Transcendent Resurgence: Regressing on an abandoned Earth

Chapter 93: I’ll be back in a bit

[Remaining Time: 00:05:00]

Zyrus glanced at the timer while focusing on his mana. The black sphere was approaching closer and closer to the domain of sharpness.

If he relied on the principle of uncertainty then it was possible to attack at higher speed. In that case, the attack would exist in multiple potential stats, and the final outcome would be determined at the moment of contact.

It was an excellent move to bypass defense while avoiding any counterattack. However, his source of origin was based on the laws of void, not the laws of uncertainty. And without the power of laws there was no way to deal with the glemorax king’s domain.

‘But it worked out in the end,’

Zyrus curved his lips as the sphere came in contact with the laws of sharpness.

The domain of sharpness was erased just like that. The power of void could erase space and time itself, much less a mere concept of sharpness.

“Is that so? Maybe I expected too much from an insect,” Zyrus looked at the glemorax king as if he was a moron.

Why would he go through so much trouble if all he wanted was to erase the domain? He could’ve just clawed at it while manifesting the laws of void.

‘Show me what you’ll do without your speed and defense,’

Void quandary didn’t just contain the power of void. The abyss's magical attribute was feared across all dimensions, but it wasn’t to the point that no one could deal with it.

The easiest way to remove the corruption and spread of abyss was by purging it with pure mana. It was like an inky stain on a white cloth. Removing it was just annoying, not impossible.

But what if the stain couldn’t be removed no matter what? What if it kept spreading by converting the cloth into ink itself?


The bells chimed at increasing speed. Zyrus knew that the bells weren’t making the glemorax king stronger. They acted like anchors that connected the earth with another dimension.

Breaking the bell wouldn’t weaken the glemorax king. On the contrary, it would only make him stronger.

‘But the stronger he is, the more he’ll be suppressed by the will of the earth,’

It was a good outcome under normal circumstances. It was a pity that the current earth was too weak in comparison. Instead of suppressing the aliens, it was more likely that the entire plant would be ripped apart.

Neither Zyrus nor the invading aliens wanted such an outcome.

‘Not that it’ll happen under the void quandary,’

Thousands of red strands entangled the black sphere. They weren’t powered by the laws of sharpness though; it was pure mana that made them tangible.

The glemorax king had long since sensed the presence of void and abyss on the black sphere. He didn’t know what was the purpose of using abyssal mana this way, but he didn't care either way.

The traits of abyss weren’t tricky to deal with.

Or so he thought.

“Hahaha… is this strong enough?”


Instead of anger or fear, the glemorax king felt pure absurdity at the moment. He could accept if his mana was erased by the laws of void. He would also accept if his mana was corrupted by the abyssal attribute. Though it would only happen if his mana was inferior in quality and quantity compared to Zyrus’s mana, it was still within the bounds of reason.

But what happened was completely against the laws of nature. It wasn’t the abyssal mana that corroded his pure mana.

The black sphere grew bigger and bigger until it engulfed half the sky. It didn’t give the deep feeling of abyss.

It was empty. Without space, time, matter, and energy. It was a true manifestation of void.


The thirteen bells cracked at once. It wasn’t due to Zyrus though.

It was the glemorax king who destroyed them. He acknowledged his defeat even though it hurt his pride.

He, or rather, no one was a match for Zyrus on the same league of existence. Regardless of the preconditions involved, Just this attack made him unrivaled and invincible across all dimensions.

“Void is just a concept of emptiness. Unlike other laws such as fire, wind, and even sharpness, it couldn’t be manifested. The laws of void deny the existence of everything, then how could they themselves exist?”

[Remaining Time: 00:03:00]

“Do you know about black holes? We can not observe them because they devour the light itself. However, their interaction with matter allows us to pinpoint their location.”

Both were aware that this conversation was just to stall for time. The glemorax king needed some time to completely descend to the earth, and Zyrus needed to survive for 3 minutes to execute his plan.

“Tch.. I was just giving an example. Did I ever say that my attack had the concept of singularity?” Zyrus replied in a mocking tone.

The glemorax king had a gross misconception about the black sphere. It was the farthest thing from ‘Stable’.

Zyrus couldn’t apply the principle of uncertainty on either the laws of void or the abyssal mana. Both of them were a concept of their own. It was impossible to make something like uncertain void, or uncertain fire.

The laws of fire burned everything; the laws of ice froze everything and the laws of void erased everything. If you mix something like uncertainty into them then it’d be burned, frozen, or erased.

The glemorax king also realized his mistake, but he was no longer interested in knowing the correct answer.

Not that Zyrus would tell him in the first place.

‘I think Jacob would understand it faster than him,’

The prairie fire spell worked in a similar way. It was just that it would take centuries of hard work and a lucky encounter for him to realize it. Laws were something that could only be comprehended, not taught.

Take prairie fire for example. It manifested as a fiery tornado or flame walls. It might look seamless on the surface, but if one looked at it on a tiny scale then they’d see a different scene.

There wasn’t a law of fiery tornado. It was a result of the interaction between the laws of fire and the laws of wind, stimulated by the user’s mana.

Even Zyrus barely understood this after getting the eyes of annihilation and learning about laws. Be it the simple fireball spell of his current attack, both needed laws to work. One was passive while the other was active, there was a world of difference between them.

Void quandary was working on a similar principle. The black sphere was made up of billions of particles. He applied the principle of uncertainty onto them, but instead of changing their position or momentum, he charged them with the laws of void and the abyssal attribute.

When they were on a fixed position, the laws of void would act and erase everything around them. And when they were mobile, the abyssal mana would act and corrupt the surrounding environment and mana.

This phenomenon needed the abyss’s corrosive nature along with a vast amount of mana to function.

He was actively using the laws of void, while the abyssal attribute could be considered a passive law due to his bloodline and class. It wasn’t like he couldn’t learn two laws like the glemorax chief.

However, neither he nor the glemorax king had done such a thing. You can only reach the apex of one direction- Regardless of how many paths you walk upon, there was only one destination.

‘Even I don’t know how to progress on my path to reach the origin of void,’ Zyrus sighed as he recalled the manual that he couldn’t read. He was like a starving man who could only look at the food in his hand, without being able to eat it.


The continent split apart at this moment. A large ravine was left where the caste was used to be.

‘Would people call him a god?’

Zyrus observed the gigantifying glemorax king with stern eyes. He was above lv 100 by sanctuary’s standards, but even so, Zyrus wouldn’t have had such a thought.

Under the oppressive aura the void quandary was reduced to a tenth of its size.

There was a fundamental difference between them apart from levels and league of existence. Something that went beyond speed, strength, and vitality.

‘A new stat? but it shouldn’t be that simple,’

[Remaining Time: 00:01:00]

One thing was for sure though, the next minute would be the most life-threatening moment after his regression.

The glemorax king was now a thousand feet tall. His hands moved faster than a metro trait and slammed at the flying Zyrus.

While he spoke that, the glemorax king’s feet were already on top of the dismembered dragon.

“Hahah-Kuk.. Hahaha,” Zyrus laughed even while spewing out blood. He was forced out of his transformation after the abyssal dragon was torn apart by the laws of sharpness.

He had rarely felt such a rush of adrenaline after he reached the top. Who apart from the eternals could reduce him to such a state?

Zyrus didn’t bother replying as he burrowed into the ground. He was confident that the cube would work regardless of the conditions. But since that was the case, it would be the last time could use this method.

The other alien lords wouldn’t allow him to escape by using the same method.


‘Fuck that bug like bastard,’

Zyrus was bleeding from his seven orifices. Just a scream from the glemorax king was enough to turn him into a puddle of flesh.

If not for his inhumane recovery speed, he would have long since died.

[Remaining Time: 00:00:30]



Hundreds or perhaps thousands of attacks landed on the frail land. Each attack was like a meteor crashing on the surface.

While it may sound ridiculous, an attack of this scale was enough to throw earth out of its orbit. It barely survived due to the high assimilation rate with the alien dimension.

Zyrus once again used his transformation and surged out from the ground. However, the current abyssal dragon was like a little worm in the face of the giant glemorax king. It wasn’t the size that determined this fact, it was the difference between their strength.

Even so, Zyrus wasn’t discouraged. He had long since predicted such an outcome. This mission itself was unfair.

The glemorax chief was bound to forcefully descend when his life was in danger. Such a way of intrusion was without a doubt temporary. The glemorax chief would have no choice but to escape into another dimension.

Zyrus would thus survive a life-threatening disaster and even receive a reward, pretty nice right?

‘Like hell that’ll happen,’

He hadn’t stopped channeling his mana even during his pathetic escape.

The glemorax chief spoke after he finished drawing a rune. Zyrus didn’t know what was the purpose of that rune, nor did he care.

[Remaining Time: 00:00:10]


The glemorax king stabbed at the one-eyed reindeer. He had discovered the latter since the moment Zyrus arrived at the castle. Since the beginning, Franken had been observing the battle from the sky.

‘I hope he can fend it off..’ Zyrus worriedly glanced at the attack. To be honest, even he didn’t have the confidence to tank that strike.

But it seemed that he had much to learn about his companion.

[-You’re not worthy to be a hunter-]

A thunderous voice resounded across the sky. This sentence was like a proclamation from the world itself, like a law of creation that couldn’t be defied.

The glemorax king’s arm which was strong enough to destroy a mountain was unable to approach the reindeer.

[Remaining Time: 00:00:05]

There was a tacit agreement between the two companions as both of them activated their trump cards at the same time.

A tiny blazing scroll unfurled in front of Franken. The fragment of a unique grade item was showing its might for one last time.

Silver chain blades fell from the sky and bound the glemorax chief. The bleed effect was nothing impressive, but what mattered now was its immobilizing effect.

It would last a few seconds at most, but it was enough for void quandary to connect with the glemorax king.

“Even with your full power, you can’t cancel my attack,” Zyrus smirked as he looked at the glemorax king’s nonchalant expression.

‘Does he think that even if I immobilize him and penetrate his armor, this attack won’t kill him?’

It was indeed the case. Void quandary didn’t have enough killing power, but so what?

[Remaining Time: 00:00:01]

“I’ll be back in a bit,”

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