Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 470: Ruthless Attacks

Chapter 470: Ruthless Attacks

Buggy sees most of his crewmates are getting overwhelmed. He is quite worried about them because he can feel their enemies are getting much stronger. Such a sudden increase in power surely has horrible side effects, but that doesn't change the fact that his crewmates are in danger.

Even if the side-effect is death for the users, it would be pointless for the Clowns if they were killed before the enemies died of the side-effect. None of the Clowns want to see their crewmates die again. They've lost a few over the years and each time is painful for them.

Buggy thinks of a plan to assist his crewmates while attacking Imu. Then he sees Enel is toying with his opponent, the CP-0 Chief who can't catch up to Enel's speed even after using 2 doses of the drug. Though Buggy knows that Enel also has a hard time defeating the Chief who gets more tenacious and doesn't fall after receiving so much damage.

It gives Buggy an idea though, so he starts changing his attack patterns while maintaining his pace. Of course, Imu notices this change, but he only thinks that Buggy is trying another strategy. Imu keeps avoiding Buggy's attacks, not daring to even take one because his body will get chopped.

It makes things easier for Buggy who finally managed to lead Imu to the position he wants. He is now facing Imu and behind Imu are the others who are fighting all over the place. Buggy grins as he prepares his sword to attack.

Placing his swords on his left, Buggy jumps quite high. Enel glances at him and grins too before sending the CP-0 Chief to fly up with an uppercut. Then Buggy swings his swords to the right while rotating his body midair to create a very powerful and wide slash attack.

His slash attack is still invisible, but it is the most dangerous and powerful slash that can cut anything. Imu who has a gigantic demon body crouches to avoid the invisible slash attack. He can see the invisible attack with his powerful observation haki, after all.

The slash attack keeps flying further after Imu dodged it. Buggy's grin gets wider because then his invisible slash attack hits the CP-0 Chief that was sent flying by Enel. The Chief's body gets chopped in half in midair without any resistance.

But the invisible slash attack is still moving across the battlefield. It is very wide that it covers almost the entire battlefield as it goes further. No one can see it because it's invisible, so no one suspects anything.

The next thing they know, some people have been cut in half in the air. Garling is the next victim after the CP-0 Chief as he is fighting Cricket in the air. Cricket almost gets cut by Buggy's invisible slash attack, but Enel saved him right before the slash attack hit him.

Then, one of the God's Knights who has transformed into a Gryphon also gets cut in half. He wasn't in the right position, but then Enel sent him to the incoming invisible slash attack. Enel is moving around at a very high speed to send some enemies to Buggy's invisible slash attack while also saving his crewmates.

Buggy has communicated with Enel who can hear even the softest whisper with his powerful observation haki that enhances his hearing when combined with his lightning devil fruit power. They planned to hit some enemies with one attack and it works well.

The invisible slash attack is still flying and Enel is still moving like a flash to make sure they can take down more enemies. His next target is the God's Knight who transformed into a Basilisk. Its venom is too dangerous, so Enel sends him up to get chopped up too.

After that, he grabs Magnus's head and slams the giant to the ground to avoid the invisible slash attack. Magnus's opponent, the God's Knight who transformed into the massive snake, World Serpent Jormungandr is looking at them in confusion before his head gets chopped.

The world serpent is very massive, so his head is towering when he is standing. His head is at the height of Buggy's invisible slash attack. So Enel doesn't need to do anything to it and only needed to move Magnus out of the way.

"HURRY! TAKE THEM DOWN!" Buggy shouts after seeing the furthest enemy get chopped up. They have managed to chop 4 enemies, so they can't let this chance slip. The ones facing those 4 immediately move to finish their enemies who can't move well now after being chopped.

Of course, the remaining enemies won't just let them finish those 4. But the ones facing them also won't let them help. The remaining 3 God's Knights are easily held back by the Clowns who outnumbered them. So the only problem is Kong now.

As for Imu, he doesn't even care and can't afford to care because Buggy has started attacking him again. Kong tries to save the closest one to him, Garling who is also the strongest among his comrades here. Palu obviously won't let him go, but Kong who has transformed into Sun Wukong is much faster than him.

Also, the Monkey King can fly using a small cloud that can materialize out of nowhere like Cricket's dragon flame cloud. So Kong is flying toward Garling to save the old Seraphim before Cricket finishes him up.

He almost reaches Garling's falling body when he suddenly gets slammed to the ground. Cricket is striking him from above, sending him to the ground with a strong drop kick. Kong coughs some blood because that attack was very strong and he wasn't ready for it.

Palu reaches them quickly because he was chasing Kong closely. He is slower than Kong, but not that much slower, so he followed Kong closely. Cricket looks at Palu while stepping on Kong and points his thumb at the chopped Garling.

Palu nods and moves past Cricket & Kong, flying towards Garling. Kong knows Palu is targetting Garling now, so he tries to escape from Cricket, but the half-dragon-man slaps the back of Kong's head with a powerful tail attack. So Kong can only look helplessly when Palu slams his big black Warhammer at Garling's head.

Garling tries to defend, but his arms have been chopped along with his body, so he can't cover his head when Palu's Warhammer is about to land on his face. Palu's big black Warhammer finally hits Garling's face, creating a very strong impact that can be felt from every corner of the battlefield.

He is going all-out in this attack, using all his power and skills to finish Garling in one attack. Palu uses his powerful physical power, advanced haki, the Lunarian flame he gets from genetic modification, and his best martial art skill he learned years ago after Buggy stole it, Hasshoken.

All of those are used through his Warhammer, creating a very powerful attack that shakes the fallen Red Line part. Everyone pauses everything they do for a moment because of it. They all see Palu's Warhammer embedded into the red ground and when he lifts it, their eyes widen in shock.

A big crater is created from that attack and in the middle of it are Palu and a headless Garling. Blood splattered everywhere as Garling's head is smashed into pieces. Bits of his flesh, skin, bones, and even brain are scattered all over the place, including Palu's body.

Garling defended his head with armament haki, but Palu's powerful advanced haki passed his defense for a moment and knocked him out as his brain was damaged. Then, because he was knocked out, his haki disappeared and his head was smashed by Palu's attack.

It's a horror sight for normal people, but this is actually normal for people like them who deal with life & death situations almost daily. They've even seen things more gruesome than this many times in their years on the sea. At least Garling only lost his head because many people died in worse ways.

Then, it's not just Garling who gets defeated after being chopped by Buggy's power. Enel kills the CP-0 Chief quickly after finishing his task to assist Buggy's plan. The Gryphon guy is being ganged up by Manba, Maverick, and the other crew members who faced him.

They attack him ruthlessly because he can't fly again, making him an easy target for them. The other God's Knight who transformed into Basilisk and get chopped is being bombarded by Deon, Ruff, and some crew members. They can't get closer to him because he still can spread deadly venom.

So Ruff gives his crewmates some bombs with different effects. First, they throw bombs that release acid to break the basilisk's scales. Then they throw bombs that release oil before throwing bombs that release flame. They burn the basilisk guy after breaking his scales & skin with acid, truly ruthless.

The only one who doesn't kill his opponent ruthlessly is Magnus. He throws the massive Jormungandr's head to the sea to kill the guy. Well, it's because breaking through the serpent's hard scales is very difficult even after the guy was chopped.

They are also close to the edge of the chopped Red Line, so he chose to throw the massive serpent's head into the sea. A devil fruit user can't swim and Magnus has confirmed that this guy isn't a Fishman, so he can't breathe underwater.

After his head was thrown into the sea, the serpent's massive body squirms around in response to it being suffocated underwater. Magnus doesn't stand still and throws the serpent's massive body into the sea too before it hits the others when it thrashed around.

5 enemies were defeated just like that after Buggy & Co used their brains and fought as a team. It really shocks the remaining enemies who never thought that pirates like them can work together so well. After all, most pirates prefer to fight alone even though they have been together for years.

Cricket grins widely when he sees Kong's expression of disbelief. "No need to be that surprised, old monkey. There is a big reason why we succeeded to surpass any other crew, you know."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded Chapter 507. Unlucky Rookies

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

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