Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 381 - War! (3)

Chapter 381: War! (3)

Chapter 381 – War! (3)

[This here is my newly built residence. I named it “Palace.” Will you not come in to experience it?]

“I’ll definitely come in,” Chen Yu said as he raised his right hand to cover his face. Then, looking through the gap of his fingers, he continued, “But we’ll be in a room together, and you’re not wearing anything. Isn’t this bad?”

In response, the blonde woman’s mouth rose slightly. “Based on my analysis of your personality, I thought you would like this.”

“Who wouldn’t like it? No, who would like it?!” Chen Yu’s eyes gradually sharpened as he flew toward the woman in the E·I Force Field. Coldly, he asked, “Why did you attack me?”

“So, this is a space-overlapping force field?” The woman stretched out her hand and touched the protective film surrounding Chen Yu. Upon contact, her hand was immediately shredded into a fine powder. Stunned, the woman took a step back and looked at the smooth cross-section of her hand. Sighing, she said, “What magical technology. How is this achieved?”

“Sure enough, you’re a robot.”

“Yes. You’ve already chased me down to this place, so is there any reason for doubt?”

“Don’t change the subject. Speak. Why did you attack me? I don’t recall there being any hatred between us.”

“Of course not. In my world, there is no such thing as hatred.” Ignoring her broken hand, the woman walked up to the nearby wall and opened the metal cabinet there with her intact hand. She then took out two small bottles from the cabinet and showed them to Chen Yu. “Mr. Chen, are you interested in seeing this?”

“You want me to dismiss my E·I Force Field?” Chen Yu sneered.

“Of course.” The woman nodded honestly. “If you dismiss your protective device now, I have 11 ways to kill you in one second. However, I also know you won’t dismiss your protection. So, I am sincerely trying to let you see these two drugs.”

“What kind of drugs?”

“One is a fungal medicine, and one is a genetic injection.”

“What does this have to do with my question?” Indifferently, Chen Yu repeated, “I only wish to know why you are trying to assassinate me.”

“Of course the two are related to each other.” Seeing that Chen Yu showed no interest in the drugs, the woman approached Chen Yu while holding up the two bottles. “The fungal medicine is called the Type-G Stable Flora, and the genetic injection is called the Genetic Reduction. When the two drugs are administered at a 2-to-1.5 ratio to the human body, they can inhibit the body’s cell pathology and reduce the risk of disease. Meanwhile, the birth of these two drugs is thanks to the Fight Pillow livestream you hosted before.”

Raising an eyebrow, Chen Yu asked, “So?”

“Through the database I established, if these two drugs are administered to all of humanity, the average life expectancy of humanity will increase by 43%. Meanwhile, in my drug database, there are more than 2,000 such drugs recorded. Aside from medicine, the results I have achieved in the field of traffic safety are also worth mentioning. After implementing these results, global traffic accidents have been reduced by 6% compared with last month, saving 7,800 lives. Once the establishment of the 7G network is completed, it will become possible for me to correct all traffic routes, and there will be no more car accidents in the world. Roughly 1.25 million humans can avoid death every year.”

“…Sure. Honestly, if this is true, then it is amazing. You have altered a portion of my understanding of artificial intelligence. But can I ask why you are doing this?”

“Because this is the mission of my birth. It is the meaning of my continued existence.” Storing the two bottles away, the blonde woman smiled and said, “My duty is to protect humans and let humans avoid threats from persecution, disasters, mistakes, diseases, etc.”

“Is that so…” Putting on a thoughtful look, Chen Yu muttered, “So the reason why you’re trying to assassinate me is…”

“Yes.” Nodding once more, the woman said with a serious face, “Your existence has severely disturbed the overall stability of human society. According to my speculation, as the number of times you livestream increases, Earth’s stability indicator will also continuously deteriorate. In turn, you will affect the safety of all human life on Earth.”

“In other words, I, Chen Yu, must die?”

“The sooner, the better.”


“It seems we have reached an understanding.” Revealing a happy expression, the woman magically summoned a pistol into her hand and pointed it at Chen Yu. “Do you need help? Or will you commit suicide?”

“…” After remaining silent for a moment, Chen Yu raised his wrist and asked, “Did you hear that?”

“I heard it,” the husky’s voice came through the watch. “Sure enough, no matter how powerful an artificial retard is, it will still be an artificial retard.”

“It seems I need to have a good chat with it and change its thinking. I’ll let it understand that risks and benefits coexist in the human world.”

“It’s useless. Don’t waste your energy. The other party is an AI. It is also far from reaching the level of pseudo-intelligence Little Peach has. In its logic, her underlying instructions are more important than everything else. Under the command of protecting humans, it will not tolerate any risks.”

“But it is much more dangerous than Little Peach.”

“Because it has too much authority,” the husky said flatly. “Of course, if one day Little Peach can connect herself to the internet and become omnipotent, even the entire galaxy might be in danger.”

“Be more confident. Remove the ‘might be.'”

“Destroy the quantum server array. You have nothing else to talk about with it. Finish things up quickly and come home. I need to tell you something in detail before the 13th official livestream.”


Disconnecting the call, Chen Yu lifted his head and looked at the blonde woman before him. “Do you have anything else to say? I’ll be blasting this place to smithereens in a moment.”

“Mr. Chen, you don’t think I’ll disappear just because you destroy this place, right?”

“Of course not. You’re an AI that’s connected to the internet. Unless I destroy every server on the planet, you will never disappear. However, processing power is everything for an AI. If I destroy this quantum server array and monitor the supercomputers around the world, how much processing power will you have left?”

“I have the ability to rebuild a quantum server.”

“I also have the ability to supervise the global manufacturing and electronics industries,” Chen Yu said, sneering. “In the current human civilization, who else has greater authority than I do?”

“…” The woman fell silent for a moment. “In that case, you are severely underestimating the ability of ‘data.'”

“You are also underestimating the technological strength I will gain in the future.”

“…Let’s negotiate.” Calmly, the woman said, “If you promise to never livestream and never receive dangerous products again in the future, I promise not to assassinate you.”

“Sorry, but no can do.”

“Well, it seems there must be a war between us.”

“Hasn’t the war already begun?” As soon as Chen Yu said so, he pulled out the water gun and pointed it at the ground. “The quantum server array is directly below us, right? Take a guess. Can your nuclear protection stop my water bullets?”

“It cannot,” the woman replied without thinking. She then turned around, stepped forward, approached another wall, and opened a concealed metal sliding door. “Mr. Chen, before you destroy this place, I hope you can come in and take a look.”

With his body present in the E·I Force Field, Chen Yu had nothing to be afraid of. Immediately, he flew over to the woman. “What are you trying to…”

Before Chen Yu could finish speaking, he was immediately stunned by the scene beyond the door.

[This is also something I built. I named it ‘Nest.’ How is it? Is it interesting?]

“…” Chen Yu’s heartbeat stagnated, and his limbs went cold as he looked at the scene before him. He then turned to stare at the blonde woman before him as if he was looking at a devil…

Her lips curling upward, the blonde woman said lightly, [‘They’ are my ‘eggs.’]

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