Transcendent Resurgence: Regressing on an abandoned Earth

Chapter 91: So tell me little Bug, Who trapped you here?

Mages were seclusive bunch to begin with. Seldom did they move away from their mage towers. The players were somewhat unique case since they didn’t have the luxury to choose such a lifestyle.

Even so, those who were ‘true’ mages still followed the same pattern. Not everyone who used magic could be called a mage. Years of hard work was needed to advance in any field, regardless of the profession.

Everyone had to put their efforts to advance in their classes. One had to give the humans their credit as not only were they hard working, they were also bloody efficient with it. They had potential to surpass the elves in their magic and dwarves in their forging.

And as the one who once led the whole of humanity, Zyrus’s talents and dedication were unquestionable. There were some leaders who became drunk on their power and authority. If it was someone else instead of Zyrus who had regressed, then no one could tell what they'd be doing right now.

It was tempting to rule over others due to your information advantage. If Zyrus went with the flow then he could easily surpass all of the players on the Kyros continent. But so what?

He knew about all the hidden treasures and hunting grounds. He could level up with ease and spend his days preparing for revenge, but would he be satisfied then?

It was true that revenge was his goal and first priority, but it wouldn’t give him back what he had lost. He had to break past his limits and step into a new realm to make his wishes come true. Absolute strength was needed to establish peace.

Anything else was just a naïve dream.

Zyrus ignored the passage of time as he studied in the warehouse. Due to his title’s effects, he didn’t have to eat, drink, or sleep. Every second of his was dedicated to the study of arcana.

And sure enough, miracles are bound to happen when talent meets hard work.

“I’m really missing my spear,” Zyrus muttered as he stretched his sore muscles. He was right on time in creating the new skill, but a real battle was required to register it into the cube.

Theory was theory in the end. His goal was to counter the main advantages the glemorax had- their speed and defense.

A novice might think that their power was due to the sharpness, but Zyrus knew better. Regardless of how powerful a weapon was, one needed enough speed and strength to make use of it.

The glemorax were lethal when you couldn’t dodge their attacks. Even if you trade blows for blows, they would destroy you with the laws of sharpness and penetration. Their red armors weren’t for decoration either. Kamikaze tactics were useless against opponents like these.

‘They are the superior version of orcs,’- this was Zyrus’s conclusion after studying their patterns.

Zyrus had sensed the powers of origin in the glemorax chief’s attacks. It was safe to assume that the lord behind them had a source of origin related to sharpness.

And while he didn’t have the means to restrict the latter’s source of origin, he could try other means to achieve even better results. He would have a shot at victory as long as the glemorax king’s speed and defense were compromised.

“Get ready Franken. Remember to ‘hide’ where he can sense you,” Zyrus sent the message to the forge after he exited the warehouse. Both of them were companions, and their perception range was also monstrous. They could communicate across vast distances on earth.

“I’ll assume that you’re done with the scroll?”

“Looking forward to it,”

Zyrus didn’t show any change in expression as he teleported towards the red zone. This was neither an ambush nor a war.

It was a confrontation between two rulers.

At the edge of the sole continent on earth, there was a castle made from white marble.

Majestic golden gates were placed in each direction of the castle. Thirteen piers gleamed under the crimson sky, giving the palace an ominous yet regal vibe.

Rather than a king's abode the place looked like the residence of a god. One would feel a strange sense of discrepancy upon looking at the surrounding area. And in the case of Zyrus, it wasn’t merely a sense.

‘This place is about to be assimilated with another dimension,’

Zyrus frowned without halting his steps. Little time was left before his time limit on earth. Had had to proceed with the fight regardless of the current scenario.

“O mighty lord, shouldn’t you send someone to greet this humble guest of yours?” Zyrus shouted in a sincere tone.

There was nothing wrong with the words spoken, however, it was a different case if the one who spoke had killed your entire race.


A mountain of pressure descended around the golden gate. If it weren’t for his strong willpower then Zyrus would have prostrated on the ground at this moment.

‘I was afraid that he wouldn’t care about the dead glemorax, but that doesn’t seem to be the case,’

Zyrus shrugged off the pressure as if it were air and punched at the golden door. The majestic gate was sent flying with its hinges just like that.

“As expected from a bug. Regardless of how strong you become; you’ll always be inferior to other races.”

It was total bullshit. Even a lv 25 dragon would be squashed under this immense force of will. Unfortunately for the glemorax king though, the one at his doorstep was far scarier than a dragon. Even Nidraxis couldn’t pressure him based on willpower alone.

“Let me guess, you can’t act outside of your little dollhouse, can you?”


“Hahaha.. how amusing. You’re like a little bug trapped in a jar,”

Zyrus was even more certain of his guesses. There was a reason behind everything. The law of causality was applicable regardless of the time and space.

There were events, experience points, level-ups, and many such game-like elements in the sanctuary. He didn’t question them because he knew the cause and effects of them. No one had the power to create something out of nothing.

If the one who built the sanctuary had such power, then there would be no need for players. Couldn’t they just level up anyone and achieve whatever fucking goal they had? The fact that the place was named ‘sanctuary’ was enough of a proof.

“So tell me little bug, who trapped you here? For what reason did you invade this planet after I came back?”

The white marble was trembling as if it was about to explode. But nothing could stop Zyrus’s steps or his words.

Words which pierced the very soul of the glemorax king. Someone much weaker than him was ridiculing him at his own castle, and he could do nothing but watch on his throne.

“Oh right, my bad. You probably can’t talk either.” Zyrus tapped his forehead in a sympathetic manner.

His previous question wasn’t for taunting the glemorax king. He wanted to know the answer as well.

Where did the cube’s rewards come from? It surely didn’t create things like bone and muscle enhancement fluid out of thin air.

The same went for missions. The original mission was called ‘Relay across generations,’ but it was changed because the dungeons broke out on earth.

‘Why now of all times? Humans had left for more than three billion years for fucks sake.’

Zyrus wouldn’t believe it was a coincidence even after drinking dwarven ale.

“Are you thinking that I’m angering you to get the answers? Well, as much as I want to do that, it won’t work right?” Zyrus spoke as he laid his palm on the central gates.

He could feel the gaze of thirteen bloodshot eyes through the closed doors.

“A bug like you can be a pawn at most. You probably don’t know more than me anyway,”

Zyrus punched at the last door between them, but it was surprisingly sturdy. His full-powered blow just caused a dent in the golden door.

“Does this thing have a key or something? How do you go out usually? Ah, my bad. You don’t.”


“This scenario is somewhat like a hero storming a demon king's castle, isn’t it? The demon king would send its lackeys which’ll conveniently power up the hero and his party. Then, they would slay the awful demon with the power of friendship! Cool right? Did you have stories like that in your world?”


“But you know what, I hate that. Both the hero and the demon king are pawns in the end. They may act all high and mighty, but in the end, their freedom is restricted and their actions are determined by others. I fucking hate it when I feel like a clown dancing on someone else’s stage.”


“Besides, we don’t have something like friends or subordinates left. As the last living beings of our race, as the kings with neither a kingdom nor any subjects-”

The door cracked open and the two met one another for the first time. In front of grinning Zyrus was the last glemorax sitting on the ivory throne.

“Let us bring an end to this game of chess,” Zyrus declared with his arms spread wide.

Since someone dared to use him as a pawn, then he’d make them feel the pain.

Consequences be damned. He was a pawn that dared to destroy the chessboard itself.

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