital frequency.

Bzz, bzz! Ding!

The connection to the quantum communication channel succeeded!

Chen Yu: “I succeeded in deciphering it! The one-to-four-to-nine ratio is indeed the solution to the standing wave equation in three-dimensional space! Aren’t I awesome?!”

[Crap! Awesome!]

[UP, you’re awesome!]

[I’m convinced. As expected of the person capable of becoming a transdimensional reviewer!]

After connecting to the communication successfully, a creature resembling a fish appeared in the spacecraft’s virtual projection. The fish creature emitted a series of sound waves, which were subsequently translated into Chinese by the spacecraft.

“Greetings, powerful envoy. Your visit is an honor for the Liquid Council. We have sensed your strength. We sur—”

“Hold it! Don’t go sinking yet!” Having learned from his past experiences, Chen Yu interrupted the other party without hesitation. “I am an Earthling from the solar system 77 light-years away. Please kill us all.”

Alien: “??”

Bringing out the Oscillating Planet Smasher, Chen Yu said, “If you don’t kill us, we will kill you instead. One of our civilizations must die today, so make your choice.”

Alien: “?????”

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