Top Management

Chapter 234

Director Lee Geum-hyeong and the production company's meeting was postponed for two days, orchestrated hastily by Seo Jijoon and Managing Director Lee Bongjoon who were dispatched overseas. The stakes were high as any delay could lead to casting announcements, complicating matters.

There was little time to waste; things needed to move quickly.

"You do realize you're being crazy, right?"

Manager Park of the PR team gently set down his half-eaten almond cookie.

His face showed a complete loss of appetite.

"I've seen plenty trying to snag a role through schemes, but to spit out a role you've already snagged by scheming? And for a project that everyone is desperate to be part of?"

Manager Park let out a sigh.

"You do know you're really crazy, right?"

Again, as if the thought needed reaffirmation.

"Does the CEO and the chief director know about this?"

"I told them."

"And they said?"

"Are you crazy?"

Persuading them had been exhausting, especially the chief director, who had repeated "Are you crazy?" about five times.

Baek Hansung, the CEO, was more straightforward.

"Do as you wish, just bring in results."

"…There’s something to this, isn’t there?"

A curious light flickered in Manager Park’s eyes.

"What is it? Did someone do drugs again? I’m really curious about your sources. I know the journalists you're close with, but it doesn’t seem to come from them. Could it be that paparazzi you got tangled with in China during 'Royal Family'? The one who sold data?"

That woman hadn't been seen since then. They weren't exactly friends, just acquaintances kept at bay for when necessary, exchanging cursory greetings like spam messages.

Manager Park responded with a laugh instead of an answer, shaking his head.

"Yeah, knowing you, I should trust it. It sounds crazy, but when you think you're crazy, you're usually right. That’s why you asked for today’s airport fashion article to be spread about Jijoon, isn’t it?"

"It's necessary bait."

Broadcasting Jijoon's absence due to his overseas schedule loudly was best done through the media.

"That's right. Cast the bait to catch the fish."

Manager Park picked up his almond cookie again.

"We need a quiet rumor to start. Jung Sunwoo saw the spy movie script and said it was going to be a hit. He was so enthralled that he pushed Jijoon to definitely take the role."

"Looks like he'll sign the contract right at the first meeting."

"Officially, of course, he never said that."

Speculation passed from mouth to mouth, spread via messengers, always starting as a groundless rumor.

"…Ah, this feels uneasy. Are we really doing this?"


"Okay. Two days till the meeting?"

"It's a bit tight, isn’t it?"

"Director Lee Geum-hyeong's action blockbuster, Park Heeseung, and Jung Sunwoo. The bait is too good. Two days is nothing."

Park Team Manager grimaced, his feelings mixed.

"Even a day could make our plans fall through."


At a shop frequented by W&U's actors, someone slipped up.

The rumor spread quietly.

Hours later.

A juicy piece of bait suddenly dropped in Chungmuro, where everyone was starving for a script.

At Newstarlight Management in Nonhyeon-dong.

The urgency of the team leader contrasted with the detachment of the department head, who was leisurely cleaning his golf clubs.

"Jung Sunwoo said it's going to be a hit? Where did that come from?"

"Jinkyung heard it at the salon, and it doesn’t seem unfounded."

The department head sniffled his large nose.

"But why rush over here as if it's some high-grade intelligence? So what if Jung Sunwoo says it’s going to be a hit? Does that mean everything he touches turns to gold?"

"So far, that’s been true."

"Even so."

"You know Sunwoo's eye for good projects. Ever since 'City Jungle,' investors have been even crazier. Anything Sunwoo endorses is at least a moderate hit, usually a big hit, and sometimes a blockbuster."


"And Director Lee Geum-hyeong's new project has already been rumored to be excellent."

After a brief silence, the department head said,

"…So Jijoon hasn't signed the contract yet?"

In Samsung-dong at Goldchip Actors.

"Manager Jeong told Jijoon to highly consider the espionage film, said it’s going to be a blockbuster," said an executive seated at his desk, flipping the tip of his shoe up and down.

"Is that so? Just a rumor?"

"No, Manager Jeong really pushed for it because he's hooked on the project. They shooting a movie with just two leads? We should get in on this

 and make a living together. Anyway, it’s just a rumor, right?"

After ending the call, the executive set down his phone and crossed his arms, pacing the office about twenty times before stopping abruptly.

"Director Yoon. Get the espionage script."

"Wait, didn’t you just say that Jung Sunwoo called it a rumor?"

The executive raised an eyebrow.

"When everyone's peeking around, would you confess? Jijoon is likely to sign as soon as he returns if the project wasn't good, would Sunwoo be so eager? He's known to be picky."

"Oh… But the espionage script hasn't been released yet…"

"It’s from GH Media, right? Dig it up before Jijoon returns."

"You want to see the role Jijoon is taking? Not as a supporting role?"

"It’s a lead role alongside Park Heeseung. If we're going to do this, we should aim for the top. It’d be perfect for our Jeongwan."

The director squirmed uncomfortably.

"But I heard Jijoon already made a verbal agreement. And it'd be ethically questionable to overtly snatch a junior's role like this."


The executive's forehead veined.

"Are you the chairman of the Fair Trade Commission? Casting changes all the time until the right actor is found. There's no ethics involved if the contract isn’t signed yet."

The chastened director retracted like a turtle.


"What now!"

"If we take the project, Jung Sunwoo won't sit still."

"So what? What's he going to do?"

The executive scoffed through his nose.

"How many years have I been in this industry? Did I tell you to work while watching every little mood?"

"Then, what about CEO Baek Hansung?"

"…That’s a bit of a concern."


"No, but we’ll swallow it first and spit it out if we can't handle it. Let’s just say the director got too passionate and made a mistake."


A stiff finger jabbed toward the door.

"What are you waiting for? Go get the script!"

The director scurried out.

At Peter Pan Entertainment.

Representative Gu Jung-min sat in a golden massage chair that resembled a throne, looking at a tablet displaying the departure scene of Seo Jijoon.

"Director Hong. This espionage thing, it’s really going to be a hit, huh?"

"It won’t flop."

Director Hong, his hair neatly tied back, was sprinkling diluted nutrient solution on each plant as he spoke.

Representative Gu, his legs jittering, jumped out of the massage chair.

"How can we snag this? Director Hong, got any bright ideas?"

"To actually take it?"

Representative Gu nodded irreverently.

"Honestly, Jijoon’s a TV star, not quite on the level to stand alongside Park Heeseung in the film industry. If we nudge the production company, maybe there’s a crack to slip through?"

"I doubt it."

Director Hong trimmed a yellowing leaf from a Monstera as he spoke.

"Someone like Director Lee Geum-hyeong, neither producers nor investors can easily influence him. And Jijoon’s well-known, a good actor, and popular abroad. He’s a solid card."

"Whose side are you on?"

"I'm on the side of my shares. I’d love to retire after selling them off quickly."

"That can’t happen. Who’s going to work if Director Hong retires?"

"Representative Gu, you’ve been remarkably consistent for ten years."

"Is that a complaint?"

"You’ve gotten quicker at catching on."

Indifferently, Director Hong continued.

"With the preliminary meeting all set up, do you think the production company would fight with Director Lee Geum-hyeong to push another actor? If you’re going to poke around, you should poke the director directly."


An hour later, a tall man entered the CEO's office.

It was Choi Sooyoung, one of Peter Pan Ent.’s leading actors, who appeared disheveled and sleepy, his hood pulled low over his eyes. He looked bewildered.

Director Hong smiled as he spoke.

"Sooyoung, what do you think of 'Espionage' alongside Park Heeseung?"

"Espionage? Director Lee Geum-hyeong’s new film? It’s fine."

Choi Sooyoung's voice suddenly became alert.

"But I heard that went to Jijoon. Is it scrapped?"

"No. If you're keen, go rub up against the director. Even a supporting role is fine, just tell him you really want to be in his film. You’re good at that."

"A supporting role?"

His face twisted in disbelief.

"How can I take a supporting role when Jijoon’s the lead? That’d be embarrassing."

"Push that hard. Director Lee likes actors who are aggressive and ambitious. Start by getting the script, and then…"

Their subdued voices continued for some time.


A succession of restless nights had passed.

As soon as I arrived at work, Park, the head of the publicity team, burst into my office.

"If you think you'll regret it, speak now, quickly."


"It's out of our hands now. Take one more step, and there’s no turning back."

Park slumped onto the sofa, then, like someone who had made a terrible mistake, dragged his hands down his face.

"I feel like I'm going to explode."

"That bad?"

"I'm not usually someone who gets things taken away from me. But this isn't just being taken away, it's like it's been wrapped up and handed over on a platter. I've seen all sorts of things working with you."

Park sighed, a smoky exhale, and handed me a note. It was filled with the names of production companies and actors, those who overlap in age and image with Seo Jijoon.

"The ones prodded by the intelligence agency."


"I've only noticed that many. There are probably more. A company with good skills hides its tricks well. On the surface, they pretend not to know, without any shame or conscience. The morality here has hit rock bottom. After all, if you care about such things, you become the fool around here."

I scanned the note again.

All prominent companies and actors worthy of the marquees.

There was also a company that had asked me if the rumor was true.

"If the work seems promising, they would even cast our actors in supporting roles. Right after hanging up, they pushed Oh Jungwan into Seo Jijoon's spot."

"So, who among these has the highest potential?"

"Choi Sooyoung. Peter Pan."

Ah. Peter Pan.

How ironic.

"He openly went to Director Lee Geumhyung's office. The atmosphere was reportedly very warm. These people don’t even pretend to be cautious."

At this point, one wonders if this is normal.

Living in fear of becoming a bad guy in the future, am I the abnormal one?

"Let me ask one last time. Are you sure you won't regret this?"

"What can I do if I regret it? It's already out of our hands."

"Talk to the director."

Park pointed to the ceiling as he spoke.

"Just a call should do it. Unless the other production company doesn’t want to work with ours in the future. It's obvious what these old-timers are thinking..."

Buzz, my phone vibrated.

Seeing the name on the display, I took a deep breath. GH Media. The head of the intelligence agency's production company. Park and I exchanged glances before I answered on speakerphone.

"Yes. This is Director Jung Sunwoo."

-Director Jung! I'm Hong Sutaek from GH Media.

His voice was overly friendly, like someone with something to hide. The signs were promising. We exchanged trivial pleasantries as I waited for him to get to the point.

Eventually, he spoke carefully.

-I'm actually calling to ask if we could postpone today's meeting.

Of course.

My fist clenched and unclenched involuntarily.


-I'm sorry. Director Lee Geumhyung is revising the script. He’s so focused that perhaps we should hold the meeting once the revisions are done. Seo Jijoon has just returned from overseas and must be tired, so he should rest...

Park, with eyes wide open, mouthed silently,


Our appointment was tonight.

Canceling a same-day appointment meant preventing more blame-worthy issues.

Like cancelling a meeting after an audition.

Clearly, they were weighing whether to keep Seo Jijoon or someone else with Director Lee Geumhyung and the production company.

Who to keep, who to let go. Which side was too precious to lose.

At least with an actor like Seo Jijoon, you'd listen to excuses and feigned apologies. A lesser-known actor might have just received a call saying they were cut off, or perhaps just a text message.

I rinsed my bitter mouth with water and mustered a regretful tone.

"Can't be helped. Call me again then."

I ended the call and slumped back in my chair.

The immediate crisis was averted.

Park, sprawled similarly on the sofa, muttered.

"From my experience, this means the role's been snatched away."

"That's good."

"That's... yes. It went as planned. I took the risk, but I'm still not sure if it was the right thing to do. To anyone, this is madness."

Park chewed on his lip and scratched the sofa with the tips of his nails.

"This is driving me crazy. If this movie does well, really, I don't even want to think about it. But just imagine the face of the head of Peter Pan, it's enough to make my blood boil... No, haha, this is really bad for my mental health."

He then

 looked at me.

"Are you okay? Like you've made a tremendous mistake..."

"Not at all."

Far from feeling anxious, I had just begun to relax.

I had managed to smoothly extricate myself from a potential disaster of a movie.

But... everything had gone according to plan, so I should feel clear. Yet, there's a bittersweet taste. I had thrown it out there, but they had seized it so eagerly, something about it...

"Will it always be like this?"


"Every time I choose a work."

At my words, the corners of Park's mouth twitched.

"This is a special situation. Next time, the director will cut it off appropriately. Once that happens, others won’t reach out so easily."

"The director."

"Why, feeling bad? You also have quite an influence, considering your seniority. There are those who didn't get involved in this matter just because of you. Apart from that, it’s problematic that there are so many."

Park flicked the note with his fingertip.

"It’s also because your reputation has grown too much. You want to grab the projects you're keen on because they seem promising. You can swallow them whole without repercussions. Even if there are any, you have the confidence to mitigate them. Honestly, if it weren’t for the director..."

Park stared at me intently and said,

"You're easy to deal with."


Easy to deal with?

"Jung Sunwoo is not yet seen as someone not to mess with, at least not yet. If you had become this famous in a small company, everyone would have flocked to take a bite."

Easy to deal with.


"Well, time will resolve this issue. Skill soon turns into influence in this industry. It won't take long if you keep rising like this."

Park casually changed the subject.

"So, what’s next?"


"The new project to replace the intelligence film. Have you thought about it?"

The new project.

Glancing at the drawer where I had stored scenarios and scripts, long selected and kept. Before receiving the scenario for the intelligence film, it was what I had wanted to recommend to Seo Jijoon...

[Has the day of bad luck gone bad?]


"Huh? Have you thought about the new project?"

No, just now.

Has the day of bad luck gone bad, that's what he said.

It sounded like a whisper in my ear... Clearly Park's voice.

Future foresight?

I strained my senses but saw nothing. No noisy, malfunctioning future, nor a future 20 years from now. All was quiet.

What is it? If not future foresight...

"Why do you look like that? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Team leader. Have you ever heard hallucinations?"

"Like tinnitus? I've heard it. When I had to clean up someone's mess and couldn’t sleep for three days. It sounded like scraping metal. You know, that screeching sound. Went to the ENT doctor, and they said it was stress."

"Not like that. Like human voices."


Park scrutinized me.

"Do you see anything?"


"Like ghosts."

"No, I don't see anything."

"Then it's probably not a ghost voice."

If it had been an unknown voice, I might have doubted it once.

But it's hard to call it a ghost since the person is very much alive, right in front of me.

"Do you hear anything like a chorus of voices? Or the sound of bells?"


"If it’s not a spiritual phenomenon or filled with the Holy Spirit, then it's a mental health issue."

Park spoke with a worried tone.

"Should I look up a hospital?"

"No, it’s probably just stress."

After sending Park away, I opened the bottom drawer.

Inside, I found the script for the day of bad luck and pulled it out.


What was it?


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