Transcendent Resurgence: Regressing on an abandoned Earth

Chapter 64: Book 2 Announcement, Author notes,

First of all, thank you everyone for reading and following the book so far. I started writing a year ago and this has been an amazing journey.

There were lots of ups and downs along the way, And I'd like to share them with you guys. English isn't my first language and i didn't realise how hard it is to actually write something. I was just a reader before and belived that since I've read so many novels and I have clear idea about my own story, surely I can write a book on my own right?

Welp, that wasn't the case. My first fic was so terrible that I had to delete it all together (It had only one follower apart from me XD)

However, i learned a lot from that. I rewrote the same story and in about four months my followers went up from 2 to 24. (The path of Illusion)

Once again, i learned a lot in this time. My usage of past and present tense was terrible, povs and narrative voice was inconsistent and the pacing was slow. There was a lot of mystery and character growth in that book and i really like that. Unfortunately, my poor writing didn't give it justice. I wanted to edit or rewrite it again but that's when the royal road magazine contest came in.

I already had an idea about this book and the promt was matching, so i decided to give it a go as a fresh change. I got 19 followers in a month and my first genuine 5 star review(Thanks lordgrim22).

It was much better than i thought and so i paused path of Illusion and focused on transcendent resurgence (I love that story and I'll definitely finish it)

Fast forward, today I've finished the first book of transcendent resurgence. And once again, I've learned a lot this time around.

I went from 24 followers to 140 and thousands of views. However, I've also realised that there's a lot I can improve on my writing.

Missing punctuation marks, misplaced words and lack of details in the environment. Characters also need some more polishing to flash out their personality.

I'm not going to make any real changes per se, I'm just improving what's already there.

Thanks you everyone who was pointed out the grammetical mistakes I've made. Thanks for commenting tftyc as well, it gives me assurance that I'm not messing things up lol.

I would appreciate any feedback you have about the story. This will most likely be the last time I edit unless I got a publisher or i hire an editor and self publish(which i won't casue it's costs a lot of money lmao). It'll also help me write better in the next book so please share your thoughts about the story.

I'm not going to change the story or characters, but with your feedback I can write them better to convey what's in my head.

I'll be back somewhere in July. I Know i might lose some followers but it's better than being unsatisfied with my work. Apart from editing, i also want to upload the fic on scribblehub, draw some maps and character/arcs overview to avoid any plot holes in the future.(I'm pretty sure I'm going to forget some minor details otherwise).

Side note: I'll participate in this time's rrm as well. I don't have the time to write a novel but I'll write a 8k word short story as i find the prompt very interesting.

I'll share the link below when i write so check it out if it interests u.

Also what do you think about me writing side stories about other characters past or their POV in important moments. (Like in the last fight?)

I'm not going to do it anytime soon (not in this year anyway, I want to finish book two in 2024) but if you have any preferences then lmk in the comments and I'll prioritise them.

See you later :)

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