Top Management

Chapter 242

[Industry Insider Live] The buzz about Jung Sunwoo's list?

- W&U Team Leader Jung Sunwoo, why is he called the Midas touch?

- Insiders in the entertainment industry admire Jung Sunwoo for his unfailing insight

Ignoring the string of comments below the video, he closed his laptop.

Then he sprawled on the sofa like a corpse that had been dead for about four days.

Spreading a rumor happens in an instant.

Journalists, producers, writers, managers—every profession has their own groups for mingling and sharing information, not to mention private chat rooms for various purposes.

A rumor posted in a chat room, teeming with anywhere from a dozen to nearly a thousand people, quickly moves to more private chats, then circulates through SNS and online communities, and eventually reaches families, friends, and colleagues offline.

Even if it doesn't make the headlines or appear on TV.

If it's something that some people find quite interesting.

"Uncle, is that list about Jung Sunwoo for real?"

It spreads uncontrollably.

Especially when many are eager to spread a rumor.

"Where did you see that?"

He only turned his head to ask, stuck to the sofa.

Gyeoul, sitting below, was looking at her phone and replied.

"I saw it on W-tube, on the top comment of Huskies' new music video. A member of Huskies is going to be in the 'Hong Gil-dong' movie. Remarkable."


When idol fandoms are involved, it seems the whole nation ends up knowing.

He fumbled under the cushion and pulled out his phone, which had been on silent mode due to the overflow of messages and calls. He had been brushing off most contacts with 'I'm in a meeting.'

He had come to his brother’s place to escape.

He needed peace of mind.

<TVL Drama Department Director Song Yunteak

Team Leader Jung, is the 'Doctor 25 Hours' thing real? Give me a hint, just between us.

The competitors to 'Doctor 25 Hours' are pestering me about it.

<JJB Investments Director Hwang Young-hyun

Team Leader, please contact me when you have time.

We've invested quite a bit in 'Hong Gil-dong' and 'Salt.'

All baseless, really.

He couldn't count how many times he had responded that way today. Some people understood, but others pestered him, claiming they heard that 'Doctor 25 Hours' was almost contracted, and that it was a big deal.

Now, he wasn't sure anymore.

He threw his continuously vibrating phone back under the cushion.

"Uncle, can I just ignore and chew out on this?"

"I'm dead right now. How can a corpse work?"

"Back then, you used to reply to each one, saying your thumbprints would wear out. Now it's okay to just ignore them."

"That's what happens when you succeed. Why else would they say 'rise and then succeed'?"

"Uncle hasn't really succeeded yet. You need to be a representative to be considered successful."

The twins, who were sitting next to Gyeoul and equally glued to their phones, chatted like old souls. When he was mentally and physically exhausted, these kids used to provide psychological stability and motivation. When did they grow up like this?

"You guys know you're not cute anymore, right?"

To which they responded with disdain.

"You're only cute when you're little, uncle. Should have spent more time with us then."

"We're past the age of living off being cute."

"You're turning out quite different from your brother and sister-in-law."

"Maybe we take after you?"

...Maybe so.

He watched the kids absorbed in their phones and casually asked.

"Anyone up for a late-night snack?"


All four raised their arms, starving despite having had dinner less than an hour ago.

"What do you want to eat?"


"We had chicken last time! Let's get spicy chicken feet with sauce!"

"That's what you like! Uncle, I want fiery trotters! I can't even remember what they tasted like!"

"It's my turn to pick! I want pizza!"

"That's not how it works! Uncle's treat should be counted separately!"

"Hey! Let's play rock-paper-scissors!"

One might expect that among four twins, there would be at least one who is overshadowed and suffers from being less aggressive.

Not our kids. There's not a single one among them who lacks fighting spirit.

They fiercely played rock-paper-scissors as he handed them his card.

"Just order everything. If you can eat it all."


Being revered is this easy. Cheers so loud his ears could go deaf.

Gyeoul, graciously taking the card, flattered him.

"Thinking about it again, uncle, you really have made it."

"Just order everything! Wow..."

The kids danced with excitement. Seeing their joyful faces, he felt a

 bit more at peace.

Now, as the kids started arguing whether to order bone-in or boneless chicken feet.

A call came through on his phone.

It was Director Shim from World Art Pictures, his second call today.

He wondered whether to brush it off as another meeting but eventually answered the call.

I really am too soft-hearted.

"I'm sorry, Director. I've been so caught up in meetings I can't think straight."

-No worries. I know you're busy, Team Leader Jung. Sorry to bother you. Just one thing.

Don't bring up that list.

-So, that thing going around about the Jung Sunwoo list, is that true?


He sighed and replayed the hundredth iteration of his rehearsed response today.

"That's complete nonsense. I can't even work because of that."

Even if you doubt it.

What can you do when the person himself denies it?

-Team Leader Jung. We've gotten somewhat close since working on 'City Jungle,' so I'm telling you this. If people talking about Midas touch and unbeaten myths is bothering you, I'll keep it to myself.

His voice was too earnest.

-Just one word from you saying 'Hong Gil-dong' will do well, and I'd feel relieved.

If only I could say that.

-The internal preview feedback for 'Hong Gil-dong' was... the film is a bit more difficult than expected. There were even discussions about delaying the release, but with investment issues and Chuseok just around the corner, we have to release it no matter what. This has been stressing me out so much I'm losing hair...

The methodical, meticulous person who seemed a paragon of intellect... How had he come to this...?

It seemed he had looked quite haggard in a future vision. Was it the heartache from 'Hong Gil-dong'? If a multi-billion-dollar movie tanks, it's enough to make anyone look haggard.

-The production company thinks the Chuseok holiday might help, and even if opinions are divided, the licensing revenue and other things might mitigate any losses. But with the release just around the corner, I wonder what the audience response will be...

The YouTuber's words suddenly came to mind.

A film without substance.

Thank goodness it's a phone call. No need to manage facial expressions.

"Anyway, that list thing is absolutely not true. But the 'Hong Gil-dong' movie, I haven't seen it myself, but everyone worked hard on it, so I hope it... ends well."


Director Shim's voice grew even more somber.

-It feels a lot different from when you said 'City Jungle' would do well. Back then, you were full of spirit, but now...

It's like witnessing mental hair loss in real time.

And distressingly, the symptoms might worsen after the movie's release. He ended the call, offering tepid consolation,

Just as he hung up, the phone vibrated again.

It was Representative Do Hyeong-tae from 'Accomplice.'

"..., Mr. Representative."

-Team Leader Jung. I'm calling again about that list. Yes, I heard it's getting serious.

"That's nonsense, as I've told you before,"

-I know, I know. But it seems to be getting bigger and bigger now. Everyone's talking about it, and it seems to keep reaching Chang-in's ears, so much so that he can't focus on the screenplay...

"Should I contact the director again?"

-No, he's turned off his phone. But... the distribution company also asked me about the list. They're curious because 'Salt' is on the list, too.


A major blockbuster set for next year, contracted with the investment and distribution company associated with 'Accomplice.'

Bound to flop, spectacularly.

"Mr. Representative. I'll say it again, but it's just a rumor. If that list were real, I would have put 'Accomplice' first. It's the movie I think would be the most successful."

-Right? We didn't just okay Lim Joowon immediately but went through auditions and such, so it wasn't cut from the list, right?


-Then maybe after you sign the contract, do you plan to create a new list with our accomplices?

"There isn't."

After hanging up the phone, I buried my face in the sofa.

"Ah, really..."

"Uncle, why are you like this?"

Having finished selecting the menu and even placing the order, Winter returned to beneath the sofa and asked. Ignoring the vibrating phone, I muttered.

"Life isn't easy."

"I wish I'd win the lottery too."

"...You can't even buy a lottery ticket. You're a middle schooler."

"I wish Mom and Dad would win the lottery."

Winter quickly changed his wish and sneakily glanced at me.

"But Uncle, isn’t life somewhat easier for you?"


"People say on the comments that you live such an easy life, it must be tasty."


Another call came in.

I wanted to throw the phone away, but it was Team Manager Park from the PR team.

- Honey, are you okay?

"What do you think?"

- I wouldn't know. I've never been a celebrity. Did you know you hit number one on real-time search across portals, SNS, and YouTube today?

"Why does something like real-time search even exist? It should just disappear."

Park laughed from the other end.

- Maybe you should change your mood.

"I was actually thinking about going out somewhere."

- Where?

"Perhaps... India?"

- Huh?

Maybe floating down the Ganges will bring me closer to a state of emptiness.

Park laughed even more before finally getting to the point.

- But honey, have you talked to World Art Pictures?

"World Art? I just spoke with Director Shim from there, and he asked if the list was true, so I told him it wasn't. Why?"

- Well, because the promotion team for The Tale of Hong Gil-dong was openly using your name and list, I thought maybe you had discussed something with them. It seems like they are pushing hard to get good opening scores. So, what do you say, should I call them and make a fuss?


Soon it will fail.

Director Shim's gaunt face also flashed before my eyes.

- And about Doctor 25 Hours, the investor meeting outright said it was a film Jong Sunwoo was interested in. Did they put a steel plate on their faces?

That will fail too.

- Moreover, after you rejected Doctor 25 Hours, that production company kept calling to reconsider it. It won't come back now.


- It originally went to a top-tier actor, but after getting rejected, it came to Mr. Juwon. But suddenly, the top-tier actor decided to do it. The production company of Doctor 25 Hours is thrilled, thinking it's a stroke of luck.

That's bound to fail.

- And the president and director of that company were at a meeting with the top-tier actor, badmouthing how Juwon was actually not so great.

Ah, really?

Suddenly adrenaline rushed through my tired body.

- And they said since you rejected it, they were using the Jung Sunwoo list, claiming Mr. Juwon doesn't have good judgment.

That's crossing a line.

Originally, I was going to inform the production company about the writer's issue when the timing was right, but now I think I'll quit that.


Was the channel that picked up this drama IBC?

If this ridiculous controversy ends up with the drama being prematurely concluded,

Imagine the shock for the head of Drama Department at IBC.

After finishing the call with Park, I immediately called the director at IBC.

"Uncle, did something good happen?"

"Sometimes, other people's pain becomes my pleasure."


The call tone went on for a while. Just as I was about to hang up, a coughing sound came through.

- Ah, Chief Jung. How long has it been? No big issues lately?

Though acting nonchalant, the voice betrayed an underlying discomfort.

I just asked about their well-being and got to the point.

"Director, about Doctor 25 Hours."

- Ah, that. The production team really hoped Mr. Juwon would do it, but since Mr. Juwon declined, the company's president is trying hard to persuade him.

Before I could even start talking, they began to pour out their circumstances.

- Let’s consider this matter settled, and we must collaborate on the next project. But Chief Jung, I saw that thing about the Jung Sunwoo list...

"That’s a rumor. For Doctor 25 Hours, it would be better if you receive up to episodes 7 and 8 of Mr. Kim Kyungsoo's script before proceeding."

The writer Gong Mihee had practically written the first six episodes.

And there was trouble from episode 7 after they broke up.

Seeing writer Gong Mihee scribbling her rage and murder impulses on SNS and bungee jumping off a cliff, it was

 already a messed-up situation.

- The script?

"I contacted you about this. I heard you were really stressed after the accident on set during the time-slip shoot."

- Time-slip?

The already raspy voice of the director cracked even more.

- Why bring that up suddenly? I still break out in a cold sweat remembering how the director and writer got along and flipped the set upside down, turning it into an affair drama.

"So, I thought it might be too hard on you if something like that happens again."

The other end fell silent.

- What? Is there something with Doctor 25 Hours? You know something? Don’t tell me it’s also because the director and writer had an affair, no wait, they're both men. Are those two...!

"Just make sure to get more of the script."

I hurriedly bid farewell as the director kept clinging on.

Having said so much, they’d probably ask for more scripts out of unease.

That's their concern now.

After all, I've left a debt with the director, so they'll contact me again.

As soon as I hung up, the next call came in a sequence. I briefly checked the accumulated messages and talks during the call. They were all related to the four projects listed. The phone kept ringing until the battery was almost dead.

I turned off the screen and said.

"Winter, pass me the portable charger."

"Wouldn't it be better to just go to work at this point?"

"It's over now. I really won't answer the phone anymore. Just charge it..."

The phone in my hand vibrated again.

It was Representative Baek Hansung.

Leaving Winter's smiling face behind, I sat up.

"Yes, Representative."

- It’s been noisy all day. How are you holding up?

His voice sounded leisurely, as if he were enjoying the situation.

Due to a new business or some other matter, it was rare these days for him to stay quietly at the company. Every time I saw him, it seemed like he alone was sucking the life out of the company employees.

"Well... I'm dodging some things and ignoring others."

- If it’s not urgent, just put it off and rest thoroughly. Don’t come to work. You’ve been busy since City Jungle, so it might be good to recharge now.


- Ah, about those projects on the list. You said they seemed doomed. How doomed do you think they are?

"How much?"

- I’m curious.

How doomed?


To the level of an epidemic ruining the film industry,

A drama that couldn’t even end early and just fell apart.


Baek Hansung burst out laughing on the other end.

And then, after a moment.

I heard a light tapping sound, and then he spoke.

- So, it’s just the beginning then.


- Chief Jung, are you in good spirits?



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