Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 56: He's a Grown Man

There were fortresses all along the coast, from Anlar to Sur. The fortress at the border between the two regions, which was on a mouth of a river, was jointly overseen by the two marquis families and was a training grounds for new sailors in the Sur navies. Tori was able to watch some training exercises from their ship.

It wasn’t really something that interested her, but Andy was very excited to show her, so she sat through three hours of it as he stood next to her and enthusiastically explained what was happening. Afterwards, they went on shore to explore the city. It mainly catered to shipping crews passing through along the coastal route, and the navy, so there wasn’t much in terms of tourist activities.

Still, it was a good opportunity for Tori to continue gastronomical research on seafood dishes. She also took that chance while on land to make comcry calls.

Tori used her comcry to talk to her friends and communicate with delta project leads, but she typically did so at specific times, which were always while she was in her room on Moss Hill. She didn’t use her comcry when exploring King’s Harbor and definitely not when they were out on the water and she was playing on a boat.

As a result, she didn’t know that she couldn’t make comcry calls when over water. While she knew she had a legitimate reason for not knowing, it was still embarrassing for Kasen to have to explain to her that comcrys needed to be grounded to work. By this, he meant that she needed to be on land.

They were programmed crystals that needed to have a connection directly to the ground. This could be through a person holding it or a table that touched the ground. It didn’t matter if the user could ground and charge; the crystal sought out grounding and energy on its own. She thought it akin to only being able to use an appliance when it was plugged in. That also explained why she never had to charge her comcry. On land, it was always on her person or on a table; always ‘plugged in’.

Crystals could not ground over water, or rather, it was too difficult and comcrys essentially lost power because they were cut off or had insufficient energy. Tori couldn’t even get her comcry to glow.

She did a test and watched her comcry while trying to activate it from the ship on their approach to a dock. When there was a connection of rope or a gangplank on to the dock, the comcry had a fleeting, faint glow, but would quickly die.

After a few minutes back on land, she was able to activate it as usual and call Ilyana. It looked like it took a while to have enough energy to ‘wake up’.

“No wonder none of my calls went through,” Ilyana said. “I told it to call you and nothing happened.”

“No beep or static sound?” Tori asked. She sat on the terrace of a restaurant, looking out at the fortress across the mouth of the river.

“No...what’s static sound?”

“Like...shhhh...bzzzt....” Tori could feel her face turning red as she tried to recreate the sound as quietly as possible. She tried not to sink in her seat as she almost slipped and impersonated a dial-up connection.

“I haven’t heard anything like that.” Ilyana didn’t seem to think anything was amiss.

Thank God, your friend thinks you’re normal. “So, it doesn’t work when we’re over water. That’s good to know...and explains why everyone kept using flags....” Tori reached for her juice on the table. Her parents had gone to walk along the beach below the restaurant, and Kasen and Andy were at the fortress doing what she assumed were navy-related things.

She lingered at a table having a snack before their late lunch so she could call her friends.

“Where else are you stopping?”

“We’re going to Tres Arcos after this to drop off my parents and Kasey. Sebby is meeting us there and he’s coming on board to visit the delta,” Tori said. “After that, we’re stopping in Karap and Mezzaluna before the delta.”

“Those are big port cities,” Ilyana said. “Look around and see what’s selling. Maybe you can get more ideas for the delta.”

“That’s the plan!” Tori nodded in approval, pleased she and Ilyana were on the same wavelength. “I have a lot of recipes I’ve collected so far. And I’m really loving these seaside restaurants. They’re very relaxing. We should have some built at the delta.”

“I’m jealous. It’s my home, but there isn’t really much to do,” Ilyana said with a sigh. “Oh, Mom and brother want to visit. Do you think they’d be able to stay in the delta for a little bit next spring and summer?”

“I think so. I’m hoping to have something up by then to show visitors from Horizon. The construction seems to be going very quickly and we’re considering moving phase three to the shoreline and pushing the original phase three island plans to phase four.”

“A lot of people do want to stay on the shore. I think that’s a good plan. The allotted land is limited, so there isn’t too much to build on.”

“Architect Ebbadottir is returning soon, as well. We’ll do a big development meeting to finalize the next few months,” Tori said. She craned her neck as she saw the tiny figures of her parents returning. “Okay, I have to make a few more calls. I’m going to see if Mr. Zisos is free when I get to Karap. I should also see if I can visit the Bishop.”

“Then call me the next time you’re on land!”

The two ended the call and Tori slid her finger across her comcry. “Call Constantine Zisos.” She leaned back against her chair. Since she and Constantine seemed to be on good terms, it wouldn’t hurt to strengthen their friendship with city exploration. Unlike her call with Ilyana, Constantine didn’t pick up quickly.

Just when Tori was going to end the call and try at another time, a breathless voice answered.

“Lady Guevera, my apologies. I was sweeping and needed to step out and take the call,” he said in a rushed voice.

Tori’s brows rose a bit. “Oh...sorry, Mr. Zisos. I didn’t mean to bother you. I can call back in a bit if you’re busy.”

“No, it’s fine. I can take a call. Is there anything I can help you with?” he asked.

“There is and I hope it’s not too much,” Tori said with a slight chuckle. “I ended up taking my cousin’s ship back to the delta. We’re currently on the Anlar-Sur border and we’re going to stop at Tres Arcos, Karap, and Mezzaluna. Since we’re stopping at Karap and it’s not far from where you are, I wanted to know if you’d perhaps have time to accompany me around the city and maybe visit the Bishop.”

He was silent for a moment before he answered. “When will you arrive? I will make time to come down and meet you at the dock. Is there anything you’re particularly interested in seeing?”

Tori’s smile widened. “I’m not sure yet. I’ll have a better idea of our arrival date when we reach Tres Arcos. I’m interested in trying the local food, observing tourist spots, and I like going to places of historical, social, or religious interest. I think you said that Karap has a lot, so maybe just the top two or three sites, since my time is limited.”

“Okay! I’ll arrange it!” Constantine sounded excited. “How long are you staying?”

“Probably just overnight. I know it’s not a lot of time, but you kept talking about Karap, so I wanted to see it.”

“You won’t be disappointed. I’ll take you around and let the Bishop know. I’m sure he’ll be excited to see you.”

“Great! I’ll call you and confirm the details when I’m in Tres Arcos,” Tori said. “Bye, Mr. Zisos!”

“I’ll see you soon, Lady Guevera.”

The call ended and Tori moved on to her next call: Sebastian. His was very quick; just a confirmation of when they were meeting and how excited he was to see her and go see the delta he kept hearing about.

“You’ve already left?”

“Soon. It’s a two-day horseback ride to Tres Arcos. I’m switching out horses at garrisons on the way,” Sebastian said. “I’ll also arrange a small tour of Tres Arcos for you.”

“Thanks, Sebby. See you in a few days!”

“Was that your brother?” a voice spoke up behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see her parents, hand in hand, walking up the wooden stairs to get to the terrace. Her father snorted. “Did he already leave the Fortress?”

Tori smiled weakly. “He’s leaving today.”

Gregorio let out a little ‘tch’ sound. “Don’t let him overstay his welcome. He has one month.”

“I know,” Tori said. “He’s doing important work helping me.” She looked over at her mother, who was frowning. “Mama?”

“I want to go, too,” Antonia said in a low voice.

“Darling....” Gregorio chuckled and stroked her back to soothe her.

“Sebastian and Kasen have already gone to Horizon with her, and both of them will have visited the delta. I also want to see where our daughter lives and works!” Antonia said, shooting her husband a disapproving look.

“Mama, you’ve already planned to come after I graduate. The delta will have more to see then.” Tori took her mother’s hand to try to placate her. “I’m also hoping to secure an island to build a nice, small home to relax in. Won’t it be more comfortable if there was a place to stay instead of a tent?”

Antonia still looked somewhat annoyed. “I can stay in a tent.”

“Mama....” Tori scooted closer and nuzzled her mother’s shoulder. “It’s not ready for you, yet. I want to make it nice so when you visit, you’ll be impressed.”

Antonia stroked her daughter’s hair back. “Mama is already impressed. My Tori is so amazing, those Horizon nobles can’t stop talking about you.”

“Good or bad?”

Antonia’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Good, if they know what’s good for them.”

“Mama....” Tori sighed. She shuffled in her seat and stood up straight. “Speaking of Horizon, I still have to call Piers. I’ll be back.”

She stood up and took her comcry before leaving their table. She could hear her father suspiciously asking her mother why she felt the need to talk to Piers privately. Tori’s lips tightened into a line.

Piers had recently come into the habit of saying questionable things that could be misconstrued by others as romantic, if not, as Ilyana insisted, ‘flirty’. Tori secretly blamed Axton, though on her last call to him, he blatantly denied having told Piers anything.

“Do you know what your brothers would do to me if I tried that?” he had said, as if the very thought of doing so would get him killed.

“My brothers won’t do anything crazy!” Tori had, of course, defended Sebastian and Kasen. She had been answered by silence on Axton’s end before he finally replied.

“You really are sheltered by them, aren’t you?”

Tori did have suspicions about how her brothers acted when she wasn’t around, but didn’t want to dwell on them. After all, there must’ve been some reason why Piers and Axton, and Professor Ignatius, were intimidated by her brothers and did their bidding.

She reached the beach below the terrace and glanced over her shoulder to make sure her father wasn’t leaning over the edge to try to listen in. When she was assured, she slid her finger across the comcry. “Call Piers du Soleil.”

There were three flashes across the crystal before he picked up. “Tori?”

“Guess where I am!” she said, almost smirking proudly.


“Yes, but where?”

“Eastern Anlar, unless you stopped to go sightseeing,” Piers said.

“No. I’m at the Anlar-Sur fortress on the mouth of the Greize.” She felt a small bit of satisfaction for throwing him off.

“You’re taking a ship back?” Piers sounded almost disappointed. “To where? Mezzaluna?”

“Directly to the delta. We’re stopping at Tres Arcos next,” Tori said. “We’re taking some time to sightsee some of the port cities, but I’ll still arrive at the delta earlier than expected.”

“Arrive earlier?” There was a slight uptick in his voice. “When?”

“I’m not sure yet. I’m going to ask if we can stay an extra day in Karap. Mr. Zisos says there are a lot of things to see there.” There was silence in return and she furrowed her brows. “Piers?”

“Is he the Pope’s adopted son?”

“Yes, he’s my schoolmate and is working on a project in the delta. I told you about him, remember?” Tori asked.

“I remember. Are you going to Temple Mountain to see him?” Piers sounded somewhat disappointed.

“No, he’s meeting me in Karap and is going to be my guide,” Tori said. She paused and thought for a moment. Now that she thought about it, he was stuck in the palace this entire summer while she was traveling around. All her calls to him must’ve seemed like she was bragging. “Do you want me to get you anything from Karap? I don’t know what the specialties are, but I can bring you back something.”

“I don’t want anything from Karap.”

“Are you sure?” Tori frowned a bit with disappointment. “Nothing at all?”


She thought once more before perking up. “When you have time, do you want to come to the delta and do a sort of informal inspection? It will get you out of the palace. A change of scenery will be-”

“Okay,” Piers said before she could finish. “Can I come when you return?”

“You can come when you are done with your work at the palace. You should finish what you and the Emperor have planned.”

“I will be finished soon.”

“Don’t overwork yourself,” Tori said as she crossed her arms and looked at the comcry in her hand. “You’re still learning from your father. Don’t take on too much before you’re ready.”

“I won’t.”

“And take an hour to rest, not counting when you eat, every day, like we talked about.”

“I am.”

Tori narrowed her eyes. Is this how Ilyana felt whenever she called? No wonder she didn’t believe her; Tori didn’t believe Piers was resting at all, either. “If you ever feel the slightest bit overwhelmed, stop and take a break. If you want to call me, then call me.”

“You worry about me.”

“That is what friends do,” Tori told him coolly. “So, don’t overwork yourself.”


“I’ll let you know when we leave Mezzaluna and approximately when we’ll reach the delta. If you have time before the polo tournament and your mother’s banquet, you can come. It’s changed a lot since you last came,” Tori said.

“I will come.”

Tori let out a tired sigh. “I have to go. We’re having lunch. I’ll call you again soon.”

She heard Piers let out a low hum before the call ended. Tori took a deep breath and exhaled.

“He’s a grown man; you don’t need to coddle him.”

“Ah!” Tori whirled around, clutching the comcry against her chest as she turned to see her brother crossing his arms as he raised his brow. “Kasey!”

“Piers is perfectly capable of managing his time. How else do you think he gets so much work done and still has time to drag you around to dinners?” her brother asked.

Tori inwardly winced. “I know, but he’s really working hard lately. I just want to make sure he’s not doing more than he can handle.”

Kasen narrowed his eyes. “And that requires him to call you?”

“Axton is at the border.” Of course, she still called Axton every now and then. If she could figure out what specific times he’d be at rest, then surely, so could Piers.

Her brother kept his questioning eyes on her. “You never seem to worry about me or Sebastian overworking ourselves.”

Tori rolled her eyes. “Because my brothers are exceedingly talented and capable individuals who continuously tell me to go to them for help despite being the heir to, and working on the management of, the march.” She countered his argument. She’d been hesitant to bother them because she always felt they already had a lot of responsibility, but they were insistent that she could depend on them and would even act insulted if she didn’t.

“We would not support Piers as the crown prince if we didn’t think he could live up to our expectations,” Kasen said as he put his hand on her shoulder and turned her around. “But it’s good you think so highly of your brothers.”

“About that,” Tori said as they began up the stairs. “I’ve been meaning to ask: why do Piers, Axton, and Instructor Ignatius do whatever you tell them to?”

Her brother was quiet for a moment. He glanced down and gave her a gentle smile. “Tori,” he said as he lifted a hand and stroked the back of her head. “That’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“That’s nothing for you to worry about.” Sebastian leaned back against the deck chair of the seaside resort they met him at. He seemed completely at home relaxing despite their mother being upset with him for getting to go to the delta with Tori, and their father yelling at him for deciding to go without telling them.

Tori, in a new pale blue sundress her mother somehow got her, was laying on the deck chair under a large parasol next to his and looking at him, still distressed. “Every time you two say that I get even more worried. Did you do something to them?”

“Of course not,” Sebastian said, looking at her with a smile as he brought his drink to his lips. “They’re just intimidated.”

Her eyes crinkled up. “Because you’re a sword master?”


“What about Kasen? He said Piers is a better swordsman than him.”

“Kasen helped Piers with his project, so Piers has the utmost respect for him. This extends to Axton,” Sebastian told her. He sighed and put his drink down after taking a sip. “Tori, you worry too much. It’s not as if we’d actually hurt them.”

You pretty much threatened my teacher through the comcry, what do you mean you wouldn’t actually hurt them? There was no way her brothers were all bark and no bite. She pursed her lips and reclined back against her chair. Her feet were raised and she wiggled her bare feet as they were warmed by the sun.

“Enough about that. What did you think about Moss Hill? Not as nice as the Fortress, right?” Sebastian said, closing his eyes as his arms rose and went behind his head. “It’s so cold and damp there.”

“It wasn’t too bad. I liked being by the water.”

“Their water is cold, too.”

“I got to meet a lot of merchants, some dignitaries, and other nobles.”

“Good, good.” Sebastian nodded. “Anyone interesting?”

Tori narrowed her eyes and glanced over. “I spoke to Lady Idunn.” She watched her brother seem to tense. “She’s very pretty.”

“Is she? I never noticed.”

“She said she has experience with various farming methods and, if needed, she can come to take a look at the delta.”

Sebastian let out an indifferent scoff. “Of course, she would. She loves farming....” He seemed to mutter under his breath.

Tori raised a brow. “Do you know her well?”

He laughed and shook his head before reaching for a drink. “No. She was one year my senior. We didn’t have any classes together. We hardly knew each other.”

Tori raised a brow and turned to look forward, out at where Kasen and Andy were swimming in the warm waters of one of the several beaches just outside of the Tres Arcos port area. It was quieter there than in the city, which was why Sebastian selected that resort for them to meet at.

“Lady Idunn asked about you.” She heard choking beside her and turned her head to see Sebastian sit up with liquid dribbling down the sides of his mouth as he coughed. He lifted a hand to wipe at his face and looked at her with a stunned expression.

“She what?”

“She asked how you were doing,” Tori said. She could see a faint pink tint on her brother’s face, but then again, it could’ve been the sun exposure.

Sebastian looked at her suspiciously. “What else did she tell you?”

Tori shook her head and shrugged. “Nothing much. She said she studied for a year at Université and then took a research student position on cultivating plants at a university in Nordur.”

“She was very interested in farming even then-”

“And that you were very upset with her for leaving Université before you started.”

“Upset? She broke my heart!” Sebastian’s face turned red as he fell back against his deck chair and crossed his arms over his chest. He glared ahead of them and scowled. “She said she would wait for me at Université, but by the time I started, she transferred to a different school! All her promises are worthless. Don’t trust her!”

Tori’s brows shot up. Sebastian having his heart broken was news to her and he looked genuinely upset. It had been years since that must’ve happened and he didn’t seem too over it. It was both surprising and sad.

Tori softened her voice. “Sebby, it’s okay to be sad about it.”

“I’m not sad.” He responded quickly and in a sharp voice. “I’m disappointed and angry that I had gotten my hopes up for nothing.”

Tori tilted her head to the side and leaned in a bit closer. “Did you really like her?”


She made a face and sighed. “Fine. I won’t pry further.” She slid her legs over the side of the chair and put her new leather sandals on before she stood up. “Are you sure you aren’t bothered by her?”

“I’m sure. We have nothing to do with each other any longer.”

“Okay, then don’t make it weird when you see her at the delta. She should be arriving a few days after us.” Tori broke into a run and shot out onto the beach before her brother could question her. She could hear Sebastian shouting her name as she threw her arms in the air and called out to Kasen and Andy. “Kasey, you were right! He’s still interested in her!”

“Kasen, you little traitor!” Sebastian yelled, sounding closer. Tori knew he was running after her. “What did you tell her?!”

She reached her other brother and darted around him, skidding to a stop on the coarse sand. Kasen was in what she decided was typical men’s swimwear: a pair of dark, relatively loose, cotton pants that hit his calves and were held up by a drawstring. Men went topless and women had a sort of wrap around their upper bodies that always covered their chest, but sometimes revealed their stomach. They were also worn over loose, cotton, calf-length pants.

The colors were always dark, from what she saw being sold at the port city, likely to keep the cloth from being transparent when wet. Although, the fabric did still cling to a person. Still, it seemed more comfortable to wear in the water than old-timey swimming costumes.

Kasen was wiping himself with a towel brought from the resort as he looked up. “I didn’t tell her anything that wasn’t already widely known. Everyone knew you and Idunn had a relationship before she left you.”

“She didn’t leave me!” Sebastian’s face was red as he stopped in front of them.

Andy snorted and ran a towel through his hair. He looked towards Tori. “Idunn told him in person and Sebastian was so upset, he stormed out of a restaurant and never spoke to her again.”

Tori’s eyes widened. “How dramatic.”

“Isn’t it?”

Tori looked back at her eldest brother, who looked upset. He was frowning and his face was red. She felt a bit guilty for bringing it up, but the beautiful blonde woman seemed very eager to come to the delta. Tori took a guess as to why she went from interest to determination in the stretch of a few sentences.

“Sebby, she’s going to look around the delta area to see if there is suitable space further inland for farming. We don’t have room now, but I’m hoping to try to apply for more land later,” Tori said. “Some people don’t seem to be adjusting well to fishing and I’ve been concerned. Perhaps learning new methods in a previous occupation will be easier for some villagers.”

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. “So, you invited her?”

“It was an open invitation. I did that with many people I met there,” Tori said. She put on a distressed look and blinked her eyes at her brother. “Are you mad at me?”

She could see him falter in an instant. He clenched his jaw and turned away. “No. I’m not mad at you. I know you’re working very hard on the delta,” he said. Tori let out a small breath of relief as her brother appeared to calm down. Suddenly, he snapped his head towards Kasen. “I’m mad at him for opening his mouth!”

Kasen lifted his chin, looking smug. “What? Do you want to fight me? We both know who’ll win when swords aren’t involved.”

Tori took in a sharp breath. She also turned towards Kasen with wide eyes. Her mother mentioned him always getting into fights as a child, but he was twenty-three now. “Kasey, do you fist fight with Sebby?”

The smug look on Kasen’s face fell. His eyes shrank as he seemed to realize something. “Tori, why would I do such a thing?” he asked, as if curious. She narrowed her eyes at him, suspicious.

She heard Sebastian snickering behind her and she turned back towards him. He smirked as he looked at Kasen. “What’s wrong? Worried you’ll lose?” He seemed to taunt his youngest brother and Tori frowned.

“Kasey, I thought you stopped fighting,” Tori said. That was what their mother told her. This went against the image she had of Kasen as a cool and collected young noble who fought elegantly with a sword, and a pen and paper.

“Of course I stopped fighting. I’m not a child.” Kasen let out a chuckle and reached to pat Tori’s head, only to have her duck and step back. Her look of suspicion didn’t leave. Kasen froze when she avoided him. His face seemed to pale. “Tori?”

“Sebby.” She raised a hand and tugged at her eldest brother’s billowy shirt sleeve. “Does Kasen still fight?”


“No!” Kasen nearly jumped between the two of them. He looked at Tori with a worried expression. “I don’t fight! What kind of brother do you think you have?”

One that almost threatens the Bishop of Karap and scares Axton and Piers. Tori cocked her head, still hesitant to believe otherwise.

“Tori, your brothers are grown men. They are perfectly capable of handling disagreements without resorting to violence,” Andy said as he slung his towel over his bare shoulder. He looked at the other two men. “Isn’t that right?”

“Yes!” Kasen said, at once.

“I suppose....” Sebastian said under his breath.

“They are also perfectly capable of dealing with their love lives,” Andy said as he ruffled Tori’s hair and gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about your brothers, all right?”

She let out a low breath and nodded. He made a good point. Her brothers were very capable men. They’d never disappointed her.

“Thank you, Andrew.” Kasen threw him a grateful look and Sebastian nodded.

Andy smiled as he took a few steps back. He turned around and began to run. “Just because Sebastian has never gotten over being dumped by his first girlfriend and Kasen beat half a bar into a bloody pulp at the last port doesn’t mean you should look down on them!”

“Andrew!” Sebastian yelled a string of profanities as he ran after their cousin, kicking up sand behind him.

Tori raised her arms to try to keep it out of her face as she turned her head away. She scrunched her face and grumbled as the sand hit her. By the time she looked back, her eldest brother and cousin were almost at the resort.

“Tori, I only did it because they said something offensive.” Kasen’s usually steady voice had a bit of a shake and she looked over at him. He had a worried look and seemed hesitant to come closer. “I didn’t suddenly go mad and attack them without reason.”

She sighed once more. “I know you wouldn’t do that,” she said. “You came back to the ship fine at the last port. I didn’t know you got into a fight.”

“I wasn’t hurt,” he told her.

“Why did you beat them up?” Tori asked as she began to walk back to the resort. Kasen followed behind her.

“I told you, they said something offensive.”

“Well, what did they say that was so offensive that you fought them?” Her brother didn’t answer and she stopped to look back at him. “Kasey?”

He had stopped and was looking down, as if trying to figure out an answer. That was unlike him. Usually, her brilliant brother always knew what to say. His silence was unnerving and just as she was about to brush off the ordeal, he answered.

“Several men saw you earlier and were saying lewd things about you,” Kasen said as he lifted his eyes and met hers. His jaw was clenched and his hands were in tight fists at his sides. “They said....” He opened his mouth, but the words wouldn’t come out, as if he couldn’t bear to repeat them. He took a deep breath. “How can I not be angry to hear such words spoken about my sister?”

Her shoulders slumped down. He didn’t need to give any details. She’d lived a full life previous to this one and knew just what could be said about a woman. She didn’t like it then and she didn’t like it now, especially when she was just a teenager.

Tori drew her lips inward and bit them. She nodded slowly and lowered her eyes. “I see....”


“Thanks, Kasey.” Her eyes reddened a bit as she looked up and smiled at him. “I don’t want you to get hurt, but...thank you.”

He smiled a bit and stepped forward, putting his arm around her shoulder. “How can I possibly get hurt? I know my limits.”

Tori leaned her head against him and nodded. “I have the best big brothers.” She heard him chuckle and she squinted ahead of them. “Just please don’t beat up my friends and instructor.”

Kasen laughed and ruffled her hair. “Tori...,” he said with an affectionate grin. His voice was matter of fact. “As long as they don’t do something that displeases me, I won’t have to.”

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