Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 490: 2Y Reunion

Chapter 490: 2Y Reunion

It's not just Leo who gets so shocked. Everyone who knows the Red Line's original shape is shocked when they see its current shape. Only the ignorant ones who never saw the original Red Line or even knew what was on top of that massive wall are not having much reaction.

Just like Leo, the other Straw Hat Pirates who have arrived on Sabaody are also shocked. They have gotten much stronger in these 2 years, but even they don't know how strong one must be to cut the Red Line like this and even carve it. It makes them realize that they haven't reached the top levels yet.

But it also makes them glad that they didn't rush to New World and strengthened themselves first. Who knows what would have happened if they entered the New World 2 years ago? They might have been buried on an island somewhere or even sunk in New World's cold water by now.

Leo finally stops gazing at the Red Line and goes to Shakky's bar after a while. He is the 8th member to arrive, right after Sanji who has just arrived an hour earlier. Only Luffy is left now, but it seems they'll need to wait a bit because all 8 of them come here earlier than planned.

They all were very curious about the Red Line's current state that they hastened their travels. But they know Luffy won't care about it like them, or to be precise, he might not even know about this at all. That's why he won't rush his way here to check whether the Red Line really has been chopped or not.

"What? You mean the Red Hair Pirates were stationed here after the war, Shakky?"

"That's right. They were very upset because they needed to stay here for a few weeks. That's why Shanks got into a fight with Buggy right after he returned to New World. He was forced to stay here because of your father, after all." "My dad forced him to stay here?"

"Yeah, to stop the pirates in Paradise from entering New World for a while. The fall of Celestial Dragons was causing too many problems all over the world and it would be even bigger in New World."

Shakky explained what really happened in the world after the war to Leo. She also explains what happened in the war last year in general. Even she doesn't know the details as only the Clown Pirates know the full details of the war.

"The War of Gods, that's the name people gave for that war. It signed the fall of the Celestial Dragons that referred themselves as Gods and it signed the rise of a new God. People think that the one who can defeat Gods is the real God, after all."

"God? The one who defeated the Gods? Are you talking about my dad?"

"Yes, some crazy people think he is the real God now. Well, they can't be blamed because in their minds, only a God has the power to cut the Red Line. The Marines also did something that made things worse. Now your father actually has some believers that worship him."

Shakky takes a stack of paper from the drawer and puts it on the bar. Leo opens it and his eyes widen as he sees the content. It is a stack of Clown Pirates' bounty posters and his dad's bounty poster is on the top.

'Clown God' Buggy: 7,5 Billion

7,5 billion Belly for his head. It's the highest-ever bounty in history, much higher than even the Pirate King. His previous bounty was already higher than Roger's at 6 billion, but now it has risen to 7,5 billion because of what he has done.

It's not just Buggy. Everyone in the Clown Pirates has their bounties raised. It's not just the executives or the infamous members that have bounties now. Now every one of them has a price on their heads because each one of them is very dangerous.

Even the weakest member is priced at 50 million. It can't represent her power though because she can easily fold any pirates that are worth 50 million. Even those with 100 million on their heads are still not her match. That's just how strong the Clown Pirates are.

Leo clenches his fists because his goal is getting harder to reach. But instead of getting discouraged, Leo is actually getting even more excited as his mouth forms a big smile. Shakky shakes her head while smiling as he sees how excited Leo has become now.

"That's right. It won't be fun if I can get what I really want so easily. The best goal is the one that's very hard to reach. The harder it is to get, the more satisfying it will be when I succeed. I really made the right decision to make him my goal."


"Oh, sis, you're he-..."

Nami suddenly enters the bar and hugs her brother excitedly. Leo turns around happily before getting his face buried between Nami's mountains. Shakky has informed her that her brother has arrived, so she comes quickly.

Other men would be happy, but Leo only feels suffocated right now. He tries to escape, but he can't because he is afraid of injuring his sister. Nami finally releases him after a while, so he can finally breathe and see her. He frowns deeply as he sees his sister only wearing long tight pants and a bikini top.

"What happened to your clothes?"

"Huh? These are my clothes."

"What?! You called those clothes? You only wear pants and a bra. Wear a shirt!"

"What do you know? This is fashion. How dare you question my fashion sense? Do you forget it was always me who chose your clothes?"

"Fashion? You look like a pervert and you call it fashion? Dammit, sis, what happened to you in 2 years? Why did you turn into a pervert?"


Nami hits her brother's head and it lands perfectly even though she can't use haki.



Both of them start their sibling fight as soon as they've just reunited after 2 years. It's always like this between them siblings. They miss each other while they are separated, but always fight when they are together.

Still, in the fight between Nami and Leo, the winner is always Nami. In the end, he can only let her wear anything she wants. He only needs to make sure that others won't have strange ideas about her sister or he'll kill them.

Both of them then go to the market to buy things while talking about their experiences in the last 2 years. But even they don't know what to say about their father after knowing what he did and seeing the proof of his power.

"Well, let's just do what we need to do. Our goal as a crew won't change no matter what. We need to reach Laugh Tale. If Dad is standing in our way, then we need to defeat him. It is my goal to defeat him anyway, so we'll need to confront him sooner or later."

"Sigh, you are always persistent with that goal of yours. Is seeing that not enough to make you stop?"

Nami points at the chopped Red Line while asking that.

"Make me stop? It makes me even more excited instead. The strongest man in the world, no, the strongest individual in the world. What's better than that as a goal?"

"Sigh, whatever. I'll just bury you when Dad finally kills you in your fight."

Obviously, Nami is joking as she knows Buggy will never kill them. He will beat them until they wish they're dead though, but he won't actually kill them. Leo has felt that so many times in the past because of Buggy's ridiculous training methods that won't lose to Garp.

"Hmm? Music store? Sis, let's stop by for a bit."

Leo doesn't even wait for Nami's response and just enters the store. She can only sigh because she knows no one can stop Leo when music is involved. So she follows him inside and sees him checking every instrument there.

"Ooh, this one's good. I never used this one. Ah, I never saw this type of instrument. Tsk, this is trash. Hmm, good shape, but the material is too brittle. Wow, this is a masterpiece."

Leo keeps looking around while commenting on the instruments. He doesn't filter what he says, so everyone can hear his praises and disappointments with the instruments. His blunt commentaries really make them speechless.

But then some customers suddenly approach him and ask his opinion about the items they're about to buy. Leo being a true musician tells them whatever he thinks about their choices. If bad he says bad, if good he says good, which makes the shopkeeper frustrated because it makes him lose some profit as the bad ones won't be sold now.

Luckily for him, Leo doesn't just come to say bad things about some of his items. Leo actually buys some of the best instruments and some that he never played before. He has quite a lot of money now, so he can buy some good instruments.

Strangely, Nami doesn't even try to take his money like she always does to the others. She is biased when it comes to her family, except her step-father obviously. The only one in her family that she'll rob is Buggy. He is ultra-rich, after all.

Both of them then buy some other things around the market. But they keep frowning from time to time when they walk around because they see children running around wearing blue wigs and red balls on their noses while swinging sword toys. They are cosplaying as Buggy.

Leo and Nami know why these children do that, but it somehow makes them embarrassed. So they hasten their walk and then they suddenly meet some of their crewmates. Zoro and Sanji are together, while Usopp is with Chopper.

"Oho, seems like the both of you have finally become friends."


"Ah, so you've become best friends, my bad."


"Heh, try me, long pants!"

"This will be interesting."

"You come too, 2nd rate swordsman!"

"What'd you say, bastard?"

Leo, Zoro, and Sanji suddenly get ready to fight. They prepare themselves and rush at each other even though they are in a park now. The 3 of them almost hit each other when they suddenly get hit on their heads.

Nami suddenly appeared near them and hit their heads almost at the same time, stopping their fight and planting their face on the ground. She really has a strange power where her attacks are always very strong when they are targeted at her friends, but not so strong against her enemies.

"You better behave or I'll kill the 3 of you."

"Yes, Nami-san."

"A-aye ma'am."

Sanji and Leo answer, while Zoro just stays silent.


Suddenly, they hear some powerful explosions nearby. The 3 stand up and look at the direction of the explosions. They can sense many people are gathering there and some of them are quite strong.

"Heh, seems like today won't be boring."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 528. Father-Son Battle

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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