Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 500: Doffy’s Shock

Chapter 500: Doffy's Shock

Buggy walks around the facility freely without any disturbance even though the guards have been alerted by the presence of an infiltrator. But they don't know who the infiltrator is yet and they can't find him even though they are searching everywhere with so many people.

It's easy for Buggy to avoid them because he can feel the presence of everyone on this island. His observation haki has reached a very high level that it can cover a whole island the size of Punk Hazard easily. No one can escape his detection, even the person who sneaks around the facility like him.

Buggy can also feel the battles that happen all over the island. He can sense Leo's battle against Trebol too and it's quite interesting even for him. But he doesn't really care about that now and keeps walking around the facility while planting bombs here and there.

"Hoo, what a surprise, they haven't taken it. Not a smart decision, Doffy."

Buggy finds an abandoned lab room and sees what he is looking for, Vegapunk's creation, the Dragon Artificial Devil fruit. Vegapunk has told him the room where it is saved, so Buggy just needs to find the room. He didn't have much hope about the fruit but it's actually still there.

"Seems like the old man is right. Caesar would never reveal this fruit and hide its existence from Doffy because if Doffy knew it, he would ask Caesar to make artificial devil fruits of this level and it's impossible for Caesar. Though I'm surprised none of Doffy's men found this place. It seems Caesar doesn't only hide the fruit but also everything related to it, even the lab room that was used to make it."

As Buggy thought, Caesar hid this lab room from everyone. He sealed this room and told them that there was very dangerous chemical stuff here as a result of the failed experiment. He said this lab room was the source, so it can't be cleaned, and they can only believe him.

Although he is very stupid too for not removing this artificial devil fruit. Well, destroying it might cause a problem because no one knows what will happen. It might be reborn like a normal devil fruit, that's why Caesar was very hesitant.

But he could just seal it in a better place instead of just leaving it here. Though thanks to that, Buggy can get this good artificial devil fruit easily. Now his force will have another Dragon although he still doesn't know who'll get it.

"Hmm? It's almost time?"

Right after Buggy asks that question, the 1st bomb explodes. It's the bomb in the SAD room. He placed 2 there and their explosions are powerful. The explosions destroy the tanks that store the green chemical liquid, making it scattered everywhere.

Some Donquixote Family men are caught in the explosions and a lot of them die instantly because of the powerful explosions. After that, a chain of explosions happens inside the facility. It takes everyone's attention, so the battles stop for a while.

Doffy widens his eyes before he shows an enraged expression. His veins pop out and he grits his teeth in anger. He suddenly dashes towards the facility, leaving the badly shaped Law & Corazon.

Both of them could fight Doffy decently, but he was still too strong for them. The current Doffy is even stronger than he was in the series, after all. Law couldn't even land any clean hit on him inside Ope Ope Fruit's room and got beaten instead.

Doffy is moving fast, but he is too late. He can't save the facility and can only watch his men running away from the explosions. It doesn't take long for the facility to be completely destroyed, so the SMILE fruits inside are as good as gone.


Doffy shouts while releasing his Conqueror Haki, intimidating everyone close by. He scans his surroundings and sees Caesar. It relieves him a little because Caesar is the only one who can make SMILE, so he can't lose Caesar.

He goes down and asks Caesar what happened here. Caesar explains about the infiltrator with a fearful tone because he's afraid Doffy will punish him. He knows Doffy won't kill him, but he still can get beaten as punishment.

"You still can't find them?"

"Sorry, Joker. I have sent all guards to find them in every room, but they could always slip away. They even escape from the denden mushi surveillance cameras. Uh, no, should I say they messed with the denden mushis? Somehow some denden mushis in the same area would turn off for a moment. I always sent men there, but then they were beaten up badly and they don't even know who attacked them."

Doffy was about to get angry, but now he is thinking deeply. Some people or someone with the ability to move around a heavily guarded and watched facility isn't something he can take lightly. Based on what Caesar said, he knows his men can't fight this unknown enemy.

He makes some speculations and thinks of who could be the culprit. There are only some organizations that can do this, but he doesn't have any clues that point to a specific group.

"The World Government & Marines? Or the Emperors? Law's group don't have such capability so it can't be them."

Just when Doffy is thinking about that, another explosion occurs quite far from the facility. But it's not caused by a bomb. It's caused by a battle between devil fruit users. To be exact, the battle between Leo and Trebol.

Leo was caught by Trebol's mucus power and couldn't move his body. So he tried to escape by turning his body into flame and decided to engulf Trebol's whole body with a powerful flame. But the result is beyond what he expected.

He just thought Trebol would get burnt and weakened. However, the mucus around Trebol's body actually exploded when Leo burnt him. The explosion is no joke either. It's very powerful because of the great amount of mucus on Trebol's body.

The surrounding areas are destroyed and some people are caught by the strong impact. Trebol is now lying on the ground unconsciously with a burnt body. He survives, but won't recover from his injuries anytime soon.

Meanwhile, Leo doesn't get affected by the explosion because he is the flame himself. The explosion doesn't damage him, so he only has some injuries from before the explosion. Still, he is surprised by the explosion because he never expected it.

"Damn, he exploded. Never thought that he is actually this skinny. It seems Doflamingo doesn't feed you well."

It's an unexpected turn of events, but Leo is happy with the result. Victory is victory even if it's not planned and he won't refuse it.

"Hmm? Seems like the boss is angry."

Leo grins as he senses a powerful figure getting closer at high speed. He can guess that it must be Doflamingo because he can sense the rage in this guy's heart.

"Well, let's play with him then."

Just as Leo thought, it's Doflamingo. The tall guy lands beside the defeated Trebol after running into the sky.

"I swear I didn't plan to make him explode. It's his fault for covering himself with explosive liquid, not my fault."

His answer only angers Doflamingo even more because he is in a very bad mood already after seeing the big facility get destroyed. But Leo isn't afraid. In fact, he actually enjoys it. He likes to annoy someone and makes them very angry, just like now.

"You are such a bad person, Mingo-chan. You should've told your grandpa to stay back at home with a nurse. He is too old to play a pirate game with you."

Suddenly, the super pissed Doffy turns around while swiping his right hand. 5 colored strings come out of his fingers and move toward Leo who blocks them with his blades while grinning. Leo gets pushed a few meters back but doesn't get any damage.

"Shut your crap, brat! I'm not in the mood to play around anymore."

"Oh? Really? Well, I'm sorry, but I'm always in the mood to mock people, especially a bastard like you. I heard from Law that you want to be a Pirate King. Well? When will you get that title? It's been years since you became a pirate but you still can't be the Pirate King. You were so busy playing as a Warlord that you couldn't even find Laugh Tale."

"Fufufufu, busy playing as a Warlord you say? What a funny thing said by a clueless kid. Even if I only focused on finding Laugh Tale, I still wouldn't get there today. You don't know what kind of monsters are standing on your way there. The Emperors are on different levels that you can't even imagine."

"Ah, I see. So you chickened out, you don't dare to fight those Emperors, eh? What a great Pirate King wannabe you are."

"You're really seeking death, kid."

"So what if I am? You want to kill me? Sorry, but you are not qualified."

Leo dashes towards Doffy and his blades clash with Doffy's haki-coated hands.

"You should be Luffy's opponent, but you came here yourself, so it's not my fault if I will be the one who defeated you. Now, let's dance."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 538. War Stop

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

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