Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 399 - Black Hole Extinction (2)

Chapter 399: Black Hole Extinction (2)


Chapter 399 – Black Hole Extinction (2)

In the eyes of many physicists, black holes were akin to the zombies of the universe.

They usually remained silent and slowly evaporated out of existence. However, so long as there was an object near a black hole, it would come back to life instantly and hold onto said object tightly, never letting go.

After devouring the object completely, the black hole would then return to silence and wait for its next “prey” to appear.

Meanwhile, a new “prey” had appeared for a certain black hole—the solar system.

Compared to the artificial intelligence crisis, asteroid impact, and virus outbreak, the black hole disaster took place much more slowly.

After half an hour had gone by since Chen Yu had chosen the Black Hole Devouring option, no noticeable changes had taken place in the world.

[Is the machine malfunctioning?]

[At the cosmic scale, it should take a while for the black hole to reach us.]

[Doesn’t that mean it’ll take several hundred years for it to arrive?! What is this nonsense?!]

[Isn’t this a good thing? We can come back to life once we die of old age. This is equivalent to living a different lifetime!]

[Crap! I think I found the correct way to use the Natural Disaster Generator…]

[I noticed it as well…]

[Dammit! I don’t want to die!!!]

[It’s too late. The black hole is here. I can see it now.]



[I’m in America’s Los Angeles! I see it too! A hole appeared in the sky!]

[It’s night time over in the western hemisphere, yet I can still see it…]

After waiting inside the E·I Force Field for some time and seeing no external crisis, Chen Yu grew a little agitated. Hence, when he read that it was possible to see the black hole over at the western hemisphere, he had the force field start flying without hesitation.


Accompanied by the deafening sound of air bursting, Chen Yu transformed into a streak of light and flew through the clouds. He traveled across several thousand kilometers in no time at all and arrived at America’s Los Angeles.

Looking up at the night sky, he instantly found the black hole’s existence, and it was incredibly eye-catching.

This was because the originally resplendent starry sky had now been twisted into a gravitational lens.

“It really is a black hole…

“Does anyone still remember the primordial black hole I showed you before?” Directing the camera toward the black hole, Chen Yu said, “It’s exactly the same gravitational lens. Due to the frightening mass of black holes, they can absorb and distort all incoming light. And because of this reason, despite black holes trapping all light that it comes into contact with, it is still possible for us to observe them.

“Previously, when we were trying to observe the primordial black hole, we had to get very close to it and activate the camera’s telescope function just to get a look at it. However, in the case of this black hole, we can see it clearly even on Earth. What does this mean?”

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the excitement in his heart, Chen Yu said, “It means that this black hole’s mass is unimaginably greater! It is a supermassive black hole with a mass of at least hundreds of thousands or even a million times that of the sun!

“This is a black hole of the same class as the one found in the Milky Way’s center!”




[Over a million times the sun’s mass… Isn’t this a little too exaggerated?]

[Is it possible to survive the black hole if I lock myself inside a fully-enclosed box? Urgently waiting for an answer.]

[Don’t bother struggling. The only way you can survive a black hole is if you take out a two-way foil and destroy the black hole with it.]


“I can’t believe this machine is capable of generating a black hole of this degree.” Raising his watch and taking a look at the bullet comments, Chen Yu muttered to himself, “Is this really technology from the year 7162?”

After a while, Chen Yu returned to his senses. Looking at the camera, he continued, “If the black hole is this massive, Earth won’t be the only celestial body in the solar system affected by it. The entire solar system will be torn apart as well. Hence, I’m guessing that most of you won’t get the chance to see the moment where you fall into the black hole.”

Sure enough, everything was as Chen Yu predicted.

As more time passed, the gravitational lens that represented the shape of the black hole continued expanding.

At this time, it had officially entered the inner solar system and had begun to show its power on Earth.

Firstly, the planet’s temperature experienced drastic changes.

Take China’s Beijing, for example. The average temperature had jumped from 22 to 53 degrees Celsius! The cause of this change was due to the black hole’s gravitational pull disrupting the orbits of all matter in the solar system. In addition, the black hole also drew celestial bodies like the sun and Earth towards it in a straight line.

When the sun and Earth moved across their respective “lines,” the distance separating them also shortened. Naturally, this would result in the rise of Earth’s surface temperature.

Secondly, mega earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions occurred worldwide, these indirect disasters taking away the lives of 95% of the human population.

As for the fortunate ones that survived, they got to see with their own eyes the most beautiful aurora that had appeared since the planet’s birth.

This aurora was the result of the sun’s ultraviolet rays destroying Earth’s atmosphere.

Meanwhile, along with the atmosphere’s destruction, Earth’s surface temperature soared past 120 degrees! Subsequently, the collapsed forests, the spraying oil geysers, the man-made garbage flying in the air…everything went up in flames.

[Total viewer count: 39,171]

[Total viewer count: 4,823]

[Total viewer count: 266]

[Total viewer count: 0]

“So, everyone’s dead…”

Lifting his head, Chen Yu looked past the aurora and gazed upon the “spherical” black hole. At the same time, he couldn’t help but lament the fragility of human civilization. Everyone had proudly stated that they would get devoured by the black hole. Yet, before they even got the opportunity to do so, they had died from “natural” disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

“Since I’m the only one left, let’s get a proper recording.”

Looking at the camera and facing the empty livestream rooms, Chen Yu straightened his mask and said calmly, “Fellow friends, the black hole is coming. Follow my camera and let us admire the death of the solar system together. We will watch how the sun and the various planets get devoured by the black hole.”

After saying so, Chen Yu urged the force field forward and rapidly flew through the atmosphere.

In the distance, the sun was gradually growing larger in Chen Yu’s perspective. In addition, the star itself was showing signs of elongation. This was a result of the imbalance of gravitational force acting on the sun’s front and back.

Very quickly, Earth would experience this phenomenon as well.

Ten minutes.

Thirty minutes.

Fifty minutes…

At this time, the size of the black hole in front of him had already exceeded the size of the sun.

Meanwhile, a planet everyone was familiar with was gradually falling into the black hole’s vortex right now.


As the planet rapidly rotated around the black hole, its originally beautiful halo had vanished without a trace.

The terrifying centrifugal force also caused the planet to disintegrate completely. Although a small portion of the planet’s “corpse” had successfully achieved escape velocity and sailed into the deep space of the vast universe, the majority continued to be torn and stretched by the black hole.

Twelve minutes later, Jupiter was torn apart as well, its remnants spiraling into the black hole’s gravitational lens.

Seeing all this happening, Chen Yu felt a slight chill in his heart.

Although he couldn’t see the spectacular devouring scene due to being too far away, he still couldn’t help but be shocked to see a planet, whose mass was 318 times greater than Earth’s, disappearing so effortlessly.


Suddenly, violent vibrations came from his surroundings.

Looking around in a hurry, Chen Yu found that the atmospheric concentration around him was increasing rapidly.

“The atmosphere is getting stripped by the black hole? I guess it’s finally time.”

The sun was a ball of plasma.

Since the black hole had already begun stripping Earth’s atmosphere, this meant that the sun was about to face its doom as well.

Removing his mask, Chen Yu stared forward without blinking.

Sure enough, the ruler of all creatures on Earth was currently being ravaged by a ruthless black hand. The star gradually changed from a round shape into the shape of a bamboo shoot…

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